Items where Year is 2018

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Jump to: 3 Biotech (TSI) | Acta Horticulturae | Advances in Agriculture | Advances in Agronomy (TSI) | Advances in Research | African Journal of Agricultural Research | African Journal of Agriculture and Food Security | African Journal of Biotechnology | African Journal of Microbiology Research | African Journal of Plant Science | African journal of biotechnology | Agricultural Economics (TSI) | Agricultural Finance Review (TSI) | Agricultural Research | Agricultural Systems (TSI) | Agriculture (TSI) | Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (TSI) | Agronomy | Agronomy (TSI) | American Journal of Agriculture and Forestry | Andhra Pradesh Journal of Agricultural Sciences | Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology | Annals of Microbiology (TSI) | Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology (TSI) | Applied and Environmental Soil Science | Appropriate Technology | Archives of Virology (TSI) | Asian Journal of Advances in Agricultural Research | Asian Journal of Research in Crop Science | Australian journal of crop science | BMC Plant Biology (TSI) | BMC Research Notes | Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology | Biochemical Genetics (TSI) | Biocontrol Science and Technology (TSI) | Biological Control (TSI) | Breeding Science (TSI) | CCA | Cahiers Agricultures (TSI) | Catena (TSI) | Cereal Research Communications (TSI) | Climate | Climate Services | Climate and Development (TSI) | Climatic Change (TSI) | Crop Protection (TSI) | Crop Science (TSI) | Crop and Pasture Science | Crop and Pasture Science (TSI) | Current Opinion in Plant Biology (TSI) | Current Science (TSI) | Development in Practice | EcoHealth (TSI) | Ecology and Society (TSI) | Ecosystem Services (TSI) | Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control (TSI) | Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding | Environment, Development and Sustainability (TSI) | Environmental Research Letters | Environmental Research Letters (TSI) | Environmental Science and Pollution Research (TSI) | Environmental and Experimental Botany (TSI) | Ethiopian Journal of Crop Science | Euphytica (TSI) | European Journal of Agronomy (TSI) | European Journal of Soil Science (TSI) | Experimental Agriculture (TSI) | Field Crops Research (TSI) | Food & Nutrition Research (TSI) | Food Research International (TSI) | Food Security (TSI) | Frontiers in Chemistry (TSI) | Frontiers in Plant Science (TSI) | Functional Plant Biology (TSI) | Futures (TSI) | G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics (TSI) | GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society (TSI) | GIScience & Remote Sensing (TSI) | Gene Reports (TSI) | Genes (TSI) | Geoderma (TSI) | Global Advanced Research Journal of Agricultural Science | Global Food Security (TSI) | ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (TSI) | In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology (TSI) | Indian Farming | Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences (TSI) | Indian Journal of Entomology | Indian Journal of Fisheries (TSI) | Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding (TSI) | International Aquatic Research | International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability (TSI) | International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences | International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Bioresearch | International Journal of Agronomy (TSI) | International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences | International Journal of Insect Science | International Journal of Molecular Sciences (TSI) | International Journal of Plant & Soil Science | International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience | International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture | Irrigation and Drainage (TSI) | J. Res. PJTSAU | Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies | Journal of Agricultural Science | Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science (TSI) | Journal of Applied Biosciences | Journal of Arid Environments (TSI) | Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes (TSI) | Journal of Cereal Science (TSI) | Journal of Cleaner Production (TSI) | Journal of Crop Improvement | Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology | Journal of Development Policy and Practice | Journal of Economic Entomology (TSI) | Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies | Journal of Environmental Management (TSI) | Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine (TSI) | Journal of Experimental Agriculture International | Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences | Journal of Experimental Botany (TSI) | Journal of Food Legumes | Journal of Gender, Agriculture and Food Security | Journal of Genetics (TSI) | Journal of Insects as Food and Feed | Journal of Integrative Agriculture (TSI) | Journal of Life Sciences | Journal of Molecular Evolution (TSI) | Journal of Pest Science (TSI) | Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry | Journal of Stored Products Research (TSI) | Journal of Stored Products and Postharvest Research | LWT-Food Science and Technology (TSI) | Land Degradation & Development (TSI) | Land Use Policy (TSI) | Legume Research (TSI) | Livestock Research for Rural Development | Microbial Pathogenesis (TSI) | Molecular Breeding (TSI) | Molecular Genetics and Genomics (TSI) | Mycotoxin Research (TSI) | NJAS - Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences (TSI) | National Academy Science Letters (TSI) | Nature Communications (TSI) | Nature Ecology & Evolution | Net Journal of Agricultural Science | Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems (TSI) | Outlook on Agriculture (TSI) | PLoS ONE | PLoS ONE (TSI) | PLoS One (TSI) | Pacific Business Review International (TSI) | Paddy and Water Environment (TSI) | Philippine Journal of Science | Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants (TSI) | Phytochemistry (TSI) | Phytopathology (TSI) | Plant Archives | Plant Biotechnology Journal (TSI) | Plant Breeding (TSI) | Plant Disease | Plant Disease (TSI) | Plant Gene | Plant Genetic Resources (TSI) | Plant Genetic Resources: Characterization and Utilization (TSI) | Plant Health Progress | Plant Molecular Biology (TSI) | Plant Molecular Biology Reporter (TSI) | Plant Physiology and Biochemistry (TSI) | Plant, Cell & Environment (TSI) | PloS one (TSI) | Public Health Nutrition (TSI) | Pulse India | Remote Sensing | Remote Sensing of Environment (TSI) | Review of Development Economics (TSI) | Rice Science (TSI) | Rural Sociology (TSI) | Science of The Total Environment (TSI) | Scientific Reports (TSI) | Scientific Reviews & Chemical Communications | Soil Use and Management (TSI) | South African Journal of Botany (TSI) | South African Journal of Plant and Soil | Sugar Tech (TSI) | Sustainability (TSI) | The Crop Journal | The Crop Journal (TSI) | The Plant Genome (TSI) | Theoretical and Applied Genetics (TSI) | Thyroid (TSI) | Trends in Biosciences | Tropical Plant Biology (TSI) | Tropicultura | Tropicultura (TSI) | Urban Agriculture & Regional Food Systems | Water Science and Technology (TSI) | World Development (TSI)
Number of items: 316.

3 Biotech (TSI)

Kalyana Babu, B and Sood, S and Kumar, D and Joshi, A and Pattanayak, A and Kant, L and Upadhyaya, H D (2018) Cross-genera transferability of rice and finger millet genomic SSRs to barnyard millet (Echinochloa spp.). 3 Biotech (TSI), 8 (2). pp. 1-10. ISSN 2190-572X

Lavanya, S N and Udayashankar, A C and Raj, S N and Mohan, C D and Gupta, V K and Tarasatyavati, C and Srivastava, R K and Nayaka, S C (2018) Lipopolysaccharide-induced priming enhances NO-mediated activation of defense responses in pearl millet challenged with Sclerospora graminicola. 3 Biotech (TSI), 8 (11). pp. 1-17. ISSN 2190-572X

Acta Horticulturae

Keatinge, J D H and Ledesma, D R and Hughes, J D A and Keatinge, F J D and Hauser, S and Traore, P C S (2018) How future climatic uncertainty and biotic stressors might influence the sustainability of African vegetable production. Acta Horticulturae (1225). pp. 23-42. ISSN 0567-7572

Advances in Agriculture

Kangai Munene, A and Nzuve, F and Ambuko, J and Odeny, D A (2018) Heritability Analysis and Phenotypic Characterization of Spider Plant (Cleome gynandra L.) for Yield. Advances in Agriculture, 2018 (856842). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2356-654X

Bado, B V and Sedogo, M and Lompo, F and Maman Laminou, S M (2018) Biological Nitrogen Fixation by Local and Improved Genotypes of Cowpea in Burkina Faso (West Africa): Total Nitrogen Accumulated can be used for Quick Estimation. Advances in Agriculture, 2018 (964192). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2356-654X

Advances in Agronomy (TSI)

Bado, B V and Bationo, A (2018) Integrated Management of Soil Fertility and Land Resources in Sub-Saharan Africa: Involving Local Communities. Advances in Agronomy (TSI), 150. pp. 1-33. ISSN 00652113 (In Press)

Advances in Research

Selvaraj, A and Karnan, R V and Mazumdar, S D and Divya Nancy, G and Mane, H and Durgulla, P and Suchiradipta, B and Siva Shankar, A (2018) Sustainable Agricultural Development through Value Addition and Linking of Farmers to Markets in Telangana State of India. Advances in Research, 17 (5). pp. 1-10. ISSN 2348-0394

African Journal of Agricultural Research

Ngulube, M and Mweetwa, A M and Phiri, E and Njoroge, S M C and Chalwe, H and Shitumbanuma, V and Brandenburg, R L (2018) Effects of biochar and gypsum soil amendments on groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) dry matter yield and selected soil properties under water stress. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 13 (21). pp. 1080-1090. ISSN 1991-637X

Kabambe, V H and Ngwira, A R and Aune, J B and Sitaula, B K and Chilongo, T (2018) Productivity and profitability on groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L) and maize (Zea mays L) in a semi-arid area of southern Malawi. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 13 (43). pp. 2399-2407. ISSN 1991-637X

Kabambe, V H and Ngwira, A R and Aune, J B and Sitaula, B K and Chilongo, T (2018) Productivity of pigeon pea and maize rotation system in Balaka District, Southern Malawi. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 13 (43). pp. 2392-2398. ISSN 1991-637X

African Journal of Agriculture and Food Security

Vabi, M B and Chris, E O and Ayuba, K and Babu, M N and Aisha, M A and Haruna, - and Sanusi, G S and Gaya, M S and Alabi, O and Adobe, K and Ajeigbe, H A (2018) Towards a successful management of aflatoxin contamination in legume and cereal farming systems in northern Nigeria: A case study of the groundnut value chain. African Journal of Agriculture and Food Security, 6 (7). pp. 269-276. ISSN 2375-1177

African Journal of Biotechnology

Nerbewende, S and Teyoure, B J B and Zakaria, K and Mahamadi, H O and Wend-Pagnangde, M S F Z and Kiswendsida, R N and Nebie, B and Pauline, B K and Renan, E T and Mahamadou, S and Jean-Didier, Z (2018) Assessment of genetic diversity of Burkina Faso sweet grain sorghum using microsatellite markers. African Journal of Biotechnology, 17 (12). pp. 389-395. ISSN 1684-5315

Degefu, T and Wolde-meskel, E and Adem, M and Fikre, A and Amede, T and Ojiewo, C O (2018) Morphophysiological diversity of rhizobia nodulating pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan L. Millsp.) growing in Ethiopia. African Journal of Biotechnology, 17 (6). pp. 167-177. ISSN 1684-5315

Alex, N and Cecilia, M and Mathew, N and Asunta, M and Henry, O and Wilton, M (2018) Efficient plant regeneration protocol for finger millet [Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn.] via somatic embryogenesis. African Journal of Biotechnology, 17 (21). pp. 660-667. ISSN 1684-5315

African Journal of Microbiology Research

Degefu, T and Wolde-meskel, E and Ataro, Z and Fikre, A and Amede, T and Ojiewo, C O (2018) Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) growing in Ethiopia are nodulated by diverse rhizobia. African Journal of Microbiology Research, 12 (9). pp. 200-217. ISSN 1996-0808

African Journal of Plant Science

Mohammed, A and Chala, A and Ojiewo, C O and Dejene, M and Fininsa, C and Ayalew, A and Hoisington, D A and Sobolev, V S and Arias, R S (2018) Integrated management of Aspergillus species and aflatoxin production in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) through application of farm yard manure and seed treatments with fungicides and Trichoderma species. African Journal of Plant Science, 12 (9). pp. 196-207. ISSN 1996-0824

African journal of biotechnology

Abdoul Karim, T D and Sanoussi, A and Maârouhi, I M and Falalou, H and Yacoubou, B (2018) Effect of water deficit at different stages of development on the yield components of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) genotypes. African journal of biotechnology, 17 (9). pp. 279-287. ISSN 1684-5315

Agricultural Economics (TSI)

Pede, V O and Areal, F J and Singbo, A and McKinley, J and Kajisa, K (2018) Spatial dependency and technical efficiency: an application of a Bayesian stochastic frontier model to irrigated and rainfed rice farmers in Bohol, Philippines. Agricultural Economics (TSI), 49 (3). pp. 301-312. ISSN 01695150

Agricultural Finance Review (TSI)

Iddrisu, A and Ansah, I G K and Nkegbe, P K (2018) Effect of input credit on smallholder farmers’ output and income: Evidence from Northern Ghana. Agricultural Finance Review (TSI), 78 (1). pp. 98-115. ISSN 0002-1466

Agricultural Research

Kumar, R and Vikraman, S and Elias Khan, P (2018) Complexity in Technology Choices and Market Access for Pigeon Pea Growers in Semi-Arid Tropics of India. Agricultural Research. pp. 1-13. ISSN 2249-720X

Agricultural Systems (TSI)

Descheemaeker, K and Zijlstra, M and Masikati, P and Crespo, O and Homann-Kee Tui, S (2018) Effects of climate change and adaptation on the livestock component of mixed farming systems: A modelling study from semi-arid Zimbabwe. Agricultural Systems (TSI), 159. pp. 282-295. ISSN 0308521X

Rhebergen, T and Fairhurst, T and Whitbread, A M and Giller, K E and Zingore, S (2018) Yield gap analysis and entry points for improving productivity on large oil palm plantations and smallholder farms in Ghana. Agricultural Systems (TSI), 165. pp. 14-25. ISSN 0308521X

Maru, Y T and Sparrow, A and Butler, J R A and Banerjee, O and Ison, R and Hall, A and Carberry, P S (2018) Towards appropriate mainstreaming of “Theory of Change” approaches into agricultural research for development: Challenges and opportunities. Agricultural Systems (TSI), 165. pp. 344-353. ISSN 0308521X

Davies, J and Maru, Y and Hall, A and Abdourhamane, I K and Adegbidi, A and Carberry, P S and Dorai, K and Ennin, S A and Etwire, P M and McMillan, L and Njoya, A and Ouedraogo, A and Traoré, A and Traoré–Gué, N J and Watson, I (2018) Understanding innovation platform effectiveness through experiences from west and central Africa. Agricultural Systems (TSI), 165. pp. 321-334. ISSN 0308521X

Thornton, P K and Whitbread, A M and Baedeker, T and Cairns, J and Claessens, L and Baethgen, W and Bunn, C and Friedmann, M and Giller, K E and Herrero, M and Howden, M and Kilcline, K and Nangia, V and Ramirez-Villegas, J and Kumar, S and West, P C and Keating, B (2018) A framework for priority-setting in climate smart agriculture research. Agricultural Systems (TSI), 167. pp. 161-175. ISSN 0308521X

Agriculture (TSI)

Patil, P and Gumma, M K (2018) A Review of the Available Land Cover and Cropland Maps for South Asia. Agriculture (TSI), 8 (7) (11). pp. 1-22. ISSN 2077-0472

Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (TSI)

Wolde-meskel, E and van Heerwaarden, J and Abdulkadir, B and Kassa, S and Aliyi, I and Degefu, T and Wakweya, K and Kanampiu, F and Giller, K E (2018) Additive yield response of chickpea ( Cicer arietinum L.) to rhizobium inoculation and phosphorus fertilizer across smallholder farms in Ethiopia. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (TSI), 261. pp. 144-152. ISSN 01678809


Toderich, K and Shuyskaya, E and Rakhmankulova, Z and Bukarev, R and Khujanazarov, T and Zhapaev, R and Ismail, S and Gupta, S K and Yamanaka, N and Boboev, F (2018) Threshold Tolerance of New Genotypes of Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br. to Salinity and Drought. Agronomy, 8 (10) (230). pp. 1-13. ISSN 2073-4395

Akumaga, U and Tarhule, A and Piani, C and Traore, B and Yusuf, A (2018) Utilizing Process-Based Modeling to Assess the Impact of Climate Change on Crop Yields and Adaptation Options in the Niger River Basin, West Africa. Agronomy, 8(2) (11). pp. 1-23. ISSN 2073-4395

Parimi, V and Kotamraju, V and Sudini, H (2018) On-Farm Demonstrations with a Set of Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) Proved Cost-Effective in Reducing Pre-Harvest Aflatoxin Contamination in Groundnut. Agronomy, 8(2) (10). pp. 1-13. ISSN 2073-4395

Agronomy (TSI)

Wafula, W N and Korir, N and Ojulong, H and Siambi, M and Gweyi-Onyango, J (2018) Protein, Calcium, Zinc, and Iron Contents of Finger Millet Grain Response to Varietal Differences and Phosphorus Application in Kenya. Agronomy (TSI), 8(2) (24). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2073-4395

American Journal of Agriculture and Forestry

Falalou, H and Mariama, H and Achirou, F B and Oumarou, H and Vadez, V (2018) Genotypic Variation for Root Development, Water Extraction and Yield Components in Groundnut Under Low Phosphorus and Drought Stresses. American Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 6 (5). pp. 122-131. ISSN 2330-8591

Andhra Pradesh Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Gindi, A and Gopalakrishnan, S and Naik, M K (2018) Efficacy of streptomyces spp. And bacillus spp. For their antagonistic potential against dry root rot (rhizoctonia bataticola) of chickpea. Andhra Pradesh Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 4 (3). pp. 149-156.

Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology

Govintharaj, P and Gupta, S K and Blummel, M and Maheswaran, M and Sumathi, P and Atkari, D G and Anil Kumar, V and Rathore, A and Raveendran, M and Duraisami, V P (2018) Genotypic Variation in Forage Linked Morphological and Biochemical Traits in Hybrid Parents of Pearl Millet. Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology, 18 (2). pp. 163-175. ISSN 0972-2963

Annals of Microbiology (TSI)

Divisekera, D M W D and Samarasekera, J K R R and Hettiarachchi, C and Gooneratne, J and Choudhary, M I and Gopalakrishnan, S and Wahab, A (2018) Lactic acid bacteria isolated from fermented flour of finger millet, its probiotic attributes and bioactive properties. Annals of Microbiology (TSI). pp. 1-14. ISSN 1590-4261

Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology (TSI)

Sharath Chandra, G and Asokan, R and Manamohan, M and Ellango, R and Sharma, H C and Akbar, S M D and Krishna Kumar, N K (2018) Double-Stranded RNA-Mediated Suppression of Trypsin-Like Serine Protease (t-SP) Triggers Over-Expression of Another t-SP Isoform in Helicoverpa armigera. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology (TSI), 184 (2). pp. 746-761. ISSN 0273-2289

Applied and Environmental Soil Science

MacCarthy, D S and Zougmore, R B and Akponikpè, P B I and Koomson, E and Savadogo, P and Adiku, S G K (2018) Assessment of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Different Land-Use Systems: A Case Study of CO2 in the Southern Zone of Ghana. Applied and Environmental Soil Science, 2018. pp. 1-12. ISSN 1687-7667

Appropriate Technology

Jayashree, B. (2018) Contour bunding preserves soils and boosts farmers' incomes by 20% in Mali. Appropriate Technology, 45 (2). pp. 24-26. ISSN 1751-6900

Archives of Virology (TSI)

Maes, P and Alkhovsky, S V and Bào, Y and Beer, M and Birkhead, M and Briese, T and Buchmeier, M J and Calisher, C H and Charrel, R N and Choi, Il R and Clegg, C S and de la Torre, J C and Delwart, E and DeRisi, J L and Di Bello, P L and Di Serio, F and Digiaro, M and Dolja, V V and Drosten, C and Druciarek, T Z and Du, J and Ebihara, H and Elbeaino, T and Gergerich, R C and Gillis, A N and Gonzalez, J P J and Haenni, A L and Hepojoki, J and Hetzel, U and Hồ, T and Hóng, N and Jain, R K and Jansen van Vuren, P and Jin, Q and Jonson, M G and Junglen, S and Keller, K E and Kemp, A and Kipar, A and Kondov, N O and Koonin, E V and Kormelink, R and Korzyukov, Y and Krupovic, M and Lambert, A J and Laney, A G and LeBreton, M and Lukashevich, I S and Marklewitz, M and Markotter, W and Martelli, G P and Martin, R R and Mielke-Ehret, N and Mühlbach, H P and Navarro, B and Ng, T F F and Nunes, M R T and Palacios, G and Pawęska, J T and Peters, C J and Plyusnin, A and Radoshitzky, S R and Romanowski, V and Salmenperä, P and Salvato, M S and Sanfaçon, H and Sasaya, T and Schmaljohn, C and Schneider, B S and Shirako, Y and Siddell, S and Sironen, T A and Stenglein, M D and Storm, N and Sudini, H and Tesh, R B and Tzanetakis, I E and Uppala, M and Vapalahti, O and Vasilakis, N and Walker, P J and Wáng, G and Wáng, L and Wáng, Y and Wèi, T and Wiley, M R and Wolf, Y I and Wolfe, N D and Wú, Z and Xú, W and Yang, L and Yāng, Z and Yeh, S D and Zhāng, Y Z and Zhèng, Y and Zhou, X and Zhū, C and Zirkel, F and Kuhn, J H (2018) Taxonomy of the family Arenaviridae and the order Bunyavirales: update 2018. Archives of Virology (TSI). pp. 1-16. ISSN 0304-8608

Asian Journal of Advances in Agricultural Research

Toure, C F B and Diallo, A G and Toure, A O and Toure, A (2018) Study of the Root System of Local and Improved Sorghum Cultivars Grown in Mali. Asian Journal of Advances in Agricultural Research, 7 (3). pp. 1-10. ISSN 2456-8864

Asian Journal of Research in Crop Science

Toure, A and Scheuring, J F and Sidibe, S and Diourte, M (2018) Potential of Malian Landraces in Hybrid Combination. Asian Journal of Research in Crop Science, 2 (2). pp. 1-10. ISSN 2581-7167

Australian journal of crop science

Obala, J and Saxena, R K and Singh, V K and Vechalapu, S and Das, R R and Rathore, A and Sameer Kumar, C V and Saxena, K B and Tongoona, P and Sibiya, J and Varshney, R K (2018) Genetic variation and relationships of total seed protein content with some agronomic traits in pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.). Australian journal of crop science, 12 (12). pp. 1859-1865. ISSN 1835-2707

BMC Plant Biology (TSI)

Sivasakthi, K and Thudi, M and Tharanya, M and Kale, S M and Kholova, J and Halime, M H and Jaganathan, D and Baddam, R and Thirunalasundari, T and Gaur, P M and Varshney, R K and Vadez, V (2018) Plant vigour QTLs co-map with an earlier reported QTL hotspot for drought tolerance while water saving QTLs map in other regions of the chickpea genome. BMC Plant Biology (TSI), 18(1) (29). pp. 1-18. ISSN 1471-2229

Pucher, A and Hash, C T and Wallace, J G and Han, S and Leiser, W L and Haussmann, B I G (2018) Mapping a male-fertility restoration locus for the A4 cytoplasmic-genic male-sterility system in pearl millet using a genotyping-by-sequencing-based linkage map. BMC Plant Biology (TSI), 18 (1) (65). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1471-2229

BMC Research Notes

Gayathri, M and Shirasawa, K and Varshney, R K and Pandey, M K and Bhat, R S (2018) Development of AhMITE1 markers through genome-wide analysis in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). BMC Research Notes, 11 (1) (10). pp. 1-6. ISSN 1756-0500

Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology

Vijayabharathi, R and Sathya, A and Gopalakrishnan, S (2018) Extracellular biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles using Streptomyces griseoplanus SAI-25 and its antifungal activity against Macrophomina phaseolina , the charcoal rot pathogen of sorghum. Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 14. pp. 166-171. ISSN 1878-8181

Gopalakrishnan, S and Srinivas, V and Anil Kumar, V and Samineni, S and Rathore, A (2018) Influence of diazotrophic bacteria on nodulation, nitrogen fixation, growth promotion and yield traits in five cultivars of chickpea. Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 15. pp. 35-42. ISSN 1878-8181

Biochemical Genetics (TSI)

Pandey, S K and Dasgupta, T and Rathore, A and Anil Kumar, V (2018) Relationship of Parental Genetic Distance with Heterosis and Specific Combining Ability in Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Based on Phenotypic and Molecular Marker Analysis. Biochemical Genetics (TSI), 56 (3). pp. 188-209. ISSN 0006-2928

Biocontrol Science and Technology (TSI)

Vijayabharathi, R and Gopalakrishnan, S and Sathya, A and Vasanth Kumar, M and Srinivas, V and Mamta, S (2018) Streptomyces sp. as plant growth-promoters and host-plant resistance inducers against Botrytis cinerea in chickpea. Biocontrol Science and Technology (TSI). pp. 1-24. ISSN 0958-3157

Baoua, I B and Ba, M N and Amadou, L and Kabore, A and Dabire-Binso, C L (2018) Field dispersal of the parasitoid wasp Habrobracon hebetor (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) following augmentative release against the millet head miner Heliocheilus albipunctella (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in the Sahel. Biocontrol Science and Technology (TSI), 28 (4). pp. 404-415. ISSN 0958-3157

Biological Control (TSI)

Karimoune, L and Ba, M N and Baoua, I B and Muniappan, R (2018) The parasitoid Trichogrammatoidea armigera Nagaraja (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) is a potential candidate for biological control of the millet head miner Heliocheilus albipunctella (de Joannis) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in the Sahel. Biological Control (TSI), 127. pp. 9-16. ISSN 10499644

Breeding Science (TSI)

Saxena, K B and Choudhary, A K and Saxena, R K and Varshney, R K (2018) Breeding pigeonpea cultivars for intercropping: synthesis and strategies. Breeding Science (TSI), 68 (2). pp. 159-167. ISSN 1344-7610


Partey, S T and Avornyo, F and Ouedraogo, M and Zougmore, R B (2018) Candidate fodder species for goat production in Northern Ghana. CCAFS.

Cahiers Agricultures (TSI)

Zougmore, R B and Partey, S T and Ouedraogo, M and Torquebiau, E and Campbell, B M (2018) Facing climate variability in sub-Saharan Africa: analysis of climate-smart agriculture opportunities to manage climate-related risks. Cahiers Agricultures (TSI), 27 (3). pp. 1-9. ISSN 1166-7699

Catena (TSI)

Xu, Y and Smith, S E and Grunwald, S and Abd-Elrahman, A and Wani, S P and Nair, V D (2018) Estimating soil total nitrogen in smallholder farm settings using remote sensing spectral indices and regression kriging. Catena (TSI), 163. pp. 111-122. ISSN 03418162

Cereal Research Communications (TSI)

Ponnuswamy, R and Rathore, A and Anil Kumar, V and Das, R R and Singh, A K and Balakrishnan, D and Arremsetty, H S and Vemuri, R B and Ram, T (2018) Analysis of multi-location data of hybrid rice trials reveals complex genotype by environment interaction. Cereal Research Communications (TSI), 46 (1). pp. 146-157. ISSN 0133-3720


Ouedraogo, I and Diouf, N S and Ouedraogo, M and Ndiaye, O and Zougmore, R B (2018) Closing the Gap between Climate Information Producers and Users: Assessment of Needs and Uptake in Senegal. Climate, 6 (1). pp. 1-16. ISSN 2225-1154

Climate Services

Dayamba, D S and Ky-Dembele, C and Bayala, J and Dorward, P and Clarkson, G and Sanogo, D and Diop Mamadou, L and Traore, I and Diakite, A and Nenkam, A and Binam, J N and Ouedraogo, M and Zougmore, R B (2018) Assessment of the use of Participatory Integrated Climate Services for Agriculture (PICSA) approach by farmers to manage climate risk in Mali and Senegal. Climate Services, 12. pp. 27-35. ISSN 24058807

Climate and Development (TSI)

Kalungu, J W and Leal Filho, W (2018) Adoption of appropriate technologies among smallholder farmers in Kenya. Climate and Development (TSI), 10 (1). pp. 84-96. ISSN 1756-5529

Climatic Change (TSI)

Partey, S T and Dakorah, A D and Zougmore, R B and Ouedraogo, M and Nyasimi, M and Nikoi, G K and Huyer, S (2018) Gender and climate risk management: evidence of climate information use in Ghana. Climatic Change (TSI). pp. 1-15. ISSN 0165-0009

Crop Protection (TSI)

Rao, A N and Singh, R G and Mahajan, G and Wani, S P (2018) Weed research issues, challenges, and opportunities in India. Crop Protection (TSI). pp. 1-8. ISSN 02612194 (In Press)

Mir, Z R and Singh, P K and Zaidi, P H and Vinayan, M T and Sharma, S S and Krishna, M K and Vemula, A K and Rathore, A and Nair, S K (2018) Genetic analysis of resistance to post flowering stalk rot in tropical germplasm of maize ( Zea mays L.). Crop Protection (TSI), 106. pp. 42-49. ISSN 02612194

Guerci, M J and Norton, G W and Ba, M N and Baoua, I and Alwang, J and Amadou, L and Moumouni, O and Karimoune, L and Muniappan, R (2018) Economic feasibility of an augmentative biological control industry in Niger. Crop Protection (TSI), 110. pp. 34-40. ISSN 0261-2194

Sharma, R and Gate, V L and Madhavan, S (2018) Evaluation of fungicides for the management of pearl millet [ Pennisetum glaucum (L.)] blast caused by Magnaporthe grisea. Crop Protection (TSI), 112. pp. 209-213. ISSN 02612194

Crop Science (TSI)

Upadhyaya, H D and Reddy, K N and Vetriventhan, M and Ahmed, M I and Reddy, M T (2018) Latitudinal Adaptation of Flowering Response to Photoperiod and Temperature in the World Collection of Sorghum Landraces. Crop Science (TSI). ISSN 0011-183X

Singh, S and Gupta, S K and Thudi, M and Das, R R and Anil Kumar, V and Garg, V and Varshney, R K and Rathore, A and Pahuja, S K and Yadav, D V (2018) Genetic Diversity Patterns and Heterosis Prediction Based on SSRs and SNPs in Hybrid Parents of Pearl Millet. Crop Science (TSI), 58 (6). pp. 2379-2390. ISSN 0011-183X

Crop and Pasture Science

Sachdeva, S and Bharadwaj, C and Sharma, V and Patil, B S and Soren, K R and Roorkiwal, M and Varshney, R K and Bhat, K V (2018) Molecular and phenotypic diversity among chickpea (Cicer arietinum) genotypes as a function of drought tolerance. Crop and Pasture Science, 69 (2). pp. 142-153. ISSN 1836-0947

Crop and Pasture Science (TSI)

Lule, D and de Villiers, S and Fetene, M and Odeny, D A and Rathore, A and Das, R R and Tesfaye, K (2018) Genetic diversity and association mapping of Ethiopian and exotic finger millet accessions. Crop and Pasture Science (TSI). pp. 1-13. ISSN 1836-0947

Current Opinion in Plant Biology (TSI)

Varshney, R K and Singh, V K and Kumar, A and Powell, W and Sorrells, M E (2018) Can genomics deliver climate-change ready crops? Current Opinion in Plant Biology (TSI), 45 (B). pp. 205-211. ISSN 1369-5266

Current Science (TSI)

Jayashree, B. (2018) Social media and communication by scientists: M. S. Swaminathan on Twitter. Current Science (TSI), 114 (9). pp. 1-6. ISSN 0011-3891

Raju, B M K and Rama Rao, C A and Rao, K V and Srinivasarao, CH and Samuel, J and Subba Rao, A V M and Osman, M and Srinivasa Rao, M and Ravi Kumar, N and Nagarjuna Kumar, R and Sumanth Kumar, V V and Gopinath, K A and Swapna, N (2018) Assessing unrealized yield potential of maize producing districts in India. Current Science (TSI), 114 (9). pp. 1885-1893. ISSN 0011-3891

Development in Practice

Verkaart, S and Mausch, K and Harris, D (2018) Who are those people we call farmers? Rural Kenyan aspirations and realities. Development in Practice, 28 (4). pp. 468-479. ISSN 0961-4524

EcoHealth (TSI)

Adehan, S B and Adakal, H and Gbinwoua, D and Yokossi, D and Zoungrana, S and Toé, P and Ouedraogo, M and Gbaguidi, A M and Adoligbé, C and Fandohan, A B and Hounmanou, G and Glèlè Kakaï, R and Farougou, S and De Clercq, E M (2018) West African Cattle Farmers’ Perception of Tick-Borne Diseases. EcoHealth (TSI), 15 (2). pp. 437-449. ISSN 1612-9202

Ecology and Society (TSI)

Aggarwal, P K and Jarvis, A and Campbell, B M and Zougmore, R B and Khatri-Chhetri, A and Vermeulen, S J and Loboguerrero, A M and Sebastian, L S and Kinyangi, J and Bonilla-Findji, O and Radeny, M and Recha, J and Martinez-Baron, D and Ramirez-Villegas, J and Huyer, S and Thornton, P and Wollenberg, E and Hansen, J and Alvarez-Toro, P and Aguilar-Ariza, A and Arango-Londoño, D and Patiño-Bravo, V and Rivera, O and Ouedraogo, M and Yen, B T (2018) The climate-smart village approach: framework of an integrative strategy for scaling up adaptation options in agriculture. Ecology and Society (TSI), 23 (1) (14). pp. 1-15. ISSN 1708-3087

Ecosystem Services (TSI)

Falk, T and Spangenberg, J H and Siegmund-Schultze, M and Kobbe, S and Feike, T and Kuebler, D and Settele, J and Vorlaufer, T (2018) Identifying governance challenges in ecosystem services management – Conceptual considerations and comparison of global forest cases. Ecosystem Services (TSI), 32 (B). pp. 193-203. ISSN 22120416

Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control (TSI)

Vashisth, S and Chandel, Y S and Chandel, R S (2018) Biological control potential of North West Himalayan strains of heterorhabditid nematodes against the turnip moth, Agrotis segetum (Denis & Schiffermuller) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control (TSI), 28 (1). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2536-9342

Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding

Ranjani, M S and Vanniarajan, C and Sameer Kumar, C V and Saxena, R K and Sudhagar, R and Hingane, A J (2018) Genetic variability and association studies for yield and its attributes in super-early pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (l.) Millsp.) Genotypes. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 9 (2). pp. 682-691. ISSN 0975-928X

Govindaraj, M and Rai, K N and Shanmugasundaram, P (2018) Reselection within population for high grain iron density and its effects on agronomic traits in pearl millet. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 9 (2). pp. 450-457. ISSN 0975-928X

Karthika, G and Choudhary, S and Meenakshi, G and Kholova, J and Vadez, V (2018) A comparative analysis of transpiration response to atmospheric increasing vapor pressure deficit conditions in cereal crops. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 9 (4). pp. 1461-1488. ISSN 0975-928X

Environment, Development and Sustainability (TSI)

Birhanu, Z B and Traoré, K and Gumma, M K and Badolo, F and Tabo, R and Whitbread, A M (2018) A watershed approach to managing rainfed agriculture in the semiarid region of southern Mali: integrated research on water and land use. Environment, Development and Sustainability (TSI). pp. 1-27. ISSN 1387-585X

Environmental Research Letters

Mokria, M and Mekuria, W and Gebrekirstos, A and Aynekulu, E and Belay, B and Gashaw, T and Brauning, A (2018) Mixed-species allometric equations and estimation of aboveground biomass and carbon stocks in restoring degraded landscape in northern Ethiopia. Environmental Research Letters, 13 (2). pp. 1-15. ISSN 1748-9326

Environmental Research Letters (TSI)

Faye, B and Webber, H and Naab, J B and MacCarthy, D S and Adam, M and Ewert, F and Lamers, J P A and Schleussner, C F and Ruane, A and Gessner, U and Hoogenboom, G and Boote, K and Shelia, V and Saeed, F and Wisser, D and Hadir, S and Laux, P and Gaiser, T (2018) Impacts of 1.5 versus 2.0 °C on cereal yields in the West African Sudan Savanna. Environmental Research Letters (TSI), 13 (3). pp. 1-13. ISSN 1748-9326

Environmental Science and Pollution Research (TSI)

Salian, R and Wani, S P and Reddy, R and Patil, M D (2018) Effect of brewery wastewater obtained from different phases of treatment plant on seed germination of chickpea (Cicer arietinum), maize (Zea mays), and pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan). Environmental Science and Pollution Research (TSI), 25 (9). pp. 9145-9154. ISSN 0944-1344

Environmental and Experimental Botany (TSI)

Shinde, H and Tanaka, K and Dudhate, A and Tsugama, D and Mine, Y and Kamiya, T and Gupta, S K and Liu, S and Takano, T (2018) Comparative de novo transcriptomic profiling of the salinity stress responsiveness in contrasting pearl millet lines. Environmental and Experimental Botany (TSI), 155. pp. 619-627. ISSN 00988472

Guha, A and Chhajed, S S and Choudhary, S and Sunny, R and Jansen, S and Barua, D (2018) Hydraulic anatomy affects genotypic variation in plant water use and shows differential organ specific plasticity to drought in Sorghum bicolor. Environmental and Experimental Botany (TSI), 156. pp. 25-37. ISSN 0098-8472

Ethiopian Journal of Crop Science

Chichaybelu, M and Geleta, T and Girma, N and Fikre, A and Eshete, M and Ojiewo, C O (2018) Innovative Partnership Approach to Chickpea seed production and Technology Dissemination: Lessons from Ethiopia. Ethiopian Journal of Crop Science, 6 (2). pp. 1-18. ISSN 2072-8506

Ferede, S and Fikre, A and Ahmed, S (2018) Assessing the Competitiveness of Smallholders Chickpea Production in the Central Highlands of Ethiopia. Ethiopian Journal of Crop Science, 6 (2). pp. 51-65. ISSN 2072-8506

Jemberu, T and Fikre, A and Abeje, Y and Tebabal, B and Worku, Y and Jorgi, T (2018) Agronomic and Economic Evaluation of Wheat-Chickpea Double Cropping on the Vertisol of Takusa, North Western Ethiopia. Ethiopian Journal of Crop Science, 6 (2). pp. 67-78. ISSN 2072-8506

Abate, A and Mekbib, F and Fikre, A and Ahmed, S (2018) Genetic Variability and Heritability in Ethiopian Grasspea (lathyrus sativus l.) Accessions. Ethiopian Journal of Crop Science, 6 (2). pp. 79-94. ISSN 2072-8506

Mola, T and Alemayehu, S and Fikre, A and Ojiewo, C O and Alemu, K and Degefu, T (2018) Heat Tolerance Responses of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Genotypes in the Thermal Zone of Ethiopia, a Case of Werer Station. Ethiopian Journal of Crop Science, 6 (2). pp. 95-118. ISSN 2072-8506

Wolde-meskel, E and Degefu, T and Gebo, B and Fikre, A and Amede, T and Ojiewo, C O (2018) Phenotypic Characteristics and Preliminary Symbiotic Effectiveness of Rhizobia Associated with Haricot Bean Growing in Diverse Locations of Southern Ethiopia. Ethiopian Journal of Crop Science, 6 (2). pp. 119-139. ISSN 2072-8506

Fikre, A and Funga, A and Korbu, L and Eshete, M and Girma, N and Zewdie, A and Bekele, D and Muhamed, R and Daba, K and Ojiewo, C O (2018) Stability Analysis in Chickpea Genotype Sets as Tool for Breeding Germplasm Structuring Strategy and Adaptability Scoping. Ethiopian Journal of Crop Science, 6 (2). pp. 19-37. ISSN 2072-8506

Gaur, P M and Varshney, R K and Upadhyaya, H D and Vadez, V and Sharma, K K and Bhatnagar-Mathur, P and Sameer Kumar, C V and Janila, P and Srinivasan, S and Sajja, S and Sharma, S and Thudi, M and Roorkiwal, M and Saxena, R K and Pandey, M K and Ranga Rao, G V and Sharma, M and Sudini, H and Gopalakrishnan, S and Ganga Rao, N V P R and Fikre, A and Ojiewo, C O and Shewayrga, H and Motagi, B N and Okori, P (2018) Advances in Food Legumes Research at ICRISAT. Ethiopian Journal of Crop Science, 6 (3). pp. 1-47. ISSN 2072-8506

Fikre, A and Korbu, L and Eshete, M and Bekele, D and Girma, N and Mohamed, R and Assefe, S and Admasu, D and Tilahun, G and Tesfaye, T and Kefelegn, N and Tadesse, T and Rezene, Y and Moges, Y and Kumar, S and Bishaw, Z and Guar, P M and Varshney, R K and Ahmed, S (2018) A Decade of Research Progress in Chickpea and Lentil Breeding and Genetics. Ethiopian Journal of Crop Science, 6 (3). pp. 101-113. ISSN 2072-8506

Euphytica (TSI)

Paul, P J and Samineni, S and Sajja, S and Rathore, A and Das, R R and Chaturvedi, S K and Lavanya, G R and Varshney, R K and Gaur, P M (2018) Capturing genetic variability and selection of traits for heat tolerance in a chickpea recombinant inbred line (RIL) population under field conditions. Euphytica (TSI), 214(2) (27). pp. 1-27. ISSN 0014-2336

Sundaram, P and Samineni, S and Sajja, S and Singh, S P and Sharma, R N and Gaur, P M (2018) Genetic studies for seed size and grain yield traits in kabuli chickpea. Euphytica (TSI), 214(4) (63). pp. 1-11. ISSN 0014-2336

Riyazaddin, M and Ashok Kumar, A and Munghate, R S and Gaddameedi, A and Kavi Kishor, P B and Sharma, H C (2018) Pattern of genetic inheritance of morphological and agronomic traits of sorghum associated with resistance to sorghum shoot fly, Atherigona soccata. Euphytica (TSI), 214(2) (32). pp. 1-20. ISSN 0014-2336

Garg, T and Mallikarjuna, B P and Thudi, M and Samineni, S and Singh, S and Sandhu, J S and Kaur, L and Singh, I and Sirari, A and Basandrai, A K and Basandrai, D and Varshney, R K and Gaur, P M (2018) Identification of QTLs for resistance to Fusarium wilt and Ascochyta blight in a recombinant inbred population of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Euphytica (TSI), 214(3) (45). pp. 1-11. ISSN 0014-2336

Golla, S K and Rajasekhar, P and Sharma, S P and Hari Prasad, K V and Sharma, H C (2018) Antixenosis and antibiosis mechanisms of resistance to pod borer, Helicoverpa armigera in wild relatives of chickpea, Cicer arietinum. Euphytica (TSI), 214 (88). pp. 1-16. ISSN 0014-2336

Bera, S K and Kamdar, J H and Kasundra, S V and Dash, P and Maurya, A K and Jasani, M D and Chandrashekar, A B and Manivannan, N and Vasanthi, R P and Dobariya, K L and Pandey, M K and Janila, P and Radhakrishnan, T and Varshney, R K (2018) Improving oil quality by altering levels of fatty acids through marker-assisted selection of ahfad2 alleles in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Euphytica (TSI), 214 (9). pp. 1-15. ISSN 0014-2336

Saxena, K B and Saxena, R K and Sharma, S and Sameer Kumar, C V and Sultana, R and von Wettberg, E B and Varshney, R K (2018) The drivers and methodologies for exploiting wild Cajanus genome in pigeonpea breeding. Euphytica (TSI), 214 (12). pp. 1-20. ISSN 0014-2336

European Journal of Agronomy (TSI)

Adam, M and Dzotsi, K A and Hoogenboom, G and Traore, P C S and Porter, C H and Rattunde, H F W and Nebie, B and Leiser, W L and Weltzien, E and Jones, J W (2018) Modelling varietal differences in response to phosphorus in West African sorghum. European Journal of Agronomy (TSI). pp. 1-9. ISSN 11610301 (In Press)

European Journal of Soil Science (TSI)

Clingensmith, C M and Grunwald, S and Wani, S P (2018) Evaluation of calibration subsetting and new chemometric methods on the spectral prediction of key soil properties in a data-limited environment. European Journal of Soil Science (TSI). ISSN 13510754 (In Press)

Experimental Agriculture (TSI)

Kamara, A Y and Tofa, A I and Kyei-Boahen, S and Solomon, R and Ajeigbe, H A and Kamai, N (2018) Effects of plant density on the performance of cowpea in Nigerian savannas. Experimental Agriculture (TSI), 54 (01). pp. 120-132. ISSN 0014-4797

Schut, M and Kamanda, J and Gramzow, A and Dubois, T and Stoian, D and Andersson, J A and Dror, I and Sartas, M and Mur, R and Kassam, S and Brouwer, H and Devaux, A and Velasco, C and Flor, R J and Gummert, M and Buizer, D and McDougall, C and Davis, K and Homann-Kee Tui, S and Lundy, M (2018) Innovation platforms in agricultural research for development. Experimental Agriculture (TSI). pp. 1-22. ISSN 0014-4797

Field Crops Research (TSI)

Hajjarpoor, A and Vadez, V and Soltani, A and Gaur, P M and Whitbread, A M and Suresh Babu, D and Gumma, M K and Diancoumba, M and Kholova, J (2018) Characterization of the main chickpea cropping systems in India using a yield gap analysis approach. Field Crops Research (TSI), 223. pp. 93-104. ISSN 03784290

Nelson, W C D and Hoffmann, M P and Vadez, V and Roetter, R P and Whitbread, A M (2018) Testing pearl millet and cowpea intercropping systems under high temperatures. Field Crops Research (TSI), 217. pp. 150-166. ISSN 03784290

Schut, A G T and Traore, P C S and Blaes, X and de By, R A (2018) Assessing yield and fertilizer response in heterogeneous smallholder fields with UAVs and satellites. Field Crops Research (TSI), 221. pp. 98-107. ISSN 03784290

Hajjarpoor, A and Soltani, A and Zeinali, E and Kashiri, H and Aynehband, A and Vadez, V (2018) Using boundary line analysis to assess the on-farm crop yield gap of wheat. Field Crops Research (TSI), 225. pp. 64-73. ISSN 03784290

Masvaya, E N C and Nyamangara, J and Giller, K E and Descheemaeker, K (2018) Risk management options in maize cropping systems in semi-arid areas of Southern Africa. Field Crops Research (TSI), 228. pp. 110-121. ISSN 0378-4290

Food & Nutrition Research (TSI)

Murendo, C and Nhau, B and Mazvimavi, K and Khanye, T and Gwara, S (2018) Nutrition education, farm production diversity, and commercialization on household and individual dietary diversity in Zimbabwe. Food & Nutrition Research (TSI), 62. pp. 1-12. ISSN 1654-6628

Food Research International (TSI)

Kamau, E and Mutungi, C and Kinyuru, J and Imathiu, S and Tanga, C and Affognon, H D and Ekesi, S and Nakimbugwe, D and Fiaboe, K K M (2018) Moisture adsorption properties and shelf-life estimation of dried and pulverised edible house cricket Acheta domesticus (L.) and black soldier fly larvae Hermetia illucens (L.). Food Research International (TSI), 106. pp. 420-427. ISSN 09639969

Food Security (TSI)

Parmar, A and Fikre, A and Sturm, B and Hensel, O (2018) Post-harvest management and associated food losses and by-products of cassava in southern Ethiopia. Food Security (TSI), 10 (2). pp. 419-435. ISSN 1876-4517

Ognakossan, K E and Mutungi, C M and Otieno, T O and Affognon, H D and Sila, D N and Owino, W O (2018) Quantitative and quality losses caused by rodents in on-farm stored maize: a case study in the low land tropical zone of Kenya. Food Security (TSI). pp. 1-13. ISSN 1876-4517

Frontiers in Chemistry (TSI)

Banavath, J N and Chakradhar, T and Pandit, V and Konduru, S and Guduru, K K and Akila, C S and Podha, S and Puli, C O R (2018) Stress Inducible Overexpression of AtHDG11 Leads to Improved Drought and Salt Stress Tolerance in Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Frontiers in Chemistry (TSI), 6 (34). pp. 1-22. ISSN 2296-2646

Frontiers in Plant Science (TSI)

Laplaze, L and Sparvoli, F and Masmoudi, K and Hash, C T (2018) Harvesting Plant and Microbial Biodiversity for Sustainably Enhanced Food Security. Frontiers in Plant Science (TSI), 9 (42). pp. 1-27. ISSN 1664-462X

Radhika Ramya, A and Lal Ahamed, M and Satyavathi, C T and Rathore, A and Katiyar, P and Bhasker Raj, A G and Kumar, S and Gupta, R and Mahendrakar, M D and Yadav, R S and Srivastava, R K (2018) Towards Defining Heterotic Gene Pools in Pearl Millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.]. Frontiers in Plant Science (TSI), 8 (1934). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1664-462X

Lu, Q and Li, H and Hong, Y and Zhang, G and Wen, S and Li, X and Zhou, G and Li, S and Liu, H and Liu, H and Liu, Z and Varshney, R K and Chen, X and Liang, X (2018) Genome Sequencing and Analysis of the Peanut B-Genome Progenitor (Arachis ipaensis). Frontiers in Plant Science (TSI), 9 (604). pp. 1-15. ISSN 1664-462X

Priyadarshi, R and Arremsetty, H P S and Singh, A K and Khandekar, D and Ulaganathan, K and Shenoy, V and Sinha, P and Singh, V K (2018) Marker-Assisted Improvement of the Elite Maintainer Line of Rice, IR 58025B for Wide Compatibility (S5n) Gene. Frontiers in Plant Science (TSI), 9 (1051). pp. 1-9. ISSN 1664-462X

Tarafdar, A and Rani, T S and Chandran, U S S and Ghosh, R and Chobe, D R and Sharma, M (2018) Exploring Combined Effect of Abiotic (Soil Moisture) and Biotic (Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc.) Stress on Collar Rot Development in Chickpea. Frontiers in Plant Science (TSI), 9 (1154). pp. 1-13. ISSN 1664-462X

Sehgal, A and Sita, K and Siddique, K H M and Kumar, R and Bhogireddy, S and Varshney, R K and HanumanthaRao, B and Nair, R M and Vara Prasad, P V and Nayyar, H (2018) Drought or/and Heat-Stress Effects on Seed Filling in Food Crops: Impacts on Functional Biochemistry, Seed Yields, and Nutritional Quality. Frontiers in Plant Science (TSI), 9 (1705). pp. 1-19. ISSN 1664-462X

Shirasawa, K and Bhat, R S and Khedikar, Y P and Sujay, V and Kolekar, R M and Yeri, S B and Sukruth, M and Cholin, S and Asha, B and Pandey, M K and Varshney, R K and Gowda, M V C (2018) Sequencing Analysis of Genetic Loci for Resistance for Late Leaf Spot and Rust in Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Frontiers in Plant Science (TSI), 9 (1727). pp. 1-8. ISSN 1664-462X

Functional Plant Biology (TSI)

Tharanya, M and Sivasakthi, K and Barzana, G and Kholova, J and Thirunalasundari, T and Vadez, V (2018) Pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) contrasting for the transpiration response to vapour pressure deficit also differ in their dependence on the symplastic and apoplastic water transport pathways. Functional Plant Biology (TSI). pp. 1-18. ISSN 1445-4408

Futures (TSI)

Totin, E and Butler, J R and Sidibé, A and Partey, S T and Thornton, P K and Tabo, R (2018) Can scenario planning catalyse transformational change? Evaluating a climate change policy case study in Mali. Futures (TSI), 96. pp. 44-56. ISSN 00163287

G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics (TSI)

Liang, Z and Gupta, S K and Yeh, C T and Zhang, Y and Ngu, D W and Kumar, R and Patil, H T and Mungra, K D and Yadav, D V and Rathore, A and Srivastava, R K and Gupta, R and Yang, J and Varshney, R K and Schnable, P S and Schnable, J C (2018) Phenotypic Data from Inbred Parents Can Improve Genomic Prediction in Pearl Millet Hybrids. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics (TSI), 8. pp. 2513-2522. ISSN 2160-1836

GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society (TSI)

Schmidt, L and Hartberger, K and Kobbe, S and Falk, T and Wesselow, M and Schumann, C (2018) Stakeholder Involvement in Transdisciplinary Research: Lessons from Three Projects on Sustainable Land Management in a North-South Setting. GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society (TSI), 27 (3). pp. 312-320. ISSN 0940-5550

GIScience & Remote Sensing (TSI)

Gumma, M K and Thenkabail, P S and Kumara Charyulu, D and Mohammed, I A and Teluguntla, P and Oliphant, A and Xiong, J and Aye, T and Whitbread, A M (2018) Mapping cropland fallow areas in Myanmar to scale up sustainable intensification of pulse crops in the farming system. GIScience & Remote Sensing (TSI), 55 (6). pp. 926-949. ISSN 1548-1603

Gene Reports (TSI)

Mangrauthia, S K and Sailaja, B and Pusuluri, M and Jena, B and Prasanth, V V and Agarwal, S and Senguttuvel, P and Sarla, N and Ravindra Babu, V and Subrahmanyam, D and Voleti, S R (2018) Deep sequencing of small RNAs reveals ribosomal origin of microRNAs in Oryza sativa and their regulatory role in high temperature. Gene Reports (TSI), 11. pp. 270-278. ISSN 24520144

Genes (TSI)

Hima Kumari, P and Anil Kumar, S and Ramesh, K and Reddy, P S and Nagaraju, M and Bhanu Prakash, A and Shah, T and Henderson, A and Srivastava, R K and Rajasheker, G and Chitikineni, A and Varshney, R K and Rathnagiri, P and Lakshmi Narasu, M and Kavi Kishor, P B (2018) Genome-Wide Identification and Analysis of Arabidopsis Sodium Proton Antiporter (NHX) and Human Sodium Proton Exchanger (NHE) Homologs in Sorghum bicolor. Genes (TSI), 9 (5) (236). pp. 1-18. ISSN 2073-4425

Kumar, S and Hash, C T and Nepolean, T and Mahendrakar, M D and Satyavathi, C and Singh, G and Rathore, A and Yadav, R and Gupta, R and Srivastava, R K (2018) Mapping Grain Iron and Zinc Content Quantitative Trait Loci in an Iniadi-Derived Immortal Population of Pearl Millet. Genes (TSI), 9 (5) (248). pp. 1-17. ISSN 2073-4425

Geoderma (TSI)

Xu, Y and Smith, S E and Grunwald, S and Abd-Elrahman, A and Wani, S P (2018) Effects of image pansharpening on soil total nitrogen prediction models in South India. Geoderma (TSI), 320. pp. 52-66. ISSN 00167061

Leenaars, J G B and Claessens, L and Heuvelink, G B M and Hengl, T and Ruiperez González, M and van Bussel, L G J and Guilpart, N and Yang, H and Cassman, K G (2018) Mapping rootable depth and root zone plant-available water holding capacity of the soil of sub-Saharan Africa. Geoderma (TSI), 324. pp. 18-36. ISSN 00167061

Global Advanced Research Journal of Agricultural Science

Ajeigbe, H A and Akinseye, F M and Jonah, J and Kunihya, A (2018) Sorghum yield and water use under Phosphorus fertilization applications in the Sudan savanna of Nigeria. Global Advanced Research Journal of Agricultural Science, 7 (8). pp. 245-257. ISSN 2315-5094

Global Food Security (TSI)

Salmon, G and Teufel, N and Baltenweck, I and van Wijk, M and Claessens, L and Marshall, K (2018) Trade-offs in livestock development at farm level: Different actors with different objectives. Global Food Security (TSI), 17. pp. 103-112. ISSN 22119124

ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (TSI)

Teluguntla, P and Thenkabail, P S and Oliphant, A and Xiong, J and Gumma, M K and Congalton, R G and Yadav, K and Huete, A (2018) A 30-m landsat-derived cropland extent product of Australia and China using random forest machine learning algorithm on Google Earth Engine cloud computing platform. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (TSI), 144. pp. 325-340. ISSN 09242716

In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology (TSI)

Islam, T and Velivelli, S and El-Mounadi, K and Sharma, K K and Bhatnagar-Mathur, P and Shah, D (2018) Antifungal plant defensins: mechanisms of action and engineering disease resistance. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology (TSI), 54. S5. ISSN 1054-5476

Indian Farming

Padhee, A K (2018) Climate-smart policies for Indian agriculture. Indian Farming, 68 (10). pp. 61-63.

Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences (TSI)

Panwar, S and Kumar, A and Singh, K N and Paul, R K and Gurung, B and Ranjan, R and Alam, N M and Rathore, A (2018) Forecasting of crop yield using weather parameters–two step nonlinear regression model approach. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences (TSI), 88 (10). pp. 1597-1599. ISSN 0019-5022

Indian Journal of Entomology

Amadou, L and Baoua, I and Ba, M N and Karimoune, L and Muniappan, R (2018) Native parasitoids recruited by the invaded fall army worm in Niger. Indian Journal of Entomology. pp. 1253-1254. ISSN 0367-8288 (In Press)

Visweshwar, R and Akbar, S M D and Sharma, H C and Sreeramulu, K (2018) Influence of bacillus thuringiensis toxins on the development and midgut proteases in different larval instars of helicoverpa armigera. Indian Journal of Entomology, 80 (3). pp. 960-970. ISSN 0367-8288

Indian Journal of Fisheries (TSI)

Panwar, S and Kumar, A and Singh, K N and Sarkar, S K and Gurung, B and Rathore, A (2018) Growth modelling and forecasting of common carp and silver carp in culture ponds: A re-parametrisation approach. Indian Journal of Fisheries (TSI), 65 (3). pp. 99-104. ISSN 0970-6011

Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding (TSI)

Govindaraj, M and Gupta, S K and Yadav, D and Atkari, D and Rai, K N (2018) Allelic relationship between restorer genes for A1 and A4 CMS systems in pearl millet. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding (TSI), 78 (1). pp. 90-94. ISSN 0019-5200

Bhardwaj, R and Garg, T and Malik, E A and Vikal, Y and Sohu, R S and Gupta, S K (2018) Genetic divergence studies in pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum L.(R.) Br.] inbred lines. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding (TSI), 78 (3). pp. 382-385. ISSN 0975-6906

Govindaraj, M and Rao, A S and Shivade, H and Rai, K N (2018) Effect of grain colour on iron and zinc density in pearl millet. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding (TSI), 78 (2). pp. 247-251. ISSN 0019-5200

Gupta, S K and Yadav, D V and Govindaraj, M and Boratkar, M and Kulkarni, V N and Rai, K N (2018) Inheritance of fertility restoration of A5 cytoplasmic-nuclear male sterility system in pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.]. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding (TSI), 78 (2). pp. 228-232. ISSN 0019-5200

International Aquatic Research

Irungu, F G and Mutungi, C M and Faraj, A K and Affognon, H D and Tanga, C and Ekesi, S and Nakimbugwe, D and Fiaboe, K K M (2018) Minerals content of extruded fish feeds containing cricket (Acheta domesticus) and black soldier fly larvae (Hermetia illucens) fractions. International Aquatic Research. pp. 1-13. ISSN 2008-4935

International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability (TSI)

Templer, N and Hauser, M and Owamani, A and Kamusingize, D and Ogwali, H and Mulumba, L and Onwonga, R and Adugna, B T and Probst, L (2018) Does certified organic agriculture increase agroecosystem health? Evidence from four farming systems in Uganda. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability (TSI), 16 (2). pp. 150-166. ISSN 1473-5903

International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences

Mariappan, R and Debashis, R and Subramanyam, K and Govindaraj, M and Kannan, S (2018) Effectiveness of drought tolerance to identify tolerant genotypes with high yielding potential in cotton (gossypium hirsutum L.). International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences, 14 (2). pp. 497-504.

International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Bioresearch

Tembo, E and Charlie, H and Tembo, L (2018) Investigation of gene action for resistance to early leaf spot of groundnut. International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Bioresearch, 3 (1). pp. 21-29. ISSN 2456-8643

International Journal of Agronomy (TSI)

Hamidou, M and Souley, A K M and Kapran, I and Souleymane, O and Danquah, E Y and Ofori, K and Gracen, V and Ba, M N (2018) Genetic Variability and Its Implications on Early Generation Sorghum Lines Selection for Yield, Yield Contributing Traits, and Resistance to Sorghum Midge. International Journal of Agronomy (TSI), 2018 (186479). pp. 1-10. ISSN 1687-8159

Ajeigbe, H A and Akinseye, F M and Ayuba, K and Jonah, J (2018) Productivity and Water Use Efficiency of Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] Grown under Different Nitrogen Applications in Sudan Savanna Zone, Nigeria. International Journal of Agronomy (TSI), 2018 (767605). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1687-8159

International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences

Agale, S V and Gopalakrishnan, S and Gupta, R and Rangarao, G V and Srinivas, V and Wani, S P (2018) Compatibility of Streptomyces sp., Metarhizium anisopliae, and Neem Seed Powder against Pigeon Pea Pod Borer Complex. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 7 (2). pp. 390-397. ISSN 2319-7706

Agale, S V and Gopalakrishnan, S and Ambhure, K G and Chandravanshi, H and Gupta, R and Wani, S P (2018) Mass Production of Entomopathogenic Fungi (Metarhizium anisopliae) using Different Grains as a Substrate. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 7 (1). pp. 2227-2232. ISSN 23197692

Bangar, S S and Bangar, H A and Dudhare, M S and Gahukar, S J and Wadaskar, R M and Akhare, A A and Sharma, H C (2018) Expression of Tolerance to Pod Borer, Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in Relation to Biochemical Content of Chickpea Leaves. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 6. pp. 223-229. ISSN 2319-7706

Sree Latha, E and Sharma, H C (2018) Antixenosis Mechanism of Resistance to Helicoverpa armigera (Hub.) in Chickpea (Cicer arietinum Linn.). International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 7 (2). pp. 1233-1238. ISSN 23197692

Guru Prasad, G R and Naik, M K and Sudini, H and Sunkad, G and Bheemanna, H and Shankergoud, I (2018) Estimation of Aflatoxin Content in Chilli Samples Collected from Cold Storage and Market. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 7 (2). pp. 3228-3232. ISSN 23197692

Sudarshan Patil, K and Gupta, S K and Dangi, K S and Shashibhushan, D and Balram, M and Ramesh, T (2018) Panicle Traits and Plant Height are Important Selection Indices to Enhance Productivity in Pearl Millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.R.Br.) Populations. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 7 (12). pp. 306-312. ISSN 23197692

Deepa, - and Sunkad, G and Sharma, M and Mallesh, S B and Mannur, D M and Sreenivas, A G (2018) Integrated Management of Dry Root Rot Caused by Rhizoctonia bataticola in Chickpea. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 7 (04). pp. 201-209. ISSN 2319-7706

Deepa, - and Sunkad, G and Sharma, M and Mallesh, S B and Mannur, D M and Sreenivas, A G (2018) Distribution and Severity of Dry Root Rot of Chickpea Caused by Rhizoctonia bataticola in Parts of North Karnataka. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 7 (04). pp. 194-200. ISSN 23197692

Kumara, B R and Mansur, C P and Meti, S and Jagadeesh, S L and Chander, G and Wani, S P and Mesta, R K and Satish, D and Allolli, T B and Reddy, S (2018) Potassium Levels, Sources and Time of Application on Nutrient Uptake and Nutrient Use Efficiency of Onion (Allium cepa L.). International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 7 (7). pp. 4214-4225. ISSN 23197692

Kumara, B R and Mansur, C P and Jagadeesh, S L and Mesta, R K and Satish, D and Meti, S and Chander, G and Wani, S P and Allolli, T B and Reddy, S (2018) Effect of Potassium Levels, Sources and Time of Application on Storage Life of Onion (Allium cepa L.). International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 7 (7). pp. 4226-4237. ISSN 23197692

International Journal of Insect Science

Sanon, A and Zakaria, I and Clémentine L, D B and Ba, M N and Honora, N R C (2018) Potential of Botanicals to Control Callosobruchus maculatus (Col.: Chrysomelidae, Bruchinae), a Major Pest of Stored Cowpeas in Burkina Faso: A Review. International Journal of Insect Science, 10. pp. 1-8. ISSN 1179-5433

International Journal of Molecular Sciences (TSI)

Paul, P J and Samineni, S and Thudi, M and Sajja, S and Rathore, A and Das, R R and Khan, A W and Chaturvedi, S K and Lavanya, G R and Varshney, R K and Gaur, P M (2018) Molecular Mapping of QTLs for Heat Tolerance in Chickpea. International Journal of Molecular Sciences (TSI), 19(8) (2166). pp. 1-20. ISSN 1661-6596

International Journal of Plant & Soil Science

Toure, A and Bengaly, A and Toure, A O and Diallo, A G and Cisse, F and Diourte, M and Yaro, N and Toure, A W and Dembele, B (2018) Development and Utilisation of Improved WhiteSeeded, Tan-Plant Grain Sorghum Cultivars in Mali. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science, 24 (5). pp. 1-10. ISSN 2320-7035

International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience

Govintharaj, P and Gupta, S K and Maheswaran, M and Sumathi, P and Atkari, D G (2018) Correlation and Path Coefficient Analysis of Biomass Yield and Quality Traits in Forage Type Hybrid Parents of Pearl Millet. International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience, 6 (1). pp. 1056-1061. ISSN 2320 – 7051

Srivarsha, J and Jahagirdar, J E and Sameer Kumar, C V and Hingane, A J and Patil, D K and Gite, V K and Shruthi, H B and Bhosle, T M (2018) Performance of Parents and Hybrids of Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) in terms of Yield and Yield Contributing Characters. International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience, 6 (1). pp. 1271-1275. ISSN 23207051

Divya Rani, V and Sudini, H and Narayan Reddy, P and Naga Mangala, U and Vijay Krishna Kumar, K (2018) Pathogenic and Molecular Variability of Aspergillus niger Isolates Causing Collar Rot Disease in Groundnut. International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience, 6 (1). pp. 840-848. ISSN 23207051

Divya Rani, V and Sudini, H and Narayan Reddy, P and Vijay Krishna Kumar, K and Uma Devi, G (2018) Resistance Screening of Groundnut Advanced Breeding Lines against Collar Rot and Stem Rot Pathogens. International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience, 6 (1). pp. 467-474. ISSN 23207051

Joshi, P and Yasin, M and Sundaram, P (2018) Genetic Variability, Heritability and Genetic Advance Study for Seed Yield and Yield Component Traits in a Chickpea Recombinant Inbred Line (RIL) Population. International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience, 6 (2). pp. 136-141. ISSN 23207051

Kumara, B R and Mansur, C P and Wani, S P and Chander, G and Allolli, T B and Jagadeesh, S L and Mesta, R K and Meti, S and Satish, D and Reddy, S G (2018) Response of Onion (Allium cepa L.) to Potassium Levels, Sources and Time of Application. International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience, 6 (2). pp. 370-383. ISSN 23207051

Kumara, B R and Mansur, C P and Chander, G and Wani, S P and Allolli, T B and Jagadeesh, S L and Mesta, R K and Satish, D and Meti, S and Reddy, S G (2018) Effect of Potassium Levels, Sources and Time of Application on Yield of Onion (Allium cepa L.). International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience, 6 (2). pp. 540-549. ISSN 23207051

International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture

Chander, G and Wani, S P and Gopalakrishnan, S and Mahapatra, A and Chaudhury, S and Pawar, C S and Kaushal, M and Rao, A V R K (2018) Microbial consortium culture and vermi-composting technologies for recycling on-farm wastes and food production. International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture. pp. 1-10. ISSN 2195-3228

Jagadabhi, P S and Wani, S P and Kaushal, M and Patil, M D and Vemula, A K and Rathore, A (2018) Physico-chemical, microbial and phytotoxicity evaluation of composts from sorghum, finger millet and soybean straws. International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture, 8 (3). pp. 279-293. ISSN 2195-3228

Irrigation and Drainage (TSI)

Unver, O and Wahaj, R and Lorenzon, E and Mohammadi, K and Osias, J R and Reinders, F and Wani, S P and Chuchra, J and Lee, P and Sangjun, I M (2018) Key and Smart Actions to Alleviate Hunger and Poverty Through Irrigation and Drainage. Irrigation and Drainage (TSI), 67 (1). pp. 60-71. ISSN 15310353


Patil, K S and Gupta, S K and Singh, D K and Shashibhushan, D and Balram, M and Ramesh, T (2018) Selection Criterion Based on Trait Linkages in African and Asian Pearl Millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.] Populations to Enhance Productivity. J. Res. PJTSAU, 46 (4). pp. 69-73. ISSN 2395-5945

Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies

Orr, A (2018) Killing the goose? The value chain for sorghum beer in Kenya. Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies, 8 (1). pp. 34-53. ISSN 2044-0839

Orr, A and Donovan, J (2018) Introduction to special issue: smallholder value chains as complex adaptive systems. Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies, 8 (1). pp. 2-13. ISSN 2044-0839

Orr, A and Donovan, J and Stoian, D (2018) Smallholder value chains as complex adaptive systems: a conceptual framework. Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies, 8 (1). pp. 14-33. ISSN 2044-0839

Journal of Agricultural Science

Tadesse, M and Funga, A and Fikre, A and Degefu, T and Eshete, M and Korbu, L and Girma, N and Bekele, D and Mohammed, R and Gaur, P M and Ojiewo, C O (2018) Breeding Progress for Grain Yield and Yield Related Characters of Kabuli Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) in Ethiopia Using Regression Analysis. Journal of Agricultural Science, 10 (2). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1916-9752

Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science (TSI)

Opole, R A and Prasad, P V V and Djanaguiraman, M and Vimala, K and Kirkham, M B and Upadhyaya, H D (2018) Thresholds, sensitive stages and genetic variability of finger millet to high temperature stress. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science (TSI), 204 (5). pp. 477-492. ISSN 09312250

Journal of Applied Biosciences

Abdou, H and Falalou, H and Yakoubou, B (2018) Performances morpho-physiologiques et agronomiques du niébé [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walpers] en conditions du déficit hydrique. Journal of Applied Biosciences, 128. pp. 12874-12882. ISSN 1997-5902

Journal of Arid Environments (TSI)

Makuvaro, V and Walker, S and Masere, T P and Dimes, J (2018) Smallholder farmer perceived effects of climate change on agricultural productivity and adaptation strategies. Journal of Arid Environments (TSI), 152. pp. 75-82. ISSN 01401963 (In Press)

Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes (TSI)

Nareshkumar, B and Akbar, S M and Sharma, H C and Jayalakshmi, S K and Sreeramulu, K (2018) Imidacloprid impedes mitochondrial function and induces oxidative stress in cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera larvae (Hubner: Noctuidae). Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes (TSI), 50 (1). pp. 21-32. ISSN 0145-479X

Journal of Cereal Science (TSI)

Govindaraj, M and Rai, K N and Kanatti, A and Shivade, H (2018) Terminal drought and a d 2 dwarfing gene affecting grain iron and zinc density in pearl millet. Journal of Cereal Science (TSI), 79. pp. 247-252. ISSN 07335210

Gaddameedi, A and Ravikiran, K T and Mohammed, R and Phuke, R M and Sadaiah, K and Kavi Kishor, P B and Ashok Kumar, A (2018) Inheritance studies on grain iron and zinc concentration and agronomic traits in sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench]. Journal of Cereal Science (TSI). pp. 252-258. ISSN 07335210

Journal of Cleaner Production (TSI)

Partey, S T and Zougmore, R B and Ouedraogo, M and Campbell, B M (2018) Developing climate-smart agriculture to face climate variability in West Africa: Challenges and lessons learnt. Journal of Cleaner Production (TSI), 187. pp. 285-295. ISSN 09596526

Journal of Crop Improvement

Hamidou, M and Souleymane, O and Ba, M N and Danquah, E and Kapran, I and Gracen, V and Ofori, K (2018) Principal component analysis of early generation sorghum lines for yield-contributing traits and resistance to midge. Journal of Crop Improvement. pp. 1-9. ISSN 1542-7528

Diallo, C and Isaacs, K and Gracen, V and Toure, A and Rattunde, E W and Danquah, E Y and Sidibe, M and Dzidzienyo, D K and Rattunde, F and Nebie, B and Sylla, A and Tongoona, P B (2018) Learning from farmers to improve sorghum breeding objectives and adoption in Mali. Journal of Crop Improvement. pp. 1-18. ISSN 1542-7528

Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology

Srivastava, R K and Saxena, K B and Kumar, R V (2018) Development of a Cajanus cajanifolius-based CMS Hybrid Technology in Pigeonpea. Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology, 21 (5). pp. 443-449. ISSN 1975-9479

Journal of Development Policy and Practice

Kumar, R and Raju, K V (2018) Can We Leverage Policies for Self-sufficiency? Journal of Development Policy and Practice, 3 (2). pp. 155-178. ISSN 2455-1333

Journal of Economic Entomology (TSI)

Golla, S K and Rajasekhar, P and Akbar, S M D and Sharma, H C (2018) Proteolytic Activity in the Midgut of Helicoverpa armigera (Noctuidae: Lepidoptera) Larvae Fed on Wild Relatives of Chickpea, Cicer arietinum. Journal of Economic Entomology (TSI). ISSN 0022-0493 (Submitted)

Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies

Jaba, J and Agnihotri, M (2018) Relationship of abiotic factors and the copiousness of larval parasitoid, Campoletis chlorideae on pod borer, Helicoverpa armigera under sole and chickpea-coriander ecosystem at Pantnagar, Uttarakhand. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 6 (6). pp. 316-319. ISSN 2349-6800

Journal of Environmental Management (TSI)

Shah, G A and Shah, G M and Rashid, M I and Groot, J C J and Traore, B and Lantinga, E A (2018) Bedding additives reduce ammonia emission and improve crop N uptake after soil application of solid cattle manure. Journal of Environmental Management (TSI), 209. pp. 195-204. ISSN 03014797

Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine (TSI)

Banla, E M and Dzidzienyo, D K and Beatrice, I E and Offei, S K and Tongoona, P and Desmae, H (2018) Groundnut production constraints and farmers’ trait preferences: a pre-breeding study in Togo. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine (TSI), 14 (1). pp. 1-14. ISSN 1746-4269

Journal of Experimental Agriculture International

Lagat, N and Kimurto, P and Kiplagat, O and Towett, B K and Jeptanui, L and Gatongi, I and Njogu, N and Ojulong, H and Manyasa, E O and Siambi, M (2018) Evaluation of Genotype x Environment Interaction and Stability of Grain Yield and Related Yield Components in Pearl Millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R.Br.). Journal of Experimental Agriculture International, 21 (1). pp. 1-18. ISSN 2457-0591

Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences

Das, A and Pandey, S K and Bhattacharya, P and Dasgupta, T (2018) Characterization of some Indian sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Cultivars through soluble seed storage protein markers. Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences, 6 (1). pp. 243-248. ISSN 23208694

Journal of Experimental Botany (TSI)

Ye, H and Roorkiwal, M and Valliyodan, B and Zhou, L and Chen, P and Varshney, R K and Nguyen, H T (2018) Genetic diversity of root system architecture in response to drought stress in grain legumes. Journal of Experimental Botany (TSI), 69 (13). pp. 3267-3277. ISSN 0022-0957

Varshney, R K and Thudi, M and Pandey, M K and Tardieu, F and Ojiewo, C O and Vadez, V and Whitbread, A M and Siddique, K H M and Nguyen, H T and Carberry, P S and Bergvinson, D (2018) Accelerating Genetic Gains in Legumes for the Development of Prosperous Smallholder Agriculture: Integrating Genomics, Phenotyping, Systems Modelling and Agronomy. Journal of Experimental Botany (TSI), 69 (13). pp. 3293-3312. ISSN 0022-0957

Varshney, R K and Tuberosa, R and Tardieu, F (2018) Progress in understanding drought tolerance: from alleles to cropping systems. Journal of Experimental Botany (TSI), 69 (13). pp. 3175-3179. ISSN 0022-0957

Journal of Food Legumes

Vales, M I and Sultana, R and Patil, S B and Ranga Rao, G V and Kumar, R V and Saxena, K B (2018) Honey bee mediated (Apis mellifera L.) hybrid pigeonpea seed production under net house condition. Journal of Food Legumes, 31 (4). pp. 197-204. ISSN 0970-6380

Journal of Gender, Agriculture and Food Security

Elias, M and Mudege, N and Lopez, D E and Najjar, D and Kandiwa, V and Luis, J and Yila, J and Tegbaru, A and Ibrahim, G and Badstue, L and Njuguna, E M and Bentaibi, A (2018) Gendered aspirations and occupations among rural youth, in agriculture and beyond: A cross-regional perspective. Journal of Gender, Agriculture and Food Security, 3 (1). pp. 82-107. ISSN 2413-922X

Petesch, P and Bullock, R and Feldman, S and Badstue, L and Rietveld, A and Bauchspies, W and Kamanzi, A and Tegbaru, A and Yila, J (2018) Local normative climate shaping agency and agricultural livelihoods in sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Gender, Agriculture and Food Security, 3 (1). pp. 108-130. ISSN 2413-922X

Badstue, L and Lopez, D E and Umantseva, A and Williams, G and Elias, M and Farnworth, C R and Rietveld, A and Njuguna, E M and Luis, J and Najjar, D and Kandiwa, V (2018) What drives capacity to innovate? Insights from women and men small-scale farmers in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Journal of Gender, Agriculture and Food Security, 3 (1). pp. 54-81. ISSN 2413-922X

Journal of Genetics (TSI)

Pandian, B A and Joel, J and Nachimuthu, V V and Swaminathan, M and Govintharaj, P and Tannidi, S and Sabariappan, R (2018) Marker-aided selection and validation of various Pi gene combinations for rice blast resistance in elite rice variety ADT 43. Journal of Genetics (TSI), 97 (4). pp. 945-952. ISSN 0022-1333

Journal of Insects as Food and Feed

Bama, H B and Dabire, R A and Ouattara, D and Niassy, S and Ba, M N and Dakouo, D (2018) Diapause disruption in Cirina butyrospermi Vuillet (Lepidoptera, Attacidae), the shea caterpillar, in Burkina Faso. Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, 4 (4). pp. 239-245. ISSN 2352-4588

Irungu, F G and Mutungi, C M and Faraj, A K and Affognon, H D and Kibet, N and Tanga, C and Ekesi, S and Nakimbugwe, D and Fiaboe, K K M (2018) Physico-chemical properties of extruded aquafeed pellets containing black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae and adult cricket (Acheta domesticus) meals. Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, 4 (1). pp. 19-30. ISSN 2352-4588

Journal of Integrative Agriculture (TSI)

Jacob, S and Sajjalaguddam, R R and Sudini, H (2018) Streptomyces sp. RP1A-12 mediated control of peanut stem rot caused by Sclerotium rolfsii. Journal of Integrative Agriculture (TSI), 17. pp. 1-9. ISSN 2095-3119

Journal of Life Sciences

Muruiki, R and Kimurto, P and Vandez, V and Gangarao, N V P R and Silim, S and Siambi, M (2018) Effect of Drought Stress on Yield Performance of Parental Chickpea Genotypes in Semi-arid Tropics. Journal of Life Sciences, 12 (3). pp. 159-168. ISSN 19347391

Journal of Molecular Evolution (TSI)

Viljoen, E and Odeny, D A and Coetzee, M P A and Berger, D K and Rees, D J G (2018) Application of Chloroplast Phylogenomics to Resolve Species Relationships Within the Plant Genus Amaranthus. Journal of Molecular Evolution (TSI). pp. 1-24. ISSN 0022-2844

Journal of Pest Science (TSI)

Ba, M N and Huesing, J E and Tamò, M and Higgins, T J V and Pittendrigh, B R and Murdock, L L (2018) An assessment of the risk of Bt-cowpea to non-target organisms in West Africa. Journal of Pest Science (TSI). pp. 1-15. ISSN 1612-4758

Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

Anuradha, B and Saidaiah, P and Sudini, H and Geetha, A and Ravinder Reddy, K (2018) Study of qualitative traits of germplasm of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.). Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 7 (6). pp. 539-543. ISSN 2278-4136

Anuradha, B and Saidaiah, P and Sudini, H and Geetha, A and Ravinder Reddy, K (2018) Correlation and path coefficient analysis in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.). Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 7 (5). pp. 2748-2751. ISSN 2278-4136

Journal of Stored Products Research (TSI)

Eker, T and Erler, F and Adak, A and Imrek, B and Guven, H and Tosun, H S and Sari, D and Sari, H and Upadhyaya, H D and Toker, C and Ikten, C (2018) Screening of chickpea accessions for resistance against the pulse beetle, Callosobruchus chinensis L. (Coleoptera: Bruchidae). Journal of Stored Products Research (TSI), 76. pp. 51-57. ISSN 0022474X

López-Castillo, L M and Silva-Fernández, S E and Winkler, R and Bergvinson, D and Arnason, J T and García-Lara, S (2018) Postharvest insect resistance in maize. Journal of Stored Products Research (TSI), 77. pp. 66-76. ISSN 0022474X

Journal of Stored Products and Postharvest Research

Khakata, S and Nzuve, F M and Chemining’wa, G N and Mwimali, M and Karanja, J and Harvey, J and Mwololo, J K (2018) Post-harvest evaluation of selected hybrids to maize weevil Sitophilus zeamais resistance. Journal of Stored Products and Postharvest Research, 9 (3). pp. 16-26. ISSN 2141-6567

LWT-Food Science and Technology (TSI)

Adepehin, J O and Enujiugha, V N and Badejo, A A and Young, G M and Odeny, D A and Wu, F (2018) Bacterial ecology and rheological parameters of multigrain gluten-free sourdoughs. LWT-Food Science and Technology (TSI), 96. pp. 344-349. ISSN 00236438

Land Degradation & Development (TSI)

Thomas, R and Reed, M and Clifton, K and Appadurai, N and Mills, A and Zucca, C and Kodsi, E and Sircely, J and Haddad, F and Hagen, C and Mapedza, E and Woldearegay, K and Shalander, K and Bellon, M and Le, Q and Mabikke, S and Alexander, S and Leu, S and Schlingloff, S and Lala-Pritchard, T and Mares, V and Quiroz, R (2018) A framework for scaling sustainable land management options. Land Degradation & Development (TSI). pp. 1-13. ISSN 10853278

Land Use Policy (TSI)

Falconnier, G N and Descheemaeker, K and Traore, B and Bayoko, A and Giller, K E (2018) Agricultural intensification and policy interventions: Exploring plausible futures for smallholder farmers in Southern Mali. Land Use Policy (TSI), 70. pp. 623-634. ISSN 02648377

Legume Research (TSI)

Singh, J and Kumar, A and Abdul Fiyaz, R and Singh, M K (2018) Stability analysis of pigeon pea genotypes by deployment of AMMI model under rainfed environment. Legume Research (TSI), 41 (2). pp. 182-188. ISSN 0976-0571

Livestock Research for Rural Development

Avornyo, F K and Zougmore, R B and Partey, S T and Tengan, K (2018) Candidate fodder trees and shrubs for sustainable ruminant production in northern Ghana. Livestock Research for Rural Development, 30 (9). pp. 1-8.

Microbial Pathogenesis (TSI)

Vijayabharathi, R and Gopalakrishnan, S and Sathya, A and Srinivas, V and Sharma, M (2018) Deciphering the tri-dimensional effect of endophytic Streptomyces sp. on chickpea for plant growth promotion, helper effect with Mesorhizobium ciceri and host-plant resistance induction against Botrytis cinerea. Microbial Pathogenesis (TSI), 122. pp. 98-107. ISSN 08824010

Molecular Breeding (TSI)

Khedikar, Y and Pandey, M K and Sujay, V and Singh, S and Nayak, S N and Klein-Gebbinck, H W and Sarvamangala, C and Mukri, G and Garg, V and Upadhyaya, H D and Nadaf, H L and Gowda, M V C and Varshney, R K and Bhat, R S (2018) Identification of main effect and epistatic quantitative trait loci for morphological and yield-related traits in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Molecular Breeding (TSI), 38(1) (7). pp. 1-12. ISSN 1380-3743

Molecular Genetics and Genomics (TSI)

Khera, P and Pandey, M K and Mallikarjuna, N and Sriswathi, M and Roorkiwal, M and Janila, P and Sharma, S and Shilpa, K and Sudini, H and Guo, B and Varshney, R K (2018) Genetic imprints of domestication for disease resistance, oil quality, and yield component traits in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Molecular Genetics and Genomics (TSI). pp. 1-14. ISSN 1617-4615

Mycotoxin Research (TSI)

Anitha, S and Monyo, E S and Tsusaka, T W and Msere, H W and Madinda, F and Chilunjika, T and Sichone, E and Mbughi, D and Chilima, B and Matumba, L (2018) Aflatoxin-lysine adducts in blood serum of the Malawian rural population and aflatoxin contamination in foods (groundnuts, maize) in the corresponding areas. Mycotoxin Research (TSI), 34 (3). pp. 195-204. ISSN 0178-7888

NJAS - Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences (TSI)

Totin, E and Roncoli, C and Traore, P C S and Somda, J and Zougmore, R B (2018) How does institutional embeddedness shape innovation platforms? A diagnostic study of three districts in the Upper West Region of Ghana. NJAS - Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences (TSI), 84. pp. 27-40. ISSN 15735214

Sidibe, A and Totin, E and Thompson-Hall, M and Traore, O T and Traore, P C S and Olabisi, L S (2018) Multi-scale governance in agriculture systems: Interplay between national and local institutions around the production dimension of food security in Mali. NJAS - Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences (TSI), 84. pp. 94-102. ISSN 15735214

National Academy Science Letters (TSI)

Yadava, Y K and Singh, R K and Kumar, P and Kumar, P and Yadav, M K and Barh, A and Upadhyaya, H D and Kumar, R (2018) Assay of Genetic Architecture for Identification of Waterlogging Tolerant Pigeonpea Germplasm. National Academy Science Letters (TSI), 41 (1). pp. 11-14. ISSN 0250-541X

Nature Communications (TSI)

von Wettberg, E J B and Chang, P L and Başdemir, F and Carrasquila-Garcia, N and Korbu, L B and Moenga, S M and Bedada, G and Greenlon, A and Moriuchi, K S and Singh, V and Cordeiro, M A and Noujdina, N V and Dinegde, K N and Shah Sani, S G A and Getahun, T and Vance, L and Bergmann, E and Lindsay, D and Mamo, B E and Warschefsky, E J and Dacosta-Calheiros, E and Marques, E and Yilmaz, M A and Cakmak, A and Rose, J and Migneault, A and Krieg, C P and Saylak, S and Temel, H and Friesen, M L and Siler, E and Akhmetov, Z and Ozcelik, H and Kholova, J and Can, C and Gaur, P M and Yildirim, M and Sharma, H and Vadez, V and Tesfaye, K and Woldemedhin, A F and Tar’an, B and Aydogan, A and Bukun, B and Penmetsa, R V and Berger, J and Kahraman, A and Nuzhdin, S V and Cook, D R (2018) Ecology and genomics of an important crop wild relative as a prelude to agricultural innovation. Nature Communications (TSI), 9 (1) (649). pp. 1-13. ISSN 2041-1723

Nature Ecology & Evolution

Burgarella, C and Cubry, P and Kane, N A and Varshney, R K and Mariac, C and Liu, X and Shi, C and Thudi, M and Couderc, M and Xu, X and Chitikineni, A and Scarcelli, N and Barnaud, A and Rhoné, B and Dupuy, C and François, O and Berthouly-Salazar, C and Vigouroux, Y (2018) A western Sahara centre of domestication inferred from pearl millet genomes. Nature Ecology & Evolution. pp. 1-7. ISSN 2397-334X

Net Journal of Agricultural Science

Arije, D N and Akinseye, F M and Ewulo, B S (2018) Response of maize (Zea mays L.) growth and yield to different fertilizer application in Rainforest agroecological zone of Nigeria: Evaluation of CERES-maize crop model. Net Journal of Agricultural Science, 6 (4). pp. 70-76. ISSN 2315-9766

Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems (TSI)

Fatondji, D and Ibrahim, A (2018) Improving nutrient use efficiency from decomposing manure and millet yield under Plinthosols in Niger. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems (TSI). pp. 1-15. ISSN 1385-1314

Ibrahim, A and Abaidoo, R C and Iliasso, A D K T and Fatondji, D (2018) Nutrient release dynamics from decomposing organic materials and their mulching-effect on pearl millet yields in a low-input Sahelian cropping system. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems (TSI). pp. 1-15. ISSN 1385-1314

Outlook on Agriculture (TSI)

Mausch, K and Harris, D and Heather, E and Jones, E and Yim, J and Hauser, M (2018) Households’ aspirations for rural development through agriculture. Outlook on Agriculture (TSI). pp. 1-8. ISSN 0030-7270

Orr, A (2018) Markets, institutions and policies: A perspective on the adoption of agricultural innovations. Outlook on Agriculture (TSI). pp. 1-6. ISSN 0030-7270


Choudhary, N and Bawa, V and Paliwal, R and Singh, B and Bhat, M A and Mir, J I and Gupta, M and Sofi, P A and Thudi, M and Varshney, R K and Mir, R R (2018) Gene/QTL discovery for Anthracnose in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) from North-western Himalayas. PLoS ONE, 13 (2). pp. 1-12. ISSN 1932-6203


Mahdavi Mashaki, K and Garg, V and Ghomi, A A N and Kudapa, H and Chitikineni, A and Zaynali Nezhad, K and Yamchi, A and Soltanloo, H and Varshney, R K and Thudi, M (2018) RNA-Seq analysis revealed genes associated with drought stress response in kabuli chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). PLoS ONE (TSI), 13 (6). pp. 1-17. ISSN 1932-6203

PLoS One (TSI)

Malmborg, K and Sinare, H and Kautsky, E E and Ouedraogo, I and Gordon, L J (2018) Mapping regional livelihood benefits from local ecosystem services assessments in rural Sahel. PLoS One (TSI), 13 (2). pp. 1-20. ISSN 1932-6203

Smýkal, P and Trněný, O and Brus, J and Hanáček, P and Rathore, A and Das, R R and Pechanec, V and Duchoslav, M and Bhattacharyya, D and Bariotakis, M and Pirintsos, S and Berger, J and Toker, C (2018) Genetic structure of wild pea (Pisum sativum subsp. elatius) populations in the northern part of the Fertile Crescent reflects moderate cross-pollination and strong effect of geographic but not environmental distance. PLoS One (TSI), 13 (3). pp. 1-22. ISSN 1932-6203

Debieu, M and Sine, B and Passot, S and Grondin, A and Akata, E and Gangashetty, P I and Vadez, V and Gantet, P and Fonceka, D and Cournac, L and Hash, C T and Kane, N A and Vigouroux, Y and Laplaze, L (2018) Response to early drought stress and identification of QTLs controlling biomass production under drought in pearl millet. PLoS One (TSI). pp. 1-19. ISSN 2191-5547

Reddy, P S and Dhaware, M G and Reddy, D S and Reddy, B P and Divya, K and Sharma, K K and Bhatnagar-Mathur, P (2018) Comprehensive evaluation of candidate reference genes for real-time quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) data normalization in nutri-cereal finger millet [Eleusine Coracana (L.)]. PLoS One (TSI), 13 (10). pp. 1-17. ISSN 1932-6203

Pacific Business Review International (TSI)

Prasad, K D V and Vaidya, R and Anil Kumar, V (2018) Association among Occupational Stress factors and Performance at workplace among Agricultural Research Sector Employees at Hyderabad, India. Pacific Business Review International (TSI), 10 (7). pp. 27-36. ISSN 1927-0321

Paddy and Water Environment (TSI)

Bado, B V and Djaman, K and Mel, V C (2018) Developing fertilizer recommendations for rice in Sub-Saharan Africa, achievements and opportunities. Paddy and Water Environment (TSI), 16 (3). pp. 571-586. ISSN 1611-2490

Philippine Journal of Science

Soriano, J B and Wani, S P and Rao, A N and Sawargaonkar, G L and Gowda, J A C (2018) Comparative Evaluation of Direct Dry-Seeded and Transplanted Rice in the Dry Zone of Karnataka, India. Philippine Journal of Science, 147 (1). pp. 165-174. ISSN 0031 - 7683

Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants (TSI)

Bhagyawant, S S and Gautam, A K and Narvekar, D T and Gupta, N and Bhadkaria, A and Srivastava, N and Upadhyaya, H D (2018) Biochemical diversity evaluation in chickpea accessions employing mini-core collection. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants (TSI). pp. 1-19. ISSN 0971-5894

Phytochemistry (TSI)

Mohanraj, S S and Tetali, S D and Mallikarjuna, N and Dutta-Gupta, A and Padmasree, K (2018) Biochemical properties of a bacterially-expressed Bowman-Birk inhibitor from Rhynchosia sublobata (Schumach.) Meikle seeds and its activity against gut proteases of Achaea janata. Phytochemistry (TSI), 151. pp. 78-90. ISSN 00319422

Phytopathology (TSI)

Rupavatharam, S and Kennepohl, A and Kummer, B and Parimi, V (2018) Automated plant disease diagnosis using innovative android App (Plantix) for farmers in Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. Phytopathology (TSI), 108 (10). ISSN 0031-949X

Gopalakrishnan, S and Srinivas, V and Naresh, N and Alekhya, G and Sreevidya, M and Sharma, R (2018) Biological control of charcoal rot of sorghum by plant growth-promoting actinomycetes. Phytopathology (TSI), 108 (10). p. 141. ISSN 0031-949X

Sharma, R and Singh, S and Nayak, S and Boyapati, P and Khan, A and Varshney, R K (2018) Comparative transcriptome profiling of compatible and incompatible Magnaporthe grisea-pearl millet interaction. Phytopathology (TSI), 108 (10). pp. 42-43. ISSN 0031-949X

Fountain, J C and Koh, J and Pandey, M K and Zhuang, W and Chen, Z Y and Kemerait, R C and Chen, S and Varshney, R K and Guo, B (2018) Proteomic Profile of Aspergillus flavus responses to oxidative stress. Phytopathology (TSI), 108 (10). p. 102. ISSN 0031-949X

Sharma, M and Ghosh, R (2018) Impact of heat and soil moisture stress on chickpea plant infection with fungal pathogens. Phytopathology (TSI), 108 (10). p. 162. ISSN 0031-949X

Haveri, N and Boyapati, P and Sudini, H (2018) Induced Systemic Resistance and Stem Rot Management in Peanut Using Microbial Consortia. Phytopathology (TSI), 108 (10). p. 132. ISSN 0031-949X

Plant Archives

Sree Latha, E and Sharma, H C (2018) Differences in susceptibility of chickpea (Cicer arietinum Linn.) genotypes to Helicoverpa armigera (Hub.) under no-choice caged conditions and towards washed and un-washed chickpea leaves. Plant Archives, 18 (1). pp. 211-219. ISSN 0972-5210

Plant Biotechnology Journal (TSI)

Agarwal, G and Clevenger, J and Pandey, M K and Wang, H and Shasidhar, Y and Chu, Y and Fountain, J C and Choudhary, D and Culbreath, A K and Liu, X and Huang, G and Wang, X and Deshmukh, R and Holbrook, C C and Bertioli, D J and Ozias-Akins, P and Jackson, S A and Varshney, R K and Guo, B (2018) High-density genetic map using whole-genome resequencing for fine mapping and candidate gene discovery for disease resistance in peanut. Plant Biotechnology Journal (TSI), 16 (11). pp. 1954-1967. ISSN 14677644

Patil, Gunvant and Vuong, T D and Kale, S M and Valliyodan, B and Deshmukh, R and Zhu, C and Wu, X and Bai, Y and Yungbluth, D and Lu, F and Kumpatla, S and Shannon, J G and Varshney, R K and Nguyen, H T (2018) Dissecting genomic hotspots underlying seed protein, oil, and sucrose content in an interspecific mapping population of soybean using high-density linkage mapping. Plant Biotechnology Journal (TSI). pp. 1-15. ISSN 14677644

Plant Breeding (TSI)

Saxena, K B and Kumar, R V and Rao, R and Saxena, R K (2018) Maternal inheritance of male sterility in the progeny of a natural hybrid between Cajanus lineatus and C. cajan. Plant Breeding (TSI). pp. 1-5. ISSN 0179-9541

Singh, S and Sharma, R and Pushpavathi, B and Gupta, S K and Durgarani, CH V and Raj, C and Prasad, M (2018) Inheritance and allelic relationship among gene(s) for blast resistance in pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.]. Plant Breeding (TSI). pp. 1-12. ISSN 01799541

Bera, S K and Manohar, S S and Variath, M T and Chaudhari, S and Yaduru, S and Thankappan, R and Narayana, M and Kurapati, S and Pandey, M K and Sudini, H and Shanmugavel, S and Kulandaivelu, G and Varshney, R K and Pasupuleti, J and Link, W (2018) Assessing variability for disease resistance and nutritional quality traits in an interspecific collection of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea ). Plant Breeding (TSI). pp. 1-12. ISSN 01799541

Plant Disease

Raj, C and Sharma, R and Pushpavathi, B and Gupta, S K and Radhika, K (2018) Inheritance and Allelic Relationship among Downy Mildew Resistance Genes in Pearl Millet. Plant Disease, 102 (6). pp. 1136-1140. ISSN 0191-2917

Plant Disease (TSI)

Nhlapo, T F and Mulabisana, J M and Odeny, D A and Rey, M E C and Rees, D J G (2018) First Report of Sweet potato badnavirus A and Sweet potato badnavirus B in South Africa. Plant Disease (TSI), 102 (9). p. 1865. ISSN 0191-2917

Njoroge, S M C (2018) A Critical Review of Aflatoxin Contamination of Peanuts in Malawi and Zambia: The Past, Present, and Future. Plant Disease (TSI), 102 (12). pp. 2394-2406. ISSN 0191-2917

Plant Gene

Nagaraju, M and Reddy, P S and Anil Kumar, S and Kumar, A and Suravajhala, P and Ali, A and Srivastava, R K and Kavi Kishor, P B and Manohar Rao, D (2018) Genome-wide in silico analysis of dehydrins in Sorghum bicolor , Setaria italica and Zea mays and quantitative analysis of dehydrin gene expressions under abiotic stresses in Sorghum bicolor. Plant Gene, 13. pp. 64-75. ISSN 23524073

Plant Genetic Resources (TSI)

Anggraeni, T D A and Satyawan, D and Kang, Y J and Ha, J and Kim, M Y and Chitikineni, A and Varshney, R K and Lee, S H (2018) Genetic diversity of Jatropha curcas collections from different islands in Indonesia. Plant Genetic Resources (TSI). pp. 1-9. ISSN 1479-2621

Pattanashetti, S K and Naidu, G K and Prakyath Kumar, K V and Singh, O K and Biradar, B D (2018) Identification of iron deficiency chlorosis tolerant sources from mini-core collection of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Plant Genetic Resources (TSI). pp. 1-13. ISSN 1479-2621

Sattler, F T and Sanogo, M D and Kassari, I A and Angarawai, I I and Gwadi, K W and Dodo, H and Haussmann, B I G (2018) Characterization of West and Central African accessions from a pearl millet reference collection for agro-morphological traits and Striga resistance. Plant Genetic Resources (TSI), 16 (3). pp. 260-272. ISSN 1479-2621

Hamidou, M and Souleymane, O and Ba, M N and Danquah, E Y and Kapran, I and Gracen, V and Ofori, K (2018) Identification of stable genotypes and genotype by environment interaction for grain yield in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench). Plant Genetic Resources (TSI). pp. 1-6. ISSN 1479-2621

Plant Genetic Resources: Characterization and Utilization (TSI)

Sattler, F T and Sanogo, M D and Kassari, I A and Angarawai, I I and Gwadi, K W and Dodo, H and Haussmann, B I G (2018) Characterization of West and Central African accessions from a pearl millet reference collection for agro-morphological traits and Striga resistance. Plant Genetic Resources: Characterization and Utilization (TSI), 16 (3). pp. 260-272. ISSN 1479-2621

Plant Health Progress

Njoroge, S M C and Takan, J P and Letayo, E A and Okoth, P S and Ajaku, D O and Kumar, A and Rathore, A and Ojulong, H and Manyasa, E O (2018) Survey of Fungal Foliar and Panicle Diseases of Sorghum in Important Agroecological Zones of Tanzania and Uganda. Plant Health Progress, 19 (3). pp. 265-271. ISSN 1535-1025

Sharma, M and Ghosh, R (2018) Isolation, Identification, and Pathogenicity of Phytophthora Blight of Pigeonpea. Plant Health Progress. pp. 233-236. ISSN 1535-1025

Plant Molecular Biology (TSI)

Bhatnagar-Mathur, P and Gupta, R and Reddy, P S and Reddy, B P and Reddy, D S and Sameer Kumar, C V and Saxena, R K and Sharma, K K (2018) A novel mitochondrial orf147 causes cytoplasmic male sterility in pigeonpea by modulating aberrant anther dehiscence. Plant Molecular Biology (TSI), 97 (1-2). pp. 131-147. ISSN 0167-4412

Plant Molecular Biology Reporter (TSI)

Wang, X and Xu, P and Yin, L and Ren, Y and Li, S and Shi, Y and Alcock, T D and Xiong, Q and Qian, W and Chi, X and Pandey, M K and Varshney, R K and Yuan, M (2018) Genomic and Transcriptomic Analysis Identified Gene Clusters and Candidate Genes for Oil Content in Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Plant Molecular Biology Reporter (TSI). pp. 1-12. ISSN 0735-9640

Plant Physiology and Biochemistry (TSI)

Shinde, H and Dudhate, A and Tsugama, D and Gupta, S K and Liu, S and Takano, T (2018) Pearl millet stress-responsive NAC transcription factor PgNAC21 enhances salinity stress tolerance in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry (TSI). ISSN 09819428 (In Press)

Prathi, N B and Palit, P and Madhu, P and Ramesh, M and Laha, G S and Balachandran, S M and Madhav, M S and Sundaram, R M and Mangrauthia, S K (2018) Proteomic and transcriptomic approaches to identify resistance and susceptibility related proteins in contrasting rice genotypes infected with fungal pathogen Rhizoctonia solani. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry (TSI), 130. pp. 258-266. ISSN 09819428

Plant, Cell & Environment (TSI)

Kudapa, H and Garg, V and Chitikineni, A and Varshney, R K (2018) The RNA-Seq based high resolution gene expression atlas of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) reveals dynamic spatio-temporal changes associated with growth and development. Plant, Cell & Environment (TSI). pp. 1-17. ISSN 0140-7791

Basu, U and Bajaj, D and Sharma, A and Malik, N and Daware, A and Narnoliya, L and Thakro, V and Upadhyaya, H D and Kumar, R and Tripathi, S and Bharadwaj, C and Tyagi, A K and Parida, S K (2018) Genetic dissection of photosynthetic efficiency traits for enhancing seed yield in chickpea. Plant, Cell & Environment (TSI). pp. 1-16. ISSN 0140-7791

Foyer, C H and Siddique, K H M and Tai, A P K and Anders, S and Fodor, N and Wong, F L and Ludidi, N and Chapman, M A and Ferguson, B J and Considine, M J and Zabel, F and Vara Prasad, P V and Varshney, R K and Nguyen, H T and Lam, H M (2018) Modelling predicts that soybean is poised to dominate crop production across Africa. Plant, Cell & Environment (TSI). pp. 1-13. ISSN 01407791

PloS one (TSI)

Boncompagni, E and Orozco-Arroyo, G and Cominelli, E and Gangashetty, P I and Grando, S and Kwaku Zu, T T and Daminati, M G and Nielsen, E and Sparvoli, F (2018) Antinutritional factors in pearl millet grains: Phytate and goitrogens content variability and molecular characterization of genes involved in their pathways. PloS one (TSI), 13 (6). pp. 1-30. ISSN 1932-6203

Public Health Nutrition (TSI)

Anitha, S and Tsusaka, T W and Munthali, T W and Musukwa, M and Mwangwela, A and Kalumikiza, Z and Manani, T and Kachulu, L and Kumwenda, N and Musoke, M and Okori, P (2018) How immediate and significant is the outcome of training on diversified diets, hygiene and food safety? An effort to mitigate child undernutrition in rural Malawi. Public Health Nutrition (TSI), 21 (6). pp. 1156-1166. ISSN 1368-9800

Pulse India

Chaturvedi, S K and Jha, S K and Singh, N P and Gaur, P M and Varshney, R K (2018) Technological And Policy Intervention For Increasing Chickpea Production In India. Pulse India, 8 (1). pp. 7-12.

Remote Sensing

Zampieri, M and Garcia, G C and Dentener, F and Gumma, M K and Salamon, P and Seguini, L and Toreti, A (2018) Surface Freshwater Limitation Explains Worst Rice Production Anomaly in India in 2002. Remote Sensing, 10 (2). pp. 1-19. ISSN 2072-4292

Remote Sensing of Environment (TSI)

Lambert, M J and Traore, P C S and Blaes, X and Baret, P and Defourny, P (2018) Estimating smallholder crops production at village level from Sentinel-2 time series in Mali's cotton belt. Remote Sensing of Environment (TSI), 216. pp. 647-657. ISSN 00344257

Review of Development Economics (TSI)

Khanal, A R and Mishra, A K and Nedumaran, S (2018) Consumption, habit formation, and savings: Evidence from a rural household panel survey. Review of Development Economics (TSI), 23 (1). pp. 1-19. ISSN 1363-6669

Rice Science (TSI)

Swamy, B P M and Kaladhar, K and Anuradha, K and Batchu, A K and Longvah, T and Sarla, N (2018) QTL Analysis for Grain Iron and Zinc Concentrations in Two O. nivara Derived Backcross Populations. Rice Science (TSI), 25 (4). pp. 197-207. ISSN 16726308

Rural Sociology (TSI)

Yami, M and van Asten, P and Hauser, M and Schut, M and Pali, P (2018) Participation without Negotiating: Influence of Stakeholder Power Imbalances and Engagement Models on Agricultural Policy Development in Uganda. Rural Sociology (TSI). pp. 1-26. ISSN 00360112

Science of The Total Environment (TSI)

Sishodia, R P and Shukla, S and Wani, S P and Graham, W D and Jones, J W (2018) Future irrigation expansion outweigh groundwater recharge gains from climate change in semi-arid India. Science of The Total Environment (TSI), 635. pp. 725-740. ISSN 00489697

Scientific Reports (TSI)

Fountain, J C and Koh, J and Yang, L and Pandey, M K and Nayak, S N and Bajaj, P and Zhuang, W J and Chen, Z Y and Kemerait, R C and Lee, R D and Chen, S and Varshney, R K and Guo, B (2018) Proteome analysis of Aspergillus flavus isolate-specific responses to oxidative stress in relationship to aflatoxin production capability. Scientific Reports (TSI), 8 (1) (3430). pp. 1-14. ISSN 2045-2322

Siddaiah, C N and Prasanth, K V H and Satyanarayana, N R and Mudili, V and Gupta, V K and Kalagatur, N K and Satyavati, T and Dai, X F and Chen, J Y and Mocan, A and Singh, B P and Srivastava, R K (2018) Chitosan nanoparticles having higher degree of acetylation induce resistance against pearl millet downy mildew through nitric oxide generation. Scientific Reports (TSI), 8 (1) (2485). pp. 1-14. ISSN 2045-2322

Kaashyap, M and Ford, R and Kudapa, H and Jain, M and Edwards, D and Varshney, R K and Mantri, N (2018) Differential Regulation of Genes Involved in Root Morphogenesis and Cell Wall Modification is Associated with Salinity Tolerance in Chickpea. Scientific Reports (TSI), 8 (1) (4855). pp. 1-19. ISSN 2045-2322

Roorkiwal, M and Jarquin, D and Singh, M K and Gaur, P M and Bharadwaj, C and Rathore, A and Howard, R and Srinivasan, S and Jain, A and Garg, V and Kale, S M and Chitikineni, A and Tripathi, S and Jones, E and Robbins, K R and Crossa, J and Varshney, R K (2018) Genomic-enabled prediction models using multi-environment trials to estimate the effect of genotype × environment interaction on prediction accuracy in chickpea. Scientific Reports (TSI), 8 (1) (11701). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2045-2322

Paudel, D and Kannan, B and Yang, X and Harris-Shultz, K and Thudi, M and Varshney, R K and Altpeter, F and Wang, J (2018) Surveying the genome and constructing a high-density genetic map of napiergrass (Cenchrus purpureus Schumach). Scientific Reports (TSI), 8 (1) (14419). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2045-2322

Basu, U and Srivastava, R and Bajaj, D and Thakro, V and Daware, A and Malik, N and Upadhyaya, H D and Parida, S K (2018) Genome-wide generation and genotyping of informative SNPs to scan molecular signatures for seed yield in chickpea. Scientific Reports (TSI), 8 (13240). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2045-2322

Mureva, A and Ward, D and Pillay, T and Chivenge, P and Cramer, M (2018) Soil Organic Carbon Increases in Semi-Arid Regions while it Decreases in Humid Regions Due to Woody-Plant Encroachment of Grasslands in South Africa. Scientific Reports (TSI), 8 (1). pp. 1-12. ISSN 2045-2322

Scientific Reviews & Chemical Communications

Jakkula, V S and Wani, S P (2018) Zeolites: Potential soil amendments for improving nutrient and water use efficiency and agriculture productivity. Scientific Reviews & Chemical Communications, 8 (1). pp. 1-15. ISSN 2277-2669

Soil Use and Management (TSI)

Manu, V and Whitbread, A M and Blair, G (2018) Effects of vegetative mulches on growth of indigenous crops in the Kingdom of Tonga. Soil Use and Management (TSI). pp. 1-7. ISSN 1475-2743

South African Journal of Botany (TSI)

Nhlapo, T F and Rees, D J G and Odeny, D A and Mulabisana, J M and Rey, M E C (2018) Viral metagenomics reveals sweet potato virus diversity in the Eastern and Western Cape provinces of South Africa. South African Journal of Botany (TSI), 117. pp. 256-267. ISSN 02546299

South African Journal of Plant and Soil

Mvuyekure, S M and Sibiya, J and Derera, J and Nzungize, J and Nkima, G (2018) Assessment of genetic diversity of rice based on SNP markers for selection of parents for sheath rot (Sarocladium oryzae) resistance breeding. South African Journal of Plant and Soil, 35 (1). pp. 51-59. ISSN 0257-1862

Sugar Tech (TSI)

Anil Kumar, G S and Vinutha, K S and Shrivastava, D K and Jain, S and Syed, B A and Gami, B and Marimuthu, S and Yuvraj, A and Yadava, H S and Srivastava, S C and Yadagiri, K and Ansodariya, V and Prasuna, P and Vishwanath, J and Anand, S R and Rathore, A and Umakanth, A V and Rao, P S (2018) Identification of Ideal Locations and Stable High Biomass Sorghum Genotypes in semiarid Tropics. Sugar Tech (TSI), 20 (3). pp. 323-335. ISSN 0972-1525

Vinutha, K S and Lokesh, H and Anil Kumar, G S and Praveen, V V and Rao, P S (2018) Performance of bmr 6 and 12 Sorghum Mutants in Different Wild Backgrounds Under Salinity. Sugar Tech (TSI). pp. 1-1238. ISSN 0972-1525

Gopalakrishnan, S and Sanchez, G and Eggleston, G and Rao, P S (2018) Editorial (Special Issue on Sweet Sorghum). Sugar Tech (TSI). p. 1. ISSN 0972-1525

Sustainability (TSI)

Ouedraogo, M and Barry, S and Zougmore, R B and Partey, S T and Somé, L and Baki, G (2018) Farmers’ Willingness to Pay for Climate Information Services: Evidence from Cowpea and Sesame Producers in Northern Burkina Faso. Sustainability (TSI), 10 (3) (611). pp. 1-16. ISSN 2071-1050

Totin, E and Segnon, A and Schut, M and Affognon, H D and Zougmore, R B and Rosenstock, T and Thornton, P (2018) Institutional Perspectives of Climate-Smart Agriculture: A Systematic Literature Review. Sustainability (TSI), 10 (6) (1990). pp. 1-20. ISSN 2071-1050

Akoto, D S and Denich, M and Partey, S T and Frith, O and Kwaku, M and Mensah, A A and Borgemeister, C (2018) Socioeconomic Indicators of Bamboo Use for Agroforestry Development in the Dry Semi-Deciduous Forest Zone of Ghana. Sustainability (TSI), 10 (7) (2324). pp. 1-13. ISSN 2071-1050

Dinesh, D and Zougmore, R B and Vervoort, J and Totin, E and Thornton, P and Solomon, D and Shirsath, P and Pede, V and Lopez Noriega, I and Läderach, P and Körner, J and Hegger, D and Girvetz, E and Friis, A and Driessen, P and Campbell, B (2018) Facilitating Change for Climate-Smart Agriculture through Science-Policy Engagement. Sustainability (TSI), 10 (8) (2616). pp. 1-21. ISSN 2071-1050

The Crop Journal

Gupta, S K and Nepolean, T and Shaikh, C G and Rai, K N and Hash, C T and Das, R R and Rathore, A (2018) Phenotypic and molecular diversity-based prediction of heterosis in pearl millet ( Pennisetum glaucum L. (R.) Br.). The Crop Journal, 6 (3). pp. 271-281. ISSN 22145141

The Crop Journal (TSI)

Vetriventhan, M and Upadhyaya, H D (2018) Diversity and trait-specific sources for productivity and nutritional traits in the global proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) germplasm collection. The Crop Journal (TSI), 6 (5). pp. 451-463. ISSN 22145141

The Plant Genome (TSI)

Saxena, R K and Rathore, A and Bohra, A and Yadav, P and Das, R R and Khan, A W and Singh, V K and Chitikineni, A and Singh, I P and Sameer Kumar, C V and Varshney, R K (2018) Development and Application of High-Density Axiom Cajanus SNP Array with 56K SNPs to Understand the Genome Architecture of Released Cultivars and Founder Genotypes. The Plant Genome (TSI), 11 (3). pp. 1-10. ISSN 1940-3372

Theoretical and Applied Genetics (TSI)

Saxena, R K and Patel, K and Sameer Kumar, C V and Tyagi, K and Saxena, K B and Varshney, R K (2018) Molecular mapping and inheritance of restoration of fertility (Rf) in A4 hybrid system in pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics (TSI). pp. 1-10. ISSN 0040-5752

Tharanya, M and Kholova, J and Sivasakthi, K and Seghal, D and Hash, C T and Raj, B and Srivastava, R K and Baddam, R and Thirunalasundari, T and Yadav, R and Vadez, V (2018) Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for water use and crop production traits co-locate with major QTL for tolerance to water deficit in a fine-mapping population of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L. R.Br.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics (TSI). pp. 1-21. ISSN 0040-5752

Kante, M and Rattunde, H F W and Nebie, B and Weltzien, E and Haussmann, B I G and Leiser, W L (2018) QTL mapping and validation of fertility restoration in West African sorghum A1 cytoplasm and identification of a potential causative mutation for Rf2. Theoretical and Applied Genetics (TSI). pp. 1-16. ISSN 0040-5752

Thyroid (TSI)

Farebrother, J and Zimmermann, M B and Abdallah, F and Assey, V and Fingerhut, R and Gichohi-Wainaina, W N and Hussein, I and Makokha, A and Sagno, K and Untoro, J and Watts, M and Andersson, M (2018) Effect of Excess Iodine Intake from Iodized Salt and/or Groundwater Iodine on Thyroid Function in Nonpregnant and Pregnant Women, Infants, and Children: A Multicenter Study in East Africa. Thyroid (TSI), 28 (9). pp. 1198-1210. ISSN 1050-7256

Trends in Biosciences

Sreelatha, E and Sharma, H C and Gowda, C L L (2018) Tolerance as Mechanism of Resistance to Helicoverpa armigera (Hub.) in Chickpea (Cicer arietinum Linn.). Trends in Biosciences, 11 (2). pp. 144-148.

Tropical Plant Biology (TSI)

Sharan, A A and Nikam, A N and Jaleel, A and Tamhane, V and Rao, P S (2018) Method for Label-Free Quantitative Proteomics for Sorghum bicolor L. Moench. Tropical Plant Biology (TSI). pp. 1-14. ISSN 1935-9756


Koussoube, S and Ba, M N and Traoré, F and Dabire-Binso, C L and Sanon, A (2018) Evaluation of different options: host plant resistance, weed management, fertilization for the development of an integrated pest management strategy for the sweet potato weevil in Burkina Faso. Tropicultura, 36 (4). pp. 786-797. ISSN 0771-3312

Tropicultura (TSI)

Hamidou, F and Harou, A and Achirou, B F and Halilou, O and Bakasso, Y (2018) Nitrogen Fixation by Groundnut and Cowpea for Productivity Improvement in Drought Conditions in the Sahel. Tropicultura (TSI), 36 (1). pp. 63-79. ISSN 0771-3312

Urban Agriculture & Regional Food Systems

Friedrichsen, C N and Daroub, S H and Monroe, M C and Stepp, J R and Wani, S P (2018) Mental Models of Soil Management for Food Security in Peri-Urban India. Urban Agriculture & Regional Food Systems, 3 (1). pp. 1-16. ISSN 2575-1220

Water Science and Technology (TSI)

Li, X L and Marella, T K and Tao, L and Dai, L L and Peng, L and Song, C F and Li, G (2018) The application of ceramsite ecological floating bed in aquaculture: its effects on water quality, phytoplankton, bacteria and fish production. Water Science and Technology (TSI), 77 (11). pp. 2742-2750. ISSN 0273-1223 (In Press)

World Development (TSI)

Nakano, Y and Tsusaka, T W and Aida, T and Pede, V O (2018) Is farmer-to-farmer extension effective? The impact of training on technology adoption and rice farming productivity in Tanzania. World Development (TSI), 105. pp. 336-351. ISSN 0305750X

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