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Number of items: 94.


Karunakar, R I and Pande, S and Satyaprasad, K and Rao, P R (1993) Varietal reaction of non-senescent sorghums to the pathogens causing root and stalk rot of sorghum in India. International Journal of Pest Management, 39 (3). pp. 343-346. ISSN 0967-0874

Karunakar, R I and Satyaprasad, K and Rao, P R and Pande, S (1993) The role and pathogenicity of various sorghum root and stalk rot pathogens under greenhouse conditions in India. Phytophylactica, 25. pp. 263-267. ISSN 0370-1263


Karunakar, R K and Satyaprasad, K and Pande, S (1994) Competitive saprophytic ability of the sorghum stalk rot pathogens in fungicide amended soils. Indian Journal of Mycology & Plant Pathology, 24 (3). pp. 1286-189. ISSN 0303-4097


Chintapalli, P L (1995) Application of Somaclonal Variation in Crop Improvement of Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millspaugh. PHD thesis, Osmania University.


Audilakshmi, S (1997) Genetics of grain-mould resistance and yield components in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) varieties. PHD thesis, Osmania University.


Devi, K T and Mayo, M A and Reddy, K L N and Delfosse, P and Reddy, G and Reddy, S V and Reddy, D V R (1999) Production and characterization of monoclonal antibodies for aflatoxin B1. Letters In Applied Microbiology, 29 (5). pp. 284-288.

Mythili, P K and Seetharama, N and Reddy, V D (1999) Plant regeneration from embryogenic cell suspension cultures of wild sorghum (Sorghum dimidiatum Stapf.). Plant Cell Reports, 18 (5). pp. 424-428.


Chandrahasa Reddy, Y (2001) Studies on Bacillus thuringiensis proteases involved in the production of insecticidal toxins from protoxins. PHD thesis, Osmania Univerisity.

Devi, K T (2001) Development of cost-effective and simple ELISA-based Tcchnologies for the Estimation of Aflatoxins and Ochratoxin A in Foods and Feeds. PHD thesis, Osmania University.

Devi, K T and Mayo, M A and Reddy, G and Emmanuel, K E and Larondelle, Y and Reddy, D V R (2001) Occurrence of ochratoxin A in black pepper, coriander, ginger and turmeric in India. Food Additives and Contaminants, 18 (9). pp. 830-835.

Devi, K T and Miller, J S and Reddy, G and Reddy, D V R and Mayo, M A (2001) Phage-displayed peptides that mimic aflatoxin B1 in serological reactivity. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 90 (3). pp. 330-336. ISSN 1365-2672

Reddy, Y C (2001) Studies on Bacillus thuringiensis proteases involved in the production of insecticidal toxins from protoxins. PHD thesis, Osmania University.

Srilakshmi, P and Thakur, R P and Prasad, K S and Rao, V P (2001) Identification of Trichoderma species and their antagonistic potential against Aspergillus flavus in groundnut. International Arachis Newsletter, 21. pp. 40-43. ISSN 1010-5824


Vardhan, D H (2002) Establishment of genetic transformation protocol for production of transgenic plants in sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench]. PHD thesis, Osmania University.


Aruna, R (2003) Morphological and molecular diversity analysis and genetic enhancement of Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L.) for podborer resistance through wide Hybridization. PHD thesis, Osmania University.

Suneetha, G (2003) Studies on the in vitro culture and genetic transformation of pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L.)Millsp.) for induced resistance to fungal pathogens. PHD thesis, Osmania University.

Venkateswaran, K (2003) Diversity analysis and identification of sources resistant to downy mildew, shoot fly and stem borer in wild sorghums. PHD thesis, Osmania University.


Srilakshmi, P (2004) Evaluation and characterization of isolates of trichoderma spp. for their biocontrol ability against Aspergillus flavus in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.). PHD thesis, Osmania University.


Aruna, R and Rao, D M and Reddy, L J and Upadhyaya, H D and Sharma, H C (2005) Inheritance of trichomes and resistance to pod borer (Helicoverpa armigera) and their association in interspecific crosses between cultivated pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan) and its wild relative C. scarabaeoides. Euphytica, 145 (3). pp. 247-257. ISSN 1573-5060

Bee, H (2005) Studies on plant growth promoting bacteria and recycling of crop residues for sustainable agriculture. PHD thesis, Osmania University.

Buhariwalla, H K and Srilakshmi, P and Kannan, S and Kanchi, R S and Chndra, S and Satyaprasad, K and Waliyar, F and Thakur, R P and Crouch, J H (2005) AFLP Analysis of Trichoderma spp. from India Compared with Sequence and Morphological-based Diagnostics. Journal Of Phytopathology, 153 (7-8). pp. 389-400. ISSN 1439-0434

Mukhopadhyay, R and Hash, C T and Raj, A G B and Kishor, P B K (2005) Assessment of opportunities to map pearl millet tolerance to salinity during germination and early seedling growth. SAT eJournal, 1 (1).

Sreenivasulu, N. and Varshney, R K and Kishore, P K and Weschke, W (2005) Functional Genomics for Tolerance to Abiotic Stress in Cereals. In: Cereal Genomics. Springer Netherlands, pp. 483-514. ISBN 978-1-4020-2359-0

Sujana, G (2005) Mechanisms of resistance to pod borer, Helicoverpa armigera (hubner), in wild relatives of pigeonpea. PHD thesis, Osmania University.


Hameeda, B and Reddy, Y H K and Rupela, O P and Kumar, G N and Reddy, G (2006) Effect of Carbon Substrates on Rock Phosphate Solubilization by Bacteria from Composts and Macrofauna. Current Microbiology, 53 (4). pp. 298-302. ISSN 0343-8651

Hameeda, B and Rupela, O P and Reddy, G (2006) Antagonistic activity of bacteria inhabiting composts against soil-borne plant pathogenic fungi. Indian Journal of Microbiology, 46 (4). pp. 389-396. ISSN 0046-8991

Hameeda, B and Rupela, O P and Reddy, G and Satyavani, K (2006) Application of plant growth-promoting bacteria associated with composts and macrofauna for growth promotion of Pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.). Biology and Fertility of Soils, 43 (2). pp. 221-227.

Hameeda, B and Rupela, O P and Wani, S P and Reddy, G (2006) Indices to Assess Quality, Productivity and Sustainable Health of Soils Receiving Low Cost Biological and/or Conventional Inputs. International Journal of Soil Science, 1 (3). pp. 196-206. ISSN 1816-4978.

Kamala, V and Bramel, P J and Sivaramakrishnan, S and Chandra, S and Kannan, S and Harikrishna, S and Manohar Rao, D (2006) Genetic and Phenotypic Diversity in Downy-mildew-resistant Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) Germplasm. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 53 (6). pp. 1243-1253. ISSN 0925-9864

Mukhopadhyay, R (2006) A study on the mechanisms of salinity tolerance and development of molecular markers in pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.]. PHD thesis, Osmania University.

Rupela, O P and Gowda, C L L and Wani, S P and Hameeda, B (2006) Evaluation of crop production systems based on locally available biological inputs. In: Biological approaches to sustainable soil systemes. CRC Press, Baca Raton, Florida, USA, 501-515 . ISBN 9781574445831


Amrutha, R N and Sekhar, P N and Varshney, R K and Kishor, P B K (2007) Genome-wide analysis and identification of genes related to potassium transporter families in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Plant Science, 172 (4). pp. 708-721. ISSN 0168-9452

Aruna, R and Rao, D M and Reddy, L J and Ramakrishnan, S S and Upadhyaya, H D (2007) Influence of pod maturity and level of domestication on biochemical components in wild and cultivated pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan). Annals of Applied Biology, 151 (1). pp. 25-32.

Kishore, G K and Pande, S and Harish, S (2007) Evaluation of essential oils and their components for broad-spectrum antifungal activity and control of late leaf spot and crown rot diseases in peanut. Plant Disease, 91 (4). pp. 375-379.

Mukhopadhyay, R and Reddy, P S and Pallela, R and Reddy, N C and Rao, J V and Hash, C T and Kavi Kishor, P B (2007) Differential Responses of Proline, Ion Accumulation and Antioxidative Enzyme Activities in Pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.] lines Differing in Salt Sensitivity. Journal of Plant Biology, 34 (3). pp. 185-192. ISSN 0972-3862


Hameeda, B and Harini, G and Rupela, O P and Wani, S P and Reddy, G (2008) Growth promotion of maize by phosphate-solubilizing bacteria isolated from composts and macrofauna. Microbiological Research, 163 (2). pp. 234-242. ISSN 0944-5013

Padmaja, T and Suneetha, N and Sashidhar, R B and Sharma, H C and Deshpande, V and Venkateswarulu, G (2008) Degradation of the insecticidal toxin produced by Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki by extracellular proteases produced by Chrysosporium sp. Journal Of Applied Microbiology, 104 (4). pp. 1171-1181. ISSN 1364-5072

Sharma, K K and Sreelatha, G and Bhatnagar-Mathur, P and Saxena, K B and Rao, D M (2008) Pigeonpea. In: Compendium of Transgenic Crop Plants: Transgenic Legume Grains and Forages. Blackwell Publishing , Oxfordshire, UK, pp. 133-162. ISBN 978-1-405-16924-0


Aruna, R and Rao, D M and Sivaramakrishnan, S and Reddy, L J and Bramel, P and Upadhyaya, H D (2009) Efficiency of three DNA markers in revealing genetic variation among wild Cajanus species. Plant Genetic Resources, 7 (2). pp. 113-121.

Ramu, P (2009) Development and applications of EST-SSR markers in sorghum. PHD thesis, Osmania University.

Ramu, P and Kassahun, B and Senthilvel, S and Ashok Kumar, C and Jayashree, B and Folkertsma, R T and Ananda Reddy, L and Kuruvinashetti, M S and Haussmann, B I G and Hash, C T (2009) Exploiting rice–sorghum synteny for targeted development of EST-SSRs to enrich the sorghum genetic linkage map. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 119 (7). pp. 1193-1204. ISSN 0040-5752

Ramu, P and Kassahun, B and Senthilvel, S and Ashok Kumar, C and Jayashree, B and Folkertsma, R T and Reddy, L A and Kuruvinashetti, M S and Haussmann, B I G and Hash, C T (2009) Exploiting rice-sorghum synteny for targeted development of EST-SSRs to enrich the sorghum genetic linkage map. TAG Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 119 (7). pp. 1193-1204.

Sujana, G and Sharma, H C and Manohar Rao, D (2009) Antixenosis and antibiosis components of resistance to pod borer Helicoverpa armigera in wild relatives of pigeonpea. International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, 28 (4). pp. 191-200. ISSN 1742-7584

Tatikonda, L and Wani, S P and Kannan, S and Beerelli, N and Sreedevi, T K and Hoisington, D A and Devi, P and Varshney, R K (2009) AFLP-based molecular characterization of an elite germplasm collection of Jatropha curcas L., a biofuel plant. Plant Science, 176 (4). pp. 505-513.


Nayak, S N and Zhu, H and Varghese, N and Datta, S and Choi, H K and Horres, R and Jüngling, R and Singh, J and Kavi Kishor, P B and Sivaramakrishnan, S and Hoisington, D A and Kahl, G and Winter, P and Cook, D R and Varshney, R K (2010) Integration of novel SSR and gene-based SNP marker loci in the chickpea genetic map and establishment of new anchor points with Medicago truncatula genome. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 120 (7). pp. 1415-1441. ISSN 0040-5752

Nayak, S N and Zhu, H and Varghese, N and Datta, S and Choi, H K and Horres, R and Jüngling, R and Singh, J and Kavi Kishor, P B and Sivaramakrishnan, S and Hoisington, D A and Khal, G and Winter, P and Cook, D R and Varshney, R K (2010) Integration of novel SSR and gene-based SNP marker loci in the chickpea genetic map and establishment of new anchor points with Medicago truncatula genome. TAG Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 120 (7). pp. 1415-1441.

Ramu, P and Deshpande, S P and Senthilvel, S and Jayashree, B and Billot, C and Deu, M and Reddy, L A and Hash, C T (2010) In silico mapping of important genes and markers available in the public domain for efficient sorghum breeding. Molecular Breeding, 26. pp. 409-418.

Sanjana Reddy, P and Rao, D M and Reddy, B V S and Ashok Kumar, A (2010) Inheritance of male-fertility restoration in A1, A2, A3 and A4(M)cytoplasmic male-sterility systems of sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench]. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding , 70 (3). pp. 240-246. ISSN 0975-6906

Saxena, R K (2010) Study of inheritance and identification of molecular markers for fertility restorers in pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millspaugh]. PHD thesis, International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics .

Thudi, M and Manthena, R and Wani, S P and Tatikonda, L and Hoisington, D A and Varshney, R K (2010) Analysis of Genetic Diversity in Pongamia [Pongamia pinnata (L)Pierrre] using AFLP Markers. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnlogy, 19 (2). pp. 209-216.


Bohra, A and Dubey, A and Saxena, R K and Penmetsa, R V and Poornima, K N and Kumar, N and Farmer, A D and Srivani, G and Upadhyaya, H D and Gothalwal, R and Ramesh, S and Singh, D and Saxena, K B and Kishor, P B K and Singh, N K and Town, C D and May, G D and Cook, D R and Varshney, R K (2011) Analysis of BAC-end sequences (BESs) and development of BES-SSR markers for genetic mapping and hybrid purity assessment in pigeonpea (Cajanus spp.). BMC Plant Biology, 11 (56). pp. 1-15. ISSN 1471-2229

Devi, M J and Bhatnagar-Mathur, P and Sharma, K K and Serraj, R and Anwar, S Y and Vadez, V (2011) Relationships Between Transpiration Efficiency and Its Surrogate Traits in the rd29A:DREB1A Transgenic Lines of Groundnut. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 197 (4). pp. 272-283. ISSN 1439-037x

Gnanesh, B N and Bohra, A and Sharma, M and Byregowda, M and Pandey, S and Wesley, V and Saxena, R K and Saxena, K B and Kavi Kishor, P B and Varshney, R K (2011) Genetic mapping and quantitative trait locus analysis of resistance to sterility mosaic disease in pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.]. Field Crops Research, 123. pp. 53-61.

Hiremath, P J and Farmer, A and Cannon, S B and Woodward, J and Kudapa, H and Tuteja, R and Kumar, A and Bhanuprakash, A and Mulaosmanovic, B and Gujaria, N and Krishnamurthy, L and Gaur, P M and Kavi Kishor, P B and Shah, T and Srinivasan, R and Lohse, M and Xiao, Y and Town, C D and Cook, D R and May, G D and Varshney, R K (2011) Large-scale transcriptome analysis in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), an orphan legume crop of the semi-arid tropics of Asia and Africa. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 9. pp. 922-931.

Jalaja, N (2011) Development of transgenics for fungal resistance and discovery of chemically induced mutations in Pearl Millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.) population by TILLING. PHD thesis, Osmania University.

Reddy, P S and Manohar Rao, D and Reddy, B V S and Thakur, R P and Ashok Kumar, A (2011) Agronomic potential of A4(M) cytoplasmic male-sterility system compared to A1 CMS system of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor). Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 81 (10). pp. 908-913.

Sanjana Reddy, P and Manohar Rao, D and Reddy, B V S and Ashok Kumar, A and Thakur, R P and Rao, V P (2011) Evaluation of A1, A2, A3, A4(M), A4(G) and A4(VZM) cytoplasms in iso-nuclear backgrounds for grain mold resistance. Crop Protection, 30 (6). pp. 658-662.

Saxena, K B and Sultana, R and Saxena, R K and Kumar, R V and Sandhu, J S and Rathore, A and Kavi Kishor, P B and Varshney, R K (2011) Genetics of Fertility Restoration in A4-Based, Diverse Maturing Hybrids of Pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.]. Crop Science, 51. pp. 574-578. ISSN 0011-183X

Singh, B U and Rao, K V and Sharma, H C (2011) Comparison of selection indices to identify sorghum genotypes resistant to the spotted stemborer, Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, 31 (1-2). pp. 38-51.

Srilakshmi, P and Thakur, R P and Satyaprasad, K (2011) Mechanism of Biocontrol of Aspergillus flavus in Groundnut by Species of Trichoderma. Journal of Mycology and Plant Pathology, 41 (2). pp. 249-254. ISSN 0971-9393

Thudi, M and Bohra, A and Nayak, S N and Varghese, N and Shah, T M and Penmetsa, R V and Thirunavukkarasu, N and Gudipati, S and Gaur, P M and Kulwal, P L and Upadhyaya, H D and Kavi Kishor, P B and Winter, P and Kahl, G and Town, C D and Kilian, A and Cook, D R and Varshney, R K (2011) Novel SSR Markers from BAC-End Sequences, DArT Arrays and a Comprehensive Genetic Map with 1,291 Marker Loci for Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). PLoS ONE, 6 (11). pp. 1-12. ISSN 1932-6203


Basava, R K (2012) Development and exploitation of a set of contiguous segmental substitution lines in pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.]. PHD thesis, Osmania University.

Bohra, A and Saxena, R K and Gnanesh, B N and Saxena, K B and Byregowda, M and Rathore, A and Kavi Kishor, P B and Cook, D R and Varshney, R K (2012) An intra-specific consensus genetic map of pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millspaugh] derived from six mapping populations. TAG Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 125 (6). pp. 1325-1338. ISSN 1432-2242

Hiremath, P J and Kumar, A and Penmetsa, R V and et al, . (2012) Large-scale development of cost-effective SNP marker assays for diversity assessment and genetic mapping in chickpea and comparative mapping in legumes. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 10 (6). pp. 716-732. ISSN 1467-7652

Kamala, V and Sharma, H C and Rao, D M and et al, . (2012) Interactions of spotted stem borer Chilo partellus with wild relatives of sorghum. Plant Breeding. ISSN 1439-0523

Lalitha, N (2012) Genotypic and Phenotypic Diversity in Chickpea (Cicer arietinum l.) Reference Set. PHD thesis, International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics.

Pandey, M K and Rani, N S and Madhav, M S and Sundaram, R M and Varaprasad, G S and Sivaranjini, A K P and Bohra, A and Ram Kumar, G and Kumar, A (2012) Different isoforms of starch-synthesizing enzymes controlling amylose and amylopectin content in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Biotechnology Advances, 30. pp. 1697-1706. ISSN 0734-9750


Ali, S Z and Sandhya, V and Venkateswar Rao, L (2013) Isolation and characterization of drought-tolerant ACC deaminase and exopolysaccharide-producing fluorescent Pseudomonas sp. Annals of Microbiology. pp. 1-10. ISSN 1869-2044

Ramu, P and Billot, C and Rami, J F and Senthilvel, S and Upadhyaya, H D and Reddy, L A and Hash, C T (2013) Assessment of genetic diversity in the sorghum reference set using EST-SSR markers. TAG Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 126 (8). pp. 2051-2064. ISSN 1432-2242


Kumari, B R and Kolesnikova-Allen, M A and Hash, C T and Senthilvel, S and Nepolean, T and Kavi Kishor, P B and Riera-Lizarazu, O and Witcombe, J R and Srivastava, R K (2014) Development of a Set of Chromosome Segment Substitution Lines in Pearl Millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.]. Crop Science, 54 (6). pp. 2175-2182. ISSN 0011-183X

Reddy, P S and Kavi Kishor, P B and Seiler, C and Kuhlmann, M and Eschen-Lippold, L and Lee, J and Reddy, M K and Sreenivasulu, N (2014) Unraveling Regulation of the Small Heat Shock Proteins by the Heat Shock Factor HvHsfB2c in Barley: Its Implications in Drought Stress Response and Seed Development. Plos One, 9 (3). pp. 1-15. ISSN 1932-6203

Shirisha, K and Sahrawat, K L and Devi, P B and Wani, S P (2014) Simple and accurate method for routine analysis of heavy metals in soil, plant, and fertilizer. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. pp. 1-6. ISSN 0010-3624

12 January 2015

Kiranmayee, K N S U and Sharma, H C and Kishore, P B K and Ramu, P and Sivasubramani, S and Munghate, R S and Sakhale, S and Hash, C T and Deshpande, S P (2015) Fine genetic mapping of combined shoot fly resistance (SFR) and stay green (STG) traits on sorghum chromosome SBI-10. In: Plant and Animal Genome XXIII Conference, January 10-14, 2015, San Diego, CA. (Submitted)

18 February 2015

Anbazhagan, K and Bhatnagar-Mathur, P and Vadez, V and Reddy, D S and Kishor, P B K and Sharma, K K (2015) DREB1A overexpression in transgenic chickpea alters key traits influencing plant water budget across water regimes. Plant Cell Reports, 34 (2). pp. 199-210. ISSN 0721-7714

26 November 2021

Bhattacharya, J and Nitnavare, R and Shankhapal, A and Ghosh, S (2021) Microbially synthesized nanoparticles: aspect in plant disease management. In: Biocontrol Mechanisms of Endophytic Microorganisms. Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier, United Kingdom, pp. 303-325. ISBN 978-0-323-88478-5


Bhattacharya, J and Nitnavare, R and Ghosh, S (2022) Molecular Approaches for Removal of Toxic Metal by Genetically Modified Microbes. In: Wastewater Treatment Molecular Tools, Techniques, and Applications. Environmental Sciences, 1 . CRC Press, Boca Raton, pp. 47-59. ISBN 9781003165057

6 May 2022

Nitnavare, R and Bhattacharya, J and Ghosh, S (2022) Nanoparticles for effective management of salinity stress in plants. In: Agricultural Nanobiotechnology Biogenic Nanoparticles, Nanofertilizers and Nanoscale Biocontrol Agents. Woodhead Publishing Series in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition . Woodhead Publishing is an imprint of Elsevier, United States, pp. 189-216. ISBN 978-0-323-99936-6

9 May 2022

Barmukh, R and Roorkiwal, M and Garg, V and Khan, A W and German, L and Jaganathan, D and Chitikineni, A and Kholova, J and Kudapa, H and Samineni, S and Sivasakthi, K and Kale, S M and Gaur, P M and Sagurthi, S R and Benitez-Alfonso, Y and Varshney, R K (2022) Genetic variation in CaTIFY4b contributes to drought adaptation in chickpea. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 20. pp. 1701-1715. ISSN 1467-7652

15 September 2022

Kaniganti, S and Bhattacharya, J and Petla, B P and Reddy, P S (2022) Strigolactone, a neglected plant hormone, with a great potential for crop improvement: Crosstalk with other plant hormones. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 204. ISSN 1873-7307

3 October 2022

Nitnavare, R B and Pothana, A and Yeshvekar, R K and Bhattacharya, J and Sapara, V and Reddy, P S and Ramtirtha, Y and Tarafdar, A and Sharma, M and Bhatnagar-Mathur, P (2022) Chickpea Defensin Gene Family: Promising Candidates for Resistance Against Soil-Borne Chickpea Fungal Pathogens. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 42. pp. 6244-6260. ISSN 1435-8107

7 December 2022

Gangurde, S S and Khan, A W and Janila, P and Variath, M T and Manohar, S S and Singam, P and Chitikineni, A and Varshney, R K and Pandey, M K (2022) Whole-genome sequencing based discovery of candidate genes and diagnostic markers for seed weight in groundnut. The Plant Genome (TSI), 16. pp. 1-19. ISSN 1940-3372

Gangurde, S S and Khan, A W and Janila, P and Variath, M T and Manohar, S S and Singam, P and Chitikineni, A and Varshney, R K and Pandey, M K (2022) Whole-genome sequencing based discovery of candidate genesand diagnostic markers for seed weight in groundnut. The Plant Genome (TSI), 16 (4). pp. 1-19. ISSN 1940-3372

18 January 2023

Ramanagouda, G and Naik, M K and Nitnavare, R B and Yeshvekar, R and Bhattacharya, J and Bhatnagar-Mathur, P and Sharma, M (2023) Genetic enhancement of Trichoderma asperellum biocontrol potentials and carbendazim tolerance for chickpea dry root rot disease management. PLoS ONE (TSI), 18 (1). ISSN 1932-6203

16 March 2023

Gangurde, S S and Pasupuleti, J and Parmar, S and Variath, M T and Bomireddy, D and Manohar, S S and Varshney, R K and Singam, P and Guo, B and Pandey, M K (2023) Genetic mapping identifies genomic regions and candidate genes for seed weight and shelling percentage in groundnut. Frontiers in Genetics (TSI), 14. 01-15. ISSN 1664-8021

5 June 2023

Bhattacharya, J and Reddy, D S and Prasad, K and Nitnavare, R B and Bhatnagar-Mathur, P and Reddy, P S (2023) Ectopic expression of pigeonpea Orf147 gene imparts partial sterility in Cicer arietinum. Gene, 868. pp. 1-7. ISSN 0378-1119

28 August 2023

Lokya, V and Parmar, S and Pandey, A K and Sudini, H K and Huai, D and Ozias-Akins, P and Foyer, C H and Nwosu, C V and Karpinska, B and Baker, A and Xu, P and Liao, B and Mir, R R and Chen, X and Guo, B and Nguyen, H T and Kumar, R and Bera, S K and Singam, P and Kumar, A and Varshney, R K and Pandey, M K (2023) Prospects for developing allergen-depleted food crops. The Plant Genome (TSI), 16 (4). pp. 1-32. ISSN 1940-3372

23 December 2023

Vinutha, K S and Reddy, S E D and Gaddameedi, A and Kiranmayee, K N S U and Naravula, J and Kishor, P B K and Penna, S (2023) Genomics breeding approaches for developing Sorghum bicolor lines with stress resilience and other agronomic traits. Current Plant Biology, 37. pp. 1-11. ISSN 2214-6628

24 January 2024

Veerendrakumar, H V and Barmukh, R and Shah, P and Bomireddy, D (2024) Genomic Selection in Crop Improvement. In: Frontier Technologies for Crop Improvement. Sustainability Sciences in Asia and Africa . Springer, Singapore, pp. 187-222. ISBN 978-981-99-4673-0

30 January 2024

Katamreddy, S C and Reddy, B P and Kishor, P B K and Kumar, A A and Reddy, P S (2024) Identification and expression profile of dhurrin biosynthesis pathway genes in sorghum vegetative tissues. Plant Biotechnology Reports, 18. pp. 195-205. ISSN 1863-5466

7 March 2024

Kaniganti, S and Khisti, M and Polavarapu, K K B and Reddy, P S (2024) Genome-Wide Identification and Characterization of the Strigolactone (SL) Pathway and Associated Genes in Sorghum. Current Trends in Biotechnology and Pharmacy, 18 (1). pp. 1518-1530. ISSN 0973-8916

23 April 2024

Sapara, V and Khisti, M and Yogendra, K and Reddy, P S (2024) Gene editing tool kit in millets: present status and future directions. The Nucleus, 67. pp. 157-179. ISSN 0029-568X

26 June 2024

Sapara, V J and Shankhapal, A R and Reddy, P S (2024) Genome‑wide screening and characterization of phospholipase A (PLA)‑like genes in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.). Planta, 260. pp. 1-13. ISSN 0032-0935

14 July 2024

Errampalli, B and Prasad, M S L and Chunduri, S and Hameeda, B and Lavanya, C and Naresh, N (2024) Diversity in the population of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ricini causing castor wilt disease in India. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 133. ISSN 0885-5765

20 September 2024

Bhattacharya, J and Nitnavare, R B and Bhatnagar-Mathur, P and Reddy, P S (2024) Cytoplasmic male sterility-based hybrids: mechanistic insights. Planta (TSI). pp. 1-21. ISSN 0032-0935

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