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Abdou, H and Falalou, H and Oumarou, H and Achirou, B F and Yacoubou, B (2019) Physiological response of cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] genotypes to water deficit under lysimeter conditions and agronomical performance in field conditions. IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science, 12 (7). pp. 22-33. ISSN 2319-2380

Abdou, H and Falalou, H and Yakoubou, B (2018) Performances morpho-physiologiques et agronomiques du niébé [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walpers] en conditions du déficit hydrique. Journal of Applied Biosciences, 128. pp. 12874-12882. ISSN 1997-5902

Abdoul Karim, T D and Sanoussi, A and Maârouhi, I M and Falalou, H and Yacoubou, B (2018) Effect of water deficit at different stages of development on the yield components of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) genotypes. African journal of biotechnology, 17 (9). pp. 279-287. ISSN 1684-5315

Abdoussalam, S and Fatondji, D and Bado, B V and Ousmane, H and Savadogo, P (2017) Manuel de formation sur la récupération biologique des terres dégradées. Manual. -.

Addae, P C and Bruce, Y A and Utono, I M and Abudulai, M and Traore, F and Ishiyaku, M F and Adamu, R S and Seidu, A and Batieno, B J and Nwankwo, O F and Ba, M N and Adazebra, G A and Tignegre, J E and Dabiré-Binso, C L and Huesing, J E and Hellmich, R L and Pittendrigh, B R and Tamò, M (2021) Distribution and diversity of alternate hosts of Maruca vitrata Fabricius in three West African countries. International Journal of Tropical Insect Science (TSI). ISSN 1742-7592

Akponikpe, P B I and Minet, J and Gerard, B and Defourny, P and Bielders, C L (2011) Spatial fields’ dispersion as a farmer strategy to reduce agro-climatic risk at the household level in pearl millet-based systems in the Sahel: A modeling perspective. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 151 (2). pp. 215-227. ISSN 01681923

Ali, R and Hash, C T and Damris, O and Elhussein, A and Mohamed, A H (2016) Introgression of striga resistance into popular Sudanese sorghum varieties using marker assisted selection. World Journal of Biotechnology, 01 (01). pp. 48-55. ISSN 2518-0878

Amadou, L and Ba, M N and Baoua, I and Muniappan, R (2019) Timing of releases of the parasitoid Habrobracon hebetor and numbers needed in augmentative biological control against the millet head miner Heliocheilus albipunctella. BioControl (TSI). pp. 1-9. ISSN 1386-6141

Amadou, L and Baoua, I and Ba, M N and Karimoune, L and Muniappan, R (2018) Native parasitoids recruited by the invaded fall army worm in Niger. Indian Journal of Entomology. pp. 1253-1254. ISSN 0367-8288 (In Press)

Amadou, L and Baoua, I and Ba, M N and Muniappan, R (2019) Development of an Optimum Diet for Mass Rearing of the Rice Moth, Corcyra cephalonica (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), and Production of the Parasitoid, Habrobracon hebetor (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), for the Control of Pearl Millet Head Miner. Journal of Insect Science (TSI), 19 (2). pp. 1-5. ISSN 1536-2442

Amadou, L and Baoua, I B and Ba, M N and Haussmann, B and Altiné, M (2017) Management of the pearl millet head miner through releases of the parasitoid wasp Habrobracon hebetor Say in Niger. Cahiers Agricultures (TSI), 26 (5). pp. 1-7. ISSN 1166-7699

Ambawat, S and Senthilvel, S and Hash, C T and Nepolean, T and Rajaram, V and Eshwar, K and Sharma, R and Thakur, R P and Rao, V P and Yadav, R C and Srivastava, R K (2016) QTL mapping of pearl millet rust resistance using an integrated DArT- and SSR-based linkage map. Euphytica, 209 (2). pp. 461-476. ISSN 1573-5060

Angarawai, I I and Bukar, B and Olabanji, O G and Iro, N and Haussmann, B G and Weltzien, E and Gwadi, K W and Gubio, T and Yahaya, Y (2016) Farmer participatory varietal selection in pearl millet: Experience across some states of Northern Nigeria. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 11 (16). pp. 1421-1425. ISSN 1991-637X

Aparna, K and Nepolean, T and Srivastava, R K and Kholova, J and Rajaram, V and Kumar, S and Rekha, B and Senthilvel, S and Hash, C T and Vadez, V (2015) Quantitative trait loci associated with constitutive traits control water use in pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.]. Plant Biology, 17 (05). pp. 1073-1084. ISSN 1438-8677 (In Press)

Ayantunde, A A and Umutoni, C and Dembele, T and Seydou, K and Samake, O (2019) Effects of feed and health interventions on small ruminant production in mixed crop-livestock systems in Southern Mali. Revue d’élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux, 72 (2). pp. 65-72. ISSN 0035-1865


Ba, M N and Huesing, J E and Dabiré-Binso, C L and Tamò, M and Pittendrigh, B R and Murdock, L L (2019) The legume pod borer, Maruca vitrata Fabricius (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), an important insect pest of cowpea: a review emphasizing West Africa. International Journal of Tropical Insect Science (TSI), 39 (2). pp. 93-106. ISSN 1742-7592

Ba, M N and Huesing, J E and Tamò, M and Higgins, T J V and Pittendrigh, B R and Murdock, L L (2018) An assessment of the risk of Bt-cowpea to non-target organisms in West Africa. Journal of Pest Science (TSI). pp. 1-15. ISSN 1612-4758

Bado, B V and Bationo, A (2018) Integrated Management of Soil Fertility and Land Resources in Sub-Saharan Africa: Involving Local Communities. Advances in Agronomy (TSI), 150. pp. 1-33. ISSN 00652113 (In Press)

Bado, B V and Bationo, A and Whitbread, A and Tabo, R and Manzo, M L S (2022) Improving the productivity of millet based cropping systems in the West African Sahel: Experiences from a long-term experiment in Niger. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (TSI), 335. pp. 1-13. ISSN 0167-8809

Bado, B V and Djaman, K and Mel, V C (2018) Developing fertilizer recommendations for rice in Sub-Saharan Africa, achievements and opportunities. Paddy and Water Environment (TSI), 16 (3). pp. 571-586. ISSN 1611-2490

Bado, B V and Savadogo, P and Manzo, M L S (2016) Restoration of Degraded Lands in West Africa Sahel: Review of experiences in Burkina Faso and Niger. Technical Report. ICRISAT.

Bado, B V and Sedogo, M and Lompo, F and Maman Laminou, S M (2018) Biological Nitrogen Fixation by Local and Improved Genotypes of Cowpea in Burkina Faso (West Africa): Total Nitrogen Accumulated can be used for Quick Estimation. Advances in Agriculture, 2018 (964192). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2356-654X

Baidu-Forson, J and Bationo, A (1992) An economic evaluation of a long-term experiment on phosphorus and manure amendments to sandy Sahelian soils: Using a stochastic dominance model. Fertilizer Research, 33 (3). pp. 193-202. ISSN 0167-1731

Bama, H B and Dabire, R A and Ouattara, D and Niassy, S and Ba, M N and Dakouo, D (2018) Diapause disruption in Cirina butyrospermi Vuillet (Lepidoptera, Attacidae), the shea caterpillar, in Burkina Faso. Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, 4 (4). pp. 239-245. ISSN 2352-4588

Bansal, R K and Klaij, M C and Serafini, P G (1986) Animal traction in improved farming systems for the semiarid tropics: the ICRISAT experience from India and West Africa. In: Animal power in farming systems. Proceedings of networkshop.

Beggi, F and Falalou, H and Buerkert, A and Vadez, V (2014) Tolerant pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.) varieties to low soil P have higher transpiration efficiency and lower flowering delay than sensitive ones. Plant and Soil, 389 (1). pp. 89-108. ISSN 0032-079X

Beggi, F and Falalou, H and Buerkert, A and Vadez, V (2015) Tolerant pearlmillet (Pennisetumglaucum(L.) R. Br.) varieties to low soil P have higher transpiration efficiency and lower flowering delay than sensitive ones. Plant and Soil, 389 (1). pp. 89-108. ISSN 0032-079X

Beggi, F and Hamidou, F and Hash, C T and Buerkert, A (2016) Effects of early mycorrhization and colonized root length on low-soil-phosphorus resistance of West African pearl millet. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 179 (04). 01-06. ISSN 1436-8730

Bielders, C L and Gerard, B (2015) Millet response to microdose fertilization in south–western Niger: Effect of antecedent fertility management and environmental factors. Field Crops Research, 171. pp. 165-175. ISSN 0378-4290

Blessing, O C and Ibrahim, A and Safo, E Y and Yeboah, E and Abaidoo, R C and Logah, V and Monica, U I (2017) Fertilizer micro-dosing in West African low-input cereals cropping: Benefits, challenges and improvement strategies. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 12 (14). pp. 1169-1176. ISSN 1991-637X

Bodian, A and Ouattara, B and Sarr, A and Gano, B and Sall, M N and Ndir, K N and Cissé, N and Falalou, H (2019) Genetic structure and diversity in Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench landraces from marginal sorghum production lands in Senegal, based on SSR markers. Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics, 7 (3). pp. 134-144. ISSN 2308-121X

Boncompagni, E and Orozco-Arroyo, G and Cominelli, E and Gangashetty, P I and Grando, S and Kwaku Zu, T T and Daminati, M G and Nielsen, E and Sparvoli, F (2018) Antinutritional factors in pearl millet grains: Phytate and goitrogens content variability and molecular characterization of genes involved in their pathways. PloS one (TSI), 13 (6). pp. 1-30. ISSN 1932-6203

Bouajila, A and Lamine, M and Rahali, F Z and Melki, I and Prakash, G and Ghorbel, A (2020) Pearl millet populations characterized by Fusarium prevalence, morphological traits, phenolic content, and antioxidant potential. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (TSI), 100 (11). pp. 4172-4181. ISSN 0022-5142

Boubou Diallo, M and Akponikpe, P B I and Abasse, T and Fatondji, D and Agbossou, E K (2019) Why is the spatial variability of millet yield high at farm level in the Sahel? Implications for research and development. Arid Land Research and Management (TSI). pp. 1-24. ISSN 1532-4982


Coulibaly-Lingani, P and Tigabu, M and Savadogo, P and Odén, P C (2014) Participatory forest management in Burkina Faso: Members’ perception of performance. Journal of Forestry Research, 25 (03). pp. 637-646. ISSN 1993-0607


Dayamba, S D and Santi, S and Savadogo, P (2014) Improving seed germination of four savanna-woodland species: effects of fire-related cues and prolonged soaking in sulphuric acid. Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 26 (1). pp. 16-21. ISSN 0128-1283

Debieu, M and Sine, B and Passot, S and Grondin, A and Akata, E and Gangashetty, P I and Vadez, V and Gantet, P and Fonceka, D and Cournac, L and Hash, C T and Kane, N A and Vigouroux, Y and Laplaze, L (2018) Response to early drought stress and identification of QTLs controlling biomass production under drought in pearl millet. PLoS One (TSI). pp. 1-19. ISSN 2191-5547

Desmae, H and Ntare, B and Motagi, B N and Falalou, H and Upadhyaya, H D and Oteng-Frimpong, R and Sako, D and Echekwu, C and Miningou, A and Monyo, E and Varshney, R K (2017) Advances in groundnut breeding for drought prone West and Central Africa. In: InterDrought-V, February 21-25, 2017, Hyderabad, India.

Djaman, K and Bado, B V and Mel, V C (2016) Effect of nitrogen fertilizer on yield and nitrogen use efficiency of four aromatic rice varieties. Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, 28 (02). pp. 126-135. ISSN 2079-052X

Doamba, S W M F and Savadogo, P and Nacro, H B (2014) Effects of burning on soil macrofauna in a savanna-woodland under different experimental fuel load treatments. Applied Soil Ecology, 81. pp. 37-44. ISSN 0929-1393


Falalou, H and Mariama, H and Achirou, F B and Oumarou, H and Vadez, V (2018) Genotypic Variation for Root Development, Water Extraction and Yield Components in Groundnut Under Low Phosphorus and Drought Stresses. American Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 6 (5). pp. 122-131. ISSN 2330-8591

Falalou, H and Sani, M A and Hassane, Y B and Falke, B A and Upadhyaya, H D (2017) Abiotic Stresses Tolerance and Nutrients Contents in Groundnut, Pearl Millet and Sorghum Mini Core Germplasm for Food and Nutrition Security. Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources, 30 (3). pp. 201-209. ISSN 0971-8184

Falke, A B and Hamidou, F and Halilou, O and Harou, A (2019) Assessment of Groundnut Elite Lines under Drought Conditions and Selection of Tolerance Associated Traits. Advances in Agriculture, 2019 (303427). pp. 1-10. ISSN 2356-654X

Fatondji, D and Ibrahim, A (2018) Improving nutrient use efficiency from decomposing manure and millet yield under Plinthosols in Niger. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems (TSI). pp. 1-15. ISSN 1385-1314

Fatondji, D and Tabo, R and Hash, C T and Bationo, A (2018) Effect of Hill Placement of Nutrients on Millet Productivity and Characteristics of Sahelian Soils of Niger: Analysis of Yield Trend After Three Years of Cropping. In: Improving the Profitability, Sustainability and Efficiency of Nutrients Through Site Specific Fertilizer Recommendations in West Africa Agro-Ecosystems. Springer, pp. 63-79. ISBN 978-3-319-58788-2

Faye, I and Pandey, M K and Hamidou, F and Rathore, A and Ndoye, O and Vadez, V and Varshney, R K (2015) Identification of quantitative trait loci for yield and yield related traits in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) under different water regimes in Niger and Senegal. Euphytica, 206 (3). pp. 631-647. ISSN 1573-5060


Gahukar, R T and Ba, M N (2019) An Updated Review of Research on Heliocheilus albipunctella (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), in Sahelian West Africa. Journal of Integrated Pest Management (TSI), 10 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2155-7470

Gaikwad, P S and Mehtre, S P and Vadez, V and Hash, C T and Deshpande, S P (2017) Detection of stay-green QTL in a sorghum recombinant inbred population based on cross (N13 × E36-1). In: InterDrought-V, February 21-25, 2017, Hyderabad, India.

Gaisberger, H and Kindt, R and Loo, J and Schmidt, M and Bognounou, F and Da, S S and Diallo, O B and Ganaba, S and Gnoumou, A and Lompo, D and Lykke, A M and Mbayngone, E and Nacoulma, B M I and Ouedraogo, M and Ouedraogo, O and Parkouda, C and Porembski, S and Savadogo, P and Thiombiano, A and Zerbo, G and Vinceti, B (2017) Spatially explicit multi-threat assessment of food tree species in Burkina Faso: A fine-scale approach. PLoS ONE, 12 (9). pp. 1-26. ISSN 1932-6203

Gangashetty, P I and Motagi, B N and Pavan, R and Roodagi, M B (2016) Breeding Crop Plants for Improved Human Nutrition Through Biofortification: Progress and Prospects. In: Advances in Plant Breeding Strategies: Agronomic, Abiotic and Biotic Stress Traits. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland. ISBN 978-3-319-22517-3 (Submitted)

Gangashetty, P I and Riyazaddin, M and Sanogo, M D and Inousa, D and Issoufou, K A and Asungre, P A and Sy, O and Govindaraj, M and Ignatius, A I (2021) Identification of High-Yielding Iron-Biofortified Open-Pollinated Varieties of Pearl Millet in West Africa. Frontiers in Plant Science (TSI), 12 (688937). pp. 1-10. ISSN 1664-462X

Gaston, S and Dahiratou, I D and Moussa, B and Fatondji, D (2017) Impact of previous legumes on millet mycorrhization and yields in sandy soil of West African Sahel. Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management, 8 (10). pp. 164-189. ISSN 2141-2391

Gemenet, D C and Beggi, F and Hash, C T and Sy, O and Sanogo, M D and Zangre, R G and Falalou, H and Buerkert, A and Haussmann, B G (2016) Towards understanding the traits contributing to performance of pearl millet open-pollinated varieties in phosphorus-limited environments of West Africa. Plant and Soil, 407 (1-2). pp. 243-259. ISSN 0032-079X

Gemenet, D C and Leiser, W L and Beggi, F and Herrmann, L H and Vadez, V and Rattunde, H F W and Weltzien, E and Hash, C T and Buerkert, A and Haussmann, B I G (2016) Overcoming Phosphorus Deficiency in West African Pearl Millet and Sorghum Production Systems: Promising Options for Crop Improvement. Frontiers in Plant Science, 07 (1389). 01-10. ISSN 1664-462X

Gemenet, D C and Leiser, W L and Zangre, R G and Angarawai, I I and Sanogo, M D and Sy, O and Thudi, M and Hash, C T and Haussmann, B I G (2015) Association analysis of low-phosphorus tolerance in West African pearl millet using DArT markers. Molecular Breeding, 35 (171). ISSN 1380-3743

Goudia, B D and Hash, C T (2015) Breeding for high grain Fe and Zn levels in cereals. International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, 12 (2). pp. 342-354. ISSN 2028-9324

Graef, F and van Duivenbooden, N and Stahr, K (1998) Remote sensing and transect-based retrieval of spatial soil and terrain (SOTER) information in semi-arid Niger. Journal of Arid Environments, 39 (4). pp. 631-644. ISSN 01401963

Guerci, M J and Norton, G W and Ba, M N and Baoua, I and Alwang, J and Amadou, L and Moumouni, O and Karimoune, L and Muniappan, R (2018) Economic feasibility of an augmentative biological control industry in Niger. Crop Protection (TSI), 110. pp. 34-40. ISSN 0261-2194

Gupta, S K and Nepolean, T and Sankar, S M and Rathore, A and Das, R R and Rai, K N and Hash, C T (2015) Patterns of Molecular Diversity in Current and Previously Developed Hybrid Parents of Pearl Millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.]. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 6 (11). pp. 1697-1712. ISSN 2158-2742

Gupta, S K and Nepolean, T and Shaikh, C G and Rai, K N and Hash, C T and Das, R R and Rathore, A (2018) Phenotypic and molecular diversity-based prediction of heterosis in pearl millet ( Pennisetum glaucum L. (R.) Br.). The Crop Journal, 6 (3). pp. 271-281. ISSN 22145141


Halilou, O and Assefa, Y and Falalou, H and Abdou, H and Achirou, B F and Karami, S M A and Jagadish, S V K (2020) Agronomic performance of pearl millet genotypes under variable phosphorus, water, and environmental regimes. Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment, 3 (1). pp. 1-14. ISSN 2639-6696

Halilou, O and Hamidou, F and Taya, B K and Mahamane, S and Vadez, V (2015) Water use, transpiration efficiency and yield in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) and peanut (Arachis hypogaea) across water regimes. Crop and Pasture Science, 66 (7). pp. 715-728. ISSN 1836-0947

Halilou, O and Hissene, H M and Clavijo Michelangeli, J A and Hamidou, F and Sinclair, T R and Soltani, A and Mahamane, S and Vadez, V (2016) Determination of coefficient defining leaf area development in different genotypes, plant types and planting densities in peanut (Arachis hypogeae L.). Field Crops Research, 199. pp. 42-51. ISSN 03784290

Hamidou, F and Bissala, H Y and Awel, M S and Upadhyaya, H D (2016) Abiotic Stresses Tolerance and Nutrients Contents in Groundnut, Pearl Millet and Sorghum Mini Core Collections for Food and Nutrition Security. In: 1st International Agrobiodiversity Congress, November 06-09, 2016, New Delhi, India.

Hamidou, F and Harou, A and Achirou, B F and Halilou, O and Bakasso, Y (2018) Nitrogen Fixation by Groundnut and Cowpea for Productivity Improvement in Drought Conditions in the Sahel. Tropicultura (TSI), 36 (1). pp. 63-79. ISSN 0771-3312

Hamidou, F and Heynikoye, M and Halilou, O and Upadhyaya, H D and Vadez, V (2017) Drought (WS) and low phosphorus (LP) stress in groundnut: Water extraction pattern and tolerance related traits for breeding program. In: InterDrought-V, February 21-25, 2017, Hyderabad, India.

Hamidou, M and Souley, A K M and Kapran, I and Souleymane, O and Danquah, E Y and Ofori, K and Gracen, V and Ba, M N (2018) Genetic Variability and Its Implications on Early Generation Sorghum Lines Selection for Yield, Yield Contributing Traits, and Resistance to Sorghum Midge. International Journal of Agronomy (TSI), 2018 (186479). pp. 1-10. ISSN 1687-8159

Hamidou, M and Souleymane, O and Ba, M N and Danquah, E and Kapran, I and Gracen, V and Ofori, K (2018) Principal component analysis of early generation sorghum lines for yield-contributing traits and resistance to midge. Journal of Crop Improvement. pp. 1-9. ISSN 1542-7528

Hamidou, M and Souleymane, O and Ba, M N and Danquah, E Y and Kapran, I and Gracen, V and Ofori, K (2018) Identification of stable genotypes and genotype by environment interaction for grain yield in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench). Plant Genetic Resources (TSI). pp. 1-6. ISSN 1479-2621

Hamidou, M and Souleymane, O and Salifou, M and Ba, M N and Kapran, I and Gracen, V and Ofori, K and Yirenkyi Danquah, E and Marques, I (2020) Exploitation of Hybrid Vigor for Identification of Promising Sorghum F1 Hybrid for High Grain Yield and Resistance to Sorghum Midge. International Journal of Agronomy (TSI), 2020. pp. 1-5. ISSN 1687-8159


Ibrahim, A and Abaidoo, R C and Fatondji, D and Opoku, A (2016) Determinants of fertilizer microdosing-induced yield increment of pearl millet on an acid sandy soil. Experimental Agriculture, 52 (04). pp. 562-578. ISSN 0014-4797

Ibrahim, A and Abaidoo, R C and Fatondji, D and Opoku, A (2015) Hill placement of manure and fertilizer micro-dosing improves yield and water use efficiency in the Sahelian low input millet-based cropping system. Field Crops Research, 180. pp. 29-36. ISSN 0378-4290

Ibrahim, A and Abaidoo, R C and Fatondji, D and Opoku, A (2015) Integrated use of fertilizer micro-dosing and Acacia tumida mulching increases millet yield and water use efficiency in Sahelian semi-arid environment. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 103 (3). pp. 375-388. ISSN 1385-1314

Ibrahim, A and Abaidoo, R C and Iliasso, A D K T and Fatondji, D (2018) Nutrient release dynamics from decomposing organic materials and their mulching-effect on pearl millet yields in a low-input Sahelian cropping system. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems (TSI). pp. 1-15. ISSN 1385-1314

Ihm, J and Shumate, M and Bello-Bravo, J and Atouba, Y and Ba, M N and Dabire-Binso, C L and Pittendrigh, B R (2015) How do Service Providers and Clients Perceive Interorganizational Networks? VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 26 (05). pp. 1769-1785. ISSN 1573-7888

Irshad Ahmed, M and Anil Kumar, H and Laminou, S and Mohammed, I A and Bado, B V and Fatondji, D and Whitbread, A M (2019) Scaling up Land Restoration Approaches to Reclaim the Hardpans of Niger for Agriculture using Sentinel 2 Imagery. In: world soils user consultation meeting, 2-3 July 2019, Frascati (Rome), Italy. (Submitted)

Issa, A and Falalou, H and Younoussa, O M and Yacoubou, B and Didier, Z J (2016) Caracterisation Agro-Morphologique Des Accessions D’arachide (Arachis Hypogaea L.) Pour La Teneur En Huile. European Scientific Journal, 12 (15). pp. 337-351. ISSN 18577881

Issa, S and Jarial, S and Brah, N and Harouna, L (2016) Are millet and sorghum good alternatives to maize in layer’s feeds in Niger, West Africa? Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 86 (11). pp. 1302-1305. ISSN 0367-8318

Issa, S and Jarial, S and Brah, N and Harouna, L and Soumana, L (2015) Use of sorghum on stepwise substitution of maize in broiler feeds in Niger. Livestock Research for Rural Development, 27 (10). pp. 1-6. ISSN 0121-3784


Jalloh, A and Faye, M D and Roy-Macauley, H and Sereme, P and Zougmore, R B and Thomas, T S and Nelson, G C (2013) Overview. In: West African agriculture and climate change: A comprehensive analysis. IFPRI’s climate change in Africa series . International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, pp. 1-35. ISBN 978-0-89629-204-8

Jalloh, A and Faye, M D and Roy-Macauley, H and Sereme, P and Zougmore, R B and Thomas, T S and Nelson, G C (2013) Summary and conclusions. In: West African agriculture and climate change: A comprehensive analysis. IFPRI’s climate change in Africa series . International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, pp. 383-391. ISBN 978-0-89629-204-8

Jalloh, A and Nelson, G C and Thomas, T S and Zougmore, R B and Macauley, H R (2013) West African agriculture and climate change: a comprehensive analysis. IFPRI’s climate change in Africa series . International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington. ISBN 978-0-89629-204-8

Janvier, E and Nasser, B M and Irenikatche, A P B and Jonas, D A and Moutouama Fidele, T and Rigobert, T and Fatondji, D and Saidou, K and Perceval, A and Anderson, K A and Nestor, S (2014) Impacts of water and soil conservation strategies on households’ food security in North West of Benin. International Journal of Agricultural Science Research, 3 (10). pp. 196-202. ISSN 2327-3321

Jarial, S (2015) Comparative Analysis of Fodder and Grain from Dual Purpose Barley vis-a- vis Local Variety in Hills of Uttarakhand, India. Indian Research Journal of Extension Education, 15 (3). pp. 47-51. ISSN 0972-2181

Jarial, S and Ajeigbe, H A and Shehu, Y and Issa, S and Maman, N (2014) Innovation Platform : Methods to engage crop-livestock stakeholders in West Africa. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of Drylands on the theme of ‘Climate Change and Food Security in the African Drylands, 8th - 12th December, 2014, Centre for Dryland Agriculture, Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria.

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