Items where Year is 1995

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Jump to: African Crop Science Journal | Afro-Asian Journal of Nematology | Agricultural Economics | Agricultural Systems | Agricultural Water Management | Agronomy Journal | Agronomy Journal | Annals of Applied Biology | Australian Journal of Plant Physiology | Cereal Research Communications | Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences | Crop Protection | Crop Science | Economic and Political Weekly | Euphytica | European Journal of Plant Pathology | Experimental Agriculture | Fertiliser News | Fertilizer Research | Field Crops Research | Fundamental Applied Nematology | Geoderma | Handbook of Plant and Crop Physiology | Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences | Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding | Indian Journal of Plant Protection | Indian Journal of Pulses Research | Insect Science and its Application | Integrated Pest Management Reviews | International Agricultural Engineering Journal | International Arachis Newsletter | International Arachis Newsletter 15:86-87 | International Chickpea Newsletter | International Chickpea and Pigeonpea Newsletter | International Journal of Pest Management | International Journal of Tropical Plant Diseases | International Sorghum and Millets Newsletter | International Sorghum and Millets Newsletter | Journal Phytopathology | Journal of Agricultural Science | Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry | Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science | Journal of Biological Control | Journal of Cereal Science | Journal of Economic Entomology | Journal of Entomological Research | Journal of Food Science and Technology | Journal of Genetics and Breeding | Journal of Heredity | Journal of Nematology | Journal of Oilseeds Research | Journal of Sustainable Agriculture | Journal of production agriculture | Journal of soil biology & ecology. | Mycorrhiza | Peanut Science | Phytopathologia Mediterranea | Phytophaga | Plant Breeding | Plant Disease | Plant Pathology | Plant Physiology | Plant and Soil | Rainfed Agriculture Research Newsletter | Series on International Agricultural Research | Soil & Tillage Research | Soil Biology and Biochemistry | TAG Theoretical and Applied Genetics | Theoretical and Applied Genetics
Number of items: 142.

African Crop Science Journal

Nwanze, K F and Seetharama, N and Sharma, H C and Stenhouse, J W (1995) Biotechnology in Pest Management: Improving Resistance in Sorghum to Insect Pests. African Crop Science Journal, 3 (2). pp. 209-215. ISSN 2072-6589

Afro-Asian Journal of Nematology

Siddiqi, M R and Sharma, S B (1995) Trichodorus reduncus sp. n. and Tylenchorhynchus (Divittus) dispersus sp. n. associated with groundnut in Vietnam. Afro-Asian Journal of Nematology, 5 (1). pp. 48-52. ISSN 0963-6420

Agricultural Economics

Adesina, A A and Baidu-Forson, J (1995) Farmers’ perceptions and adoption of new agricultural technology: Evidence from analysis in Burkina Faso and Guinea, West Africa. Agricultural Economics, 13 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 1574-0862

Agricultural Systems

Kelley, T G and Ryan, J G and Patel, B K (1995) Applied participatory priority setting in international agricultural research: Making trade-offs transparent and explicit. Agricultural Systems, 49 (2). pp. 177-216. ISSN 0308-521X

Agricultural Water Management

Daamen, C C and Simmonds, L P and Sivakumar, M V K (1995) The impact of sparse millet crops on evaporation from soil in semi-arid Niger. Agricultural Water Management, 27 (3-4). pp. 225-242. ISSN 0378-3774

Agronomy Journal

Payne, W A and Hossner, L R and Onken, A B and Wendt, C W (1995) Nitrogen and Phosphorus Uptake in Pearl Millet and Its Relation to Nutrient and Transpiration Efficiency. Agronomy Journal, 87 (3). pp. 425-431. ISSN 0002-1962

Michels, K and Allison, B E and Armbrust, D V and Sivakumar, M V K (1995) Wind and Windblown Sand Damage to Pearl Millet. Agronomy Journal, 87 (4). pp. 620-626. ISSN 0002-1962

Agronomy Journal

Buerkert, A and Stern, R D and Marschner, H (1995) Post Stratification Clarifies Treatment Effects on Pearl Millet Growth in the Sahel. Agronomy Journal , 87 (4). pp. 752-761. ISSN 0002-1962

Annals of Applied Biology

Sharma, H C and Soman, P and Subramanian, V (1995) Effect of host plant resistance and chemical control of the head bug, Calocoris angustatus Leth., on grain quality and seedling establishment in sorghum. Annals of Applied Biology, 126 (1). pp. 131-142. ISSN 0003-4746

Australian Journal of Plant Physiology

Nageswara Rao, R C and UdayKumar, C and Farquhar, G D and Talwar, H S and Prasad, T G (1995) Variation in Carbon Isotope Discrimination and Its Relationship to Specific Leaf Area and Ribulose-1,5-Bisphosphate Carboxylase Content in Groundnut Genotypes. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology, 22 (4). pp. 545-551. ISSN 0310-7841

Cereal Research Communications

Bohorova, N E and Ginkel, M van and Rajaram, V and Hoisington, D A (1995) Tissue culture response of CIMMYT elite bread wheat cultlvars and evaluation of regenerated plants. Cereal Research Communications, 23 (3). pp. 243-249. ISSN 1788-9170

Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences

Subbarao, G V and Johansen, C and Slinkard, A E and Rao, R C N and Saxena, N P and Chauhan, Y S (1995) Strategies for Improving Drought Resistance in Grain Legumes. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, 14 (6). pp. 469-523. ISSN 0735-2689

Crop Protection

Wightman, J A and Anders, M M and Rameshwar Rao, V and Reddy, L M (1995) Management of Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on chickpea in southern India: thresholds and the economics of host plant resistance and insecticide application. Crop Protection, 14 (1). pp. 37-46. ISSN 0261-2194

Crop Science

Rao, M J V and Upadhyaya, H D and Mehan, V K and Nigam, S N and McDonald, D and Reddy, N S (1995) Registration of Peanut Germplasm ICGV 88145 and ICGV 89104 Resistant to Seed Infection by Aspergillus flavus. Crop Science, 35 (6). p. 1717.

Nigam, S N and Hildebrand, G L and Bock, K R (1995) Registration of ICGV-SM 83708 Peanut Germplasm. Crop Science, 35 (6). p. 1718.

Dwivedi, S L and Nagabhushanam, G V S and Amin, P W and Ranga Rao, G V and Nigam, S N and Wightman, J A (1995) Registration of Four Jassid-Resistant Peanut Germplasm Lines: ICGV 86252, ICGV 86393, ICGV 86455, and ICGV 86462. Crop Science, 35 (6). p. 1716.

Nigam, S N and Rao, M J V and Upadhyaya, H D and Rao, Y L C and Reddy, N S (1995) Registration of an Early-Maturing Peanut Germplasm ICGV 86015. Crop Science, 35 (6). pp. 1718-1719. ISSN 1435-0653

Gowda, C L L and Singh, Onkar and Sethi, S C and Singh, K B and Rao, B V and Rahman, M M and Kumar, J and Rahman, M A (1995) Registration of ‘ICCV 10’ Chickpea. Crop Science, 35 (2). p. 589. ISSN 1435-0653

Lynch, P L and Rattunde, E W and Frey, K J (1995) Inheritance of Vegetative Growth Index and Related Traits in Pearl Millet. Crop Science, 35 (2). pp. 394-396. ISSN 1435-0653

Ouendeba, B and Ejeta, G and Hanna, W W and Kumar, K A (1995) Diversity among African Pearl Millet Landrace Populations. Crop Science, 35 (3). pp. 919-924. ISSN 1435-0653

Ariyanayagam, R P and Rao, A N and Zaveri, P P (1995) Cytoplasmic-Genic Male-Sterility in Interspecific Matings of Cajanus. Crop Science, 35 (4). pp. 981-985. ISSN 1435-0653

Witcombe, J R and Rao, M N V R and Lechner, W R (1995) Registration of 'ICMV 88908' Pearl Millet. Crop Science, 35 (4). pp. 1216-1217. ISSN 1435-0653

Rai, K N and Rao, A S and Hash, C T (1995) Registration of Pearl Millet Parental Lines ICMA 88004 and ICMB 88004. Crop Science, 35 (4). p. 1242. ISSN 0011-183X

Anand, S C and Koenning, S R and Sharma, S B (1995) Performance of Blends of Soybean Cyst Nematode Resistant and Susceptible Cultivars. Crop Science, 35 (2). pp. 524-528. ISSN 0011-183X

Kumar, K A and Rai, K N and Andrews, D J and Talukdar, B S and Singh, S D and Rao, A S and Babu, P P and Reddy, B P (1995) Registration of ICMP 451 Parental Line of Pearl Millet. Crop Science, 35 (2). p. 605. ISSN 1435-0653

Saxena, K B and Reddy, L J and Sharma, D and Green, J M and Rao, A N and Kumar, R V (1995) Registration of ICPM 93006, ICPM 93007, and ICPM 93008, Three Short-Duration Genetic Male-Sterile Parental Lines of Pigeonpea. Crop Science, 35 (6). p. 1715. ISSN 0011-183X

Rai, K N and Andrews, D J and Rao, A S (1995) Registration of NCD2 pearl Millet germplasm. Crop Science, 35 (4). pp. 1237-1238. ISSN 0011-183X

Ragot, M. and Sisco, P H and Hoisington, D A and Stuber, C W (1995) Molecular-Marker-Mediated Characterization of Favorable Exotic Alleles at Quantitative Trait Loci in Maize. Crop Science, 35. pp. 1306-1315. ISSN 1435-0653

Reddy, M V and Nene, Y L and Raju, T N and et al, . (1995) Registration of pigeonpea germplasm line ICP 9145 resistant to fusarium wilt. Crop Science, 35 (4). p. 1231. ISSN 0011-183X

Economic and Political Weekly

Haddad, L and Chung, K and Devi, P Y (1995) Alternative Approaches to Locating the Food and Nutrition Insecure Work in Progress in South India. Economic and Political Weekly, 30 (7 - 8). pp. 392-402. ISSN 0012-9976


Mallikarjuna, N and Moss, J P (1995) Production of hybrids between Cajanus platycarpus andCajanus cajan. Euphytica, 83 (1). pp. 43-46. ISSN 0014-2336

Rai, K N and Thakur, R P (1995) Ergot reaction of pearl millet hybrids affected by fertility restoration and genetic resistance of parental lines. Euphytica, 83 (3). pp. 225-231. ISSN 1573-5060

Narayana, Y D and Mughogho, L K and Bandyopadhyay, R (1995) Evaluation of greenhouse inoculation techniques to screen sorghum for resistance to downy mildew. Euphytica, 86 (1). pp. 49-53. ISSN 1573-5060

Pundir, R P S and Mengesha, M H (1995) Cross compatibility between chickpea and its wild relative, Cicer echinospermum Davis. Euphytica, 83 (3). pp. 241-245. ISSN 0014-2336

European Journal of Plant Pathology

Horn, N M and Reddy, S V and Reddy, D V R (1995) Assessment of yield losses caused by chickpea chlorotic dwarf geminivirus in chickpea (Cicer arietinum) in India. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 101 (2). pp. 221-224. ISSN 0929-1873

Experimental Agriculture

Buerkert, A and Lawrence, P R and Williams, J H and Marschner, H (1995) Non-destructive measurements of biomass in millet, cowpea, groundnut, weeds and grass swards using reflectance, and their application for growth analysis. Experimental Agriculture, 31 (1). pp. 1-11. ISSN 0014-4797

Fertiliser News

Sahrawat, K L and Tandon, H L S (1995) Forms, properties and dissolution of controlled-release nitrogenous fertilisers. Fertiliser News, 40 (4). pp. 41-46. ISSN 0015-0266

Fertilizer Research

Sahrawat, K L and Rego, T J and Burford, J R and Rahman, M H and Rao, J K and Adam, A (1995) Response of sorghum to fertilizer phosphorus and its residual value in a Vertisol. Fertilizer Research, 41 (1). pp. 41-47. ISSN 0167-1731

Katayama, K and Ito, O and Matsunaga, R and Adu-Gyamfi, J J and Rao, T P and Anders, M M and Lee, K K (1995) Nitrogen balance and root behavior in four pigeonpea-based intercropping systems. Fertilizer Research, 42 (1-3). pp. 315-319.

Sahrawat, K L and Jones, M P and Diatta, S (1995) Response of upland rice to phosphorus in an ultisol in the humid forest zone of West Africa. Fertilizer Research, 41 (1). pp. 11-17. ISSN 0167-1731

Field Crops Research

Michels, K and Sivakumar, M V K and Allison, B E (1995) Wind erosion control using crop residue I. Effects on soil flux and soil properties. Field Crops Research, 40 (2). pp. 101-110. ISSN 0378-4290

Michels, K and Sivakumar, M V K and Allison, B E (1995) Wind erosion control using crop residue II. Effects on millet establishment and yields. Field Crops Research, 42 (2). pp. 111-118. ISSN 0378-4290

McIntyre, B D and Riha, S J and Flower, D J (1995) Water uptake by pearl millet in a semiarid environment. Field Crops Research, 43 (2-3). pp. 67-76. ISSN 0378-4290

Fundamental Applied Nematology

Sharma, S B and Mohiuddin, M and Reddy, M V and Singh, O and Rego, T J and Singh, U (1995) Tolerance in chickpea to Meloidogyne javanica. Fundamental Applied Nematology, 18 (3). pp. 197-203. ISSN 1164-5571

Singh, M and Sharma, S B (1995) Life table for Heterodera cajani on pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan). Fundamental Applied Nematology, 18 (4). pp. 309-313. ISSN 1164-5571


Sahrawat, K L (1995) Fixed ammonium and carbon-nitrogen ratios of some semi-arid tropical Indian soils. Geoderma, 68 (3). pp. 219-224. ISSN 0016-7061

Handbook of Plant and Crop Physiology

Subbarao, G V and Johansen, C (1995) Physiological Mechanisms Relevant to Genetic Improvement of Salinity Tolerance in Crop Plants. In: Handbook of Plant and Crop Physiology. CRC Press(Taylor & Francis), Abingdon, Oxfordshire, UK, pp. 807-831. ISBN 978-0-8247-0546-6

Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Oosterom, E J Van and Mahalakshmi, V and Arya, G K and Dave, H R and Gothwal, B D and Joshi, A K and Joshi, P and Kapoor, R L and Sagar, P and Saxena, M B L and Singhania, D L and Vyas, K L (1995) Effect of yield potential, drought escape and drought tolerance on yield of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) in different stress environments. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 65 (9). pp. 629-635. ISSN 0019-5022

Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding

Gadag, R N and Upadhyaya, H D (1995) Heterosis in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill). Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 55 (3). pp. 308-314. ISSN 0019-5200

Jain, K C and Reddy, M V (1995) Inheritance of resistance to fusarium wilt in pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.). Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 55 (4). pp. 434-437. ISSN 0019-5200

Singh, N B and Ariyanayagam, R P and Gupta, S C and Rao, A N (1995) Relationship of plant height, days to flowering and maturity to grain yield in short-duration determinate pigeonpea. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 55 (1). pp. 1-5. ISSN 0019-5200

Indian Journal of Plant Protection

Karunakar, R I and Pande, S and Thakur, R P (1995) Effects of Host Resistance, Temperature, and Duration of Wetness of Leaf Blight Development of Grain Sorghum. Indian Journal of Plant Protection, 23 (2). pp. 146-151. ISSN 0253-4355

Panchbhai, S D and Reddy, M S and Singh, S D (1995) Effect of Seed Treatment Schedule on Viability of Sclerospora graminicola Oospores in Pearl Millet. Indian Journal of Plant Protection, 23 (2). pp. 185-187. ISSN 0253-4355

Bhatnagar, H (1995) Use of a Commercial Biofungicide Against Wilt of Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.). Indian Journal of Plant Protection, 23 (2). pp. 224-225. ISSN 0253-4355

Navi, S S and Singh, S D (1995) New sources of resistance to pearl millet downy mildew. Indian Journal of Plant Protection, 23 (2). pp. 142-145. ISSN 0253-4355

Indian Journal of Pulses Research

Saxena, K B and Sharma, D (1995) Sources of dwarfism in pigeonpea. Indian Journal of Pulses Research, 8 (1). pp. 1-6.

Insect Science and its Application

Shanower, T G and Gutierrez, A P and Wightman, J A (1995) Impact of the Groundnut Leafminer, Aproaerema Modicella (Deventer) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) on Growth and Yield of Two Groundnut Cultivars. Insect Science and its Application, 16 (1). pp. 87-91. ISSN 0191-9040

Integrated Pest Management Reviews

Anand, S C and Sharma, S B (1995) Genetics of soybean-Heterodera glycines system. Integrated Pest Management Reviews, 1 (1). pp. 65-69. ISSN 1353-5226

International Agricultural Engineering Journal

Awadhwal, N K and Takenaga, T and Babu, M M (1995) Development of a Chisel Digger for Harvesting Groundnut. International Agricultural Engineering Journal , 4 (4). pp. 207-215. ISSN 0858-2114

International Arachis Newsletter

Reddy, L J and Nigam, S N and Reddy, A G S (1995) Stability of Pod Yield in Foliar Disease-Resistant Groundnut Varieties. International Arachis Newsletter, 15 (1). pp. 9-11.

Nene, Y L and Sheila, V K (1995) Tapioca pearls: a potential substitute for agar in microbiological media. International Arachis Newsletter, 15 (1). pp. 21-22.

Subrahmanyam, P and Chiyembekeza, A J (1995) Survey of Groundnut Diseases in Northern Malawi. International Arachis Newsletter, 15 (1). pp. 22-24.

Rao, J N and Pande, S and Reddy, M V and McDonald, D and Butler, D R (1995) Toward Standardization of a Laboratory Screening Technique for Early Leaf Spot Resistance in Groundnut. International Arachis Newsletter, 15 (1). pp. 24-25.

Mehan, V K and Reddy, P M and McDonald, D and Rao, K V (1995) Comparison of Whole-Plant and Detached-Leaf Methods for Studying Components of Rust Resistance in Groundnut. International Arachis Newsletter, 15 (1). pp. 25-28.

Rao, J N and Pande, S and Reddy, M V and McDonald, D (1995) Temperature Sensitivity of Sclerotium Stem Rot Resistance in Groundnut. International Arachis Newsletter, 15 (1). pp. 30-31.

Boshou, L and Naixiong, D and Yujun, T and Nigam, S N (1995) Reaction of Some ICRISAT Groundnut Varieties to Bacterial Wilt Disease in China. International Arachis Newsletter, 15 (1). pp. 40-41.

Cam, D and Lieu, P and Dwivedi, S L (1995) Identification of Sources of Resistance to Bacterial Wilt in Groundnut Germplasm Under Southern Vietnamese Conditions. International Arachis Newsletter, 15 (1). p. 41.

Mehan, V K and Reddy, S V and Nahdi, S and McDonald, D and Jayanthi, S (1995) Aflatoxin-producing potential of various strains of Aspergillus flavus from groundnut fields in different soil types. International Arachis Newsletter, 15 (1). pp. 42-43.

Sharma, S B and Smith, D H and McDonald, D (1995) Host Races of Meloidogyne javanica, with Preliminary Evidence that the 'Groundnut Race' is Widely Distributed in India. International Arachis Newsletter, 15 (1). pp. 43-45.

Sharma, S B and Mehan, V K and Ramraj, V M and Reddy, D D R (1995) Preliminary Investigation of a 'Peg Drying' Problem of Groundnut. International Arachis Newsletter, 15 (1). pp. 45-46.

Demski, J W and Reddy, D V R (1995) Groundnut Virus Identity Problem? International Arachis Newsletter, 15 (1). pp. 47-49.

Zeyong, X and Wightman, J A and Reddy, D V R and Zongyi, Z and Kunrong, C and Jinxing, C and Jiapeng, H (1995) Evaluation of an Aphid-Resistant Groundnut Genotype (EC 36892) in China. International Arachis Newsletter, 15 (1). pp. 49-51.

Delfosse, P and Bashir, M and Malik, S N and Reddy, A S (1995) Survey of Groundnut Virus Diseases in Pakistan. International Arachis Newsletter, 15 (1). pp. 51-52.

Bhatnagar, H and Reddy, M V and Rao, J N and Singh, P (1995) Confirmation of the Effects of Plant Density and Irrigation on Peanut Bud Necrosis Disease Incidence. International Arachis Newsletter, 15 (1). pp. 52-53.

Shanower, T G and Gutierrez, A P and Wightman, J A (1995) Effect of Simulated Rainfall on Eggs and Larvae of the Groundnut Leafminer, Aproaerema modicella. International Arachis Newsletter, 15 (1). pp. 55-56.

Golombek, S D and Talwar, H S and Johansen, C (1995) Effect of Transparent Polythene Mulch during the Reproductive Stages of Groundnut. International Arachis Newsletter, 15 (1). pp. 68-69.

Wadia, K D R and Butler, D R (1995) Effect of Humidity on Conidial Morphology of Phaeoisariopsis personata. International Arachis Newsletter, 15 (1). pp. 33-34.

International Arachis Newsletter 15:86-87

Singh, K N and Pal, S K (1995) Effect of 'Green Gold Plus' Application on Groundnut Yield. International Arachis Newsletter 15:86-87, 15 (1). pp. 86-87.

International Chickpea Newsletter

Nene, Y L and Sheila, V K (1995) A Potential Substitute for Agar in Microbiological Media. International Chickpea Newsletter, 2. pp. 42-44. ISSN 0257-2508

Tabo, R and Ezueh, M I and Ajayi, O and Asiegbu, J E and Singh, L (1995) Pigeonpea Production and Utilization in Nigeria. International Chickpea Newsletter, 2. pp. 47-49. ISSN 0257-2508

Srinivas, T and Reddy, M V (1995) Pigeonpea lines resistant to old and new strains of sterility mosaic disease. International Chickpea Newsletter, 2. pp. 67-69. ISSN 0257-2508

Reddy, M V and Jain, K C and Chauhan, Y S and Singh, L (1995) Wilt and sterility mosaic disease resistant pigeonpea genotype ICPL 87119 benefits farmers in Medak district of Andhra Pradesh, India. International Chickpea Newsletter, 2. pp. 71-72. ISSN 0257-2508

Duffield, S J (1995) Crop-specific Differences in the Seasonal Abundance of Four Major Predatory Groups on Sorghum and Short-duration Pigeonpea. International Chickpea Newsletter, 2. pp. 74-76. ISSN 0257-2508

Ajayi, O and Ezueh, M I and Tabo, R and Asiegbu, J E and Singh, L (1995) Observations on Insect Damage to Pigeonpea in Nigeria. International Chickpea Newsletter, 2. pp. 76-78. ISSN 0257-2508

International Chickpea and Pigeonpea Newsletter

Shanower, T G and Kelley, T G and Rao, Y M and Ghaffar, M A (1995) Adoption of Maruti (ICP 8863) - A Case Study. International Chickpea and Pigeonpea Newsletter, 2. pp. 44-45. ISSN 1023-4861

Murugarajendran, C and Alikhan, W M and Rathnaswamy, R and Rangasamy, S R and Ravikesavan, R and Kalaimagal, T and Saxena, K B and Kumar, R V (1995) IPH 732 - The First Pigeonpea Hybrid for Tamil Nadu, India. International Chickpea and Pigeonpea Newsletter, 2. pp. 55-57. ISSN 1023-4861

International Journal of Pest Management

Mehan, V K and Mayee, C D and McDonald, D and Ramakrishna, N and Jayanthi, S (1995) Resistance in groundnut to Sclerotium rolfsii‐caused stem and pod rot†. International Journal of Pest Management, 41 (2). pp. 79-83. ISSN 0967-0874

International Journal of Tropical Plant Diseases

Reddy, M V and Sheila, V K and Murthy, A K and Padma, N (1995) Mechanism of resistance to Aceria cajani in pigeonpea. International Journal of Tropical Plant Diseases, 13 (1). pp. 51-57. ISSN 0254-0126

International Sorghum and Millets Newsletter

Rai, K N and Rao, A S (1995) Commercial feasibility of growing interpopulation hybrids in pearl millet. International Sorghum and Millets Newsletter (36). pp. 49-50. ISSN 0584-1321

Hash, C T and Cavan, G P and Bidinger, F R and Howarth, C J and Singh, S D (1995) Downy mildew resistance QTLs from a seedling heat tolerance mapping population. International Sorghum and Millets Newsletter, 36. pp. 66-67. ISSN 0584-1321

International Sorghum and Millets Newsletter

Rao, K E P and Singh, S D and Stenhouse, J W (1995) Grain mold resistance in guinea sorghum germplasm. International Sorghum and Millets Newsletter , 36. pp. 94-95.

Journal Phytopathology

Naidu, R A and Hu, C C and Pennington, R E and Ghabrial, S A (1995) Differentiation of Eastern and Western Strains of Peanut Stunt Cucumovirus Based on Satellite RNA Support and Nucleotide Sequence Homology. Journal Phytopathology, 85 (4). pp. 502-507.

Journal of Agricultural Science

Ndunguru, B J and Ntare, B R and Williams, J H and Greenberg, D C (1995) Assessment of groundnut cultivars for end-of-season drought tolerance in a Sahelian environment. Journal of Agricultural Science, 125 (1). pp. 79-85. ISSN 1469-5146

Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry

Jambunathan, R and Kherdekar, M S and Raghunath, K and Subramanian, V (1995) Volatile Constituents of Mold-Susceptible and Mold Resistant Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] Grains. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 43 (1). pp. 215-218. ISSN 0021-8561

Golombek, S D and Sridhar, R and Singh, U (1995) Effect of soil temperature on the seed composition of three spanish cultivars of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 43 (8). pp. 2067-2070. ISSN 0021-8561

Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science

Kumar Rao, J V D K and Johansen, C and Usha Kiran, M (1995) Nitrogen Requirements at Different Growth Stages of Short-duration Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L. Millsp). Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 175 (1). pp. 15-28.

Chauhan, Y S and Johansen, C and Saxena, K B (1995) Physiological Basis of Yield Variation in Short-duration Pigeonpea Grown in Different Environments of the Semi-Arid Tropics. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 174 (3). pp. 163-171. ISSN 1439-037x

Journal of Biological Control

Romeis, J and Romeis, O and Shanower, T G (1995) Paratrechina longicornis (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), a predator of Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) eggs. Journal of Biological Control, 9 (1). pp. 56-58.

Journal of Cereal Science

Subramanian, V and Rao, N S and Jambunathan, R and Murty, D S and Reddy, B V S (1995) The Effect of Malting on the Extractability of Proteins and its Relationship to Diastatic Activity in Sorghum. Journal of Cereal Science, 21 (3). pp. 283-289. ISSN 0733-5210

Journal of Economic Entomology

Yoshida, M and Cowgill, S E and Wightman, J A (1995) Mechanism of Resistance to Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in Chickpea: Role of Oxalic Acid m Leaf Exudate as an Antibiotic Factor. Journal of Economic Entomology, 88 (6). pp. 1783-1786.

Journal of Entomological Research

Bhagwat, V R and Aherkar , S K and Satpute, U S and Thakare, H S (1995) Screening of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) genotypes for resistance to gram pod borer, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) and its relationship with malic acid in leaf exudates. Journal of Entomological Research, 19 (3). pp. 249-253. ISSN 0378-9519

John, P A and Ananthakrishnan, T N (1995) Impact of azadirachtin on the haemodynamics of Cyrtacanthacris tatarica L. (Acrididae: Orthoptera). Journal of Entomological Research, 19 (4). pp. 285-290. ISSN 0378-9519

Journal of Food Science and Technology

Singh, U (1995) Methods for dehulling of pulses: A critical appraisal. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 32 (2). pp. 81-93. ISSN 0022-1155

Journal of Genetics and Breeding

Kumar, S and Singh, Onkar (1995) Inheritance of seed size in chickpea. Journal of Genetics and Breeding, 49 (2). pp. 99-103.

Journal of Heredity

Rao, S A and Rai, K N and Mengesha, M H and Reddy, C R (1995) Narrow leaf mutant: a new plant type in pearl millet. Journal of Heredity, 86 (4). pp. 299-301. ISSN 1465-7333

Gupta, S C (1995) Allelic relationships and inheritance of brown midrib trait in sorghum. Journal of Heredity, 86 (1). pp. 72-74. ISSN 0022-1503

Gupta, S C (1995) Inheritance and allelic study of brown midrib trait in pearl millet. Journal of Heredity, 86 (4). pp. 301-303. ISSN 0022-1503

Journal of Nematology

Singh, M and Sharma, S B (1995) Infectivity, development, and reproduction of Heterodera cajani on pigeonpea: influence of soil moisture and temperature. Journal of Nematology , 27 (3). pp. 370-377. ISSN 0022-300X

Maheshwari, T U and Saxena, K B and Reddy, D D R and Haware, M P (1995) Co-infection of wilt-resistant chickpeas by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceri and Meloidogyne javanica. Journal of Nematology , 27 (4S). pp. 649-653. ISSN 0022-300X

Anand, S C and Matson, K W and Sharma, S B (1995) Effect of Soil Temperature and pH on Resistance of Soybean to Heterodera glycines. Journal of Nematology , 27 (4). pp. 478-482. ISSN 0022-300X

Singh, M and Sharma, S B (1995) Infectivity, Development, and Reproduction of Heterodera cajani on Pigeonpea: Influence of Soil Moisture and Temperature. Journal of Nematology , 27 (3). pp. 370-377. ISSN 0022-300X

Maheshwari, T U and Sharma, S B and Reddy, D D R and Haware, M P (1995) Co-infection of Wilt-Resistant Chickpeas by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceri and Meloidogyne javanica. Journal of Nematology , 27 (4S). pp. 649-653. ISSN 0022-300X

Journal of Oilseeds Research

Upadhyaya, H D and Gopal, K (1995) Inheritance of albinism in certain crosses of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Journal of Oilseeds Research, 12 (2). pp. 167-170. ISSN 0970-2776

Journal of Sustainable Agriculture

Baidu-Forson, J (1995) Determinants of the Availability of Adequate Millet Stover for Mulching in the Sahel. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 5 (1 - 2). pp. 101-116. ISSN 1044-0046

Journal of production agriculture

Anand, S C and Koenning, S R and Sharma, S B (1995) Effect of temporal deployment of different sources of resistance to soybean cyst nematode. Journal of production agriculture, 8 (1). pp. 119-123. ISSN 0890-8524

Journal of soil biology & ecology.

Lee, K K and Wani, S P and Reddy, M V and Trimurtulu, N (1995) Soil Surface Management Practices and Their Effects on Microorganisms of an Alfisol. Journal of soil biology & ecology., 15 (2). pp. 103-108. ISSN 0970-1370

Rupela, O P and Wani, S P and Danso, S K A and Johansen, C (1995) Effect of a High Nodulating Selection of Chickpea Cultlvar ICC 4948 on 5011 Properties of a Chlckpea- Sorghum Cropping System Yield and. Journal of soil biology & ecology., 15 (2). pp. 127-134. ISSN 0970-1370


Wani, S P and Lee, K K (1995) Exploiting vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae through crop and soil management practices. Mycorrhiza, 6 (4). pp. 1-7.

Peanut Science

Waliyar, F and Shew, B B and Sidahmed, R and Beute, M K (1995) Effects of Host Resistance on Germination of Cercospora arachidicola on Peanut Leaf Surfaces. Peanut Science, 22 (2). pp. 154-157. ISSN 0095-3679

Phytopathologia Mediterranea

Haware, M P and Nene, Y L and Natarajan, M (1995) The survival of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceri in the soil in the absence of chickpea. Phytopathologia Mediterranea, 35 (1). pp. 9-12. ISSN 0031-9465


Peter, A J and Shanower, T G and Romeis, J (1995) The role of plant trichomes in insect resistance: a selective review. Phytophaga, 7. pp. 41-63.

Plant Breeding

Gumber, R K and Kumar, J and Haware, M P (1995) Inheritance of resistance to fusarium wilt in chickpea. Plant Breeding, 114 (3). pp. 277-279. ISSN 0179-954

Rai, K N (1995) A new cytoplasmic-nuclear male sterility system in pearl millet. Plant Breeding, 114 (5). pp. 445-447. ISSN 0179-9541

Weltzien, E and King, S B (1995) Recurrent selection for downy-mildew resistance in pearl millet. Plant Breeding, 114 (4). pp. 308-312.

Plant Disease

Haware, M P and Rheenen, H A van and Prasad, N S S (1995) Screening for Ascochyta Blight Resistance in Chickpea Under Controlled Environment and Field Conditions. Plant Disease, 79 (2). pp. 132-135.

Singh, S D (1995) Downy mildew of pearl millet. Plant Disease, 79 (6). pp. 545-550. ISSN 0191-2917

Plant Pathology

Stevenson, P C and Padgham, D E and Haware, M P (1995) Root exudates associated with the resistance of four chickpea cultivars (Cicer arietinum) to two races of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. ciceris. Plant Pathology, 44 (4). pp. 686-694. ISSN 1365-3059

Butler, D R and Reddy, R K and Wadia, K D R (1995) Single-plant chambers to control humidity for pathological studies. Plant Pathology, 44 (1). pp. 1-9.

Butler, D R and Wadia, K D R and Reddy, R K (1995) Effects of humidity, leaf wetness, temperature and light on conidial production by Phaeoisariopsis personata on groundnut. Plant Pathology, 44 (4). pp. 662-674. ISSN 1365-3059

Musabyimana, T and Sehene, C and Bandyopadhyay, R (1995) Ergot resistance in sorghum in relation to flowering, inoculation technique and disease development. Plant Pathology, 44 (1). pp. 109-115. ISSN 1365-3059

Satyanarayana, T and Broglio, E P and Sreenivasulu, P and Reddy, D V R and Nayudu, M V (1995) Genome characterization of a new strain of peanut chlorotic streak virus causing chlorotic vein banding disease of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in India. Plant Pathology, 44 (6). pp. 966-970. ISSN 1365-3059

Plant Physiology

Lee, K K and Shearman, L L and Erickson, B K and Klucas, R V (1995) Ferric Leghemoglobin in Plant-Attached Leguminous Nodules. Plant Physiology, 109 (1). pp. 261-267. ISSN 0032-0889

Plant and Soil

Wani, S P and Rego, T J and Rajeswari, S and Lee, K K (1995) Effect of legume-based cropping systems on nitrogen mineralization potential of Vertisol. Plant and Soil, 175 (2). pp. 265-274. ISSN 0032-079X

Bantilan, M C S and Johansen, C (1995) Research evaluation and impact analysis of biological nitrogen fixation. Plant and Soil, 174 (1-2). pp. 279-286.

Wani, S P and Rupela, O P and Lee, K K (1995) Sustainable agriculture in the semi-arid tropics through biological nitrogen fixation in grain legumes. Plant and Soil, 174 (1-2). pp. 29-49. ISSN 0032-079X

Rainfed Agriculture Research Newsletter

Wani, S P and Lee, K K (1995) Biofertilizers as nutrient coextends of other sources for rainfed crops. Rainfed Agriculture Research Newsletter (5). pp. 14-23.

Series on International Agricultural Research

Anders, M M and Potdar, M V and Francis, C S (1995) Significance of Intercropping in Cropping Systems. Series on International Agricultural Research, 3. pp. 1-18. ISSN 1341-3899

Soil & Tillage Research

Laryea, K B and Unger, P W (1995) Grassland converted to cropland: Soil conditions and sorghum yield. Soil & Tillage Research, 33 (1). pp. 29-45. ISSN 0167-1987

Soil Biology and Biochemistry

Rupela, O P and Johansen, C (1995) Identification of non-nodulating, and low and high nodulating plants in pigeonpea. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 27 (4-5). pp. 539-544. ISSN 0038-0717

TAG Theoretical and Applied Genetics

Busso, C S and Liu, C J and Hash, C T and Witcombe, J R and Devos, K M and de Wet, J M J and Gale, M D (1995) Analysis of recombination rate in female and male gametogenesis in pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) using RFLP markers. TAG Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 90 (2). pp. 242-246.

Thakur, R P and Sivaramakrishnan, S and Sastry, J G and Ramakrishna, W and Gupta, V S and Ranjekar, P K (1995) DNA fingerprinting detects genetic variability in the pearl millet downy mildew pathogen (Sclerospora graminicola). TAG Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 91 (6-7). pp. 856-861.

Theoretical and Applied Genetics

Jones, E S and Liu, C J and Gale, M D and Hash, C T and Witcombe, J R (1995) Mapping quantitative trait loci for downy mildew resistance in pearl millet. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 91 (3). pp. 448-456. ISSN 0040-5752

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