Items where Author is "Hash, C T"

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Jump to: Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research | Australian Centre for International Agriculture Research | Australian Council for International Agricultural Research | BBSRC and DFID | BMZ | Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation | Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council | Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) through a David Phillips Research Fellowship | CGIAR Generation Challenge Program (GCP) | CSIR, New Delhi | Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research(CGIAR) | Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research | Council of Scientific and Industrial Research(India) | Council of Scientific and Industrial Research(India) | DFID-BBSRC | Department for International Development | Department for International Development | Department for International Development (DFID), Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research (IGER), The Centre for Arid Zone Studies CAZS), the John Innes Centre (JIC), the Chaudary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University (CCSHAU) etc. | Department for International Development Plant Sciences Research Programme | Department for International Development-CAZS | Department for International Development-PSP-ICRISAT | Department for International Development-UK | Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India - DST/INT/CP-STIO/2006-07/60/2006 | Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India | European Commission | Fundacao de Amparoa Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais | Generation Challenge Programme | Generation Challenge Programme | Generation Challenge Programme (GCP) | German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) | German Research Foundation | Government of Colombia-Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development | Government of Ethiopia | Government of Germany-Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation | Government of India - BOYSCAST felloship | Government of India - Department of Biotechnology | Government of Japan- Ministry of Foreign Affairs | HarvestPlus Challenge Program | ICRISAT | ICRISAT Sehgal Family Foundation Endowment Fund | ICRISAT-Private Sector Pearl Millet Hybrid Parents Research Consortium | ICRISAT-Sehgal Family Foundation | ICRISAT-Sehgal Family Foundation Endowment Fund | IRD, the French Ministry for Research and Higher Education (PhD grant to SP) and the NewPearl grant in the frame of the CERES initiative by the Agropolis Fondation | IRD-DSF | Indian Social Science Academy | International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics | International Fund for Agricultural Development(IFAD) | JIRCAS | Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences | McKnight Foundation | McKnight Foundation | McKnight Foundation Collaborative Crop Research Program | National Science Foundation (NSF), USA | Natural Science Foundation of China | OPEC Fund for International Development | Pearl Millet Hybrid Parents Research Consortium | Royal Society | Syngenta Foundation for the Sustainable Agriculture | The National Council for Scientific and Technological Development | U.S. National Science Foundation | UK Department for International Development (DFID) | UK Department for international Development (DFID-BBSRC) | USDA-NIFA | United States Agency for International Development | World Bank
Number of items: 97.

Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research

Nepolean, T and Blummel, M and Raj, A G B and Rajaram, V and Senthilvel, S and Hash, C T (2006) QTLs Controlling Yield and Stover Quality Traits in Pearl Millet. Journal of SAT Agricultural Research, 2 (1). 4pp.. ISSN 0973-3094

Nepolean, T and Blummel, M and Raj, A G B and Rajaram, V and Senthilvel, S and Hash, C T (2006) QTLs controlling yield and stover quality traits in pearl millet. International Sorghum and Millets Newsletter, 47. pp. 149-152.

Bidinger, F R and Blummel, M and Hash, C T (2006) Response to recurrent selection for stover feeding value in pearl millet variety ICMV 221. International Sorghum and Millets Newsletter, 47. pp. 113-116.

Australian Centre for International Agriculture Research

Vadez, V and Krishnamurthy, L and Hash, C T and Upadhyaya, H D and Borrell, A K (2011) Yield, transpiration efficiency, and water-use variations and their interrelationships in the sorghum reference collection. Crop and Pasture Science, 62 (8). pp. 645-655. ISSN 1836-5795

Australian Council for International Agricultural Research

Vadez, V and Deshpande, S P and Kholova, J and Hammer, G L and Borrell, A K and Talwar, H S and Hash, C T (2011) Stay-green QTLs effects on water extraction, transpiration efficiency and seed yield depend on recipient parent background. Functional Plant Biology, 38 (7). pp. 553-566. ISSN 1445-4408


Sehgal, D and Skot, L and Singh, R and Srivastava, R K and Das, S P and Taunk, J and Sharma, P C and Pal, R and Raj, B and Hash, C T and Yadav, R S (2015) Exploring Potential of Pearl Millet Germplasm Association Panel for Association Mapping of Drought Tolerance Traits. PLoS ONE. pp. 1-28. ISSN 1932-6203


Bhosale, S U and Stich, B and Rattunde, H F W and Weltzien, E and Haussmann, B I G and Hash, C T and Melchinger, A E and Parzies, H K (2011) Population structure in sorghum accessions from West Africa differing in race and maturity class. Genetica, 139 (4). pp. 453-463. ISSN 0016-6707

Haussmann, B I G and Mahalakshmi, V and Reddy, B V S and Seetharama, N and Hash, C T and Geiger, H H (2002) QTL mapping of stay-green in two sorghum recombinant inbred populations. TAG Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 106 (1). pp. 133-142.

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Pucher, A and Hogh-Jensen, H and Gondah, J and Hash, C T and Haussmann, B I G (2014) Micronutrient Density and Stability in West African Pearl Millet– Potential for Biofortification. Crop Science, 54 (4). pp. 1709-1720. ISSN 1435-0653

Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council

Sehgal, D and Rajaram, V and Armstead, I P and Vadez, V and Yadav, Y P and Hash, C T and Yadav, R S (2012) Integration of gene-based markers in a pearl millet genetic map for identification of candidate genes underlying drought tolerance quantitative trait loci. BMC Plant Biology, 12 (9). a-27. ISSN 1471-2229

Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) through a David Phillips Research Fellowship

Qi, X and Pittaway, T S and Lindup, S and Liu, H and Waterman, E and Padi, F K and Hash, C T and Zhu, J and Gale, M D and Devos, K M (2004) An integrated genetic map and a new set of simple sequence repeat markers for pearl millet, Pennisetum glaucum. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 108 (7). pp. 1485-1493. ISSN 0040-5752

CGIAR Generation Challenge Program (GCP)

Rajaram, V and Nepolean, T and Senthilvel, S and Varshney, R K and Vadez, V and Srivastava, R K and Shah, T M and Supriya, A and Kumar, S and Kumari, B R and Bhanuprakash, A and Narasu, M L and Riera-Lizarazu, O and Hash, C T (2013) Pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.] consensus linkage map constructed using four RIL mapping populations and newly developed EST-SSRs. BMC Genomics, 14 (159). pp. 1-15.

CSIR, New Delhi

Ramu, P and Billot, C and Rami, J F and Senthilvel, S and Upadhyaya, H D and Reddy, L A and Hash, C T (2013) Assessment of genetic diversity in the sorghum reference set using EST-SSR markers. TAG Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 126 (8). pp. 2051-2064. ISSN 1432-2242

Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research(CGIAR)

Ramu, P and Kassahun, B and Senthilvel, S and Ashok Kumar, C and Jayashree, B and Folkertsma, R T and Reddy, L A and Kuruvinashetti, M S and Haussmann, B I G and Hash, C T (2009) Exploiting rice-sorghum synteny for targeted development of EST-SSRs to enrich the sorghum genetic linkage map. TAG Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 119 (7). pp. 1193-1204.

Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research

Senthilvel, S and Jayashree, B and Mahalakshmi, V and Sathish Kumar, P and Nakka, S and Nepolean, T and Hash, C T (2008) Development and mapping of simple sequence repeat markers for pearl millet from data mining of expressed sequence tags. BMC Plant Biology, 8 (119). 9pp.

Council of Scientific and Industrial Research(India)

Varalakshmi, P and Tavva, S S M D and Rao, P V A and Subba Rao, M V and Hash, C T (2012) Genetic architecture of purple pigmentation and tagging of some loci to SSR markers in pearl millet, Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br. Genetics and Molecular Biology, 35 (1). pp. 106-118. ISSN 1415-4757

Supriya, A and Senthilvel, S and Nepolean, T and Eshwar, K E and Rajaram, V and Shaw, R and Hash, C T and Kilian, A and Yadav, R C and Narasu, M L (2011) Development of a molecular linkage map of pearl millet integrating DArT and SSR markers. TAG Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 123 (2). pp. 239-250. ISSN 00405752

Ramu, P and Deshpande, S P and Senthilvel, S and Jayashree, B and Billot, C and Deu, M and Reddy, L A and Hash, C T (2010) In silico mapping of important genes and markers available in the public domain for efficient sorghum breeding. Molecular Breeding, 26. pp. 409-418.

Thudi, M and Senthilvel, S and Bottley, A and Hash, C T and Reddy, A R and Feltus, A F and Paterson, A H and Hoisington, D A and Varshney, R K (2010) A comparative assessment of the utility of PCR-based marker systems in pearl millet. Euphytica, 174 (2). pp. 253-260. ISSN 0014-2336

Nayak, S N and Balaji, J and Upadhyaya, H D and Hash, C T and Kishor, P B K and Chattopadhyay, D and Rodriquez, L M and Blair, M W and Baum, M and McNally, K and This, D and Hoisington, D A and Varshney, R K (2009) Isolation and sequence analysis of DREB2A homologues in three cereal and two legume species. Plant Science, 177 (5). pp. 460-467.

Council of Scientific and Industrial Research(India)

Mukhopadhyay, R and Hash, C T and Raj, A G B and Kishor, P B K (2005) Assessment of opportunities to map pearl millet tolerance to salinity during germination and early seedling growth. SAT eJournal, 1 (1).


Kholova, J and Nepolean, T and Hash, C T and Vadez, V and Rajaram, V and Senthilvel, S and Kakkera, A and Supriya, A and Yadav, R (2012) Water saving traits co-map with a major terminal drought tolerance quantitative trait locus in pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.]. Molecular Breeding, 30 (3). pp. 1337-1353. ISSN 1572-9788

Department for International Development

Varalakshmi, P and Tavva, S S M D and Rao, P V A and Subba Rao, M V and Hash, C T (2012) Genetic architecture of purple pigmentation and tagging of some loci to SSR markers in pearl millet, Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br. Genetics and Molecular Biology, 35 (1). pp. 106-118. ISSN 1415-4757

Sehgal, D and Rajaram, V and Armstead, I P and Vadez, V and Yadav, Y P and Hash, C T and Yadav, R S (2012) Integration of gene-based markers in a pearl millet genetic map for identification of candidate genes underlying drought tolerance quantitative trait loci. BMC Plant Biology, 12 (9). a-27. ISSN 1471-2229

Kholova, J and Hash, C T and Kumar, P L and Yadav, R S and Kočová, M and Vadez, V (2010) Terminal drought-tolerant pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.] have high leaf ABA and limit transpiration at high vapour pressure deficit. Journal of Experimental Botany, 61 (5). pp. 1431-1440.

Valluru, R and Vadez, V and Hash, C T and Karanam, P (2010) A minute P application contributes to a better establishment of pearl millet (Pennisetum americanum L.) seedling in P-deficient soils. Soil Use and Management, 26 (1). pp. 36-43.

Baskaran, K and Hash, C T and Senthilvel, S and Raj, A G B and Muthiah, R A (2009) SSR allele frequency changes in response to recurrent selection for pearl millet grain yield and other agronomic traits. Journal of SAT Agricultural Research, 7. 8pp.

Rai, K N and Hash, C T and Singh, A K and Velu, G (2008) Adaptation and quality traits of a germplasm-derived commercial seed parent of pearl millet. Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 154. pp. 20-24.

Senthilvel, S and Jayashree, B and Mahalakshmi, V and Sathish Kumar, P and Nakka, S and Nepolean, T and Hash, C T (2008) Development and mapping of simple sequence repeat markers for pearl millet from data mining of expressed sequence tags. BMC Plant Biology, 8 (119). 9pp.

Kapila, R K and Yadav, R S and Plaha, P and Rai, K N and Yadav, O P and Hash, C T and Howarth, C J (2008) Genetic diversity among pearl millet maintainers using microsatellite markers. Plant Breeding, 127 (1). pp. 33-37.

Hash, C T and Thakur, R P and Rao, V P and Raj, A G B (2006) Evidence for enhanced resistance to diverse isolates of Pearl Millet Downy Mildew through gene pyramiding. International Sorghum and Millets Newsletter, 47. pp. 134-138.

Nepolean, T and Blummel, M and Raj, A G B and Rajaram, V and Senthilvel, S and Hash, C T (2006) QTLs controlling yield and stover quality traits in pearl millet. International Sorghum and Millets Newsletter, 47. pp. 149-152.

Bhattacharjee, R and Bramel, P J and Hash, C T and Kolesnikova-Allen, M A and Khairwal, I S (2002) Assessment of genetic diversity within and between pearl millet landraces. TAG Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 105 (5). pp. 666-673.

Yadav, R S and Hash, C T and Bidinger, F R and Cavan, G P and Howarth, C J (2002) Quantitative trait loci associated with traits determining grain and stover yield in pearl millet under terminal drought-stress conditions. TAG Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 104 (1). pp. 67-83.

Hash, C T and Witcombe, J R (2001) Pearl millet molecular marker research. International Sorghum and Millets Newsletter, 42. pp. 8-15.

Department for International Development

Bidinger, F R and Nepolean, T and Hash, C T and Yadav, R S and Howarth, C J (2007) Quantitative trait loci for grain yield in pearl millet under variable postflowering moisture conditions. Crop Science, 47 (3). pp. 969-980.

Nepolean, T and Blummel, M and Raj, A G B and Rajaram, V and Senthilvel, S and Hash, C T (2006) QTLs Controlling Yield and Stover Quality Traits in Pearl Millet. Journal of SAT Agricultural Research, 2 (1). 4pp.. ISSN 0973-3094

Mukhopadhyay, R and Hash, C T and Raj, A G B and Kishor, P B K (2005) Assessment of opportunities to map pearl millet tolerance to salinity during germination and early seedling growth. SAT eJournal, 1 (1).

Serraj, R and Hash, C T and Rizvi, S M H and Sharma, A and Yadav, R S and Bidinger, F R (2005) Recent advances in marker-assisted selection for drought tolerance in pearl millet. Plant Production Science, 8 (3). pp. 334-337.

Department for International Development (DFID), Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research (IGER), The Centre for Arid Zone Studies CAZS), the John Innes Centre (JIC), the Chaudary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University (CCSHAU) etc.

Hash, C T and Yadav, R S and Cavan, G P and Howarth, C J and Liu, H and Qi, X and Sharma, A and Kolesnikova-Allen, M A and Bidinger, F R and Witcombe, J R (2000) Marker-assisted backcrossing to improve terminal drought tolerance in pearl millet. In: Molecular approaches for the genetic improvement of cereals for stable production in water-limited environments, 21-25 Jun 1999, CIMMYT, Mexico.

Department for International Development Plant Sciences Research Programme

Witcombe, J R and Hash, C T (2000) Resistance gene deployment strategies in cereal hybrids using marker-assisted selection: Gene pyramiding, three-way hybrids, and synthetic parent populations. Euphytica, 112 (2). pp. 175-186. ISSN 0014-2336

Department for International Development-CAZS

Bidinger, F R and Serraj, R and Rizvi, S M H and Howarth, C and Yadav, R S and Hash, C T (2005) Field evaluation of drought tolerance QTL effects on phenotype and adaptation in pearl millet [Pennisetumglaucum (L.) R. Br.] topcross hybrids. Field Crops Research, 94 (1). pp. 14-32. ISSN 0378-4290

Department for International Development-PSP-ICRISAT

Hash, C T and Schaffert, R E and Peacock, J M (2002) Prospects for using conventional techniques and molecular biological tools to enhance performance of `orphan' crop plants on soils low in available phosphorus. Plant and Soil, 245 (1). pp. 135-146. ISSN 1573-5036

Department for International Development-UK

Hash, C T and Bramel-Cox, P J (1999) Marker applications in pearl millet. Manual. IITA, Ibadan.

Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India - DST/INT/CP-STIO/2006-07/60/2006

Sharma, P C and Singh, D and Sehene, C and Singh, G and Hash, C T and Yadav, R S (2014) Further evidence that a terminal drought tolerance QTL of pearl millet is associated with reduced salt uptake. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 102. pp. 48-57. ISSN 0098-8472

Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India

Reddy, P S and Tharanya, M and Sivasakthi, K and Srikanth, M and Hash, C T and Kholova, J and Sharma, K K and Vadez, V (2017) Molecular cloning and expression analysis of Aquaporin genes in pearl millet [ Pennisetum glaucum (L) R. Br.] genotypes contrasting in their transpiration response to high vapour pressure deficits. Plant Science, 265. pp. 167-176. ISSN 01689452

European Commission

Srinivasa Rao, P and Deshpande, S P and Blummel, M and Reddy, B V S and Hash, C T (2012) Characterization of Brown Midrib Mutants of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench). The European Journal of Plant Science and Biotechnology, 6 (SI 1). pp. 71-75. ISSN 1752-3842

Fundacao de Amparoa Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais

Caniato, F F and Guimarães, C T and Hamblin, M and Billot, C and Rami, Jean-François and Hufnagel, B and Kochian, L V and Liu, J and Garcia, A A F and Hash, C T and Ramu, P and Mitchell, S and Kresovich, S and Oliveira, A C and Avellar, Gisela de and Borém, A and Glaszmann, Jean-Christophe and Schaffert, R E and Magalhaes, J V (2011) The relationship between population structure and aluminum tolerance in cultivated sorghum. PLoS ONE, 6 (6). 14pp.

Generation Challenge Programme

Supriya, A and Senthilvel, S and Nepolean, T and Eshwar, K E and Rajaram, V and Shaw, R and Hash, C T and Kilian, A and Yadav, R C and Narasu, M L (2011) Development of a molecular linkage map of pearl millet integrating DArT and SSR markers. TAG Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 123 (2). pp. 239-250. ISSN 00405752

Caniato, F F and Guimarães, C T and Hamblin, M and Billot, C and Rami, Jean-François and Hufnagel, B and Kochian, L V and Liu, J and Garcia, A A F and Hash, C T and Ramu, P and Mitchell, S and Kresovich, S and Oliveira, A C and Avellar, Gisela de and Borém, A and Glaszmann, Jean-Christophe and Schaffert, R E and Magalhaes, J V (2011) The relationship between population structure and aluminum tolerance in cultivated sorghum. PLoS ONE, 6 (6). 14pp.

Nayak, S N and Balaji, J and Upadhyaya, H D and Hash, C T and Kishor, P B K and Chattopadhyay, D and Rodriquez, L M and Blair, M W and Baum, M and McNally, K and This, D and Hoisington, D A and Varshney, R K (2009) Isolation and sequence analysis of DREB2A homologues in three cereal and two legume species. Plant Science, 177 (5). pp. 460-467.

Generation Challenge Programme

Vadez, V and Krishnamurthy, L and Hash, C T and Upadhyaya, H D and Borrell, A K (2011) Yield, transpiration efficiency, and water-use variations and their interrelationships in the sorghum reference collection. Crop and Pasture Science, 62 (8). pp. 645-655. ISSN 1836-5795

Generation Challenge Programme (GCP)

Billot, C and Ramu, P and Bouchet, S and Chantereau, J and Deu, M and Gardes, L and Noyer, J L and Rami, J F and Rivallan, R and Li, Y and Lu, P and Wang, T and Folkertsm, R T and Arnaud, E and Upadhyaya, H D and Glaszmann, J C and Hash, C T (2013) Massive Sorghum Collection Genotyped with SSR Markers to Enhance Use of Global Genetic Resources. Plos ONE, 8 (4). pp. 1-16. ISSN 1932-6203

German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

Pucher, A and Hogh-Jensen, H and Gondah, J and Hash, C T and Haussmann, B I G (2014) Micronutrient Density and Stability in West African Pearl Millet– Potential for Biofortification. Crop Science, 54 (4). pp. 1709-1720. ISSN 1435-0653

German Research Foundation

Haussmann, B I G and Mahalakshmi, V and Reddy, B V S and Seetharama, N and Hash, C T and Geiger, H H (2002) QTL mapping of stay-green in two sorghum recombinant inbred populations. TAG Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 106 (1). pp. 133-142.

Government of Colombia-Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

Subbarao, G V and Sahrawat, K L and Nakahara, K and Rao, I M and Ishitani, M and Hash, C T and Kishii, M and Bonnett, D G and Berry, W L and Lata, J C (2013) A paradigm shift towards low-nitrifying production systems: the role of biological nitrification inhibition (BNI). Annals of Botany, 112 (2). pp. 297-316. ISSN 0305-7364

Government of Ethiopia

Ramu, P and Kassahun, B and Senthilvel, S and Ashok Kumar, C and Jayashree, B and Folkertsma, R T and Reddy, L A and Kuruvinashetti, M S and Haussmann, B I G and Hash, C T (2009) Exploiting rice-sorghum synteny for targeted development of EST-SSRs to enrich the sorghum genetic linkage map. TAG Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 119 (7). pp. 1193-1204.

Government of Germany-Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation

Subbarao, G V and Sahrawat, K L and Nakahara, K and Rao, I M and Ishitani, M and Hash, C T and Kishii, M and Bonnett, D G and Berry, W L and Lata, J C (2013) A paradigm shift towards low-nitrifying production systems: the role of biological nitrification inhibition (BNI). Annals of Botany, 112 (2). pp. 297-316. ISSN 0305-7364

Government of India - BOYSCAST felloship

Kapila, R K and Yadav, R S and Plaha, P and Rai, K N and Yadav, O P and Hash, C T and Howarth, C J (2008) Genetic diversity among pearl millet maintainers using microsatellite markers. Plant Breeding, 127 (1). pp. 33-37.

Government of India - Department of Biotechnology

Supriya, A and Senthilvel, S and Nepolean, T and Eshwar, K E and Rajaram, V and Shaw, R and Hash, C T and Kilian, A and Yadav, R C and Narasu, M L (2011) Development of a molecular linkage map of pearl millet integrating DArT and SSR markers. TAG Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 123 (2). pp. 239-250. ISSN 00405752

Thudi, M and Senthilvel, S and Bottley, A and Hash, C T and Reddy, A R and Feltus, A F and Paterson, A H and Hoisington, D A and Varshney, R K (2010) A comparative assessment of the utility of PCR-based marker systems in pearl millet. Euphytica, 174 (2). pp. 253-260. ISSN 0014-2336

Government of Japan- Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Subbarao, G V and Sahrawat, K L and Nakahara, K and Rao, I M and Ishitani, M and Hash, C T and Kishii, M and Bonnett, D G and Berry, W L and Lata, J C (2013) A paradigm shift towards low-nitrifying production systems: the role of biological nitrification inhibition (BNI). Annals of Botany, 112 (2). pp. 297-316. ISSN 0305-7364

HarvestPlus Challenge Program

Pucher, A and Hogh-Jensen, H and Gondah, J and Hash, C T and Haussmann, B I G (2014) Micronutrient Density and Stability in West African Pearl Millet– Potential for Biofortification. Crop Science, 54 (4). pp. 1709-1720. ISSN 1435-0653

Rai, K N and Hash, C T and Singh, A K and Velu, G (2008) Adaptation and quality traits of a germplasm-derived commercial seed parent of pearl millet. Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 154. pp. 20-24.


Muturi, P W and Rubaihayo, P and Mgonja, M and Kyamanywa, S and Sharma, H C and Hash, C T (2012) Novel source of sorghum tolerance to the African stem borer, Busseola fusca. African Journal of Plant Science, 6 (11). pp. 295-302. ISSN 1996-0824

ICRISAT Sehgal Family Foundation Endowment Fund

Nepolean, T and Gupta, S K and Dwivedi, S L and Bhattacharjee, R and Rai, K N and Hash, C T (2012) Genetic Diversity in Maintainer and Restorer Lines of Pearl Millet. Crop Science, 52 (6). p. 2555. ISSN 0011-183X

ICRISAT-Private Sector Pearl Millet Hybrid Parents Research Consortium

Rai, K N and Hash, C T and Singh, A K and Velu, G (2008) Adaptation and quality traits of a germplasm-derived commercial seed parent of pearl millet. Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 154. pp. 20-24.

ICRISAT-Sehgal Family Foundation

Gupta, S K and Nepolean, T and Rai, K N and Hash, C T and Bhattacharjee, R and Rathore, A (2012) Within-line Genetic Variation for Quantitative Characters and SSRs in Long-time Maintained Inbreds in Pearl Millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.]. The European Journal of Plant Science and Biotechnology, 6 (s2). pp. 109-113. ISSN 1752-3842

ICRISAT-Sehgal Family Foundation Endowment Fund

Gupta, S K and Nepolean, T and Shaikh, C G and Rai, K N and Hash, C T and Das, R R and Rathore, A (2018) Phenotypic and molecular diversity-based prediction of heterosis in pearl millet ( Pennisetum glaucum L. (R.) Br.). The Crop Journal, 6 (3). pp. 271-281. ISSN 22145141

IRD, the French Ministry for Research and Higher Education (PhD grant to SP) and the NewPearl grant in the frame of the CERES initiative by the Agropolis Fondation

Debieu, M and Sine, B and Passot, S and Grondin, A and Akata, E and Gangashetty, P I and Vadez, V and Gantet, P and Fonceka, D and Cournac, L and Hash, C T and Kane, N A and Vigouroux, Y and Laplaze, L (2018) Response to early drought stress and identification of QTLs controlling biomass production under drought in pearl millet. PLoS One (TSI). pp. 1-19. ISSN 2191-5547


Kountche, B A and Hash, C T and Dodo, H and Laoualy, O and Sanogo, M D and Timbeli, A T and Vigouroux, Y and This, D and Nijkamp, R and Haussmann, B I G (2013) Development of a pearl millet Striga-resistant genepool: Response to five cycles of recurrent selection under Striga-infested field conditions in West Africa. Field Crops Research, 154. pp. 82-90. ISSN 0378-4290

Indian Social Science Academy

Kapila, R K and Yadav, R S and Plaha, P and Rai, K N and Yadav, O P and Hash, C T and Howarth, C J (2008) Genetic diversity among pearl millet maintainers using microsatellite markers. Plant Breeding, 127 (1). pp. 33-37.

International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics

Krishnamurthy, L and Serraj, R and Rai, K N and Hash, C T and Dakheel, A J (2007) Identification of pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R.Br.] lines tolerant to soil salinity. Euphytica, 158 (1-2). pp. 179-188. ISSN 0014-2336

Hash, C T and Bramel-Cox, P J (1999) Marker applications in pearl millet. Manual. IITA, Ibadan.

International Fund for Agricultural Development(IFAD)

Srinivasa Rao, P and Deshpande, S P and Blummel, M and Reddy, B V S and Hash, C T (2012) Characterization of Brown Midrib Mutants of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench). The European Journal of Plant Science and Biotechnology, 6 (SI 1). pp. 71-75. ISSN 1752-3842


Tesfamariam, T and Yoshinaga, H and Deshpande, S P and Srinivasa Rao, P and Sahrawat, K L and Ando, Y and Nakahara, K and Hash, C T and Subbarao, G V (2014) Biological nitrification inhibition in sorghum: the role of sorgoleone production. Plant and Soil, 379 (1-2). pp. 325-335. ISSN 1573-5036

Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences

Subbarao, G V and Sahrawat, K L and Nakahara, K and Rao, I M and Ishitani, M and Hash, C T and Kishii, M and Bonnett, D G and Berry, W L and Lata, J C (2013) A paradigm shift towards low-nitrifying production systems: the role of biological nitrification inhibition (BNI). Annals of Botany, 112 (2). pp. 297-316. ISSN 0305-7364

McKnight Foundation

Pucher, A and Hogh-Jensen, H and Gondah, J and Hash, C T and Haussmann, B I G (2014) Micronutrient Density and Stability in West African Pearl Millet– Potential for Biofortification. Crop Science, 54 (4). pp. 1709-1720. ISSN 1435-0653

McKnight Foundation

Kountche, B A and Hash, C T and Dodo, H and Laoualy, O and Sanogo, M D and Timbeli, A T and Vigouroux, Y and This, D and Nijkamp, R and Haussmann, B I G (2013) Development of a pearl millet Striga-resistant genepool: Response to five cycles of recurrent selection under Striga-infested field conditions in West Africa. Field Crops Research, 154. pp. 82-90. ISSN 0378-4290

McKnight Foundation Collaborative Crop Research Program

Caniato, F F and Guimarães, C T and Hamblin, M and Billot, C and Rami, Jean-François and Hufnagel, B and Kochian, L V and Liu, J and Garcia, A A F and Hash, C T and Ramu, P and Mitchell, S and Kresovich, S and Oliveira, A C and Avellar, Gisela de and Borém, A and Glaszmann, Jean-Christophe and Schaffert, R E and Magalhaes, J V (2011) The relationship between population structure and aluminum tolerance in cultivated sorghum. PLoS ONE, 6 (6). 14pp.

National Science Foundation (NSF), USA

Morris, G P and Rhodes, D H and Brenton, Z and Ramu, P and Thayil, V M and Deshpande, S P and Hash, C T and Acharya, C and Mitchell, S E and Buckler, E S and Yu, J and Kresovich, S (2013) Dissecting Genome-Wide Association Signals for Loss-of-Function Phenotypes in Sorghum Flavonoid Pigmentation Traits. G3.Genes Genomes Genetics, 3 (11). pp. 2085-2094. ISSN 2160-1836

Morris, G P and Ramu, P and Desphande, S and Hash, C T and Shah, T and Upadhyaya, H D and Riera-Lizarazu, O and Brown, P J and Acharjee, C B and Mitchell, S E and Harriman, J and Glaubitz, J C and Buckler, E S and Kresovich, S (2013) Population genomic and genome-wide association studies of agroclimatic traits in sorghum. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110 (2). pp. 453-458. ISSN 1091-6490

Natural Science Foundation of China

Subbarao, G V and Nakahara, K and Ishikawa, T and Ono, H and Yoshida, M and Yoshihashi, T and Zhu, Y and Zakir, H A K M and Deshpande, S P and Hash, C T and Sahrawat, K L (2013) Biological nitrification inhibition (BNI) activity in sorghum and its characterization. Plant and Soil, 366 (1-2). pp. 243-259. ISSN 0032-079X

OPEC Fund for International Development

Krishnamurthy, L and Serraj, R and Rai, K N and Hash, C T and Dakheel, A J (2007) Identification of pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R.Br.] lines tolerant to soil salinity. Euphytica, 158 (1-2). pp. 179-188. ISSN 0014-2336

Krishnamurthy, L and Serraj, R and Hash, C T and Dakheel, A J and Reddy, B V S (2007) Screening sorghum genotypes for salinity tolerant biomass production. Euphytica, 156 (1-2). pp. 15-24. ISSN 0014-2336

Krishnamurthy, L and Rai, K N and Hash, C T and Serraj, R (2003) Screening pearl millet germplasm for tolerance to soil salinity. International Sorghum and Millets Newsletter, 44. pp. 155-157.

Pearl Millet Hybrid Parents Research Consortium

Vengadessan, V and Rai, K N and Bapu, J R K and Hash, C T and Bhattacharjee, R and Senthilvel, S and Vinayan, M T and Nepolean, T (2013) Construction of Genetic Linkage Map and QTL Analysis of Sink-Size Traits in Pearl Millet (Pennisetum glaucum). ISRN Genetics, 2013. pp. 1-14. ISSN 2090-8687

Royal Society

Kapila, R K and Yadav, R S and Plaha, P and Rai, K N and Yadav, O P and Hash, C T and Howarth, C J (2008) Genetic diversity among pearl millet maintainers using microsatellite markers. Plant Breeding, 127 (1). pp. 33-37.

Syngenta Foundation for the Sustainable Agriculture

Thudi, M and Senthilvel, S and Bottley, A and Hash, C T and Reddy, A R and Feltus, A F and Paterson, A H and Hoisington, D A and Varshney, R K (2010) A comparative assessment of the utility of PCR-based marker systems in pearl millet. Euphytica, 174 (2). pp. 253-260. ISSN 0014-2336

The National Council for Scientific and Technological Development

Caniato, F F and Guimarães, C T and Hamblin, M and Billot, C and Rami, Jean-François and Hufnagel, B and Kochian, L V and Liu, J and Garcia, A A F and Hash, C T and Ramu, P and Mitchell, S and Kresovich, S and Oliveira, A C and Avellar, Gisela de and Borém, A and Glaszmann, Jean-Christophe and Schaffert, R E and Magalhaes, J V (2011) The relationship between population structure and aluminum tolerance in cultivated sorghum. PLoS ONE, 6 (6). 14pp.

U.S. National Science Foundation

Kresovich, S and Barbazuk, B and Bedell, J A and Borrell, A and Buell, C R and Burke, J and Clifton, S and Cox, S and Hash, C T and et al, . (2005) Toward sequencing the sorghum genome. A U.S. National Science Foundation-sponsored workshop report. Plant Physiology, 138 (4). pp. 1898-1902. ISSN 0032-0889

UK Department for International Development (DFID)

Kannan, B and Senapathy, S and Bhasker Raj, A J and Chandra, S and Muthiah, A and Dhanapal, A P and Hash, C T (2014) Association Analysis of SSR Markers with Phenology, Grain, and Stover-Yield Related Traits in Pearl Millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.). The Scientific World Journal, 2014 (562327). pp. 1-15. ISSN 2356-6140

Yadav, R S and Bidinger, F R and Hash, C T and Yadav, Y P and Yadav, O P and Bhatnagar, S K and Howarth, C J (2003) Mapping and characterisation of QTL × E interactions for traits determining grain and stover yield in pearl millet. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 106 (3). pp. 512-520. ISSN 0040-5752

UK Department for international Development (DFID-BBSRC)

Aparna, K and Hash, C T and Yadav, R S and Vadez, V (2013) Seed Number and 100-seed Weight of Pearl Millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.) Respond Differently to Low Soil Moisture in Genotypes Contrasting for Drought Tolerance. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. pp. 1-13. ISSN 1439-037x


Morris, G P and Rhodes, D H and Brenton, Z and Ramu, P and Thayil, V M and Deshpande, S P and Hash, C T and Acharya, C and Mitchell, S E and Buckler, E S and Yu, J and Kresovich, S (2013) Dissecting Genome-Wide Association Signals for Loss-of-Function Phenotypes in Sorghum Flavonoid Pigmentation Traits. G3.Genes Genomes Genetics, 3 (11). pp. 2085-2094. ISSN 2160-1836

United States Agency for International Development

Hash, C T and Thakur, R P and Rao, V P and Raj, A G B (2006) Evidence for enhanced resistance to diverse isolates of Pearl Millet Downy Mildew through gene pyramiding. International Sorghum and Millets Newsletter, 47. pp. 134-138.

World Bank

Deshpande, S P and Mohamed, A and Hash, C T (2013) Molecular Breeding for Striga Resistance in Sorghum. In: Translational Genomics for Crop Breeding: Biotic Stress. Wiley Blackwell, pp. 77-93. ISBN 978-0-470-96290-9

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