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Adam, M and Dzotsi, K A and Hoogenboom, G and Traore, P C S and Porter, C H and Rattunde, H F W and Nebie, B and Leiser, W L and Weltzien, E and Jones, J W (2018) Modelling varietal differences in response to phosphorus in West African sorghum. European Journal of Agronomy (TSI). pp. 1-9. ISSN 11610301 (In Press)

Addae, P C and Bruce, Y A and Utono, I M and Abudulai, M and Traore, F and Ishiyaku, M F and Adamu, R S and Seidu, A and Batieno, B J and Nwankwo, O F and Ba, M N and Adazebra, G A and Tignegre, J E and Dabiré-Binso, C L and Huesing, J E and Hellmich, R L and Pittendrigh, B R and Tamò, M (2021) Distribution and diversity of alternate hosts of Maruca vitrata Fabricius in three West African countries. International Journal of Tropical Insect Science (TSI). ISSN 1742-7592

Adehan, S B and Adakal, H and Gbinwoua, D and Yokossi, D and Zoungrana, S and Toé, P and Ouedraogo, M and Gbaguidi, A M and Adoligbé, C and Fandohan, A B and Hounmanou, G and Glèlè Kakaï, R and Farougou, S and De Clercq, E M (2018) West African Cattle Farmers’ Perception of Tick-Borne Diseases. EcoHealth (TSI), 15 (2). pp. 437-449. ISSN 1612-9202

Ayantunde, A A and Umutoni, C and Dembele, T and Seydou, K and Samake, O (2019) Effects of feed and health interventions on small ruminant production in mixed crop-livestock systems in Southern Mali. Revue d’élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux, 72 (2). pp. 65-72. ISSN 0035-1865

Ba, M N and Baoua, I B and Kabore, A and Amadou, L and Oumarou, N and Dabire-Binso, C and Sanon, A (2014) Augmentative on-farm delivery methods for the parasitoid Habrobracon hebetor Say (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) to control the millet head miner Heliocheilus albipunctella (de Joannis) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in Burkina Faso and Niger. BioControl, 59 (6). pp. 689-696. ISSN 1386-6141

Ba, M N and Baoua, I B and N’Diaye, M and Dabire-Binso, C and Sanon, A and Tamò, M (2013) Biological control of the millet head miner Heliocheilus albipunctella in the Sahelian region by augmentative releases of the parasitoid wasp Habrobracon hebetor: effectiveness and farmers’ perceptions. Phytoparasitica, 41 (5). pp. 569-576. ISSN 1876-7184

Ba, M N and Huesing, J E and Dabiré-Binso, C L and Tamò, M and Pittendrigh, B R and Murdock, L L (2019) The legume pod borer, Maruca vitrata Fabricius (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), an important insect pest of cowpea: a review emphasizing West Africa. International Journal of Tropical Insect Science (TSI), 39 (2). pp. 93-106. ISSN 1742-7592

Bado, B V and Sedogo, M and Lompo, F and Maman Laminou, S M (2018) Biological Nitrogen Fixation by Local and Improved Genotypes of Cowpea in Burkina Faso (West Africa): Total Nitrogen Accumulated can be used for Quick Estimation. Advances in Agriculture, 2018 (964192). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2356-654X

Bama, H B and Dabire, R A and Ouattara, D and Niassy, S and Ba, M N and Dakouo, D (2018) Diapause disruption in Cirina butyrospermi Vuillet (Lepidoptera, Attacidae), the shea caterpillar, in Burkina Faso. Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, 4 (4). pp. 239-245. ISSN 2352-4588

Baoua, I B and Ba, M N and Amadou, L and Kabore, A and Dabire-Binso, C L (2018) Field dispersal of the parasitoid wasp Habrobracon hebetor (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) following augmentative release against the millet head miner Heliocheilus albipunctella (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in the Sahel. Biocontrol Science and Technology (TSI), 28 (4). pp. 404-415. ISSN 0958-3157

Barro-Kondombo, C and Sagnard, F and Chantereau, J and Deu, M and Brocke, K Vom and Durand, P and Goze, E and Zong, J D (2010) Genetic structure among sorghum landraces as revealed by morphological variation and microsatellite markers in three agroclimatic regions of Burkina Faso. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 120 (8). pp. 1511-1523. ISSN 0040-5752

Bationo, A and Lompo, F and Koala, S (1998) Research on nutrient flows and balances in west Africa: state-of-the-art. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 71 (1-3). pp. 19-35. ISSN 0167-8809

Bayala, J and Ky-Dembele, C and Dayamba, S D and Somda, J and Ouédraogo, M and Diakite, A and Chabi, A and Alhassane, A and Bationo, A B and Buah, S S J and Sanogo, D and Tougiani, A and Traore, K and Zougmoré, R B and Rosenstock, T S (2021) Multi-Actors' Co-Implementation of Climate-Smart Village Approach in West Africa: Achievements and Lessons Learnt. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems (TSI), 5 (637007). pp. 1-13. ISSN 2571-581X

Bilali, H E and Guimbo, I D and Nanema, R K and Falalou, H and Kiebre, Z and Rokka, V and Tietiambou, S R F and Nanema, J and Dambo, L and Grazioli, F and Jika, A K N and Gonnella, M and Acasto, F (2024) Research on Moringa (Moringa oleifera Lam.) in Africa. Plants (TSI), 13 (12). pp. 1-44. ISSN 2223-7747

Bodian, A and Ouattara, B and Sarr, A and Gano, B and Sall, M N and Ndir, K N and Cissé, N and Falalou, H (2019) Genetic structure and diversity in Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench landraces from marginal sorghum production lands in Senegal, based on SSR markers. Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics, 7 (3). pp. 134-144. ISSN 2308-121X

Brocke, K V and Trouche, G and Weltzien, E and Kondombo Barro, C P and Sidibe, A and Zougmore, R B and Goze, E (2014) Helping farmers adapt to climate and cropping system change through increased access to sorghum genetic resources adapted to prevalent sorghum cropping systems in Burkina Faso. Experimental Agriculture, 50 (2). pp. 284-305. ISSN 0014-4797

Chavas, J-P and Kristjanson, P M and Matlon, P (1991) On the role of information in decision making: the case of sorghum yield in Burkina Faso. Journal of Development Economics, 35 (2). pp. 261-280. ISSN 0304-3878

Coulibaly-Lingani, P and Tigabu, M and Savadogo, P and Odén, P C (2014) Participatory forest management in Burkina Faso: Members’ perception of performance. Journal of Forestry Research, 25 (03). pp. 637-646. ISSN 1993-0607

Dakouo, D and Ratnadass, A (2001) Efficiency of a pheromone-baited trap for the sorghum stem borer, Busseola fusca. International Sorghum and Millets Newsletter, 42. pp. 51-52. ISSN 1023-487X

Dakouo, D and Trouche, G and Ratnadass, A and Ba, M and Da, S (2000) New sources of resistance to sorghum midge in Burkina Faso. International Sorghum and Millets Newsletter, 41. pp. 34-37. ISSN 1023-487X

Daku, E K and Salack, S and Worou, O N and Ogunjobi, K (2022) Maize response to temporary floods under ambient on-farm conditions of the West African Sahel. Environmental Research Communications, 12 (4). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2515-7620

Davies, J and Maru, Y and Hall, A and Abdourhamane, I K and Adegbidi, A and Carberry, P S and Dorai, K and Ennin, S A and Etwire, P M and McMillan, L and Njoya, A and Ouedraogo, A and Traoré, A and Traoré–Gué, N J and Watson, I (2018) Understanding innovation platform effectiveness through experiences from west and central Africa. Agricultural Systems (TSI), 165. pp. 321-334. ISSN 0308521X

Dayamba, S D and Savadogo, P and Diawara, S and Sawadogo, L (2016) Perspectives in restoration: storage and pretreatments of seeds for better germination of Sudanian savanna-woodland species. Journal of Forestry Research, 27 (04). pp. 773-778. ISSN 1007-662X

Dayamba, S D and Santi, S and Savadogo, P (2014) Improving seed germination of four savanna-woodland species: effects of fire-related cues and prolonged soaking in sulphuric acid. Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 26 (1). pp. 16-21. ISSN 0128-1283

Desmae, H and Janila, P and Okori, P and Pandey, M K and Motagi, B N and Monyo, E and Mponda, O and Okello, D and Sako, D and Echeckwu, C and Oteng-Frimpong, R and Miningou, A and Ojiewo, C O and Varshney, R K and Morris, B (2019) Genetics, genomics and breeding of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Plant Breeding (TSI). pp. 1-20. ISSN 01799541

Diaz, M and Kellingray, L and Akinyemi, N and Adefiranye, O O and Olaonipekun, A B and Bayili, G R and Ibezim, J and du Plessis, A S and Houngbédji, M and Kamya, D and Mukisa, I M and Mulaw, G and Manthi Josiah, S and Onyango Chienjo, W and Atter, A and Agbemafle, E and Annan, T and Bernice Ackah, N and Buys, E M and Joseph Hounhouigan, D and Muyanja, C and Nakavuma, J and Odeny, D A and Sawadogo-Lingani, H and Tesfaye Tefera, A and Amoa-Awua, W and Obodai, M and Mayer, M J and Oguntoyinbo, F A and Narbad, A (2019) Comparison of the microbial composition of African fermented foods using amplicon sequencing. Scientific Reports (TSI), 9 (1). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2045-2322

Doamba, S W M F and Savadogo, P and Nacro, H B (2014) Effects of burning on soil macrofauna in a savanna-woodland under different experimental fuel load treatments. Applied Soil Ecology, 81. pp. 37-44. ISSN 0929-1393

Douxchamps, S and Van Wijk, M T and Silvestri, S and Moussa, A S and Quiros, C and Ndour, N Y B and Buah, S and Somé, L and Herrero, M and Kristjanson, P and Ouedraogo, M and Thornton, P K and Asten, P V and Zougmore, R B and Rufino, M C (2015) Linking agricultural adaptation strategies, food security and vulnerability: evidence from West Africa. Regional Environmental Change. ISSN 1436-3798

Falconnier, G N and Corbeels, M and Boote, K J and Affholder, F and Adam, M and MacCarthy, D S and Ruane, A C and Nendel, C and Whitbread, A M and Justes, E and Ahuja, L R and Akinseye, F M and Alou, I N and Amouzou, K A and Anapalli, S S and Baron, C and Basso, B and Baudron, F and Bertuzzi, P and Challinor, A J and Chen, Y and Deryng, D and Elsayed, M L and Faye, B and Gaiser, T and Galdos, M and Gayler, S and Gerardeaux, E and Giner, M and Grant, B and Hoogenboom, G and Ibrahim, E S and Kamali, B and Kersebaum, K C and Kim, S H and van der Laan, M and Leroux, L and Lizaso, J I and Maestrini, B and Meier, E A and Mequanint, F and Ndoli, A and Porter, C H and Priesack, E and Ripoche, D and Sida, T and Singh, U and Smith, W and Srivastava, A and Sinha, S and Tao, F and Thorburn, P J and Timlin, D and Traore, B and Twine, T and Webber, H (2020) Modelling climate change impacts on maize yields under low nitrogen input conditions in sub‐Saharan Africa. Global Change Biology (TSI). pp. 1-23. ISSN 1354-1013

Faye, B and Webber, H and Naab, J B and MacCarthy, D S and Adam, M and Ewert, F and Lamers, J P A and Schleussner, C F and Ruane, A and Gessner, U and Hoogenboom, G and Boote, K and Shelia, V and Saeed, F and Wisser, D and Hadir, S and Laux, P and Gaiser, T (2018) Impacts of 1.5 versus 2.0 °C on cereal yields in the West African Sudan Savanna. Environmental Research Letters (TSI), 13 (3). pp. 1-13. ISSN 1748-9326

Gaisberger, H and Kindt, R and Loo, J and Schmidt, M and Bognounou, F and Da, S S and Diallo, O B and Ganaba, S and Gnoumou, A and Lompo, D and Lykke, A M and Mbayngone, E and Nacoulma, B M I and Ouedraogo, M and Ouedraogo, O and Parkouda, C and Porembski, S and Savadogo, P and Thiombiano, A and Zerbo, G and Vinceti, B (2017) Spatially explicit multi-threat assessment of food tree species in Burkina Faso: A fine-scale approach. PLoS ONE, 12 (9). pp. 1-26. ISSN 1932-6203

Gangashetty, P I and Riyazaddin, M and Sanogo, M D and Inousa, D and Issoufou, K A and Asungre, P A and Sy, O and Govindaraj, M and Ignatius, A I (2021) Identification of High-Yielding Iron-Biofortified Open-Pollinated Varieties of Pearl Millet in West Africa. Frontiers in Plant Science (TSI), 12 (688937). pp. 1-10. ISSN 1664-462X

Gemenet, D C and Beggi, F and Hash, C T and Sy, O and Sanogo, M D and Zangre, R G and Falalou, H and Buerkert, A and Haussmann, B G (2016) Towards understanding the traits contributing to performance of pearl millet open-pollinated varieties in phosphorus-limited environments of West Africa. Plant and Soil, 407 (1-2). pp. 243-259. ISSN 0032-079X

Gemenet, D C and Hash, C T and Sanogo, M D and Sy, O and Zangre, R G and Leiser, W L and Haussmann, B I G (2015) Phosphorus uptake and utilization efficiency in West African pearl millet inbred lines. Field Crops Research, 171. pp. 54-66. ISSN 0378-4290

Gemenet, D C and Hash, C T and Sy, O and Zangre, R G and Sanogoe, M D and Leiser, W L and Parzies, H K and Haussmann, B I G (2014) Pearl Millet Inbred and Testcross Performance under Low Phosphorus in West Africa. Crop Science, 54 (6). pp. 2574-2585. ISSN 0011-183X

Gemenet, D C and Leiser, W L and Zangre, R G and Angarawai, I I and Sanogo, M D and Sy, O and Thudi, M and Hash, C T and Haussmann, B I G (2015) Association analysis of low-phosphorus tolerance in West African pearl millet using DArT markers. Molecular Breeding, 35 (171). ISSN 1380-3743

Gimode, D M and Ochieng, G and Deshpande, S P and Manyasa, E O and Kondombo, C P and Mikwa, E O and Avosa, M O and Kunguni, J S and Ngugi, K and Sheunda, P and Jumbo, M B and Odeny, D A (2024) Validation of sorghum quality control (QC) markers across African breeding lines. The Plant Genome (TSI). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1940-3372

Huet, E K and Adam, M and Giller, K E and Descheemaeker, K (2020) Diversity in perception and management of farming risks in southern Mali. Agricultural Systems (TSI), 184. pp. 1-15. ISSN 0308-521X

Huet, E K and Adam, M and Traore, B and Giller, K E and Descheemaeker, K (2022) Coping with cereal production risks due to the vagaries of weather, labour shortages and input markets through management in southern Mali. European Journal of Agronomy (TSI), 140. pp. 1-13. ISSN 1161-0301

Ihm, J and Shumate, M and Bello-Bravo, J and Atouba, Y and Ba, M N and Dabire-Binso, C L and Pittendrigh, B R (2015) How do Service Providers and Clients Perceive Interorganizational Networks? VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 26 (05). pp. 1769-1785. ISSN 1573-7888

Iliasso, A D K T and Ali, I and Dougbedji, F and Baptiste, E D J and Vincent, B (2022) Pearl millet yields and yield stability under long-term soil fertility management in the Sahel. Agronomy Journal, 114 (4). pp. 2573-2583. ISSN 1435-0645

Issa, A and Falalou, H and Younoussa, O M and Yacoubou, B and Didier, Z J (2016) Caracterisation Agro-Morphologique Des Accessions D’arachide (Arachis Hypogaea L.) Pour La Teneur En Huile. European Scientific Journal, 12 (15). pp. 337-351. ISSN 18577881

Jamil, M and Wang, J Y and Yonli, D and Patil, R H and Riyazaddin, M and Gangashetty, P I and Berqdar, L and Chen, G E and Traore, H and Margueritte, O and Zwanenburg, B and Bhoge, S E and Al-Babili, S (2022) A New Formulation for Strigolactone Suicidal Germination Agents, towards Successful Striga Management. Plants (TSI), 11 (6). pp. 1-16. ISSN 2223-7747

Kabore, A and Ba, M N and Dabire-Binso, C and Sanon, A (2019) Towards development of a parasitoid cottage industry of the parasitoid wasp Habrobracon hebetor (say): optimum rearing and releases conditions for successful biological control of the millet head miner Heliocheilus albipunctella (De Joannis) in the Sahel. International Journal of Tropical Insect Science (TSI). pp. 1-9. ISSN 1742-7584

Kabore, A and Ba, M N and Dabire-Binso, C L and Sanon, A (2017) Field persistence of Habrobracon hebetor (Say) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) following augmentative releases against the millet head miner, Heliocheilus albipunctella (de Joannis) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), in the Sahel. Biological Control, 108. pp. 64-69. ISSN 10499644

Kagambega, W F and Thiombiano, A and Traoré, S and Zougmore, R B and Boussim, J I (2011) Survival and growth responses of Jatropha curcas L. to three restoration techniques on degraded soils in Burkina Faso. Annals of Forest Research, 54 (2). pp. 171-184. ISSN 1844-8135

Karimoune, L and Ba, M N and Baoua, I B and Muniappan, R (2018) The parasitoid Trichogrammatoidea armigera Nagaraja (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) is a potential candidate for biological control of the millet head miner Heliocheilus albipunctella (de Joannis) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in the Sahel. Biological Control (TSI), 127. pp. 9-16. ISSN 10499644

Kenis, M and Benelli, G and Biondi, A and Calatayud, P A and Day, R and Desneux, N and Harrison, R D and Kriticos, D and Rwomushana, I and Berg, J V D and Verheggen, F and Zhang, Y and Agboyi, L K and Ahissou, R B and Ba, M N and Bernal, J and Bueno, A F and Carrière, Y and Carvalho, G A and Chen, X X and Cicero, L and du Plessis, H and Early, R and Fallet, P and Fiaboe, K K M and Firake, D M and Goergen, G and Groot, A T and Guedes, R N C and Gupta, A and Hu, G and Huang, F N and Jaber, L R and Malo, E A and McCarthy, C B and Meagher, R L Jr and Mohamed, S and Sanchez, D M and Nagoshi, R N and Nègre, N and Niassy, S and Ota, N and Nyamukondiwa, C and Omoto, C and Palli, S R and Pavela, R and Ramirez-Romero, R and Rojas, J C and Subramanian, S and Tabashnik, B E and Tay, W T and Virla, E G and Wang, S and Williams, T and Zang, L and Zhang, L and Wu, K (2022) Invasiveness, biology, ecology, and management of the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda. Entomologia Generalis. pp. 1-55. ISSN 2363-7102

Kinda, S R and Badolo, F (2019) Does rainfall variability matter for food security in developing countries ? Cogent Economics & Finance (TSI), 7 (1). pp. 1-16. ISSN 2332-2039

Konate, M and Sanou, J and Miningou, A and Okello, D K and Desmae, H and Janila, P and Mumm, R (2020) Past, Present and Future Perspectives on Groundnut Breeding in Burkina Faso. Agronomy (TSI), 10 (5). pp. 1-23. ISSN 2073-4395

Koussoube, S and Ba, M N and Traoré, F and Dabire-Binso, C L and Sanon, A (2018) Evaluation of different options: host plant resistance, weed management, fertilization for the development of an integrated pest management strategy for the sweet potato weevil in Burkina Faso. Tropicultura, 36 (4). pp. 786-797. ISSN 0771-3312

Kuyah, S and Muoni, T and Bayala, J and Chopin, P and Dahlin, A S and Hughes, K and Jonsson, M and Kumar, S and Sileshi, G W and Dimobe, K and Öborn, I (2023) Grain legumes and dryland cereals contribute to carbon sequestration in the drylands of Africa and South Asia. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (TSI), 355. 01-11. ISSN 0167-8809

MacCarthy, D S and Adam, M and Freduah, B S and Fosu-Mensah, B Y and Ampim, P A Y and Ly, M and Traore, P S and Adiku, S G K (2021) Climate Change Impact and Variability on Cereal Productivity among Smallholder Farmers under Future Production Systems in West Africa. Sustainability (TSI), 13 (9). pp. 1-22. ISSN 2071-1050

Maredia, M K and Reyes, B and Ba, M N and Dabire, C L and Pittendrigh, B and Bello-Bravo, J (2017) Can mobile phone-based animated videos induce learning and technology adoption among low-literate farmers? A field experiment in Burkina Faso. Information Technology for Development. pp. 1-32. ISSN 0268-1102

Mel, V C and Bado, V B and Ndiaye, S and Djaman, K and Nati, D A B and Manneh, B and Futakuchi, K (2019) Predicting Rice Yield Under Salinity Stress Using K/Na Ratio Variable in Plant Tissue. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis (TSI), 50 (11). pp. 1321-1329. ISSN 0010-3624

Mel, V C and Bado, V B and Ndiaye, S and Djaman, K and Nati, D A B and Manneh, B and Futakuchi, K (2019) Suitable management options to improve the productivity of rice cultivars under salinity stress. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science (TSI), 65 (8). pp. 1093-1106. ISSN 0365-0340

Naoura, G and Emendack, Y and Baloua, N and vom Brocke, K and Hassan, M A and Sawadogo, N and Doyam Nodjasse, A and Djinodji, R and Trouche, G and Echevarria Laza, H (2020) Characterization of semi-arid Chadian sweet sorghum accessions as potential sources for sugar and ethanol production. Scientific Reports (TSI), 10 (1). ISSN 2045-2322

Naoura, G and Emendack, Y and Sawadogo, N and Djirabaye, N and Tabo, R and Laza, H and Atchozou, E A (2023) Assessment of Photoperiod Sensitivity and the Effect of Sowing Date on Dry-Season Sorghum Cultivars in Southern Chad. Agronomy (TSI), 13 (3). pp. 1-16. ISSN 2073-4395

Nerbewende, S and Teyoure, B J B and Zakaria, K and Mahamadi, H O and Wend-Pagnangde, M S F Z and Kiswendsida, R N and Nebie, B and Pauline, B K and Renan, E T and Mahamadou, S and Jean-Didier, Z (2018) Assessment of genetic diversity of Burkina Faso sweet grain sorghum using microsatellite markers. African Journal of Biotechnology, 17 (12). pp. 389-395. ISSN 1684-5315

Ojiewo, C O and Monyo, E and Desmae, H and Boukar, O and Mukankusi-Mugisha, C and Thudi, M and Pandey, M K and Saxena, R K and Gaur, P M and Chaturvedi, S K and Fikre, A and Ganga Rao, N V P R and Sameer Kumar, C V and Okori, P and Janila, P and Rubyogo, J C and Godfree, C and Akpo, E and Omoigui, L and Nkalubo, S and Fenta, B and Binagwa, P and Kilango, M and Williams, M and Mponda, O and Okello, D and Chichaybelu, M and Miningou, A and Bationo, J and Sako, D and Diallo, S and Echekwu, C and Umar, M L and Oteng-Frimpong, R and Mohammed, H and Varshney, R K and Ordon, F (2019) Genomics, genetics and breeding of tropical legumes for better livelihoods of smallholder farmers. Plant Breeding (TSI). pp. 1-13. ISSN 01799541

Ouedraogo, M and Barry, S and Zougmore, R B and Partey, S T and Somé, L and Baki, G (2018) Farmers’ Willingness to Pay for Climate Information Services: Evidence from Cowpea and Sesame Producers in Northern Burkina Faso. Sustainability (TSI), 10 (3) (611). pp. 1-16. ISSN 2071-1050

Ouedraogo, M and Thiombiano, T (2017) Socio-economic Determinants of Agricultural Land Clearings in South-Sudan Zone of Burkina Faso. Economie rurale, 360 (4). pp. 23-41. ISSN 0013-0559

Ouedraogo, M and Zougmore, R B and Barry, S and Somé, L and Grégoire, B (2015) The value and benefits of using seasonal climate forecasts in agriculture: evidence from cowpea and sesame sectors in climate-smart villages of Burkina Faso. CCAFS Info Note. 01-04.

Ouedraogo, M and Zougmore, R B and Moussa, A S and Partey, S T and Thornton, P K and Kristjanson, P and Ndour, N Y B and Somé, L and Naab, J and Boureima, M and Diakité, L and Quiros, C (2017) Markets and climate are driving rapid change in farming practices in Savannah West Africa. Regional Environmental Change, 17 (2). pp. 437-449. ISSN 1436-3798

Ouedraogo, P and Bationo, B A and Sanou, J and Traore, S and Barry, S and Dayamba, S D and Bayala, J and Ouedraogo, M and Soeters, S and Thiombiano, A (2017) Uses and vulnerability of ligneous species exploited by local population of northern Burkina Faso in their adaptation strategies to changing environments. Agriculture & Food Security, 6 (15). pp. 1-16. ISSN 2048-7010

Peairs, F and Pittendrigh, B R and Hellmich, R L and Higgins, T J V and Beach, L R and Huesing, J E and Nemeth, M A and Onyekachi, F N and Adazebra, G A and Umar, M L and Saba, M and Traore, F and Dabiré-Binso, C L and Abudulai, M and Atokple, I D K and Bationo, J B and Ba, M N and Tignegre, J B and Ishiyaku, M F and Addae, P C (2020) Efficacy of a cry1Ab Gene for Control of Maruca vitrata (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) in Cowpea (Fabales: Fabaceae). Journal of Economic Entomology (TSI), 113 (2). pp. 974-979. ISSN 0022-0493

Pucher, A and Sy, O and Angarawai, I I and Gondah, J and Zangre, R and Ouedraogo, Mahamadi and Sanogo, M D and Boureima, S and Hash, C T and Haussmann, I G (2015) Agro-morphological Characterization of West and Central African Pearl Millet Accessions. Crop Science, 55. pp. 737-748. ISSN 1435-0653

Pucher, A and Sy, O and Sanogo, M D and Angarawai, I I and Zangre, R and Ouedraogo, Mahamadi and Boureima, S and Hash, C T and Haussmann, B I G (2016) Combining ability patterns among West African pearl millet landraces and prospects for pearl millet hybrid breeding. Field Crops Research, 195. pp. 9-20. ISSN 03784290

Recha, C W and Makokha, G L and Traore, P C S and Shisanya, C and Lodoun, T and Sako, A (2012) Determination of seasonal rainfall variability, onset and cessation in semi-arid Tharaka district, Kenya. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 108 (03). pp. 479-494. ISSN 1434-4483

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Rubyogo, J C and Akpo, E and Omoigui, L and Gaur, P M and Chaturvedi, S K and Fikre, A and Desmae, H and Ajeigbe, H A and Monyo, E and Nkalubo, S and Fenta, B and Binagwa, P and Kilango, M and Williams, M and Mponda, O and Okello, D and Chichaybelu, M and Miningou, A and Bationo, J and Sako, D and Kouyate, Z and Diallo, S and Oteng‐Frimpong, R and Yirzagla, J and Iorlamen, T and Garba, U and Mohammed, H and Ojiewo, C O and Kamara, A and Varshney, R K and Nigam, S N and Janila, P and Nadaf, H L and Kalemera, S and Downes, A (2019) Market‐led options to scale up legume seeds in developing countries: Experiences from the Tropical Legumes Project. Plant Breeding (TSI). pp. 1-13. ISSN 0179-9541

Sanfo, S and Salack, S and Saley, I A and Daku, E K and Worou, N O and Savadogo, A and Barro, H and Guug, S and Koné, H and Ibrahim, B and Rojas, A and Raimond, C and Ogunjobi, K O (2021) Effects of customized climate services on land and labor productivity in Burkina Faso and Ghana. Climate Services, 25. 01-13. ISSN 2405-8807

Sanon, A and Koussoube, J C and Ba, M N and Dabire-Binso, L C and Sembène, M (2017) Report on Spermophagus niger Motschulsky, 1866 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Bruchinae: Amblycerini) infesting the seeds of roselle, Hibiscus sabdariffa L. (Malvaceae) during post-harvest storage in Burkina Faso. Journal of Stored Products Research, 72. pp. 64-67. ISSN 0022474X

Sanon, A and Zakaria, I and Clémentine L, D B and Ba, M N and Honora, N R C (2018) Potential of Botanicals to Control Callosobruchus maculatus (Col.: Chrysomelidae, Bruchinae), a Major Pest of Stored Cowpeas in Burkina Faso: A Review. International Journal of Insect Science, 10. pp. 1-8. ISSN 1179-5433

Sanou, A and Traoré, F and Ba, M N and Dabiré-Binso, C L and Pittendrigh, B R and Sanon, A (2019) Effects of Volatiles from Clavigralla tomentosicollis Stål. (Hemiptera: Coreidae) Adults on the Host Location Behavior of the Egg Parasitoid Gryon fulviventre (Crawford) (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae). International Journal of Insect Science, 11. pp. 1-7. ISSN 1179-5433

Sanou, J and Bationo, B A and Barry, S and Nabie, L D and Bayala, J and Zougmore, R B (2016) Combining soil fertilization, cropping systems and improved varieties to minimize climate risks on farming productivity in northern region of Burkina Faso. Agriculture & Food Security, 05 (20). 01-12. ISSN 2048-7010

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Silvestri, S and Sabine, D and Patti, K and Wiebke, F and Maren, R and Ianetta, M and Carlos, Q F and Mario, H and Anthony, N and Nicolas, N and Joash, M and Lieven, C and Cristina, R M (2015) Households and food security: lessons from food secure households in East Africa. Agriculture & Food Security, 4 (23). 01-15. ISSN 2048-7010

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Zongo, A and Khera, P and Sawadogo, M and Shasidhar, Y and Sriswathi, M and Vishwakarma, M K and Sankara, P and Ntare, B R and Varshney, R K and Pandey, M K and Desmae, H (2017) SSR markers associated to early leaf spot disease resistance through selective genotyping and single marker analysis in groundnut ( Arachis hypogaea L.). Biotechnology Reports, 15. pp. 132-137. ISSN 2215017X

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Book Section

Adiku, S G K and MacCarthy, D S and Hathie, I and Diancoumba, M and Freduah, B S and Amikuzuno, J and Traore, P C S and Traore, S and Koomson, E and Agali, A and Lizaso, J I and Fatondji, D and Adams, M and Tigana, L and Diarra, D Z and N'diaye, O and Valdivia, R O (2015) Climate Change Impacts on West African Agriculture: An Integrated Regional Assessment (CIWARA). In: Handbook of Climate Change and Agroecosystems: The Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project Integrated Crop and Economic Assessments, Part 2. Series on Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation, and Mitigation . World Scientific Publishing, pp. 25-73. ISBN 978-1-78326-563-3

Ganyo, K K and Muller, B and Guissé, A and Adam, M (2018) Fertilization Strategies Based on Climate Information to Enhance Food Security Through Improved Dryland Cereals Production. In: Handbook of Climate Change Resilience. Springer, pp. 1-18. ISBN 978-3-319-71025-9

Lompo, F and Bationo, A and Sedogo, M P and Bado, B V and Hien, V and Ouattara, B (2018) Role of Local Agro-minerals in Mineral Fertilizer Recommandations for Crops: Examples of Some West Africa Phosphate Rocks. In: Improving the Profitability, Sustainability and Efficiency of Nutrients Through Site Specific Fertilizer Recommendations in West Africa Agro-Ecosystems. Springer, pp. 157-180. ISBN 978-3-319-58788-2

Somda, J and Zougmore, R B and Sawadogo, I and Bationo, B A and Buah, S and Abasse, T (2017) Adaptation Processes in Agriculture and Food Security: Insights from Evaluating Behavioral Changes in West Africa. In: Evaluating Climate Change Action for Sustainable Development. Springer International Publishing, pp. 255-269. ISBN 978-3-319-43702-6

Some, L and Jalloh, A and Zougmore, R B and Nelson, G C and Thomas, T S (2013) Burkina Faso. In: West African agriculture and climate change: A comprehensive analysis. IFPRI’s climate change in Africa series . International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, pp. 79-109. ISBN 978-0-89629-204-8

Worou, O N and Tondoh, J E and Sanou, J and Gaiser, T and Nikiema, P M and Bayala, J and Bazié, P and Ky-Dembele, C and Kalinganiré, A (2018) Intensifying Maize Production Under Climate Change Scenarios in Central West Burkina Faso. In: Handbook of Climate Change Resilience. Springer, pp. 1-23. ISBN 978-3-319-71025-9


Abberton, M and Abdoulaye, T and Arinloye, D A and Asiedu, R and Ayantunde, A and Bayala, J and Cofie, O and Jalloh, A and Kane Potaka, J and Lamien, N and Tabo, R and Tenkouano, A and Tepa-Yotto, G and Whitbread, A M and Worou, O and Zougmore, R and Zwart, S (2021) Priority interventions for transformational change in the Sahel. Working Paper. cgiar.

Matlon, P J (1980) Local varieties, planting strategies and early season farming activities in two villages of Central Upper Volta. Monograph. Economics Program, ICRISAT/West Africa.

Conference or Workshop Item

Bationo, A and Nandwa, S M and Kimetu, J M and Kinyangi, J M and Bado, B V and Lompo, F and Kimani, S and Kihanda, F and Koala, S (2001) Sustainable intensification of crop– livestock systems through manure management in eastern and western Africa: Lessons learned and emerging research opportunities. In: Sustainable crop–livestock production for improved livelihoods and natural resource management in West Africa, Proceedings of an International onference, 19–22 November 2001, Ibadan, Nigeria.

Desmae, H and Ntare, B and Motagi, B N and Falalou, H and Upadhyaya, H D and Oteng-Frimpong, R and Sako, D and Echekwu, C and Miningou, A and Monyo, E and Varshney, R K (2017) Advances in groundnut breeding for drought prone West and Central Africa. In: InterDrought-V, February 21-25, 2017, Hyderabad, India.

Jarial, S and Nantoumé, H and Birhanu, Z B and Soguba, B and Ayantunde, A and Whitbread, A M and Tabo, R and Fischer, G and Hoeschle-Zeldon, I (2016) Addressing dry season feeding challenges in Mali by Mobile Choppers. In: Africa RISING West Africa partners sift out “scalable” technologies for program phase 2 at review and planning meeting, March 30- April 01, 2016, Accra, Ghana.

Ngoko, Z and Thomas, M D and Werder, J (1987) Sorghum and pearl millet diseases in the north of Cameroon. In: ICRISAT, West African Program, 1987, West Africa.

Umutoni, C and Bado, B V and Whitbread, A M and Ayantunde, A and Abdoussalam, I and Korombe, H S (2019) Evaluation of the feed quality of six dual purpose pearl millet varieties and growth performance of sheep fed their residues in Niger. In: Tropentag 2019: Filling gaps and removing traps for sustainable resources management, 18-20 September 2019, University of Kassel, Germany.

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