Acknowledgement: |
1 take this opportunity to sincerely thank Dr.M.Suryanaraysn Reddy. Associate Professor.
ANGRAU, Chairman of the Advlsory Committee and Dr.R..I.K.Mgers, Project Team Leader,
ICRISAT. Co-chairman of the Advisory Committee,for being my source of inspiration and for
edltmg my tkss carefully and glvlng m valuable advlce dlld per\011,11e ncourdgen~~Iint heip~ngn K
to complete my them cmolhly
I would llle to express my warm appreclat~ont o Dr.K.B.Laryea. Pr~nc~paSlc lent~st
ICRISAT, who accepted m as a Ph D student and helped na to coliiplele lily two Years of research
work by gud~nga nd supervalng m at every ctage of the research ujurl. through hls vast experience
In cod phpec, unt~lhl ~sd eparture from ICRISAT In March I997 The exper~enccI gamed from h1111,
In so11p hyslcr. llur~ngh ~cst ay. 1s colossal
Tli;lnls arc duc to ~ i ~ ~ i i borf rInry Advlsory Co~iuiilttecI) r.(;.Najiessrara RPOf or liclp~ng
lie to declde the \tat!itlcal deslgn of my experllnent and Dr.B.Bhaskar Reddy for adv~clngIIK on
the aprononi~c.ila spects of the experlnxnt Thanls .!Is0 to 1)r.T.J.Hego for 111s~ ndlvldu,iIln tere\t
and encour~ge~ixrnlito wn clurlng my research Investlg~itlonr
I wl\li 111 chprcsc my sincere tli,ink\ to Dr.A.Sreenira\d HAJII I'r0fesv1r dncl Iledd
Dep.ulliwit of So11S clcri~em l Ab~cullurdCl he~nl\tryfo r lhi\ \eJ\oncd .~dvl~pce, rsonal Interest Jnd
eiicouragelnenl flveli to 11% In my research work I ,il\o tI1,11ik ,111 tlic Fiicully and Non-faculty
me~iiber\o f !lie (1ep.iruilznl for extsnd~ngd l1 posa~blei ielp dur~~iillgy re\e.lrrli Invectlgatlon\ My
grdtefill thank\ to 1)r.B.Dlwakar and hlr.Pnhhakar I'athak for lielp~~aignd ericouragln mge during
lily work dt ICKISAT
hlnny people have contr~buted towards the completion of the research work and thesls
wr~t~ng I take th~s opponunlty to thank Mr.K.V.S.Murthy, hlr. Sudi Raghavendra Rao,
hlr.S.T.Srinivasan, hlr.G.Pardhasardhi, hlr.V.Nageswara Rao, h1r.Y.Prabhakara Rao and
hlr.L.Xlohan Rfddy for the~re xper~enccda dv~ce,g uddncc and specldl Interest shown dur~ngth e
course ofniy expemirnt The expermental work In the field would iiot have been posslble w~thout
techcd asslstmce from A.Narsimloo, L.Nageswara Rao, D.S.Prasad Rao, and N.Ramaswamy
Thanks are due to Mr.S.V.Rao, Mr.C.Ashok and Mr.M.Yadaiah for prov~dlngd ally transport to
field and Xlr.Anianullah Khan for brlng~ngm to office ereryddy
Ia ffectionately acknowledge the help, and fr~endlyg uldance I rece~vedfr om my colleagues
at ANGRAU, Jyolhi, Sridevi, Venkaiah, Ravindra Babu, and espec~ally Dr.M.D.Rahman.
T h d s are due to many of my ICRISAT frlends namely Shobha, Padmavathi, Padmaja, Nalini,
Vijayalakshmi, Sirisha, Indim, Sridhar, Srinivas, Sudhendn, Hiren, Bhaji, Pmsad, Anju and
Joseph for stuiiulatmg n r to get mbolved m other actlvitler outs~clc of rrre.arch I extend w i n
thanks to some of the ICRISAT colleagues Jayamnni, O.P.Balakrishnnn, Copela Chary,
Balvanlh Reddy, hlohan Rao, and mvly more for prnvtdll~gf r~endlyr dv~cc.t nd suppon dur~ngin y
research lnvestlgatlons I am also grateful to the Slam ,tntl Regular Work Force especially
Chandriah, Anjaiah and Narayana for t&~ng so11 rnlnples In the field rnd for practical guidance
in field and labaratory work.