Influence of soil surface management on profile moisture storage, deep percolation and solute movement of an alfisol

Nivedita, M (1997) Influence of soil surface management on profile moisture storage, deep percolation and solute movement of an alfisol. PHD thesis, Acharya N G Ranga Agricultural University.

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Soil structure is an imponant soil physical aspect which influences not only mny other soil propenjes but also the crop growih and yied. Many surface management techniques can be adopted which affect soil structure through formation as well as stabilization of aggregates. The changes brought about in the soil shuctural features are reflected in soil physical properties such as porosity. bulk density, aggregate slabity, sorptivity, hydraulic conductivity, steady-state flow rate, man pore size etc. Soil shucture is not a static property and changes with water content and other agencies of stress. The formation of aggregates and pores and their stabilization is very ilnportant to maintain a good soil structure and to increase productivity of the soils. Stable aggregation and proper pore size distribution determine a good soil tilth...

Item Type: Thesis (PHD)
Subjects: Others > Soil Science
Depositing User: Users 6 not found.
Date Deposited: 30 Aug 2011 07:30
Last Modified: 03 Sep 2011 14:16
Acknowledgement: 1 take this opportunity to sincerely thank Dr.M.Suryanaraysn Reddy. Associate Professor. ANGRAU, Chairman of the Advlsory Committee and Dr.R..I.K.Mgers, Project Team Leader, ICRISAT. Co-chairman of the Advisory Committee,for being my source of inspiration and for edltmg my tkss carefully and glvlng m valuable advlce dlld per\011,11e ncourdgen~~Iint heip~ngn K to complete my them cmolhly I would llle to express my warm appreclat~ont o Dr.K.B.Laryea. Pr~nc~paSlc lent~st ICRISAT, who accepted m as a Ph D student and helped na to coliiplele lily two Years of research work by gud~nga nd supervalng m at every ctage of the research ujurl. through hls vast experience In cod phpec, unt~lhl ~sd eparture from ICRISAT In March I997 The exper~enccI gamed from h1111, In so11p hyslcr. llur~ngh ~cst ay. 1s colossal Tli;lnls arc duc to ~ i ~ ~ i i borf rInry Advlsory Co~iuiilttecI) r.(;.Najiessrara RPOf or liclp~ng lie to declde the \tat!itlcal deslgn of my experllnent and Dr.B.Bhaskar Reddy for adv~clngIIK on the aprononi~c.ila spects of the experlnxnt Thanls .!Is0 to 1)r.T.J.Hego for 111s~ ndlvldu,iIln tere\t and encour~ge~ixrnlito wn clurlng my research Investlg~itlonr I wl\li 111 chprcsc my sincere tli,ink\ to Dr.A.Sreenira\d HAJII I'r0fesv1r dncl Iledd Dep.ulliwit of So11S clcri~em l Ab~cullurdCl he~nl\tryfo r lhi\ \eJ\oncd .~dvl~pce, rsonal Interest Jnd eiicouragelnenl flveli to 11% In my research work I ,il\o tI1,11ik ,111 tlic Fiicully and Non-faculty me~iiber\o f !lie (1ep.iruilznl for extsnd~ngd l1 posa~blei ielp dur~~iillgy re\e.lrrli Invectlgatlon\ My grdtefill thank\ to 1)r.B.Dlwakar and hlr.Pnhhakar I'athak for lielp~~aignd ericouragln mge during lily work dt ICKISAT hlnny people have contr~buted towards the completion of the research work and thesls wr~t~ng I take th~s opponunlty to thank Mr.K.V.S.Murthy, hlr. Sudi Raghavendra Rao, hlr.S.T.Srinivasan, hlr.G.Pardhasardhi, hlr.V.Nageswara Rao, h1r.Y.Prabhakara Rao and hlr.L.Xlohan Rfddy for the~re xper~enccda dv~ce,g uddncc and specldl Interest shown dur~ngth e course ofniy expemirnt The expermental work In the field would iiot have been posslble w~thout techcd asslstmce from A.Narsimloo, L.Nageswara Rao, D.S.Prasad Rao, and N.Ramaswamy Thanks are due to Mr.S.V.Rao, Mr.C.Ashok and Mr.M.Yadaiah for prov~dlngd ally transport to field and Xlr.Anianullah Khan for brlng~ngm to office ereryddy Ia ffectionately acknowledge the help, and fr~endlyg uldance I rece~vedfr om my colleagues at ANGRAU, Jyolhi, Sridevi, Venkaiah, Ravindra Babu, and espec~ally Dr.M.D.Rahman. T h d s are due to many of my ICRISAT frlends namely Shobha, Padmavathi, Padmaja, Nalini, Vijayalakshmi, Sirisha, Indim, Sridhar, Srinivas, Sudhendn, Hiren, Bhaji, Pmsad, Anju and Joseph for stuiiulatmg n r to get mbolved m other actlvitler outs~clc of rrre.arch I extend w i n thanks to some of the ICRISAT colleagues Jayamnni, O.P.Balakrishnnn, Copela Chary, Balvanlh Reddy, hlohan Rao, and mvly more for prnvtdll~gf r~endlyr dv~cc.t nd suppon dur~ngin y research lnvestlgatlons I am also grateful to the Slam ,tntl Regular Work Force especially Chandriah, Anjaiah and Narayana for t&~ng so11 rnlnples In the field rnd for practical guidance in field and labaratory work.
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