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Jump to: (EROS) Center, U.S. Geological Survey (USA) | AMASSA Afrique Verte, Bamako | Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University (ANGRAU), Lam, Andhra Pradesh | Acharya NG Ranga Agricultural University(Guntur) | Acharya NG Ranga Agricultural University, Guntur, India | Addis Ababa University, Centre for Environmental Science, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia | Agronomy Group, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources (Gorgan) | Ajeet Seeds (Aurangabad) | Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), Addis Ababa | Amhara Agricultural Research Institute, Adet Agricultural Research Center, Bahir Dar | Andhra University(Visakhapatnam) | Aoyama Gakuin University (Tokyo) | Asian Development Bank (Manila) | Asian Development Bank(Dhaka) | Asian Development Bank(Manila) | Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (Canberra) | BRAC Center (Dhaka) | BRAC, Dhaka, Bangladesh | Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (Gazipur) | Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Gazipur, Bangladesh | Bay Area Environmental Research Institute | Bay Area Environmental Research Institute (BAERI) | Bay Area Environmental Research Institute (BAERI) (Moffett Field) | Bay Area Environmental Research Institute (BAERI) (Petaluma) | Bay Area Environmental Research Institute (BAERI) (West Sonoma) | Bay Area Environmental Research Institute (BAERI), NASA Research Park Moffett Field (CA) | Bay Area Environmental Research Institute (BAERI), NASA Research Park, (Moffett Field) | Bay Area Environmental Research Institute (Petaluma) | Bay Area Environmental Research Institute (San Jose) | Bay Area Environmental Research Institute (USA) | Bay Area Environmental Research Institute(CA) | Bay Area Environmental Research Institute(Moffett Field) | Bayero University (Kano) | Bihar Agriculture University (Sabor) | Bihar Agriculture University, Sabor, India | Biospheric Sciences Laboratory (Greenbelt) | CCAFS South Asia, CIMMYT, NASC complex, (New Delhi) | CIMMYT Asia Maize Program, ICRISAT campus (Patancheru) | CIMMYT Asia Maize Program, ICRISAT campus, Patancheru-502324, Hyderabad, India | CSISA-MI Project, CIMMYT (Dhaka) | Central Asian Scientific Research Institute of Irrigation(Tashkent) | Centurion University of Technology and Management(Odisha) | Centurion University of Technology and Management(Paralakhemundi) | Charles Sturt University(New South Wales) | Chattogram North Forest Division, Bangladesh Forest Department, Banbhaban, Agargaon, Dhaka | Computational & Information Science and Technology Office, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (Greenbelt) | Corteva AgriSciences, Hyderabad, India | Dantiwada Agriculture University, Gujarat, India | Department of Agronomy, Kansas State University (Manhattan) | Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Illinois, Urbana | Department of Earth and Environment, Boston University (Boston) | Department of Economics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Uppsala) | Department of Forestry and Wildland Resources, Humboldt State University (Arcata) | Department of Geo Engineering, College of Engineering, Andhra University (Visakhapatnam) | Department of Geography, McGill University (Montreal) | Department of Natural Resources and the Environment, University of New Hampshire (Durham) | Department of Natural Resources, Faculty of Geo-Information and Earth Observation (ITC), University of Twente (Enschede) | Directorate of Agriculture & Food Production, Govt of Odisha, Bhubaneswar, Odisha | DuPont Pioneer (Hyderabad) | EC-JRC, European Commission-Joint Research Centre (Ispra) | Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department, Asian Development Bank (Manila) | Faculty of Geo-information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), University of Twente,the Netherlands | GIZ-Ethiopia, (Addis Ababa) | Geological Survey (USGS) | German Development Institute, Bonn, Germany | German International Cooperation (GIZ), Addis Ababa | Google (Mountain View) | Google Inc (Mountain View) | Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo,Tokyo, Japan | Humboldt State University (Arcata) | ICAR—All India Coordinated Research Project for Dryland Agriculture (CRIDA), Anantapuramu | ICAR—Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Santhosh Nagar, Hyderabad | ICAR—National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning, Regional Centre, Bengaluru | ICAR—National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning, Amravati Road, Nagpur | ICRISAT (Addis Ababa) | ICRISAT (Bamako) | ICRISAT (Ethiopia) | ICRISAT (Lilongwe) | ICRISAT (Nairobi) | ICRISAT (Patancheru) | ICRISAT (Tanzania) | ICRISAT Development Center, ICRISAT, Patancheru, Telangana, India | ICRISAT(Niger) | ICRISAT(Nigeria) | ICRISAT(Patancheru) | ILRI(Patancheru) | INTERA Incorporated | IRRI (Los Banos) | IRRI Myanmar Office, Department of Agriculture, Gyogone, Insein Road, Yangon, Myanmar | IRRI(Los Banos) | IRRI(Metro Manila) | IRRI(Patancheru) | IWMI(Accra) | IWMI(Addis Ababa) | IWMI(Colombo) | IWMI(Patancheru) | IWMI(Tashkent) | Independent Consultant(Pakistan) | Independent Researcher (Miami) | Indian Agricultural Research Institute(New Delhi) | Indian Council of Agricultural Research – All India Coordinated Research Project on Pearl Millet, Jodhpur | Indian Institute of Maize Research (Ludhiana) | Indian Institute of Maize Research, Ludhiana, Punjab, India | Institute for Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space, University of New Hampshire (Durham) | Institute of Agricultural Engineering(Bet Dagan) | Institute of Agricultural Sciences, BHU (Varanasi) | Institute of Agricultural Sciences, BHU, Varanasi, U.P., India | International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) (Beirut) | International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) (Cali) | International Centre for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), Cairo | International Food Policy Research Institute, 2033 K St NW, Washington, DC | International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) (Ibadan) | International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (Nairobi) | International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI), SEAP (Penang) | International Reinsurance and Insurance Consultancy and Broking Services Pvt. Ltd, Mumbai, India | International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines | International Rice Research Institute (Los Baños) | International Rice Research Institute, Viet Nam | International Rice Research institute,Vietnam | International Water Management Institute | International Water Management Institute (IWMI) (Patancheru) | Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU), (Hyderabad) | Jawarharlal Nehru Technological University(Hyderabad) | Kaveri Seeds Pvt. Ltd. (Hyderabad) | Kaveri Seeds Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad, India | Kuvempu University(Shimoga) | Laboratoire Sol- Eau- Plante SotubaInstitut d’Economie Rurale (IER) (Bamako) | Louisiana State University (LA) | Mahabalonis Crop Forecasting Center(New Delhi) | Mahalanobis National Crop Forecast Centre | Mahalanobis National Crop Forecast Centre (MNCFC), Ministry of Agriculture, Delhi | Mahalanobis National Crop Forecast Centre(New Delhi) | Main Maize Research Station, Gujarat Agriculture University (Godhra) | Main Maize Research Station, Gujarat Agriculture University, Godhara, Gujarat, India | Maize & Millet Research Institute (Sahiwal) | Maize & Millet Research Institute, Sahiwal, Pakistan | Minor Irrigation, Department of Command Area Development, Anantapuramu | NASA Ames Research Center (Moffett Field) | NASA Ames Research Center (USA) | NASA Ames Research Center(Moffett Field) | NASA Ames Research Park(Moffett Field) | NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) (Greenbelt) | NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (Greenbelt) | NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (USA) | Nakhan Suwan Field Crop Research Center, Tak Fa (Nakhan Sawan) | Nakhan Suwan Field Crop Research Center, Tak Fa, Nakhan Sawan, Thailand | National Bureau of Soil Survey & Land Use Planning(Nagpur) | National Institute of Rural Development(Hyderabad) | National Institute of Rural Development, Rajendranagar (Hyderabad) | National Maize Research Institute (Ha Noi) | National Maize Research Institute, Ha Noi, Vietnam | National Maize Research Program, Rampur (Chitwan) | National Maize Research Program, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal | Northern Arizona University (Flagstaff) | Northern Arizona University (USA) | Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology(Odisha) | Sairam Engineers(Bangalore) | School of Earth Science and Environmental Sustainability, Northern Arizona University (Flagstaff) | School of Earth Sciences and Environmental Sustainability (SESES), Northern Arizona University (Flagstaff) | Scientific Research Institute for Growing Cotton(Tashkent) | Sigma Space Corporation Inc (Lanham) | Social Science Division, International Rice Research Institute (Los Baños) | South Dakota State University(Brookings) | Southwest Geographic Science Center(Flagstaff) | State Agricultural Biotechnology Centre, Centre for Crop & Food Innovation, Food Futures Institute, Murdoch University, Murdoch | Tel-Aviv University(Tel Aviv) | The UWA Institute of Agriculture, The University of Western Australia (Crawley) | The UWA Institute of Agriculture, the University of Western Australia (Crawley) | The University of Tokyo(Tokyo) | U. S. Geological Survey | U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) (Flagstaff) | U. S. Geological Survey (USGS), (EROS) Center (Sioux Falls) | U. S. Geological Survey (USGS), Western Geographic Science Center (Flagstaff) | U.S. Geological Survey (Flagstaff) | U.S. Geological Survey (USA) | U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) (Flagstaff) | U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center(Sioux Falls) | U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Western Geographic Science Center (Flagstaff) | U.S. Geological Survey(Flagstaf) | UK Center for Ecology and Hydrology, Wallingford, United Kingdom | UN World Food Pragramme (Manila) | US Geological Survey (Flagstaff) | UWA Institute of Agriculture, University of Western Australia (Crawley) | United Nations Joint Logistics Cente(Juba) | United Nations Joint Logistics Center(Juba) | United Nations Joint Logistics Center-WFP(Juba) | United Nations World Food Programme | United States Department of Agriculture-Agriculture Research Service (ARS), Edward T. Schafer Agricultural Research Center, Fargo | United States Department of Agriculture-Agriculture Research Service (ARS), U.S. Arid Land Agricultural Research Center, Maricopa | United States Geological Survey (USGS) (Flagstaff) | United States Geological Survey (USGS) (USA) | United States Geological Survey (USGS)(Flagstaff) | University Of Wisconsin, 1710 University Avenue (Madison) | University of Agricultural Sciences (Raichur) | University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur, Karnataka, India | University of Giessen (Gießen) | University of Malawi (Blantyre) | University of Marburg (Marburg) | University of Maryland Baltimore County (Baltimore) | University of Maryland(College Park) | University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,USA | University of Minnesota(St. Paul) | University of New Hampshire (Durham) | University of New Hampshire (New Hampshire) | University of New Hampshire (USA) | University of New Hampshire(Durham) | University of New Hampshire, Dept. of Natural Resources & the Environment (Durham) | University of Oklahoma(Norman) | University of Oklahoma(Oklahoma) | University of Soil Sciences(Bet Dagan) | University of Technology Sydney (UTS) (Broadway) | University of Texas at El Paso (El Paso) | University of Wisconsin (Madison) | University of Wisconsin (USA) | Water and Land Resource Center, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia | Western Geographic Science Center (Flagstaff) | Western Geographic Science Center (WGSC), U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) (Flagstaff) | Western Geographic Science Center U(Arizona) | Western Geographic Science Center, U. S. Geological Survey (USA) | Western Geographic Science Center, U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) (Flagstaff) | Western Geographic Science Center, U. S. Geological Survey, and the Bay Area Environmental Research Institute (BAERI) (California) | Western Geographic Science Center, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), (Flagstaff) | Woldia University (Woldia) | Woldya University, (Woldya) | Wollo University, (Dessie) | World Food Program | World Food Programme(Juba) | sarmap, Caslano, Switzerland
Number of items: 407.

(EROS) Center, U.S. Geological Survey (USA)

Teluguntla, P and Thenkabail, P S and Xiong, J and Gumma, M K and Giri, C and Milesi, C and Ozdogan, M and Congalton, R G and Tilton, J (2015) Global Food Security Support Analysis Data (GFSAD) at Nominal 1 km (GCAD) Derived from Remote Sensing in Support of Food Security in the Twenty-First Century: Current Achievements and Future Possibilities. In: Land Resources Monitoring, Modeling, and Mapping with Remote Sensing. CRC Press, pp. 131-160. ISBN 9781482217957

AMASSA Afrique Verte, Bamako

Traore, B and Zemadim, B and Sangaré, S and Gumma, M K and Tabo, R and Whitbread, A M (2021) Contribution of Climate-Smart Agriculture Technologies to Food Self-Sufficiency of Smallholder Households in Mali. Sustainability (TSI), 13 (14). pp. 1-17. ISSN 2071-1050

Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University (ANGRAU), Lam, Andhra Pradesh

Gumma, M K and Kadiyala, M D M and Panjala, P and Ray, S S and Akuraju, V R and Dubey, S and Smith, A P and Das, R and Whitbread, A M (2021) Assimilation of Remote Sensing Data into Crop Growth Model for Yield Estimation: A Case Study from India. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing (TSI). ISSN 0255-660X

Acharya NG Ranga Agricultural University(Guntur)

Gumma, M K and Panjala, P and Dubey, S K and Ray, D K and Murthy, C S and Kadiyala, D M and Mohammed, I and Takashi, Y (2024) Spatial Distribution of Cropping Systems in South Asia Using Time-Series Satellite Data Enriched with Ground Data. Remote Sensing(TSI), 16 (15). pp. 1-18. ISSN 2072-4292

Acharya NG Ranga Agricultural University, Guntur, India

Kadiyala, M D M and Nedumaran, S and Padmanabhan, J and Gumma, M K and Gummadi, S and Srigiri, S R and Robertson, R and Whitbread, A M (2021) Modeling the potential impacts of climate change and adaptation strategies on groundnut production in India. Science of The Total Environment (TSI), 776. pp. 1-11. ISSN 0048-9697

Kadiyala, M D M and Gummadi, S and Irshad, M A and Palanisamy, R and Gumma, M K and Whitbread, A M (2020) Assessment of climate change and vulnerability in Indian state of Telangana for better agricultural planning. Theoretical and Applied Climatology (TSI). ISSN 0177-798X

Addis Ababa University, Centre for Environmental Science, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Feyisa, G L and Palao, L K and Nelson, A and Gumma, M K and Paliwal, A and Win, K T and Nge, K H and Johnson, D E (2020) Characterizing and mapping cropping patterns in a complex agro-ecosystem: An iterative participatory mapping procedure using machine learning algorithms and MODIS vegetation indices. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture (TSI), 175. pp. 1-11. ISSN 0168-1699

Agronomy Group, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources (Gorgan)

Hajjarpoor, A and Vadez, V and Soltani, A and Gaur, P M and Whitbread, A M and Suresh Babu, D and Gumma, M K and Diancoumba, M and Kholova, J (2018) Characterization of the main chickpea cropping systems in India using a yield gap analysis approach. Field Crops Research (TSI), 223. pp. 93-104. ISSN 03784290

Ajeet Seeds (Aurangabad)

Zaidi, P H and Nguyen, T and Ha, D N and Thaitad, S and Ahmed, S and Arshad, M and Koirala, K B and Rijal, T R and Kuchanur, P and Patil, A M and Mandal, S S and Kumar, R and Singh, S B and Kumar, B and Shahi, J P and Patel, M B and Gumma, M K and Pandey, K and Chaurasia, R and Anarse, B and Ali, R and Seetharam, K and Das, R R and Vinayan, M T and Rashid, Z and Nair, S and Vivek, B S (2018) Maize for Changing Climate - Chasing the Moving Target. In: 13th Asian Maize Conference and Expert Consultation on Maize for Food, Feed, Nutrition and Environmental Security, October 8, 2018, Radisson Blu Hotel, Ludhiana, India.

Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), Addis Ababa

Amare, T and Amede, T and Abewa, A and Woubet, A and Agegnehu, G and Gumma, M K and Schulz, S (2022) Remediation of acid soils and soil property amelioration via Acacia decurrens-based agroforestry system. Agroforestry Systems (TSI). ISSN 0167-4366

Amhara Agricultural Research Institute, Adet Agricultural Research Center, Bahir Dar

Amare, T and Amede, T and Abewa, A and Woubet, A and Agegnehu, G and Gumma, M K and Schulz, S (2022) Remediation of acid soils and soil property amelioration via Acacia decurrens-based agroforestry system. Agroforestry Systems (TSI). ISSN 0167-4366

Andhra University(Visakhapatnam)

Gumma, M K and Nukala, R M and Panjala, P and Bellam, P K and Gajjala, S and Dubey, S K and Sehgal, V K and Mohammed, I and Deevi, K C (2024) Optimizing Crop Yield Estimation through Geospatial Technology: A Comparative Analysis of a Semi-Physical Model, Crop Simulation, and Machine Learning Algorithms. AgriEngineering, 6 (1). pp. 786-802. ISSN 2624-7402

Panjala, P and Reddi, V R M and Gumma, M K and Deevi, K C and Gupta, S K (2023) Identifying prospects and potential areas for introducing pearl millet stress-tolerant cultivars in Rajasthan, India: A geospatial analysis. Smart Agricultural Technology, 6. pp. 1-10. ISSN 2772-3755

Aoyama Gakuin University (Tokyo)

Gumma, M K and Kajisa, K and Mohammed, I A and Whitbread, A M and Nelson, A and Rala, A and Palanisami, K (2015) Temporal change in land use by irrigation source in Tamil Nadu and management implications. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 187 (4155). 01-17. ISSN 0167-6369

Asian Development Bank (Manila)

Gumma, M K and Takashi, Y and Panjala, P and Deevi, K C and Inthavong, V and Bellam, P K and Mohammed, I (2022) Assessment of Cropland Changes Due to New Canals in Vientiane Prefecture of Laos using Earth Observation Data. Smart Agricultural Technology, 4. 01-11. ISSN 2772-3755

Asian Development Bank(Dhaka)

Gumma, M K and Panjala, P and Dubey, S K and Ray, D K and Murthy, C S and Kadiyala, D M and Mohammed, I and Takashi, Y (2024) Spatial Distribution of Cropping Systems in South Asia Using Time-Series Satellite Data Enriched with Ground Data. Remote Sensing(TSI), 16 (15). pp. 1-18. ISSN 2072-4292

Asian Development Bank(Manila)

Yamano, T and Gumma, M K and Panjala, P and Haq, N U and Fahad, M and Sato, N and Arif, B W and Saeed, U (2024) Applying Spatial Analysis to Assess Crop Damage: A Case Study of the Pakistan 2022 Floods. Working Paper. ADB publications, Philippines.

Gumma, M K and Thenkabail, P S and Panjala, P and Teluguntla, P and Yamano, T and Mohammed, I (2022) Multiple agricultural cropland products of South Asia developed using Landsat-8 30 m and MODIS 250 m data using machine learning on the Google Earth Engine (GEE) cloud and spectral matching techniques (SMTs) in support of food and water security. GIScience & Remote Sensing, 59 (1). pp. 1048-1077. ISSN 1943-7226

Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (Canberra)

Hyman, G and Barona, E and Biradar, C and Guevara, E and Dixon, J and Beebe, S and Castano, S E and Alabi, T and Gumma, M K and Sivasankar, S and Rivera, O and Espinosa, H and Cardona, J (2016) Priority regions for research on dryland cereals and legumes. F1000 Research, 05 (885). 01-18. ISSN 2046-1402

BRAC Center (Dhaka)

Zaidi, P H and Nguyen, T and Ha, D N and Thaitad, S and Ahmed, S and Arshad, M and Koirala, K B and Rijal, T R and Kuchanur, P and Patil, A M and Mandal, S S and Kumar, R and Singh, S B and Kumar, B and Shahi, J P and Patel, M B and Gumma, M K and Pandey, K and Chaurasia, R and Anarse, B and Ali, R and Seetharam, K and Das, R R and Vinayan, M T and Rashid, Z and Nair, S and Vivek, B S (2018) Maize for Changing Climate - Chasing the Moving Target. In: 13th Asian Maize Conference and Expert Consultation on Maize for Food, Feed, Nutrition and Environmental Security, October 8, 2018, Radisson Blu Hotel, Ludhiana, India.

BRAC, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Zaidi, P H and Nguyen, T and Dang, N H and Suriphat, T and Salahuddin, A and Arshad, M and Koirala, K B and Rijal, T R and Kuchanur, P H and Patil, A M and Mandal, S S and Kumar, R and Singh, S B and Kumar, B and Shahi, J P and Patel, M B and Gumma, M K and Pandey, K and Chaurasia, R and Haque, A and Seetharam, K and Das, R R and Vinayan, M T and Rashid, Z and Nair, S K and Vivek, B S (2020) Stress-resilient maize for climate-vulnerable ecologies in the Asian tropics. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 14 (8). pp. 1264-1274. ISSN 1835-2707

Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (Gazipur)

Zaidi, P H and Nguyen, T and Ha, D N and Thaitad, S and Ahmed, S and Arshad, M and Koirala, K B and Rijal, T R and Kuchanur, P and Patil, A M and Mandal, S S and Kumar, R and Singh, S B and Kumar, B and Shahi, J P and Patel, M B and Gumma, M K and Pandey, K and Chaurasia, R and Anarse, B and Ali, R and Seetharam, K and Das, R R and Vinayan, M T and Rashid, Z and Nair, S and Vivek, B S (2018) Maize for Changing Climate - Chasing the Moving Target. In: 13th Asian Maize Conference and Expert Consultation on Maize for Food, Feed, Nutrition and Environmental Security, October 8, 2018, Radisson Blu Hotel, Ludhiana, India.

Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Gazipur, Bangladesh

Zaidi, P H and Nguyen, T and Dang, N H and Suriphat, T and Salahuddin, A and Arshad, M and Koirala, K B and Rijal, T R and Kuchanur, P H and Patil, A M and Mandal, S S and Kumar, R and Singh, S B and Kumar, B and Shahi, J P and Patel, M B and Gumma, M K and Pandey, K and Chaurasia, R and Haque, A and Seetharam, K and Das, R R and Vinayan, M T and Rashid, Z and Nair, S K and Vivek, B S (2020) Stress-resilient maize for climate-vulnerable ecologies in the Asian tropics. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 14 (8). pp. 1264-1274. ISSN 1835-2707

Bay Area Environmental Research Institute

Oliphant, A and Thenkabail, P S and Teluguntla, P and Congalton, R and Yadav, K and Gumma, M K and Xiong, J and Massey, R and Smith, C (2017) Mapping Croplands of Southeast Asia, Japan, and North and South Korea using Landsat 30-m time-series, random forest algorithm. In: 20th William T. Pecora Memorial Remote Sensing Symposium. Pecora 20 – “Observing a Changing Earth: Science for Decisions…Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection”., November 13-16, 2017, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA.

Thenkabail, P S and Teluguntla, P and Gumma, M K and Dheeravath, V (2015) Hyperspectral Remote Sensing for Terrestrial Applications. In: Land Resources Monitoring, Modeling, and Mapping with Remote Sensing. CRC Press, pp. 201-233. ISBN 9781482217957

Bay Area Environmental Research Institute (BAERI)

Thenkabail, P S and Gumma, M K and Teluguntla, P and Irshad, A M (2014) Hyperspectral remote sensing of vegetation and agricultural crops. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing (TSI), 80 (8). pp. 695-723. ISSN 0099-1112

Bay Area Environmental Research Institute (BAERI) (Moffett Field)

Oliphant, A J and Thenkabail, P S and Teluguntla, P and Xiong, J and Gumma, M K and Congalton, R G and Yadav, K (2019) Mapping cropland extent of Southeast and Northeast Asia using multi-year time-series Landsat 30-m data using a random forest classifier on the Google Earth Engine Cloud. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation (TSI), 81. pp. 110-124. ISSN 03032434

Bay Area Environmental Research Institute (BAERI) (Petaluma)

Xiong, J and Thenkabail, P S and Gumma, M K and Teluguntla, P and Poehnelt, J and Congalton, R G and Yadav, K and Thau, D (2017) Automated cropland mapping of continental Africa using Google Earth Engine cloud computing. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 126. pp. 225-244. ISSN 0924-2716

Teluguntla, P and Thenkabail, P S and Xiong, J and Gumma, M K and Congalton, R G and Oliphant, A and Poehnelt, J and Yadav, K and Rao, M and Massey, R (2017) Spectral matching techniques (SMTs) and automated cropland classification algorithms (ACCAs) for mapping croplands of Australia using MODIS 250-m time-series (2000–2015) data. International Journal of Digital Earth. pp. 1-34. ISSN 1753-8947

Bay Area Environmental Research Institute (BAERI) (West Sonoma)

Xiong, J and Thenkabail, P S and Tilton, J and Gumma, M K and Teluguntla, P and Oliphant, A and Congalton, R and Yadav, K and Gorelick, N (2017) Nominal 30-m Cropland Extent Map of Continental Africa by Integrating Pixel-Based and Object-Based Algorithms Using Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 Data on Google Earth Engine. Remote Sensing, 9(10) (1065). pp. 1-27. ISSN 2072-4292

Teluguntla, P and Thenkabail, P S and Xiong, J and Gumma, M K and Giri, C and Milesi, C and Ozdogan, M and Congalton, R and Tilton, J and Sankey, T T and Massey, R and Phalke, A and Yadav, K (2015) Global Cropland Area Database (GCAD) derived from Remote Sensing in Support of Food Security in the Twenty-first Century: Current Achievements and Future Possibilities. In: Land Resources Monitoring, Modeling, and Mapping with Remote Sensing (Remote Sensing Handbook). Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, Florida, 01-45.

Bay Area Environmental Research Institute (BAERI), NASA Research Park Moffett Field (CA)

Teluguntla, P and Thenkabail, P S and Oliphant, A and Xiong, J and Gumma, M K and Congalton, R G and Yadav, K and Huete, A (2018) A 30-m landsat-derived cropland extent product of Australia and China using random forest machine learning algorithm on Google Earth Engine cloud computing platform. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (TSI), 144. pp. 325-340. ISSN 09242716

Congalton, R G and Yadav, K and McDonnell, K and Poehnelt, J and Stevens, B and Gumma, M K and Teluguntla, P and Thenkabail, P S (2017) Global Food Security-support Analysis Data (GFSAD) Cropland Extent 2015 Validation 30 m V001. Monograph. NASA EOSDIS Land Processes DAAC, South Dakota, USA.

Teluguntla, P and Thenkabail, P S and Xiong, J and Gumma, M K and Congalton, R G and Oliphant, J A and Sankey, T and Poehnelt, J and Yadav, K and Massey, R and Phalke, A and Smith, C (2017) NASA Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments (MEaSUREs) Global Food Security-support Analysis Data (GFSAD) Cropland Extent 2015 Australia, New Zealand, China, Mongolia 30 m V001. Monograph. NASA EOSDIS Land Processes DAAC, South Dakota, USA.

Gumma, M K and Thenkabail, P S and Teluguntla, P and Oliphant, A and Xiong, J and Congalton, R G and Yadav, K and Smith, C (2017) NASA Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments (MEaSUREs) Global Food Security-support Analysis Data (GFSAD) Cropland Extent 2015 South Asia, Afghanistan, Iran 30 m V001. Monograph. NASA EOSDIS Land Processes DAAC, South Dakota, USA.

Oliphant, A J and Thenkabail, P S and Teluguntla, P and Xiong, J and Congalton, R G and Yadav, K and Massey, R and Gumma, M K and Smith, C (2017) NASA Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments (MEaSUREs) Global Food Security-support Analysis Data (GFSAD) Cropland Extent 2015 Southeast Asia 30 m V001. Monograph. NASA EOSDIS Land Processes DAAC, South Dakota, USA.

Xiong, J and Thenkabail, P S and Tilton, J C and Gumma, M K and Teluguntla, P and Congalton, R G and Yadav, K and Dungan, J and Oliphant, A J and Poehnelt, J and Smith, C and Massey, R (2017) NASA Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments (MEaSUREs) Global Food Security-support Analysis Data (GFSAD) Cropland Extent 2015 Africa 30 m V001. Monograph. NASA EOSDIS Land Processes DAAC, South Dakota, USA.

Bay Area Environmental Research Institute (BAERI), NASA Research Park, (Moffett Field)

Gumma, M K and Thenkabail, P S and Teluguntla, P G and Oliphant, A and Xiong, J and Giri, C and Pyla, V and Dixit, S and Whitbread, A M (2019) Agricultural cropland extent and areas of South Asia derived using Landsat satellite 30-m time-series big-data using random forest machine learning algorithms on the Google Earth Engine cloud. GIScience & Remote Sensing (TSI). pp. 1-21. ISSN 1548-1603

Bay Area Environmental Research Institute (Petaluma)

Xiong, J and Thenkabail, P S and Teluguntla, P and Oliphant, A and Congalton, R and Gumma, M K and Yadav, K and Massey, R and Tilton, J and Smith, C (2017) An Automated Crop Intensity Algorithm (ACIA) for global cropland intensity mapping at 30-m using multi-source time-series data and Google Earth Engine. In: 20th William T. Pecora Memorial Remote Sensing Symposium. Pecora 20 – “Observing a Changing Earth: Science for Decisions…Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection”, November 13-16, 2017, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA.

Xiong, J and Thenkabail, P S and Congalton, R and Yadav, K and Teluguntla, P and Oliphant, A and Gumma, M K and Massey, R and Smith, C (2017) CropRef: Reference Datasets and techniques to improve global cropland mapping. In: 20th William T. Pecora Memorial Remote Sensing Symposium. Pecora 20 – “Observing a Changing Earth: Science for Decisions…Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection”., November 13-16, 2017, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA.

Teluguntla, P and Thenkabail, P S and Xiong, J and Oliphant, A and Gumma, M K and Congalton, R and Yadav, K and Massey, R and Phalke, A and Tilton, J and Smith, C (2017) Mapping cropland extent and areas of Australia at 30-m resolution using multi-year time-series Landsat data and Random Forest machine learning algorithm through Google Earth Engine (GEE) Cloud Computing. In: 20th William T. Pecora Memorial Remote Sensing Symposium. Pecora 20 – “Observing a Changing Earth: Science for Decisions…Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection”, November 14-16, 2017, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA.

Bay Area Environmental Research Institute (San Jose)

Panjala, P and Gumma, M K and Teluguntla, P (2021) Machine Learning Approaches and Sentinel-2 Data in Crop Type Mapping. In: Data Science in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management. Studies in Big Data, 96 . Springer, Singapore, pp. 161-180. ISBN 2197-6503

Bay Area Environmental Research Institute (USA)

Teluguntla, P and Thenkabail, P S and Xiong, J and Gumma, M K and Giri, C and Milesi, C and Ozdogan, M and Congalton, R G and Tilton, J (2015) Global Food Security Support Analysis Data (GFSAD) at Nominal 1 km (GCAD) Derived from Remote Sensing in Support of Food Security in the Twenty-First Century: Current Achievements and Future Possibilities. In: Land Resources Monitoring, Modeling, and Mapping with Remote Sensing. CRC Press, pp. 131-160. ISBN 9781482217957

Gumma, M K and Thenkabail, P S and Mohammed, I A and Teluguntla, P and Dheeravath, V (2015) Inland Valley Wetland Cultivation and Preservation for Africa’s Green and Blue Revolution Using Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing. In: Land Resources Monitoring, Modeling, and Mapping with Remote Sensing. CRC Press, pp. 227-256. ISBN 9781482217957

Bay Area Environmental Research Institute(CA)

Gumma, M K and Thenkabail, P S and Panjala, P and Teluguntla, P and Yamano, T and Mohammed, I (2022) Multiple agricultural cropland products of South Asia developed using Landsat-8 30 m and MODIS 250 m data using machine learning on the Google Earth Engine (GEE) cloud and spectral matching techniques (SMTs) in support of food and water security. GIScience & Remote Sensing, 59 (1). pp. 1048-1077. ISSN 1943-7226

Bay Area Environmental Research Institute(Moffett Field)

Park, T and Gumma, M K and Wang, W and Panjala, P and Dubey, S K and Nemani, R R (2023) Greening of human-dominated ecosystems in India. Communications Earth & Environment, 4. pp. 1-11. ISSN 2662-4435

Bayero University (Kano)

Panjala, P and Gumma, M K and Ajeigbe, H A and Badamasi, M M and Deevi, K C and Tabo, R (2022) Identifying Suitable Watersheds across Nigeria Using Biophysical Parameters and Machine Learning Algorithms for Agri–Planning. International Journal o f Geo-Information, 11. 01-17. ISSN 2220-9964

Bihar Agriculture University (Sabor)

Zaidi, P H and Nguyen, T and Ha, D N and Thaitad, S and Ahmed, S and Arshad, M and Koirala, K B and Rijal, T R and Kuchanur, P and Patil, A M and Mandal, S S and Kumar, R and Singh, S B and Kumar, B and Shahi, J P and Patel, M B and Gumma, M K and Pandey, K and Chaurasia, R and Anarse, B and Ali, R and Seetharam, K and Das, R R and Vinayan, M T and Rashid, Z and Nair, S and Vivek, B S (2018) Maize for Changing Climate - Chasing the Moving Target. In: 13th Asian Maize Conference and Expert Consultation on Maize for Food, Feed, Nutrition and Environmental Security, October 8, 2018, Radisson Blu Hotel, Ludhiana, India.

Bihar Agriculture University, Sabor, India

Zaidi, P H and Nguyen, T and Dang, N H and Suriphat, T and Salahuddin, A and Arshad, M and Koirala, K B and Rijal, T R and Kuchanur, P H and Patil, A M and Mandal, S S and Kumar, R and Singh, S B and Kumar, B and Shahi, J P and Patel, M B and Gumma, M K and Pandey, K and Chaurasia, R and Haque, A and Seetharam, K and Das, R R and Vinayan, M T and Rashid, Z and Nair, S K and Vivek, B S (2020) Stress-resilient maize for climate-vulnerable ecologies in the Asian tropics. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 14 (8). pp. 1264-1274. ISSN 1835-2707

Biospheric Sciences Laboratory (Greenbelt)

Thenkabail, P S and Mariotto, I and Gumma, M K and Middleton, E M and Landis, D R and Huemmrich, K F (2013) Selection of Hyperspectral Narrowbands (HNBs) and Composition of Hyperspectral Twoband Vegetation Indices (HVIs) for Biophysical Characterization and Discrimination of Crop Types Using Field Reflectance and Hyperion/EO-1 Data. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing,, 6 (2). pp. 1-13. ISSN 1939-1404

CCAFS South Asia, CIMMYT, NASC complex, (New Delhi)

Shalander, K and Dakshinamurthy, K and Elias Khan, P and Gumma, M K and Khatri-Chhetri, A and Whitbread, A M (2019) Multi-criteria analysis and ex-ante assessment to prioritize and scale up climate smart agriculture in semi–arid tropics, India. In: INSEE-CESS-NIRDPR Intl Conference, 6-8 Nov 2019, Hyderabad.

CIMMYT Asia Maize Program, ICRISAT campus (Patancheru)

Zaidi, P H and Nguyen, T and Ha, D N and Thaitad, S and Ahmed, S and Arshad, M and Koirala, K B and Rijal, T R and Kuchanur, P and Patil, A M and Mandal, S S and Kumar, R and Singh, S B and Kumar, B and Shahi, J P and Patel, M B and Gumma, M K and Pandey, K and Chaurasia, R and Anarse, B and Ali, R and Seetharam, K and Das, R R and Vinayan, M T and Rashid, Z and Nair, S and Vivek, B S (2018) Maize for Changing Climate - Chasing the Moving Target. In: 13th Asian Maize Conference and Expert Consultation on Maize for Food, Feed, Nutrition and Environmental Security, October 8, 2018, Radisson Blu Hotel, Ludhiana, India.

CIMMYT Asia Maize Program, ICRISAT campus, Patancheru-502324, Hyderabad, India

Zaidi, P H and Nguyen, T and Dang, N H and Suriphat, T and Salahuddin, A and Arshad, M and Koirala, K B and Rijal, T R and Kuchanur, P H and Patil, A M and Mandal, S S and Kumar, R and Singh, S B and Kumar, B and Shahi, J P and Patel, M B and Gumma, M K and Pandey, K and Chaurasia, R and Haque, A and Seetharam, K and Das, R R and Vinayan, M T and Rashid, Z and Nair, S K and Vivek, B S (2020) Stress-resilient maize for climate-vulnerable ecologies in the Asian tropics. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 14 (8). pp. 1264-1274. ISSN 1835-2707

CSISA-MI Project, CIMMYT (Dhaka)

Mottalebab, K A and Gumma, M K and Mishra, A K and Mohanty, S (2015) Quantifying production losses due to drought and submergence of rainfed rice at the household level using remotely sensed MODIS data. Agricultural Systems, 137. pp. 227-235. ISSN 0308-521X

Central Asian Scientific Research Institute of Irrigation(Tashkent)

Platonov, A and Thenkabail, P S and Biradar, C M and Cai, X and Gumma, M K (2008) Water Productivity Mapping (WPM) Using Landsat ETM+ Data for the Irrigated Croplands of the Syrdarya River Basin in Central Asia. Sensors, 8 (12). pp. 8156-8180. ISSN 1424-8220

Centurion University of Technology and Management(Odisha)

Mandapati, R and Gumma, M K and Metuku, D R and Maitra, S (2024) Field-level rice yield estimations under different farm practices using the crop simulation model for better yield. Plant Science Today, 11 (1). pp. 234-240. ISSN 2348-1900

Mandapati, R and Gumma, M K and Metuku, D R and Bellam, P K and Panjala, P and Maitra, S and Maila, N (2023) Crop Yield Assessment Using Field-Based Data and Crop Models at the Village Level: A Case Study on a Homogeneous Rice Area in Telangana, India. AgriEngineering, 5 (4). pp. 1909-1924. ISSN 2624-7402

Centurion University of Technology and Management(Paralakhemundi)

Roja, M and Gumma, M K and Reddy, M D (2023) Crop modelling in agricultural crops. Current Science (TSI), 124 (8). pp. 910-920. ISSN 0011-3891

Charles Sturt University(New South Wales)

Thenkabail, P S and Hanjra, M A and Dheeravath, V and Gumma, M K (2010) A Holistic View of Global Croplands and Their Water Use for Ensuring Global Food Security in the 21st Century through Advanced Remote Sensing and Non-remote Sensing Approaches. Remote Sensing , 2 (1). pp. 211-261. ISSN 2072-4292

Chattogram North Forest Division, Bangladesh Forest Department, Banbhaban, Agargaon, Dhaka

Xu, X and Shrestha, S and Gilani, H and Gumma, M K and Siddiqui, B N and Jain, A K (2020) Dynamics and drivers of land use and land cover changes in Bangladesh. Regional Environmental Change (TSI), 20 (2). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1436-3798

Computational & Information Science and Technology Office, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (Greenbelt)

Xiong, J and Thenkabail, P S and Tilton, J and Gumma, M K and Teluguntla, P and Oliphant, A and Congalton, R and Yadav, K and Gorelick, N (2017) Nominal 30-m Cropland Extent Map of Continental Africa by Integrating Pixel-Based and Object-Based Algorithms Using Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 Data on Google Earth Engine. Remote Sensing, 9(10) (1065). pp. 1-27. ISSN 2072-4292

Corteva AgriSciences, Hyderabad, India

Zaidi, P H and Nguyen, T and Dang, N H and Suriphat, T and Salahuddin, A and Arshad, M and Koirala, K B and Rijal, T R and Kuchanur, P H and Patil, A M and Mandal, S S and Kumar, R and Singh, S B and Kumar, B and Shahi, J P and Patel, M B and Gumma, M K and Pandey, K and Chaurasia, R and Haque, A and Seetharam, K and Das, R R and Vinayan, M T and Rashid, Z and Nair, S K and Vivek, B S (2020) Stress-resilient maize for climate-vulnerable ecologies in the Asian tropics. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 14 (8). pp. 1264-1274. ISSN 1835-2707

Dantiwada Agriculture University, Gujarat, India

Garg, K K and Anantha, K H and Nune, R and Akuraju, V R and Singh, P and Gumma, M K and Dixit, S and Ragab, R (2020) Impact of land use changes and management practices on groundwater resources in Kolar district, Southern India. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies (TSI), 31. pp. 1-21. ISSN 2214-5818

Department of Agronomy, Kansas State University (Manhattan)

Upadhyaya, H D and Narsimha Reddy, K and Vetriventhan, M and Irshad Ahmed, M and Gumma, M K and Thimma Reddy, M and Singh, S K (2017) Sorghum germplasm from West and Central Africa maintained in the ICRISAT genebank: Status, gaps, and diversity. The Crop Journal, 5 (6). pp. 518-532. ISSN 22145141

Upadhyaya, H D and Reddy, K N and Ahmed, M I and Kumar, V and Gumma, M K and Ramachandran, S (2017) Geographical distribution of traits and diversity in the world collection of pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br., synonym: Cenchrus americanus (L.) Morrone] landraces conserved at the ICRISAT genebank. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 64 (6). pp. 1365-1381. ISSN 0925-9864

Upadhyaya, H D and Narsimha Reddy, K and Vetriventhan, M and Gumma, M K and Irshad Ahmed, M and Manyasa, E O and Thimma Reddy, M and Singh, S K (2017) Geographical distribution, diversity and gap analysis of East African sorghum collection conserved at the ICRISAT genebank. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 11 (4). pp. 424-437. ISSN 1835-2707

Upadhyaya, H D and Reddy, K N and Vetriventhan, M and Gumma, M K and Ahmed, M I and Thimma Reddy, M and Singh, S K (2016) Status, genetic diversity and gaps in sorghum germplasm from South Asia conserved at ICRISAT genebank. Plant Genetic Resources. pp. 1-12. ISSN 1479-2621

Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Illinois, Urbana

Xu, X and Shrestha, S and Gilani, H and Gumma, M K and Siddiqui, B N and Jain, A K (2020) Dynamics and drivers of land use and land cover changes in Bangladesh. Regional Environmental Change (TSI), 20 (2). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1436-3798

Department of Earth and Environment, Boston University (Boston)

Gray, J and Friedl, M and Frolking, S and Ramankutty, N and Nelson, A and Gumma, M K (2014) Mapping Asian Cropping Intensity With MODIS. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 07 (08). pp. 3373-3379. ISSN 1939-1404

Department of Economics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Uppsala)

Gumma, M K and Mohammad, I and Nedumaran, S and Whitbread, A M and Lagerkvist, C (2017) Urban Sprawl and Adverse Impacts on Agricultural Land: A Case Study on Hyderabad, India. Remote Sensing, 9 (11) (1136). pp. 1-16. ISSN 2072-4292

Department of Forestry and Wildland Resources, Humboldt State University (Arcata)

Teluguntla, P and Thenkabail, P S and Xiong, J and Gumma, M K and Congalton, R G and Oliphant, A and Poehnelt, J and Yadav, K and Rao, M and Massey, R (2017) Spectral matching techniques (SMTs) and automated cropland classification algorithms (ACCAs) for mapping croplands of Australia using MODIS 250-m time-series (2000–2015) data. International Journal of Digital Earth. pp. 1-34. ISSN 1753-8947

Department of Geo Engineering, College of Engineering, Andhra University (Visakhapatnam)

Reddi, V R M and Gumma, M K and Pyla, K V and Eadara, A and Gummapu, J S (2017) Monitoring Changes in Croplands Due to Water Stress in the Krishna River Basin Using Temporal Satellite Imagery. Land (TSI), 6(4) (72). pp. 1-18. ISSN 2073-445X

Department of Geography, McGill University (Montreal)

Gray, J and Friedl, M and Frolking, S and Ramankutty, N and Nelson, A and Gumma, M K (2014) Mapping Asian Cropping Intensity With MODIS. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 07 (08). pp. 3373-3379. ISSN 1939-1404

Department of Natural Resources and the Environment, University of New Hampshire (Durham)

Teluguntla, P and Thenkabail, P S and Oliphant, A and Xiong, J and Gumma, M K and Congalton, R G and Yadav, K and Huete, A (2018) A 30-m landsat-derived cropland extent product of Australia and China using random forest machine learning algorithm on Google Earth Engine cloud computing platform. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (TSI), 144. pp. 325-340. ISSN 09242716

Xiong, J and Thenkabail, P S and Tilton, J and Gumma, M K and Teluguntla, P and Oliphant, A and Congalton, R and Yadav, K and Gorelick, N (2017) Nominal 30-m Cropland Extent Map of Continental Africa by Integrating Pixel-Based and Object-Based Algorithms Using Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 Data on Google Earth Engine. Remote Sensing, 9(10) (1065). pp. 1-27. ISSN 2072-4292

Congalton, R G and Yadav, K and McDonnell, K and Poehnelt, J and Stevens, B and Gumma, M K and Teluguntla, P and Thenkabail, P S (2017) Global Food Security-support Analysis Data (GFSAD) Cropland Extent 2015 Validation 30 m V001. Monograph. NASA EOSDIS Land Processes DAAC, South Dakota, USA.

Teluguntla, P and Thenkabail, P S and Xiong, J and Gumma, M K and Congalton, R G and Oliphant, A and Poehnelt, J and Yadav, K and Rao, M and Massey, R (2017) Spectral matching techniques (SMTs) and automated cropland classification algorithms (ACCAs) for mapping croplands of Australia using MODIS 250-m time-series (2000–2015) data. International Journal of Digital Earth. pp. 1-34. ISSN 1753-8947

Department of Natural Resources, Faculty of Geo-Information and Earth Observation (ITC), University of Twente (Enschede)

Gumma, M K and Nelson, A and Yamano, T (2019) Mapping drought-induced changes in rice area in India. International Journal of Remote Sensing (TSI), 40. pp. 8146-8173. ISSN 0143-1161

Directorate of Agriculture & Food Production, Govt of Odisha, Bhubaneswar, Odisha

Gumma, M K and Kadiyala, M D M and Panjala, P and Ray, S S and Akuraju, V R and Dubey, S and Smith, A P and Das, R and Whitbread, A M (2021) Assimilation of Remote Sensing Data into Crop Growth Model for Yield Estimation: A Case Study from India. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing (TSI). ISSN 0255-660X

DuPont Pioneer (Hyderabad)

Zaidi, P H and Nguyen, T and Ha, D N and Thaitad, S and Ahmed, S and Arshad, M and Koirala, K B and Rijal, T R and Kuchanur, P and Patil, A M and Mandal, S S and Kumar, R and Singh, S B and Kumar, B and Shahi, J P and Patel, M B and Gumma, M K and Pandey, K and Chaurasia, R and Anarse, B and Ali, R and Seetharam, K and Das, R R and Vinayan, M T and Rashid, Z and Nair, S and Vivek, B S (2018) Maize for Changing Climate - Chasing the Moving Target. In: 13th Asian Maize Conference and Expert Consultation on Maize for Food, Feed, Nutrition and Environmental Security, October 8, 2018, Radisson Blu Hotel, Ludhiana, India.

EC-JRC, European Commission-Joint Research Centre (Ispra)

Zampieri, M and Garcia, G C and Dentener, F and Gumma, M K and Salamon, P and Seguini, L and Toreti, A (2018) Surface Freshwater Limitation Explains Worst Rice Production Anomaly in India in 2002. Remote Sensing, 10 (2). pp. 1-19. ISSN 2072-4292

Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department, Asian Development Bank (Manila)

Gumma, M K and Nelson, A and Yamano, T (2019) Mapping drought-induced changes in rice area in India. International Journal of Remote Sensing (TSI), 40. pp. 8146-8173. ISSN 0143-1161

Faculty of Geo-information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), University of Twente,the Netherlands

Feyisa, G L and Palao, L K and Nelson, A and Gumma, M K and Paliwal, A and Win, K T and Nge, K H and Johnson, D E (2020) Characterizing and mapping cropping patterns in a complex agro-ecosystem: An iterative participatory mapping procedure using machine learning algorithms and MODIS vegetation indices. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture (TSI), 175. pp. 1-11. ISSN 0168-1699

GIZ-Ethiopia, (Addis Ababa)

Gumma, M K and Amede, T and Getnet, M and Pinjarla, B and Pranay, P and Legesse, G and Tilahun, G and Van den Akker, E and Berdel, W and Keller, C and Siambi, M and Whitbread, A M (2020) Assessing potential locations for flood-based farming using satellite imagery: a case study of Afar region, Ethiopia. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (TSI). pp. 1-15. ISSN 1742-1705

Getnet, M and Amede, T and Tilahun, G and Legesse, G and Gumma, M K and Abebe, H and Gashaw, T and Ketter, C and Akker, E V (2020) Water spreading weirs altering flood, nutrient distribution and crop productivity in upstream–downstream settings in dry lowlands of Afar, Ethiopia. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (TSI). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1742-1705

Geological Survey (USGS)

Thenkabail, P S and Gumma, M K and Teluguntla, P and Irshad, A M (2014) Hyperspectral remote sensing of vegetation and agricultural crops. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing (TSI), 80 (8). pp. 695-723. ISSN 0099-1112

German Development Institute, Bonn, Germany

Kadiyala, M D M and Nedumaran, S and Padmanabhan, J and Gumma, M K and Gummadi, S and Srigiri, S R and Robertson, R and Whitbread, A M (2021) Modeling the potential impacts of climate change and adaptation strategies on groundnut production in India. Science of The Total Environment (TSI), 776. pp. 1-11. ISSN 0048-9697

German International Cooperation (GIZ), Addis Ababa

Amare, T and Amede, T and Abewa, A and Woubet, A and Agegnehu, G and Gumma, M K and Schulz, S (2022) Remediation of acid soils and soil property amelioration via Acacia decurrens-based agroforestry system. Agroforestry Systems (TSI). ISSN 0167-4366

Google (Mountain View)

Xiong, J and Thenkabail, P S and Gumma, M K and Teluguntla, P and Poehnelt, J and Congalton, R G and Yadav, K and Thau, D (2017) Automated cropland mapping of continental Africa using Google Earth Engine cloud computing. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 126. pp. 225-244. ISSN 0924-2716

Google Inc (Mountain View)

Xiong, J and Thenkabail, P S and Tilton, J and Gumma, M K and Teluguntla, P and Oliphant, A and Congalton, R and Yadav, K and Gorelick, N (2017) Nominal 30-m Cropland Extent Map of Continental Africa by Integrating Pixel-Based and Object-Based Algorithms Using Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 Data on Google Earth Engine. Remote Sensing, 9(10) (1065). pp. 1-27. ISSN 2072-4292

Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo,Tokyo, Japan

Feyisa, G L and Palao, L K and Nelson, A and Gumma, M K and Paliwal, A and Win, K T and Nge, K H and Johnson, D E (2020) Characterizing and mapping cropping patterns in a complex agro-ecosystem: An iterative participatory mapping procedure using machine learning algorithms and MODIS vegetation indices. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture (TSI), 175. pp. 1-11. ISSN 0168-1699

Humboldt State University (Arcata)

Gumma, M K and Thenkabail, P S and Teluguntla, P and Rao, M N and Mohammed, I A and Whitbread, A M (2016) Mapping rice-fallow cropland areas for short-season grain legumes intensification in South Asia using MODIS 250 m time-series data. International Journal of Digital Earth, 09 (10). pp. 981-1003. ISSN 1753-8947

ICAR—All India Coordinated Research Project for Dryland Agriculture (CRIDA), Anantapuramu

Reddy, G P A and Kumar, N and Sahu, N and Srivastava, R and Singh, S K and Naidu, LG K and Chary, G R and Biradar, C M and Gumma, M K and Reddy, B S and Kumar, J N (2020) Assessment of spatio-temporal vegetation dynamics in tropical arid ecosystem of India using MODIS time-series vegetation indices. Arabian Journal of Geosciences (TSI), 13 (15). pp. 1-13. ISSN 1866-7511

ICAR—Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Santhosh Nagar, Hyderabad

Reddy, G P A and Kumar, N and Sahu, N and Srivastava, R and Singh, S K and Naidu, LG K and Chary, G R and Biradar, C M and Gumma, M K and Reddy, B S and Kumar, J N (2020) Assessment of spatio-temporal vegetation dynamics in tropical arid ecosystem of India using MODIS time-series vegetation indices. Arabian Journal of Geosciences (TSI), 13 (15). pp. 1-13. ISSN 1866-7511

ICAR—National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning, Regional Centre, Bengaluru

Reddy, G P A and Kumar, N and Sahu, N and Srivastava, R and Singh, S K and Naidu, LG K and Chary, G R and Biradar, C M and Gumma, M K and Reddy, B S and Kumar, J N (2020) Assessment of spatio-temporal vegetation dynamics in tropical arid ecosystem of India using MODIS time-series vegetation indices. Arabian Journal of Geosciences (TSI), 13 (15). pp. 1-13. ISSN 1866-7511

ICAR—National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning, Amravati Road, Nagpur

Reddy, G P A and Kumar, N and Sahu, N and Srivastava, R and Singh, S K and Naidu, LG K and Chary, G R and Biradar, C M and Gumma, M K and Reddy, B S and Kumar, J N (2020) Assessment of spatio-temporal vegetation dynamics in tropical arid ecosystem of India using MODIS time-series vegetation indices. Arabian Journal of Geosciences (TSI), 13 (15). pp. 1-13. ISSN 1866-7511

ICRISAT (Addis Ababa)

Gumma, M K and Amede, T and Getnet, M and Pinjarla, B and Pranay, P and Legesse, G and Tilahun, G and Van den Akker, E and Berdel, W and Keller, C and Siambi, M and Whitbread, A M (2020) Assessing potential locations for flood-based farming using satellite imagery: a case study of Afar region, Ethiopia. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (TSI). pp. 1-15. ISSN 1742-1705

Getnet, M and Amede, T and Tilahun, G and Legesse, G and Gumma, M K and Abebe, H and Gashaw, T and Ketter, C and Akker, E V (2020) Water spreading weirs altering flood, nutrient distribution and crop productivity in upstream–downstream settings in dry lowlands of Afar, Ethiopia. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (TSI). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1742-1705

Ahmed, M I and Gumma, M K and Shalander, K and Craufurd, P and Rafi, I M and Haileslassie, A (2016) Land use and agricultural change dynamics in SAT watersheds of southern India. Current Science, 110 (09). pp. 1704-1709. ISSN 00113891

ICRISAT (Bamako)

Traore, B and Zemadim, B and Sangaré, S and Gumma, M K and Tabo, R and Whitbread, A M (2021) Contribution of Climate-Smart Agriculture Technologies to Food Self-Sufficiency of Smallholder Households in Mali. Sustainability (TSI), 13 (14). pp. 1-17. ISSN 2071-1050

Hajjarpoor, A and Vadez, V and Soltani, A and Gaur, P M and Whitbread, A M and Suresh Babu, D and Gumma, M K and Diancoumba, M and Kholova, J (2018) Characterization of the main chickpea cropping systems in India using a yield gap analysis approach. Field Crops Research (TSI), 223. pp. 93-104. ISSN 03784290

Birhanu, Z B and Traoré, K and Gumma, M K and Badolo, F and Tabo, R and Whitbread, A M (2018) A watershed approach to managing rainfed agriculture in the semiarid region of southern Mali: integrated research on water and land use. Environment, Development and Sustainability (TSI). pp. 1-27. ISSN 1387-585X

Gumma, M K and Birhanu, Z B and Mohammed, I A and Tabo, R and Whitbread, A M (2016) Prioritization of Watersheds across Mali Using Remote Sensing Data and GIS Techniques for Agricultural Development Planning. Water, 08(06) (260). 01-17. ISSN 2073-4441

ICRISAT (Ethiopia)

Gumma, M K and Desta, G and Amede, T and Panjala, P and Smith, A P and Kassawmar, T and Tummala, K and Zeleke, G and Whitbread, A M (2021) Assessing the impacts of watershed interventions using ground data and remote sensing: a case study in Ethiopia. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (TSI). ISSN 1735-1472

ICRISAT (Lilongwe)

Gumma, M K and Tsusaka, T W and Mohammed, I and Chavula, G and Ganga Rao, N V P R and Okori, P and Ojiewo, C O and Varshney, R K and Siambi, M and Whitbread, A M (2019) Monitoring Changes in the Cultivation of Pigeonpea and Groundnut in Malawi Using Time Series Satellite Imagery for Sustainable Food Systems. Remote Sensing (TSI), 11(12) (1475). pp. 1-23. ISSN 2072-4292

ICRISAT (Nairobi)

Upadhyaya, H D and Narsimha Reddy, K and Vetriventhan, M and Gumma, M K and Irshad Ahmed, M and Manyasa, E O and Thimma Reddy, M and Singh, S K (2017) Geographical distribution, diversity and gap analysis of East African sorghum collection conserved at the ICRISAT genebank. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 11 (4). pp. 424-437. ISSN 1835-2707

ICRISAT (Patancheru)

Srivastava, R K and Yadav, O P and Kaliamoorthy, S and Gupta, S K and Serba, D D and Choudhary, S and Govindaraj, M and Kholová, J and Murugesan, T and Satyavathi, C T and Gumma, M K and Singh, R B and Bollam, S and Gupta, R and Varshney, R K (2022) Breeding Drought-Tolerant Pearl Millet Using Conventional and Genomic Approaches: Achievements and Prospects. Frontiers in Plant Science (TSI), 13. pp. 1-20. ISSN 1664-462X

Gumma, M K and Panjala, P and Mohammed, I and Pyla, V and Bellam, P (2022) Strengthening Food Security Post-COVID-19 and Locust Attacks: Supporting crop insurance in Pakistan. Project Report. ICRISAT, Hyderabad.

Gumma, M K and Panjala, P and Mohammed, I and Pyla, V and Bellam, P (2021) Strengthening Food Security Post-COVID-19 and Locust Attacks. Project Report. ICRISAT, Hyderabad.

Gumma, M K and Kadiyala, M D M and Panjala, P and Ray, S S and Akuraju, V R and Dubey, S and Smith, A P and Das, R and Whitbread, A M (2021) Assimilation of Remote Sensing Data into Crop Growth Model for Yield Estimation: A Case Study from India. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing (TSI). ISSN 0255-660X

Kadiyala, M D M and Nedumaran, S and Padmanabhan, J and Gumma, M K and Gummadi, S and Srigiri, S R and Robertson, R and Whitbread, A M (2021) Modeling the potential impacts of climate change and adaptation strategies on groundnut production in India. Science of The Total Environment (TSI), 776. pp. 1-11. ISSN 0048-9697

Gumma, M K and Desta, G and Amede, T and Panjala, P and Smith, A P and Kassawmar, T and Tummala, K and Zeleke, G and Whitbread, A M (2021) Assessing the impacts of watershed interventions using ground data and remote sensing: a case study in Ethiopia. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (TSI). ISSN 1735-1472

Sharma, S and Sharma, R and Govindaraj, M and Mahala, R S and Satyavathi, C T and Srivastava, R K and Gumma, M K and Kilian, B (2020) Harnessing wild relatives of pearl millet for germplasm enhancement: Challenges and opportunities. Crop Science (TSI), 61 (1). pp. 177-200. ISSN 0011-183X

Kadiyala, M D M and Gummadi, S and Irshad, M A and Palanisamy, R and Gumma, M K and Whitbread, A M (2020) Assessment of climate change and vulnerability in Indian state of Telangana for better agricultural planning. Theoretical and Applied Climatology (TSI). ISSN 0177-798X

Gumma, M K and Tummala, K and Dixit, S and Collivignarelli, F and Holecz, F and Kolli, R N and Whitbread, A M (2020) Crop type identification and spatial mapping using Sentinel-2 satellite data with focus on field-level information. Geocarto International (TSI). pp. 1-17. ISSN 1010-6049

Zaidi, P H and Nguyen, T and Dang, N H and Suriphat, T and Salahuddin, A and Arshad, M and Koirala, K B and Rijal, T R and Kuchanur, P H and Patil, A M and Mandal, S S and Kumar, R and Singh, S B and Kumar, B and Shahi, J P and Patel, M B and Gumma, M K and Pandey, K and Chaurasia, R and Haque, A and Seetharam, K and Das, R R and Vinayan, M T and Rashid, Z and Nair, S K and Vivek, B S (2020) Stress-resilient maize for climate-vulnerable ecologies in the Asian tropics. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 14 (8). pp. 1264-1274. ISSN 1835-2707

Reddy, G P A and Kumar, N and Sahu, N and Srivastava, R and Singh, S K and Naidu, LG K and Chary, G R and Biradar, C M and Gumma, M K and Reddy, B S and Kumar, J N (2020) Assessment of spatio-temporal vegetation dynamics in tropical arid ecosystem of India using MODIS time-series vegetation indices. Arabian Journal of Geosciences (TSI), 13 (15). pp. 1-13. ISSN 1866-7511

Feyisa, G L and Palao, L K and Nelson, A and Gumma, M K and Paliwal, A and Win, K T and Nge, K H and Johnson, D E (2020) Characterizing and mapping cropping patterns in a complex agro-ecosystem: An iterative participatory mapping procedure using machine learning algorithms and MODIS vegetation indices. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture (TSI), 175. pp. 1-11. ISSN 0168-1699

Xu, X and Shrestha, S and Gilani, H and Gumma, M K and Siddiqui, B N and Jain, A K (2020) Dynamics and drivers of land use and land cover changes in Bangladesh. Regional Environmental Change (TSI), 20 (2). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1436-3798

Gumma, M K and Amede, T and Getnet, M and Pinjarla, B and Pranay, P and Legesse, G and Tilahun, G and Van den Akker, E and Berdel, W and Keller, C and Siambi, M and Whitbread, A M (2020) Assessing potential locations for flood-based farming using satellite imagery: a case study of Afar region, Ethiopia. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (TSI). pp. 1-15. ISSN 1742-1705

Gumma, M K and Kadiyala, M D M and Panjala, P and Mohammed, I (2020) Pilot studies on GP Crop yield estimation using Technology (Kharif 2019) using SENTINEL- 2 satellite data (in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Odisha States (Five Districts)) for Groundnut, Chickpea, Maize and Rice. Project Report. ICRISAT, Patancheru, India.

Gumma, M K and Thenkabail, P S and Teluguntla, P G and Oliphant, A and Xiong, J and Giri, C and Pyla, V and Dixit, S and Whitbread, A M (2019) Agricultural cropland extent and areas of South Asia derived using Landsat satellite 30-m time-series big-data using random forest machine learning algorithms on the Google Earth Engine cloud. GIScience & Remote Sensing (TSI). pp. 1-21. ISSN 1548-1603

Shalander, K and Dakshinamurthy, K and Elias Khan, P and Gumma, M K and Khatri-Chhetri, A and Whitbread, A M (2019) Multi-criteria analysis and ex-ante assessment to prioritize and scale up climate smart agriculture in semi–arid tropics, India. In: INSEE-CESS-NIRDPR Intl Conference, 6-8 Nov 2019, Hyderabad.

Oliphant, A J and Thenkabail, P S and Teluguntla, P and Xiong, J and Gumma, M K and Congalton, R G and Yadav, K (2019) Mapping cropland extent of Southeast and Northeast Asia using multi-year time-series Landsat 30-m data using a random forest classifier on the Google Earth Engine Cloud. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation (TSI), 81. pp. 110-124. ISSN 03032434

Gumma, M K and Nelson, A and Yamano, T (2019) Mapping drought-induced changes in rice area in India. International Journal of Remote Sensing (TSI), 40. pp. 8146-8173. ISSN 0143-1161

Gumma, M K and Tsusaka, T W and Mohammed, I and Chavula, G and Ganga Rao, N V P R and Okori, P and Ojiewo, C O and Varshney, R K and Siambi, M and Whitbread, A M (2019) Monitoring Changes in the Cultivation of Pigeonpea and Groundnut in Malawi Using Time Series Satellite Imagery for Sustainable Food Systems. Remote Sensing (TSI), 11(12) (1475). pp. 1-23. ISSN 2072-4292

Pinjarla, B and Gumma, M K and Jameeruddin, S and Roy, P S (2019) High resolution Sentinel-2 crop type mapping 2018-2019 A case study in Ahmednagar district. Project Report. ICRISAT.

Gumma, M K and Thenkabail, P S and Teluguntla, P and Whitbread, A M (2019) Indo-Ganges River Basin Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) and Irrigated Area Mapping. In: Indus River Basin: Water Security and Sustainability. Elsevier Inc, pp. 203-228. ISBN 978-0-12-812782-7

Gumma, M K and Tummala, K and Jameeruddin, M and Pinjarla, B and Roy, P S and Whitbread, A M (2019) Tungabhadra Left Bank Canal (TLBC) irrigation modernization: Detailed command area mapping using remote sensing, (November 2018 - March 2019). Project Report. ICRISAT.

Teluguntla, P and Thenkabail, P S and Oliphant, A and Xiong, J and Gumma, M K and Congalton, R G and Yadav, K and Huete, A (2018) A 30-m landsat-derived cropland extent product of Australia and China using random forest machine learning algorithm on Google Earth Engine cloud computing platform. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (TSI), 144. pp. 325-340. ISSN 09242716

Zaidi, P H and Nguyen, T and Ha, D N and Thaitad, S and Ahmed, S and Arshad, M and Koirala, K B and Rijal, T R and Kuchanur, P and Patil, A M and Mandal, S S and Kumar, R and Singh, S B and Kumar, B and Shahi, J P and Patel, M B and Gumma, M K and Pandey, K and Chaurasia, R and Anarse, B and Ali, R and Seetharam, K and Das, R R and Vinayan, M T and Rashid, Z and Nair, S and Vivek, B S (2018) Maize for Changing Climate - Chasing the Moving Target. In: 13th Asian Maize Conference and Expert Consultation on Maize for Food, Feed, Nutrition and Environmental Security, October 8, 2018, Radisson Blu Hotel, Ludhiana, India.

Patil, P and Gumma, M K (2018) A Review of the Available Land Cover and Cropland Maps for South Asia. Agriculture (TSI), 8 (7) (11). pp. 1-22. ISSN 2077-0472

Gumma, M K and Thenkabail, P S and Kumara Charyulu, D and Mohammed, I A and Teluguntla, P and Oliphant, A and Xiong, J and Aye, T and Whitbread, A M (2018) Mapping cropland fallow areas in Myanmar to scale up sustainable intensification of pulse crops in the farming system. GIScience & Remote Sensing (TSI), 55 (6). pp. 926-949. ISSN 1548-1603

Zampieri, M and Garcia, G C and Dentener, F and Gumma, M K and Salamon, P and Seguini, L and Toreti, A (2018) Surface Freshwater Limitation Explains Worst Rice Production Anomaly in India in 2002. Remote Sensing, 10 (2). pp. 1-19. ISSN 2072-4292

Kumar, S and Kadiyala, M D M and Gumma, M K and Elias Khan, P and Khatri-Chhetri, A and Aggarwal, P and Murthy, C S R and Chakravarthy, K and Whitbread, A M (2018) Towards climate-smart agricultural policies and investments in Telangana. Documentation. CCAFS.

Falk, T and Kadiyala, M D M and Gumma, M K and Kumar, S and Whitbread, A M and Limberger, S and Bartels, L (2018) Advancing knowledge on the costs and benefits of sustainable soil fertility management in Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh /India. Project Report. ICRISAT.

Hajjarpoor, A and Vadez, V and Soltani, A and Gaur, P M and Whitbread, A M and Suresh Babu, D and Gumma, M K and Diancoumba, M and Kholova, J (2018) Characterization of the main chickpea cropping systems in India using a yield gap analysis approach. Field Crops Research (TSI), 223. pp. 93-104. ISSN 03784290

Gumma, M K and Thenkabail, P S and Teluguntla, P and Whitbread, A M (2018) Monitoring of Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Rabi Rice Fallows in South Asia Using Remote Sensing. In: Geospatial Technologies in Land Resources Mapping, Monitoring and Management. Geotechnologies and the Environment . Springer, pp. 425-448. ISBN 978-3-319-78710-7

Gumma, M K and Thenkabail, P S and Whitbread, A M (2018) Monitoring rice fallows in India using MODIS time series data. In: 5th International Conference on Geo-enabling 4th Industrial Revolution: “Geo-Spatial World Forum”, January 15-19, 2018, Hyderabad, India.

Birhanu, Z B and Traoré, K and Gumma, M K and Badolo, F and Tabo, R and Whitbread, A M (2018) A watershed approach to managing rainfed agriculture in the semiarid region of southern Mali: integrated research on water and land use. Environment, Development and Sustainability (TSI). pp. 1-27. ISSN 1387-585X

Upadhyaya, H D and Narsimha Reddy, K and Vetriventhan, M and Irshad Ahmed, M and Gumma, M K and Thimma Reddy, M and Singh, S K (2017) Sorghum germplasm from West and Central Africa maintained in the ICRISAT genebank: Status, gaps, and diversity. The Crop Journal, 5 (6). pp. 518-532. ISSN 22145141

Gumma, M K and Mohammad, I and Nedumaran, S and Whitbread, A M and Lagerkvist, C (2017) Urban Sprawl and Adverse Impacts on Agricultural Land: A Case Study on Hyderabad, India. Remote Sensing, 9 (11) (1136). pp. 1-16. ISSN 2072-4292

Xiong, J and Thenkabail, P S and Teluguntla, P and Oliphant, A and Congalton, R and Gumma, M K and Yadav, K and Massey, R and Tilton, J and Smith, C (2017) An Automated Crop Intensity Algorithm (ACIA) for global cropland intensity mapping at 30-m using multi-source time-series data and Google Earth Engine. In: 20th William T. Pecora Memorial Remote Sensing Symposium. Pecora 20 – “Observing a Changing Earth: Science for Decisions…Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection”, November 13-16, 2017, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA.

Xiong, J and Thenkabail, P S and Congalton, R and Yadav, K and Teluguntla, P and Oliphant, A and Gumma, M K and Massey, R and Smith, C (2017) CropRef: Reference Datasets and techniques to improve global cropland mapping. In: 20th William T. Pecora Memorial Remote Sensing Symposium. Pecora 20 – “Observing a Changing Earth: Science for Decisions…Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection”., November 13-16, 2017, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA.

Oliphant, A and Thenkabail, P S and Teluguntla, P and Congalton, R and Yadav, K and Gumma, M K and Xiong, J and Massey, R and Smith, C (2017) Mapping Croplands of Southeast Asia, Japan, and North and South Korea using Landsat 30-m time-series, random forest algorithm. In: 20th William T. Pecora Memorial Remote Sensing Symposium. Pecora 20 – “Observing a Changing Earth: Science for Decisions…Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection”., November 13-16, 2017, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA.

Reddi, V R M and Gumma, M K and Pyla, K V and Eadara, A and Gummapu, J S (2017) Monitoring Changes in Croplands Due to Water Stress in the Krishna River Basin Using Temporal Satellite Imagery. Land (TSI), 6(4) (72). pp. 1-18. ISSN 2073-445X

Xiong, J and Thenkabail, P S and Tilton, J and Gumma, M K and Teluguntla, P and Oliphant, A and Congalton, R and Yadav, K and Gorelick, N (2017) Nominal 30-m Cropland Extent Map of Continental Africa by Integrating Pixel-Based and Object-Based Algorithms Using Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 Data on Google Earth Engine. Remote Sensing, 9(10) (1065). pp. 1-27. ISSN 2072-4292

Congalton, R G and Yadav, K and McDonnell, K and Poehnelt, J and Stevens, B and Gumma, M K and Teluguntla, P and Thenkabail, P S (2017) Global Food Security-support Analysis Data (GFSAD) Cropland Extent 2015 Validation 30 m V001. Monograph. NASA EOSDIS Land Processes DAAC, South Dakota, USA.

Teluguntla, P and Thenkabail, P S and Xiong, J and Gumma, M K and Congalton, R G and Oliphant, J A and Sankey, T and Poehnelt, J and Yadav, K and Massey, R and Phalke, A and Smith, C (2017) NASA Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments (MEaSUREs) Global Food Security-support Analysis Data (GFSAD) Cropland Extent 2015 Australia, New Zealand, China, Mongolia 30 m V001. Monograph. NASA EOSDIS Land Processes DAAC, South Dakota, USA.

Gumma, M K and Thenkabail, P S and Teluguntla, P and Oliphant, A and Xiong, J and Congalton, R G and Yadav, K and Smith, C (2017) NASA Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments (MEaSUREs) Global Food Security-support Analysis Data (GFSAD) Cropland Extent 2015 South Asia, Afghanistan, Iran 30 m V001. Monograph. NASA EOSDIS Land Processes DAAC, South Dakota, USA.

Oliphant, A J and Thenkabail, P S and Teluguntla, P and Xiong, J and Congalton, R G and Yadav, K and Massey, R and Gumma, M K and Smith, C (2017) NASA Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments (MEaSUREs) Global Food Security-support Analysis Data (GFSAD) Cropland Extent 2015 Southeast Asia 30 m V001. Monograph. NASA EOSDIS Land Processes DAAC, South Dakota, USA.

Upadhyaya, H D and Reddy, K N and Ahmed, M I and Kumar, V and Gumma, M K and Ramachandran, S (2017) Geographical distribution of traits and diversity in the world collection of pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br., synonym: Cenchrus americanus (L.) Morrone] landraces conserved at the ICRISAT genebank. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 64 (6). pp. 1365-1381. ISSN 0925-9864

Xiong, J and Thenkabail, P S and Tilton, J C and Gumma, M K and Teluguntla, P and Congalton, R G and Yadav, K and Dungan, J and Oliphant, A J and Poehnelt, J and Smith, C and Massey, R (2017) NASA Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments (MEaSUREs) Global Food Security-support Analysis Data (GFSAD) Cropland Extent 2015 Africa 30 m V001. Monograph. NASA EOSDIS Land Processes DAAC, South Dakota, USA.

Xiong, J and Thenkabail, P S and Gumma, M K and Teluguntla, P and Poehnelt, J and Congalton, R G and Yadav, K and Thau, D (2017) Automated cropland mapping of continental Africa using Google Earth Engine cloud computing. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 126. pp. 225-244. ISSN 0924-2716

Upadhyaya, H D and Narsimha Reddy, K and Vetriventhan, M and Gumma, M K and Irshad Ahmed, M and Manyasa, E O and Thimma Reddy, M and Singh, S K (2017) Geographical distribution, diversity and gap analysis of East African sorghum collection conserved at the ICRISAT genebank. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 11 (4). pp. 424-437. ISSN 1835-2707

Teluguntla, P and Thenkabail, P S and Xiong, J and Gumma, M K and Congalton, R G and Oliphant, A and Poehnelt, J and Yadav, K and Rao, M and Massey, R (2017) Spectral matching techniques (SMTs) and automated cropland classification algorithms (ACCAs) for mapping croplands of Australia using MODIS 250-m time-series (2000–2015) data. International Journal of Digital Earth. pp. 1-34. ISSN 1753-8947

Pranay, P (2017) Change Detection of Sri Ram Sagar Project-1 Command Area using Geospatial tools. Masters thesis, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad.

Teluguntla, P and Thenkabail, P S and Xiong, J and Oliphant, A and Gumma, M K and Congalton, R and Yadav, K and Massey, R and Phalke, A and Tilton, J and Smith, C (2017) Mapping cropland extent and areas of Australia at 30-m resolution using multi-year time-series Landsat data and Random Forest machine learning algorithm through Google Earth Engine (GEE) Cloud Computing. In: 20th William T. Pecora Memorial Remote Sensing Symposium. Pecora 20 – “Observing a Changing Earth: Science for Decisions…Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection”, November 14-16, 2017, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA.

Upadhyaya, H D and Reddy, K N and Vetriventhan, M and Gumma, M K and Ahmed, M I and Thimma Reddy, M and Singh, S K (2016) Status, genetic diversity and gaps in sorghum germplasm from South Asia conserved at ICRISAT genebank. Plant Genetic Resources. pp. 1-12. ISSN 1479-2621

Gumma, M K and Birhanu, Z B and Mohammed, I A and Tabo, R and Whitbread, A M (2016) Prioritization of Watersheds across Mali Using Remote Sensing Data and GIS Techniques for Agricultural Development Planning. Water, 08(06) (260). 01-17. ISSN 2073-4441

Kadiyala, M D M and Kumara Charyulu, D and Nedumaran, S and Moses Shyam, D and Gumma, M K and Bantilan, M C S (2016) Agronomic management options for sustaining chickpea yield under climate change scenario. Journal of Agrometeorology, 18 (01). pp. 41-47. ISSN 0972 - 1665

Hyman, G and Barona, E and Biradar, C and Guevara, E and Dixon, J and Beebe, S and Castano, S E and Alabi, T and Gumma, M K and Sivasankar, S and Rivera, O and Espinosa, H and Cardona, J (2016) Priority regions for research on dryland cereals and legumes. F1000 Research, 05 (885). 01-18. ISSN 2046-1402

Ahmed, M I and Gumma, M K and Shalander, K and Craufurd, P and Rafi, I M and Haileslassie, A (2016) Land use and agricultural change dynamics in SAT watersheds of southern India. Current Science, 110 (09). pp. 1704-1709. ISSN 00113891

Gumma, M K and Thenkabail, P S and Teluguntla, P and Rao, M N and Mohammed, I A and Whitbread, A M (2016) Mapping rice-fallow cropland areas for short-season grain legumes intensification in South Asia using MODIS 250 m time-series data. International Journal of Digital Earth, 09 (10). pp. 981-1003. ISSN 1753-8947

Gumma, M K and Kumara Charyulu, D and Mohammed, I and Varshney, R K and Gaur, P M and Whitbread, A M (2016) Satellite imagery and household survey for tracking chickpea adoption in Andhra Pradesh, India. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 37 (08). pp. 1955-1972. ISSN 1366-5901

Kumara Charyulu, D and Moses Shyam, D and Kadiyala, M D M and Gumma, M K and Bantilan, M C S and Nedumaran, S and Srinivasa, S (2016) Measuring Sustainable Intensification of Agricultural Productivity in Semi-Arid Tropics (SAT) of India – Case studies Synthesis Report. Technical Report. ICRISAT, Patancheru, Telangana, India.

Gumma, M K and Thenkabail, P S and Teluguntla, P and Ahmed, I and Ahmed, Ismail and Uppala, D and Whitbread, A M (2016) Monitoring of Spatio-temporal Dynamics of Rabi Rice Fallows in South-Asia using Remote Sensing. In: Geospatial Technologies in Land Resource Mapping, Monitoring and Management, August 05-25, 2016, NBSS & LUP, Nagpur, India. (Submitted)

Thenkabail, P S and Knox, J and Ozdogan, M and Gumma, M K and Congalton, R and Wu, Z and Milesi, C and Finkral, A and Marshall, M and Mariotto, I and You, S and Giri, C and Nagler, P (2016) NASA Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments (MEaSUREs) Global Food Security Support Analysis Data (GFSAD) Crop Dominance 2010 Global 1 km V001. Monograph. NASA EOSDIS Land Processes DAAC, South Dakota, USA.

Teluguntla, P and Thenkabail, P S and Xiong, J and Gumma, M K and Giri, C and Milesi, C and Ozdogan, M and Congalton, R and Tilton, J and Sankey, T and Massey, R and Phalke, A and Yadav, K (2016) NASA Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments (MEaSUREs) Global Food Security Support Analysis Data (GFSAD) Crop Mask 2010 Global 1 km V001. Monograph. NASA EOSDIS Land Processes DAAC, South Dakota, USA.

Gumma, M K and Uppala, D and Mohammed, I A and Whitbread, A M and Mohammed, I R (2015) Mapping Direct Seeded Rice in Raichur District of Karnataka, India. Photogrammetric engineering and remote sensing, 81 (11). pp. 873-880. ISSN 0099-1112

Teluguntla, P and Thenkabail, P S and Xiong, J and Gumma, M K and Giri, C and Milesi, C and Ozdogan, M and Congalton, R G and Tilton, J (2015) Global Food Security Support Analysis Data (GFSAD) at Nominal 1 km (GCAD) Derived from Remote Sensing in Support of Food Security in the Twenty-First Century: Current Achievements and Future Possibilities. In: Land Resources Monitoring, Modeling, and Mapping with Remote Sensing. CRC Press, pp. 131-160. ISBN 9781482217957

Gumma, M K and Thenkabail, P S and Mohammed, I A and Teluguntla, P and Dheeravath, V (2015) Inland Valley Wetland Cultivation and Preservation for Africa’s Green and Blue Revolution Using Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing. In: Land Resources Monitoring, Modeling, and Mapping with Remote Sensing. CRC Press, pp. 227-256. ISBN 9781482217957

Gumma, M K and Kajisa, K and Mohammed, I A and Whitbread, A M and Nelson, A and Rala, A and Palanisami, K (2015) Temporal change in land use by irrigation source in Tamil Nadu and management implications. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 187 (4155). 01-17. ISSN 0167-6369

Teluguntla, P and Thenkabail, P S and Xiong, J and Gumma, M K and Giri, C and Milesi, C and Ozdogan, M and Congalton, R and Tilton, J and Sankey, T T and Massey, R and Phalke, A and Yadav, K (2015) Global Cropland Area Database (GCAD) derived from Remote Sensing in Support of Food Security in the Twenty-first Century: Current Achievements and Future Possibilities. In: Land Resources Monitoring, Modeling, and Mapping with Remote Sensing (Remote Sensing Handbook). Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, Florida, 01-45.

Kumara Charyulu, D and Moses Shyam, D and Kadiyala, M D M and Gumma, M K and Bantilan, C and Rao, K P C and Nedumaran, S and Srinivasa, S and Ramilan, T (2014) Sustainable Intensification of Agricultural Productivity in Semi-Arid-Tropics (SAT) of India – Case studies. Other. ICRISAT, Patancheru, Telangana, India.

Thenkabail, P S and Gumma, M K and Teluguntla, P and Mohammed, I A (2014) Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Vegetation and Agricultural Crops. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing (PE&RS), 80 (8). pp. 697-723.

Thenkabail, P S and Gumma, M K and Teluguntla, P and Irshad, A M (2014) Hyperspectral remote sensing of vegetation and agricultural crops. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing (TSI), 80 (8). pp. 695-723. ISSN 0099-1112

Gray, J and Friedl, M and Frolking, S and Ramankutty, N and Nelson, A and Gumma, M K (2014) Mapping Asian Cropping Intensity With MODIS. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 07 (08). pp. 3373-3379. ISSN 1939-1404

Thenkabail, P S and Mariotto, I and Gumma, M K and Middleton, E M and Landis, D R and Huemmrich, K F (2013) Selection of Hyperspectral Narrowbands (HNBs) and Composition of Hyperspectral Twoband Vegetation Indices (HVIs) for Biophysical Characterization and Discrimination of Crop Types Using Field Reflectance and Hyperion/EO-1 Data. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing,, 6 (2). pp. 1-13. ISSN 1939-1404

ICRISAT (Tanzania)

Gumma, M K and Kadiyala, M D M and Panjala, P and Ray, S S and Akuraju, V R and Dubey, S and Smith, A P and Das, R and Whitbread, A M (2021) Assimilation of Remote Sensing Data into Crop Growth Model for Yield Estimation: A Case Study from India. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing (TSI). ISSN 0255-660X

Gumma, M K and Desta, G and Amede, T and Panjala, P and Smith, A P and Kassawmar, T and Tummala, K and Zeleke, G and Whitbread, A M (2021) Assessing the impacts of watershed interventions using ground data and remote sensing: a case study in Ethiopia. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (TSI). ISSN 1735-1472

Gumma, M K and Tummala, K and Dixit, S and Collivignarelli, F and Holecz, F and Kolli, R N and Whitbread, A M (2020) Crop type identification and spatial mapping using Sentinel-2 satellite data with focus on field-level information. Geocarto International (TSI). pp. 1-17. ISSN 1010-6049

ICRISAT Development Center, ICRISAT, Patancheru, Telangana, India

Garg, K K and Anantha, K H and Nune, R and Akuraju, V R and Singh, P and Gumma, M K and Dixit, S and Ragab, R (2020) Impact of land use changes and management practices on groundwater resources in Kolar district, Southern India. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies (TSI), 31. pp. 1-21. ISSN 2214-5818


Bellam, P K and Gumma, M K and Panjala, P and Mohammed, I and Suzuki, A (2023) Mapping Shrimp Pond Dynamics: A Spatiotemporal Study Using Remote Sensing Data and Machine Learning. AgriEngineering, 5 (3). pp. 1432-1447. ISSN 2624-7402

Gumma, M K and Takashi, Y and Panjala, P and Deevi, K C and Inthavong, V and Bellam, P K and Mohammed, I (2022) Assessment of Cropland Changes Due to New Canals in Vientiane Prefecture of Laos using Earth Observation Data. Smart Agricultural Technology, 4. 01-11. ISSN 2772-3755

Panjala, P and Gumma, M K and Ajeigbe, H A and Badamasi, M M and Deevi, K C and Tabo, R (2022) Identifying Suitable Watersheds across Nigeria Using Biophysical Parameters and Machine Learning Algorithms for Agri–Planning. International Journal o f Geo-Information, 11. 01-17. ISSN 2220-9964

Gumma, M K and Thenkabail, P S and Panjala, P and Teluguntla, P and Yamano, T and Mohammed, I (2022) Multiple agricultural cropland products of South Asia developed using Landsat-8 30 m and MODIS 250 m data using machine learning on the Google Earth Engine (GEE) cloud and spectral matching techniques (SMTs) in support of food and water security. GIScience & Remote Sensing, 59 (1). pp. 1048-1077. ISSN 1943-7226


Panjala, P and Gumma, M K and Ajeigbe, H A and Badamasi, M M and Deevi, K C and Tabo, R (2022) Identifying Suitable Watersheds across Nigeria Using Biophysical Parameters and Machine Learning Algorithms for Agri–Planning. International Journal o f Geo-Information, 11. 01-17. ISSN 2220-9964


Gumma, M K and Panjala, P and Dubey, S K and Ray, D K and Murthy, C S and Kadiyala, D M and Mohammed, I and Takashi, Y (2024) Spatial Distribution of Cropping Systems in South Asia Using Time-Series Satellite Data Enriched with Ground Data. Remote Sensing(TSI), 16 (15). pp. 1-18. ISSN 2072-4292

Gumma, M K and Panjala, P and Teluguntla, P (2024) Dryland cropping in different Land uses of Senegal using Sentinel-2 and hybrid ML method. International Journal of Digital Earth, 17 (1). pp. 1-18. ISSN 1753-8947

Yamano, T and Gumma, M K and Panjala, P and Haq, N U and Fahad, M and Sato, N and Arif, B W and Saeed, U (2024) Applying Spatial Analysis to Assess Crop Damage: A Case Study of the Pakistan 2022 Floods. Working Paper. ADB publications, Philippines.

Gumma, M K and Nukala, R M and Panjala, P and Bellam, P K and Gajjala, S and Dubey, S K and Sehgal, V K and Mohammed, I and Deevi, K C (2024) Optimizing Crop Yield Estimation through Geospatial Technology: A Comparative Analysis of a Semi-Physical Model, Crop Simulation, and Machine Learning Algorithms. AgriEngineering, 6 (1). pp. 786-802. ISSN 2624-7402

Gupta, S K and Gumma, M K (2024) MILLETS in upland regions of Odisha (MURO) for crop diversification, climate resilience and enhanced Food and Nutritional Security. In: Odisha Project Poster.

Deevi, K C and Nedumaran, S and Rao, P P and Gumma, M K (2024) Current Trends and Future Prospects in Global Production, Utilization, and Trade of Pearl Millet. In: Pearl Millet in the 21st Century Food-Nutrition-Climate resilience-Improved livelihoods. Springer, Singapore, pp. 1-33. ISBN 978-981-99-5890-0

Mandapati, R and Gumma, M K and Metuku, D R and Maitra, S (2024) Field-level rice yield estimations under different farm practices using the crop simulation model for better yield. Plant Science Today, 11 (1). pp. 234-240. ISSN 2348-1900

Owusu, A and Kagone, S and Leh, M and Velpuri, N M and Gumma, M K and Ghansah, B and Thilina-Prabhath, P and Akpoti, K and Mekonnen, K and Tinonetsana, P and Mohammed, I (2023) A framework for disaggregating remote-sensing cropland into rainfed and irrigated classes at continental scale. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 126. pp. 1-15. ISSN 1569-8432

Panjala, P and Reddi, V R M and Gumma, M K and Deevi, K C and Gupta, S K (2023) Identifying prospects and potential areas for introducing pearl millet stress-tolerant cultivars in Rajasthan, India: A geospatial analysis. Smart Agricultural Technology, 6. pp. 1-10. ISSN 2772-3755

Park, T and Gumma, M K and Wang, W and Panjala, P and Dubey, S K and Nemani, R R (2023) Greening of human-dominated ecosystems in India. Communications Earth & Environment, 4. pp. 1-11. ISSN 2662-4435

Mandapati, R and Gumma, M K and Metuku, D R and Bellam, P K and Panjala, P and Maitra, S and Maila, N (2023) Crop Yield Assessment Using Field-Based Data and Crop Models at the Village Level: A Case Study on a Homogeneous Rice Area in Telangana, India. AgriEngineering, 5 (4). pp. 1909-1924. ISSN 2624-7402

Bellam, P K and Gumma, M K and Panjala, P and Mohammed, I and Suzuki, A (2023) Mapping Shrimp Pond Dynamics: A Spatiotemporal Study Using Remote Sensing Data and Machine Learning. AgriEngineering, 5 (3). pp. 1432-1447. ISSN 2624-7402

Roja, M and Gumma, M K and Reddy, M D (2023) Crop modelling in agricultural crops. Current Science (TSI), 124 (8). pp. 910-920. ISSN 0011-3891

Gumma, M K and Panjala, P and Deevi, K C and Bellam, P K and Dheeravath, V and Mohammed, I (2023) Impacts of irrigation tank restoration on water bodies and croplands in Telangana State of India using Landsat time series data and machine learning algorithms. Geocarto International, 38 (1). 01-19. ISSN 1010-6049

Gumma, M K (2023) Crop yield assessment at Gram Panchayat level using technology Rabi – 2022-23. Project Report. ICRISAT. (Submitted)

Gumma, M K (2023) Pilot studies on GP level Crop yield estimation using Technology (Rabi 2020-21) using Sentinel 1&2 Satellite data for Rice and Wheat. Project Report. ICRISAT. (Submitted)

Gumma, M K and Takashi, Y and Panjala, P and Deevi, K C and Inthavong, V and Bellam, P K and Mohammed, I (2022) Assessment of Cropland Changes Due to New Canals in Vientiane Prefecture of Laos using Earth Observation Data. Smart Agricultural Technology, 4. 01-11. ISSN 2772-3755

Panjala, P and Gumma, M K and Ajeigbe, H A and Badamasi, M M and Deevi, K C and Tabo, R (2022) Identifying Suitable Watersheds across Nigeria Using Biophysical Parameters and Machine Learning Algorithms for Agri–Planning. International Journal o f Geo-Information, 11. 01-17. ISSN 2220-9964

Gumma, M K and Thenkabail, P S and Panjala, P and Teluguntla, P and Yamano, T and Mohammed, I (2022) Multiple agricultural cropland products of South Asia developed using Landsat-8 30 m and MODIS 250 m data using machine learning on the Google Earth Engine (GEE) cloud and spectral matching techniques (SMTs) in support of food and water security. GIScience & Remote Sensing, 59 (1). pp. 1048-1077. ISSN 1943-7226

Gumma, M K (2022) Spatial Products for Crop Monitoring and Sustainable Agriculture. Journal of Rice Research, 15. pp. 170-178. ISSN 2319-3670

Panjala, P and Gumma, M K and Teluguntla, P (2021) Machine Learning Approaches and Sentinel-2 Data in Crop Type Mapping. In: Data Science in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management. Studies in Big Data, 96 . Springer, Singapore, pp. 161-180. ISBN 2197-6503

Tanuja, P and Varun, G (2017) Monitoring of cotton croplands in Odisha using geospatical tools. Other thesis, Centurion University of Technology and Management, Paralakhemundi, Odisha, India.

Nidanampally, K (2017) Urban expansion impact on agriculture: A case study on Hyderabad, India. Masters thesis, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad.

Savinai, V (2016) Impact of temporal changes of land use on surface Run-off A case study on musi basin using soil and water assessment tool (SWAT). Masters thesis, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kukatpally, Hyderabad, India.

Thenkabail, P S and Teluguntla, P and Gumma, M K and Dheeravath, V (2015) Hyperspectral Remote Sensing for Terrestrial Applications. In: Land Resources Monitoring, Modeling, and Mapping with Remote Sensing. CRC Press, pp. 201-233. ISBN 9781482217957

Mottalebab, K A and Gumma, M K and Mishra, A K and Mohanty, S (2015) Quantifying production losses due to drought and submergence of rainfed rice at the household level using remotely sensed MODIS data. Agricultural Systems, 137. pp. 227-235. ISSN 0308-521X

Gumma, M K and Mohanty, S and Nelson, A and Arnel, R and Irshad Ahmed, M and Das, S R (2015) Remote sensing based change analysis of rice environments in Odisha, India. Journal of Enviroment Management, 148. pp. 31-41. ISSN 0301-4797

Gumma, M K and Pyla, K R and Thenkabail, P S and Reddi, V M and Naresh, G and Mohammed, I A and Rafi, I M D (2014) Crop Dominance Mapping with IRS-P6 and MODIS 250-m Time Series Data. Agriculture, 4. pp. 113-131. ISSN 2077-0472

Gumma, M K and Thenkabail, P S and Maunahan, A and Islam, S and Nelson, A (2014) Mapping seasonal rice cropland extent and area in the high cropping intensity environment of Bangladesh using MODIS 500 m data for the year 2010. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 91. pp. 98-113. ISSN 0924-2716

Haileslassie, A and Craufurd, P Q and Blummel, M and Gumma, M K and Palanisami, K and Nageswara Rao, V (2013) Drivers and major changes in agricultural production systems in drylands of South Asia: assessing implications for key environmental indicators and research needs. In: 11th International Conference on Dryland Development : “Global Climate Change and its Impact on Food & Energy Security in the Dry lands” , 18-23 March 2013, Beijing, China.

Velpuri, N M and Thenkabail, P S and Gumma, M K and Biradar, C M and Dheeravath, V and Noojipady, P and Yuanjie, L (2009) Influence of Resolution in Irrigated Area Mapping and Area Estimation. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing , 75 (12). pp. 1383-1395. ISSN 0099-1112

Thenkabail, P S and Dheeravath, V and Biradar, C M and Gangalakunta, O R P and Noojipady, P and Gurappa, C and Velpuri, M and Gumma, M K and Li, Y (2009) Irrigated Area Maps and Statistics of India Using Remote Sensing and National Statistics. Remote Sensing , 1 (2). pp. 50-67. ISSN 2072-4292

Gaur, A and Biggs, T W and Gumma, M K and Pardhasaradhi, G and Turral, H (2008) Water scarcity effects on equitable water distribution and land use in a major irrigation project - case study in India. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 134 (1). pp. 26-35.

Gumma, M K Crop yield assessment at Gram Panchayat level using technology Kharif - 2022. Project Report. ICRISAT. (Submitted)

Gumma, M K Pilot studies on GP level Rice Crop yield estimation using Technology (Kharif 2020) using Sentinel 1&2 Satellite data. Project Report. ICRISAT. (Submitted)


Haileslassie, A and Craufurd, P Q and Blummel, M and Gumma, M K and Palanisami, K and Nageswara Rao, V (2013) Drivers and major changes in agricultural production systems in drylands of South Asia: assessing implications for key environmental indicators and research needs. In: 11th International Conference on Dryland Development : “Global Climate Change and its Impact on Food & Energy Security in the Dry lands” , 18-23 March 2013, Beijing, China.

INTERA Incorporated

Gaur, A and Biggs, T W and Gumma, M K and Pardhasaradhi, G and Turral, H (2008) Water scarcity effects on equitable water distribution and land use in a major irrigation project - case study in India. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 134 (1). pp. 26-35.

IRRI (Los Banos)

Gray, J and Friedl, M and Frolking, S and Ramankutty, N and Nelson, A and Gumma, M K (2014) Mapping Asian Cropping Intensity With MODIS. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 07 (08). pp. 3373-3379. ISSN 1939-1404

IRRI Myanmar Office, Department of Agriculture, Gyogone, Insein Road, Yangon, Myanmar

Feyisa, G L and Palao, L K and Nelson, A and Gumma, M K and Paliwal, A and Win, K T and Nge, K H and Johnson, D E (2020) Characterizing and mapping cropping patterns in a complex agro-ecosystem: An iterative participatory mapping procedure using machine learning algorithms and MODIS vegetation indices. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture (TSI), 175. pp. 1-11. ISSN 0168-1699

IRRI(Los Banos)

Gumma, M K and Thenkabail, P S and Maunahan, A and Islam, S and Nelson, A (2014) Mapping seasonal rice cropland extent and area in the high cropping intensity environment of Bangladesh using MODIS 500 m data for the year 2010. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 91. pp. 98-113. ISSN 0924-2716

IRRI(Metro Manila)

Gumma, M K and Mohanty, S and Nelson, A and Arnel, R and Irshad Ahmed, M and Das, S R (2015) Remote sensing based change analysis of rice environments in Odisha, India. Journal of Enviroment Management, 148. pp. 31-41. ISSN 0301-4797


Haileslassie, A and Craufurd, P Q and Blummel, M and Gumma, M K and Palanisami, K and Nageswara Rao, V (2013) Drivers and major changes in agricultural production systems in drylands of South Asia: assessing implications for key environmental indicators and research needs. In: 11th International Conference on Dryland Development : “Global Climate Change and its Impact on Food & Energy Security in the Dry lands” , 18-23 March 2013, Beijing, China.


Owusu, A and Kagone, S and Leh, M and Velpuri, N M and Gumma, M K and Ghansah, B and Thilina-Prabhath, P and Akpoti, K and Mekonnen, K and Tinonetsana, P and Mohammed, I (2023) A framework for disaggregating remote-sensing cropland into rainfed and irrigated classes at continental scale. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 126. pp. 1-15. ISSN 1569-8432

IWMI(Addis Ababa)

Owusu, A and Kagone, S and Leh, M and Velpuri, N M and Gumma, M K and Ghansah, B and Thilina-Prabhath, P and Akpoti, K and Mekonnen, K and Tinonetsana, P and Mohammed, I (2023) A framework for disaggregating remote-sensing cropland into rainfed and irrigated classes at continental scale. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 126. pp. 1-15. ISSN 1569-8432


Owusu, A and Kagone, S and Leh, M and Velpuri, N M and Gumma, M K and Ghansah, B and Thilina-Prabhath, P and Akpoti, K and Mekonnen, K and Tinonetsana, P and Mohammed, I (2023) A framework for disaggregating remote-sensing cropland into rainfed and irrigated classes at continental scale. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 126. pp. 1-15. ISSN 1569-8432

Platonov, A and Thenkabail, P S and Biradar, C M and Cai, X and Gumma, M K (2008) Water Productivity Mapping (WPM) Using Landsat ETM+ Data for the Irrigated Croplands of the Syrdarya River Basin in Central Asia. Sensors, 8 (12). pp. 8156-8180. ISSN 1424-8220

Thenkabail, P S and Biradar, C M and Noojipady, P and Cai, X and Dheeravath, V and Li, Y and Velpuri, M and Gumma, M K and Pandey, S (2007) Sub-pixel Area Calculation Methods for Estimating Irrigated Areas. Sensors, 7 (11). pp. 2519-2538. ISSN 1424-8220


Haileslassie, A and Craufurd, P Q and Blummel, M and Gumma, M K and Palanisami, K and Nageswara Rao, V (2013) Drivers and major changes in agricultural production systems in drylands of South Asia: assessing implications for key environmental indicators and research needs. In: 11th International Conference on Dryland Development : “Global Climate Change and its Impact on Food & Energy Security in the Dry lands” , 18-23 March 2013, Beijing, China.

Thenkabail, P S and Hanjra, M A and Dheeravath, V and Gumma, M K (2010) A Holistic View of Global Croplands and Their Water Use for Ensuring Global Food Security in the 21st Century through Advanced Remote Sensing and Non-remote Sensing Approaches. Remote Sensing , 2 (1). pp. 211-261. ISSN 2072-4292

Velpuri, N M and Thenkabail, P S and Gumma, M K and Biradar, C M and Dheeravath, V and Noojipady, P and Yuanjie, L (2009) Influence of Resolution in Irrigated Area Mapping and Area Estimation. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing , 75 (12). pp. 1383-1395. ISSN 0099-1112

Thenkabail, P S and Dheeravath, V and Biradar, C M and Gangalakunta, O R P and Noojipady, P and Gurappa, C and Velpuri, M and Gumma, M K and Li, Y (2009) Irrigated Area Maps and Statistics of India Using Remote Sensing and National Statistics. Remote Sensing , 1 (2). pp. 50-67. ISSN 2072-4292


Platonov, A and Thenkabail, P S and Biradar, C M and Cai, X and Gumma, M K (2008) Water Productivity Mapping (WPM) Using Landsat ETM+ Data for the Irrigated Croplands of the Syrdarya River Basin in Central Asia. Sensors, 8 (12). pp. 8156-8180. ISSN 1424-8220

Independent Consultant(Pakistan)

Yamano, T and Gumma, M K and Panjala, P and Haq, N U and Fahad, M and Sato, N and Arif, B W and Saeed, U (2024) Applying Spatial Analysis to Assess Crop Damage: A Case Study of the Pakistan 2022 Floods. Working Paper. ADB publications, Philippines.

Independent Researcher (Miami)

Hyman, G and Barona, E and Biradar, C and Guevara, E and Dixon, J and Beebe, S and Castano, S E and Alabi, T and Gumma, M K and Sivasankar, S and Rivera, O and Espinosa, H and Cardona, J (2016) Priority regions for research on dryland cereals and legumes. F1000 Research, 05 (885). 01-18. ISSN 2046-1402

Indian Agricultural Research Institute(New Delhi)

Gumma, M K and Nukala, R M and Panjala, P and Bellam, P K and Gajjala, S and Dubey, S K and Sehgal, V K and Mohammed, I and Deevi, K C (2024) Optimizing Crop Yield Estimation through Geospatial Technology: A Comparative Analysis of a Semi-Physical Model, Crop Simulation, and Machine Learning Algorithms. AgriEngineering, 6 (1). pp. 786-802. ISSN 2624-7402

Indian Council of Agricultural Research – All India Coordinated Research Project on Pearl Millet, Jodhpur

Srivastava, R K and Yadav, O P and Kaliamoorthy, S and Gupta, S K and Serba, D D and Choudhary, S and Govindaraj, M and Kholová, J and Murugesan, T and Satyavathi, C T and Gumma, M K and Singh, R B and Bollam, S and Gupta, R and Varshney, R K (2022) Breeding Drought-Tolerant Pearl Millet Using Conventional and Genomic Approaches: Achievements and Prospects. Frontiers in Plant Science (TSI), 13. pp. 1-20. ISSN 1664-462X

Indian Institute of Maize Research (Ludhiana)

Zaidi, P H and Nguyen, T and Ha, D N and Thaitad, S and Ahmed, S and Arshad, M and Koirala, K B and Rijal, T R and Kuchanur, P and Patil, A M and Mandal, S S and Kumar, R and Singh, S B and Kumar, B and Shahi, J P and Patel, M B and Gumma, M K and Pandey, K and Chaurasia, R and Anarse, B and Ali, R and Seetharam, K and Das, R R and Vinayan, M T and Rashid, Z and Nair, S and Vivek, B S (2018) Maize for Changing Climate - Chasing the Moving Target. In: 13th Asian Maize Conference and Expert Consultation on Maize for Food, Feed, Nutrition and Environmental Security, October 8, 2018, Radisson Blu Hotel, Ludhiana, India.

Indian Institute of Maize Research, Ludhiana, Punjab, India

Zaidi, P H and Nguyen, T and Dang, N H and Suriphat, T and Salahuddin, A and Arshad, M and Koirala, K B and Rijal, T R and Kuchanur, P H and Patil, A M and Mandal, S S and Kumar, R and Singh, S B and Kumar, B and Shahi, J P and Patel, M B and Gumma, M K and Pandey, K and Chaurasia, R and Haque, A and Seetharam, K and Das, R R and Vinayan, M T and Rashid, Z and Nair, S K and Vivek, B S (2020) Stress-resilient maize for climate-vulnerable ecologies in the Asian tropics. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 14 (8). pp. 1264-1274. ISSN 1835-2707

Institute for Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space, University of New Hampshire (Durham)

Gray, J and Friedl, M and Frolking, S and Ramankutty, N and Nelson, A and Gumma, M K (2014) Mapping Asian Cropping Intensity With MODIS. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 07 (08). pp. 3373-3379. ISSN 1939-1404

Institute of Agricultural Engineering(Bet Dagan)

Platonov, A and Thenkabail, P S and Biradar, C M and Cai, X and Gumma, M K (2008) Water Productivity Mapping (WPM) Using Landsat ETM+ Data for the Irrigated Croplands of the Syrdarya River Basin in Central Asia. Sensors, 8 (12). pp. 8156-8180. ISSN 1424-8220

Institute of Agricultural Sciences, BHU (Varanasi)

Zaidi, P H and Nguyen, T and Ha, D N and Thaitad, S and Ahmed, S and Arshad, M and Koirala, K B and Rijal, T R and Kuchanur, P and Patil, A M and Mandal, S S and Kumar, R and Singh, S B and Kumar, B and Shahi, J P and Patel, M B and Gumma, M K and Pandey, K and Chaurasia, R and Anarse, B and Ali, R and Seetharam, K and Das, R R and Vinayan, M T and Rashid, Z and Nair, S and Vivek, B S (2018) Maize for Changing Climate - Chasing the Moving Target. In: 13th Asian Maize Conference and Expert Consultation on Maize for Food, Feed, Nutrition and Environmental Security, October 8, 2018, Radisson Blu Hotel, Ludhiana, India.

Institute of Agricultural Sciences, BHU, Varanasi, U.P., India

Zaidi, P H and Nguyen, T and Dang, N H and Suriphat, T and Salahuddin, A and Arshad, M and Koirala, K B and Rijal, T R and Kuchanur, P H and Patil, A M and Mandal, S S and Kumar, R and Singh, S B and Kumar, B and Shahi, J P and Patel, M B and Gumma, M K and Pandey, K and Chaurasia, R and Haque, A and Seetharam, K and Das, R R and Vinayan, M T and Rashid, Z and Nair, S K and Vivek, B S (2020) Stress-resilient maize for climate-vulnerable ecologies in the Asian tropics. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 14 (8). pp. 1264-1274. ISSN 1835-2707

International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) (Beirut)

Hyman, G and Barona, E and Biradar, C and Guevara, E and Dixon, J and Beebe, S and Castano, S E and Alabi, T and Gumma, M K and Sivasankar, S and Rivera, O and Espinosa, H and Cardona, J (2016) Priority regions for research on dryland cereals and legumes. F1000 Research, 05 (885). 01-18. ISSN 2046-1402

International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) (Cali)

Hyman, G and Barona, E and Biradar, C and Guevara, E and Dixon, J and Beebe, S and Castano, S E and Alabi, T and Gumma, M K and Sivasankar, S and Rivera, O and Espinosa, H and Cardona, J (2016) Priority regions for research on dryland cereals and legumes. F1000 Research, 05 (885). 01-18. ISSN 2046-1402

International Centre for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), Cairo

Reddy, G P A and Kumar, N and Sahu, N and Srivastava, R and Singh, S K and Naidu, LG K and Chary, G R and Biradar, C M and Gumma, M K and Reddy, B S and Kumar, J N (2020) Assessment of spatio-temporal vegetation dynamics in tropical arid ecosystem of India using MODIS time-series vegetation indices. Arabian Journal of Geosciences (TSI), 13 (15). pp. 1-13. ISSN 1866-7511

International Food Policy Research Institute, 2033 K St NW, Washington, DC

Kadiyala, M D M and Nedumaran, S and Padmanabhan, J and Gumma, M K and Gummadi, S and Srigiri, S R and Robertson, R and Whitbread, A M (2021) Modeling the potential impacts of climate change and adaptation strategies on groundnut production in India. Science of The Total Environment (TSI), 776. pp. 1-11. ISSN 0048-9697

International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) (Ibadan)

Hyman, G and Barona, E and Biradar, C and Guevara, E and Dixon, J and Beebe, S and Castano, S E and Alabi, T and Gumma, M K and Sivasankar, S and Rivera, O and Espinosa, H and Cardona, J (2016) Priority regions for research on dryland cereals and legumes. F1000 Research, 05 (885). 01-18. ISSN 2046-1402

International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (Nairobi)

Ahmed, M I and Gumma, M K and Shalander, K and Craufurd, P and Rafi, I M and Haileslassie, A (2016) Land use and agricultural change dynamics in SAT watersheds of southern India. Current Science, 110 (09). pp. 1704-1709. ISSN 00113891

International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI), SEAP (Penang)

Gumma, M K and Thenkabail, P S and Kumara Charyulu, D and Mohammed, I A and Teluguntla, P and Oliphant, A and Xiong, J and Aye, T and Whitbread, A M (2018) Mapping cropland fallow areas in Myanmar to scale up sustainable intensification of pulse crops in the farming system. GIScience & Remote Sensing (TSI), 55 (6). pp. 926-949. ISSN 1548-1603

International Reinsurance and Insurance Consultancy and Broking Services Pvt. Ltd, Mumbai, India

Gumma, M K and Tummala, K and Dixit, S and Collivignarelli, F and Holecz, F and Kolli, R N and Whitbread, A M (2020) Crop type identification and spatial mapping using Sentinel-2 satellite data with focus on field-level information. Geocarto International (TSI). pp. 1-17. ISSN 1010-6049

International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines

Feyisa, G L and Palao, L K and Nelson, A and Gumma, M K and Paliwal, A and Win, K T and Nge, K H and Johnson, D E (2020) Characterizing and mapping cropping patterns in a complex agro-ecosystem: An iterative participatory mapping procedure using machine learning algorithms and MODIS vegetation indices. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture (TSI), 175. pp. 1-11. ISSN 0168-1699

International Rice Research Institute (Los Baños)

Mottalebab, K A and Gumma, M K and Mishra, A K and Mohanty, S (2015) Quantifying production losses due to drought and submergence of rainfed rice at the household level using remotely sensed MODIS data. Agricultural Systems, 137. pp. 227-235. ISSN 0308-521X

Gumma, M K and Kajisa, K and Mohammed, I A and Whitbread, A M and Nelson, A and Rala, A and Palanisami, K (2015) Temporal change in land use by irrigation source in Tamil Nadu and management implications. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 187 (4155). 01-17. ISSN 0167-6369

International Rice Research Institute, Viet Nam

Kadiyala, M D M and Nedumaran, S and Padmanabhan, J and Gumma, M K and Gummadi, S and Srigiri, S R and Robertson, R and Whitbread, A M (2021) Modeling the potential impacts of climate change and adaptation strategies on groundnut production in India. Science of The Total Environment (TSI), 776. pp. 1-11. ISSN 0048-9697

International Rice Research institute,Vietnam

Kadiyala, M D M and Gummadi, S and Irshad, M A and Palanisamy, R and Gumma, M K and Whitbread, A M (2020) Assessment of climate change and vulnerability in Indian state of Telangana for better agricultural planning. Theoretical and Applied Climatology (TSI). ISSN 0177-798X

International Water Management Institute

Gaur, A and Biggs, T W and Gumma, M K and Pardhasaradhi, G and Turral, H (2008) Water scarcity effects on equitable water distribution and land use in a major irrigation project - case study in India. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 134 (1). pp. 26-35.

International Water Management Institute (IWMI) (Patancheru)

Gumma, M K and Kajisa, K and Mohammed, I A and Whitbread, A M and Nelson, A and Rala, A and Palanisami, K (2015) Temporal change in land use by irrigation source in Tamil Nadu and management implications. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 187 (4155). 01-17. ISSN 0167-6369

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU), (Hyderabad)

Gumma, M K and Thenkabail, P S and Teluguntla, P G and Oliphant, A and Xiong, J and Giri, C and Pyla, V and Dixit, S and Whitbread, A M (2019) Agricultural cropland extent and areas of South Asia derived using Landsat satellite 30-m time-series big-data using random forest machine learning algorithms on the Google Earth Engine cloud. GIScience & Remote Sensing (TSI). pp. 1-21. ISSN 1548-1603

Jawarharlal Nehru Technological University(Hyderabad)

Gumma, M K and Pyla, K R and Thenkabail, P S and Reddi, V M and Naresh, G and Mohammed, I A and Rafi, I M D (2014) Crop Dominance Mapping with IRS-P6 and MODIS 250-m Time Series Data. Agriculture, 4. pp. 113-131. ISSN 2077-0472

Kaveri Seeds Pvt. Ltd. (Hyderabad)

Zaidi, P H and Nguyen, T and Ha, D N and Thaitad, S and Ahmed, S and Arshad, M and Koirala, K B and Rijal, T R and Kuchanur, P and Patil, A M and Mandal, S S and Kumar, R and Singh, S B and Kumar, B and Shahi, J P and Patel, M B and Gumma, M K and Pandey, K and Chaurasia, R and Anarse, B and Ali, R and Seetharam, K and Das, R R and Vinayan, M T and Rashid, Z and Nair, S and Vivek, B S (2018) Maize for Changing Climate - Chasing the Moving Target. In: 13th Asian Maize Conference and Expert Consultation on Maize for Food, Feed, Nutrition and Environmental Security, October 8, 2018, Radisson Blu Hotel, Ludhiana, India.

Kaveri Seeds Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad, India

Zaidi, P H and Nguyen, T and Dang, N H and Suriphat, T and Salahuddin, A and Arshad, M and Koirala, K B and Rijal, T R and Kuchanur, P H and Patil, A M and Mandal, S S and Kumar, R and Singh, S B and Kumar, B and Shahi, J P and Patel, M B and Gumma, M K and Pandey, K and Chaurasia, R and Haque, A and Seetharam, K and Das, R R and Vinayan, M T and Rashid, Z and Nair, S K and Vivek, B S (2020) Stress-resilient maize for climate-vulnerable ecologies in the Asian tropics. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 14 (8). pp. 1264-1274. ISSN 1835-2707

Kuvempu University(Shimoga)

Thenkabail, P S and Dheeravath, V and Biradar, C M and Gangalakunta, O R P and Noojipady, P and Gurappa, C and Velpuri, M and Gumma, M K and Li, Y (2009) Irrigated Area Maps and Statistics of India Using Remote Sensing and National Statistics. Remote Sensing , 1 (2). pp. 50-67. ISSN 2072-4292

Laboratoire Sol- Eau- Plante SotubaInstitut d’Economie Rurale (IER) (Bamako)

Birhanu, Z B and Traoré, K and Gumma, M K and Badolo, F and Tabo, R and Whitbread, A M (2018) A watershed approach to managing rainfed agriculture in the semiarid region of southern Mali: integrated research on water and land use. Environment, Development and Sustainability (TSI). pp. 1-27. ISSN 1387-585X

Louisiana State University (LA)

Mottalebab, K A and Gumma, M K and Mishra, A K and Mohanty, S (2015) Quantifying production losses due to drought and submergence of rainfed rice at the household level using remotely sensed MODIS data. Agricultural Systems, 137. pp. 227-235. ISSN 0308-521X

Mahabalonis Crop Forecasting Center(New Delhi)

Park, T and Gumma, M K and Wang, W and Panjala, P and Dubey, S K and Nemani, R R (2023) Greening of human-dominated ecosystems in India. Communications Earth & Environment, 4. pp. 1-11. ISSN 2662-4435

Mahalanobis National Crop Forecast Centre

Gumma, M K (2023) Crop yield assessment at Gram Panchayat level using technology Rabi – 2022-23. Project Report. ICRISAT. (Submitted)

Gumma, M K and Kadiyala, M D M and Panjala, P and Mohammed, I (2020) Pilot studies on GP Crop yield estimation using Technology (Kharif 2019) using SENTINEL- 2 satellite data (in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Odisha States (Five Districts)) for Groundnut, Chickpea, Maize and Rice. Project Report. ICRISAT, Patancheru, India.

Mahalanobis National Crop Forecast Centre (MNCFC), Ministry of Agriculture, Delhi

Gumma, M K and Kadiyala, M D M and Panjala, P and Ray, S S and Akuraju, V R and Dubey, S and Smith, A P and Das, R and Whitbread, A M (2021) Assimilation of Remote Sensing Data into Crop Growth Model for Yield Estimation: A Case Study from India. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing (TSI). ISSN 0255-660X

Mahalanobis National Crop Forecast Centre(New Delhi)

Gumma, M K and Panjala, P and Dubey, S K and Ray, D K and Murthy, C S and Kadiyala, D M and Mohammed, I and Takashi, Y (2024) Spatial Distribution of Cropping Systems in South Asia Using Time-Series Satellite Data Enriched with Ground Data. Remote Sensing(TSI), 16 (15). pp. 1-18. ISSN 2072-4292

Gumma, M K and Nukala, R M and Panjala, P and Bellam, P K and Gajjala, S and Dubey, S K and Sehgal, V K and Mohammed, I and Deevi, K C (2024) Optimizing Crop Yield Estimation through Geospatial Technology: A Comparative Analysis of a Semi-Physical Model, Crop Simulation, and Machine Learning Algorithms. AgriEngineering, 6 (1). pp. 786-802. ISSN 2624-7402

Main Maize Research Station, Gujarat Agriculture University (Godhra)

Zaidi, P H and Nguyen, T and Ha, D N and Thaitad, S and Ahmed, S and Arshad, M and Koirala, K B and Rijal, T R and Kuchanur, P and Patil, A M and Mandal, S S and Kumar, R and Singh, S B and Kumar, B and Shahi, J P and Patel, M B and Gumma, M K and Pandey, K and Chaurasia, R and Anarse, B and Ali, R and Seetharam, K and Das, R R and Vinayan, M T and Rashid, Z and Nair, S and Vivek, B S (2018) Maize for Changing Climate - Chasing the Moving Target. In: 13th Asian Maize Conference and Expert Consultation on Maize for Food, Feed, Nutrition and Environmental Security, October 8, 2018, Radisson Blu Hotel, Ludhiana, India.

Main Maize Research Station, Gujarat Agriculture University, Godhara, Gujarat, India

Zaidi, P H and Nguyen, T and Dang, N H and Suriphat, T and Salahuddin, A and Arshad, M and Koirala, K B and Rijal, T R and Kuchanur, P H and Patil, A M and Mandal, S S and Kumar, R and Singh, S B and Kumar, B and Shahi, J P and Patel, M B and Gumma, M K and Pandey, K and Chaurasia, R and Haque, A and Seetharam, K and Das, R R and Vinayan, M T and Rashid, Z and Nair, S K and Vivek, B S (2020) Stress-resilient maize for climate-vulnerable ecologies in the Asian tropics. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 14 (8). pp. 1264-1274. ISSN 1835-2707

Maize & Millet Research Institute (Sahiwal)

Zaidi, P H and Nguyen, T and Ha, D N and Thaitad, S and Ahmed, S and Arshad, M and Koirala, K B and Rijal, T R and Kuchanur, P and Patil, A M and Mandal, S S and Kumar, R and Singh, S B and Kumar, B and Shahi, J P and Patel, M B and Gumma, M K and Pandey, K and Chaurasia, R and Anarse, B and Ali, R and Seetharam, K and Das, R R and Vinayan, M T and Rashid, Z and Nair, S and Vivek, B S (2018) Maize for Changing Climate - Chasing the Moving Target. In: 13th Asian Maize Conference and Expert Consultation on Maize for Food, Feed, Nutrition and Environmental Security, October 8, 2018, Radisson Blu Hotel, Ludhiana, India.

Maize & Millet Research Institute, Sahiwal, Pakistan

Zaidi, P H and Nguyen, T and Dang, N H and Suriphat, T and Salahuddin, A and Arshad, M and Koirala, K B and Rijal, T R and Kuchanur, P H and Patil, A M and Mandal, S S and Kumar, R and Singh, S B and Kumar, B and Shahi, J P and Patel, M B and Gumma, M K and Pandey, K and Chaurasia, R and Haque, A and Seetharam, K and Das, R R and Vinayan, M T and Rashid, Z and Nair, S K and Vivek, B S (2020) Stress-resilient maize for climate-vulnerable ecologies in the Asian tropics. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 14 (8). pp. 1264-1274. ISSN 1835-2707

Minor Irrigation, Department of Command Area Development, Anantapuramu

Reddy, G P A and Kumar, N and Sahu, N and Srivastava, R and Singh, S K and Naidu, LG K and Chary, G R and Biradar, C M and Gumma, M K and Reddy, B S and Kumar, J N (2020) Assessment of spatio-temporal vegetation dynamics in tropical arid ecosystem of India using MODIS time-series vegetation indices. Arabian Journal of Geosciences (TSI), 13 (15). pp. 1-13. ISSN 1866-7511

NASA Ames Research Center (Moffett Field)

Teluguntla, P and Thenkabail, P S and Xiong, J and Gumma, M K and Giri, C and Milesi, C and Ozdogan, M and Congalton, R and Tilton, J and Sankey, T T and Massey, R and Phalke, A and Yadav, K (2015) Global Cropland Area Database (GCAD) derived from Remote Sensing in Support of Food Security in the Twenty-first Century: Current Achievements and Future Possibilities. In: Land Resources Monitoring, Modeling, and Mapping with Remote Sensing (Remote Sensing Handbook). Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, Florida, 01-45.

NASA Ames Research Center (USA)

Teluguntla, P and Thenkabail, P S and Xiong, J and Gumma, M K and Giri, C and Milesi, C and Ozdogan, M and Congalton, R G and Tilton, J (2015) Global Food Security Support Analysis Data (GFSAD) at Nominal 1 km (GCAD) Derived from Remote Sensing in Support of Food Security in the Twenty-First Century: Current Achievements and Future Possibilities. In: Land Resources Monitoring, Modeling, and Mapping with Remote Sensing. CRC Press, pp. 131-160. ISBN 9781482217957

NASA Ames Research Center(Moffett Field)

Park, T and Gumma, M K and Wang, W and Panjala, P and Dubey, S K and Nemani, R R (2023) Greening of human-dominated ecosystems in India. Communications Earth & Environment, 4. pp. 1-11. ISSN 2662-4435

NASA Ames Research Park(Moffett Field)

Gumma, M K and Panjala, P and Teluguntla, P (2024) Dryland cropping in different Land uses of Senegal using Sentinel-2 and hybrid ML method. International Journal of Digital Earth, 17 (1). pp. 1-18. ISSN 1753-8947

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) (Greenbelt)

Teluguntla, P and Thenkabail, P S and Xiong, J and Gumma, M K and Giri, C and Milesi, C and Ozdogan, M and Congalton, R and Tilton, J and Sankey, T T and Massey, R and Phalke, A and Yadav, K (2015) Global Cropland Area Database (GCAD) derived from Remote Sensing in Support of Food Security in the Twenty-first Century: Current Achievements and Future Possibilities. In: Land Resources Monitoring, Modeling, and Mapping with Remote Sensing (Remote Sensing Handbook). Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, Florida, 01-45.

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (Greenbelt)

Xiong, J and Thenkabail, P S and Teluguntla, P and Oliphant, A and Congalton, R and Gumma, M K and Yadav, K and Massey, R and Tilton, J and Smith, C (2017) An Automated Crop Intensity Algorithm (ACIA) for global cropland intensity mapping at 30-m using multi-source time-series data and Google Earth Engine. In: 20th William T. Pecora Memorial Remote Sensing Symposium. Pecora 20 – “Observing a Changing Earth: Science for Decisions…Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection”, November 13-16, 2017, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA.

Teluguntla, P and Thenkabail, P S and Xiong, J and Oliphant, A and Gumma, M K and Congalton, R and Yadav, K and Massey, R and Phalke, A and Tilton, J and Smith, C (2017) Mapping cropland extent and areas of Australia at 30-m resolution using multi-year time-series Landsat data and Random Forest machine learning algorithm through Google Earth Engine (GEE) Cloud Computing. In: 20th William T. Pecora Memorial Remote Sensing Symposium. Pecora 20 – “Observing a Changing Earth: Science for Decisions…Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection”, November 14-16, 2017, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA.

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (USA)

Teluguntla, P and Thenkabail, P S and Xiong, J and Gumma, M K and Giri, C and Milesi, C and Ozdogan, M and Congalton, R G and Tilton, J (2015) Global Food Security Support Analysis Data (GFSAD) at Nominal 1 km (GCAD) Derived from Remote Sensing in Support of Food Security in the Twenty-First Century: Current Achievements and Future Possibilities. In: Land Resources Monitoring, Modeling, and Mapping with Remote Sensing. CRC Press, pp. 131-160. ISBN 9781482217957

Nakhan Suwan Field Crop Research Center, Tak Fa (Nakhan Sawan)

Zaidi, P H and Nguyen, T and Ha, D N and Thaitad, S and Ahmed, S and Arshad, M and Koirala, K B and Rijal, T R and Kuchanur, P and Patil, A M and Mandal, S S and Kumar, R and Singh, S B and Kumar, B and Shahi, J P and Patel, M B and Gumma, M K and Pandey, K and Chaurasia, R and Anarse, B and Ali, R and Seetharam, K and Das, R R and Vinayan, M T and Rashid, Z and Nair, S and Vivek, B S (2018) Maize for Changing Climate - Chasing the Moving Target. In: 13th Asian Maize Conference and Expert Consultation on Maize for Food, Feed, Nutrition and Environmental Security, October 8, 2018, Radisson Blu Hotel, Ludhiana, India.

Nakhan Suwan Field Crop Research Center, Tak Fa, Nakhan Sawan, Thailand

Zaidi, P H and Nguyen, T and Dang, N H and Suriphat, T and Salahuddin, A and Arshad, M and Koirala, K B and Rijal, T R and Kuchanur, P H and Patil, A M and Mandal, S S and Kumar, R and Singh, S B and Kumar, B and Shahi, J P and Patel, M B and Gumma, M K and Pandey, K and Chaurasia, R and Haque, A and Seetharam, K and Das, R R and Vinayan, M T and Rashid, Z and Nair, S K and Vivek, B S (2020) Stress-resilient maize for climate-vulnerable ecologies in the Asian tropics. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 14 (8). pp. 1264-1274. ISSN 1835-2707

National Bureau of Soil Survey & Land Use Planning(Nagpur)

Thenkabail, P S and Dheeravath, V and Biradar, C M and Gangalakunta, O R P and Noojipady, P and Gurappa, C and Velpuri, M and Gumma, M K and Li, Y (2009) Irrigated Area Maps and Statistics of India Using Remote Sensing and National Statistics. Remote Sensing , 1 (2). pp. 50-67. ISSN 2072-4292

National Institute of Rural Development(Hyderabad)

Gumma, M K and Pyla, K R and Thenkabail, P S and Reddi, V M and Naresh, G and Mohammed, I A and Rafi, I M D (2014) Crop Dominance Mapping with IRS-P6 and MODIS 250-m Time Series Data. Agriculture, 4. pp. 113-131. ISSN 2077-0472

National Institute of Rural Development, Rajendranagar (Hyderabad)

Reddi, V R M and Gumma, M K and Pyla, K V and Eadara, A and Gummapu, J S (2017) Monitoring Changes in Croplands Due to Water Stress in the Krishna River Basin Using Temporal Satellite Imagery. Land (TSI), 6(4) (72). pp. 1-18. ISSN 2073-445X

National Maize Research Institute (Ha Noi)

Zaidi, P H and Nguyen, T and Ha, D N and Thaitad, S and Ahmed, S and Arshad, M and Koirala, K B and Rijal, T R and Kuchanur, P and Patil, A M and Mandal, S S and Kumar, R and Singh, S B and Kumar, B and Shahi, J P and Patel, M B and Gumma, M K and Pandey, K and Chaurasia, R and Anarse, B and Ali, R and Seetharam, K and Das, R R and Vinayan, M T and Rashid, Z and Nair, S and Vivek, B S (2018) Maize for Changing Climate - Chasing the Moving Target. In: 13th Asian Maize Conference and Expert Consultation on Maize for Food, Feed, Nutrition and Environmental Security, October 8, 2018, Radisson Blu Hotel, Ludhiana, India.

National Maize Research Institute, Ha Noi, Vietnam

Zaidi, P H and Nguyen, T and Dang, N H and Suriphat, T and Salahuddin, A and Arshad, M and Koirala, K B and Rijal, T R and Kuchanur, P H and Patil, A M and Mandal, S S and Kumar, R and Singh, S B and Kumar, B and Shahi, J P and Patel, M B and Gumma, M K and Pandey, K and Chaurasia, R and Haque, A and Seetharam, K and Das, R R and Vinayan, M T and Rashid, Z and Nair, S K and Vivek, B S (2020) Stress-resilient maize for climate-vulnerable ecologies in the Asian tropics. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 14 (8). pp. 1264-1274. ISSN 1835-2707

National Maize Research Program, Rampur (Chitwan)

Zaidi, P H and Nguyen, T and Ha, D N and Thaitad, S and Ahmed, S and Arshad, M and Koirala, K B and Rijal, T R and Kuchanur, P and Patil, A M and Mandal, S S and Kumar, R and Singh, S B and Kumar, B and Shahi, J P and Patel, M B and Gumma, M K and Pandey, K and Chaurasia, R and Anarse, B and Ali, R and Seetharam, K and Das, R R and Vinayan, M T and Rashid, Z and Nair, S and Vivek, B S (2018) Maize for Changing Climate - Chasing the Moving Target. In: 13th Asian Maize Conference and Expert Consultation on Maize for Food, Feed, Nutrition and Environmental Security, October 8, 2018, Radisson Blu Hotel, Ludhiana, India.

National Maize Research Program, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal

Zaidi, P H and Nguyen, T and Dang, N H and Suriphat, T and Salahuddin, A and Arshad, M and Koirala, K B and Rijal, T R and Kuchanur, P H and Patil, A M and Mandal, S S and Kumar, R and Singh, S B and Kumar, B and Shahi, J P and Patel, M B and Gumma, M K and Pandey, K and Chaurasia, R and Haque, A and Seetharam, K and Das, R R and Vinayan, M T and Rashid, Z and Nair, S K and Vivek, B S (2020) Stress-resilient maize for climate-vulnerable ecologies in the Asian tropics. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 14 (8). pp. 1264-1274. ISSN 1835-2707

Northern Arizona University (Flagstaff)

Xiong, J and Thenkabail, P S and Teluguntla, P and Oliphant, A and Congalton, R and Gumma, M K and Yadav, K and Massey, R and Tilton, J and Smith, C (2017) An Automated Crop Intensity Algorithm (ACIA) for global cropland intensity mapping at 30-m using multi-source time-series data and Google Earth Engine. In: 20th William T. Pecora Memorial Remote Sensing Symposium. Pecora 20 – “Observing a Changing Earth: Science for Decisions…Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection”, November 13-16, 2017, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA.

Xiong, J and Thenkabail, P S and Congalton, R and Yadav, K and Teluguntla, P and Oliphant, A and Gumma, M K and Massey, R and Smith, C (2017) CropRef: Reference Datasets and techniques to improve global cropland mapping. In: 20th William T. Pecora Memorial Remote Sensing Symposium. Pecora 20 – “Observing a Changing Earth: Science for Decisions…Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection”., November 13-16, 2017, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA.

Oliphant, A and Thenkabail, P S and Teluguntla, P and Congalton, R and Yadav, K and Gumma, M K and Xiong, J and Massey, R and Smith, C (2017) Mapping Croplands of Southeast Asia, Japan, and North and South Korea using Landsat 30-m time-series, random forest algorithm. In: 20th William T. Pecora Memorial Remote Sensing Symposium. Pecora 20 – “Observing a Changing Earth: Science for Decisions…Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection”., November 13-16, 2017, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA.

Teluguntla, P and Thenkabail, P S and Xiong, J and Oliphant, A and Gumma, M K and Congalton, R and Yadav, K and Massey, R and Phalke, A and Tilton, J and Smith, C (2017) Mapping cropland extent and areas of Australia at 30-m resolution using multi-year time-series Landsat data and Random Forest machine learning algorithm through Google Earth Engine (GEE) Cloud Computing. In: 20th William T. Pecora Memorial Remote Sensing Symposium. Pecora 20 – “Observing a Changing Earth: Science for Decisions…Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection”, November 14-16, 2017, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA.

Northern Arizona University (USA)

Teluguntla, P and Thenkabail, P S and Xiong, J and Gumma, M K and Giri, C and Milesi, C and Ozdogan, M and Congalton, R G and Tilton, J (2015) Global Food Security Support Analysis Data (GFSAD) at Nominal 1 km (GCAD) Derived from Remote Sensing in Support of Food Security in the Twenty-First Century: Current Achievements and Future Possibilities. In: Land Resources Monitoring, Modeling, and Mapping with Remote Sensing. CRC Press, pp. 131-160. ISBN 9781482217957

Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology(Odisha)

Gumma, M K and Mohanty, S and Nelson, A and Arnel, R and Irshad Ahmed, M and Das, S R (2015) Remote sensing based change analysis of rice environments in Odisha, India. Journal of Enviroment Management, 148. pp. 31-41. ISSN 0301-4797

Sairam Engineers(Bangalore)

Gumma, M K and Pyla, K R and Thenkabail, P S and Reddi, V M and Naresh, G and Mohammed, I A and Rafi, I M D (2014) Crop Dominance Mapping with IRS-P6 and MODIS 250-m Time Series Data. Agriculture, 4. pp. 113-131. ISSN 2077-0472

School of Earth Science and Environmental Sustainability, Northern Arizona University (Flagstaff)

Teluguntla, P and Thenkabail, P S and Xiong, J and Gumma, M K and Congalton, R G and Oliphant, A and Poehnelt, J and Yadav, K and Rao, M and Massey, R (2017) Spectral matching techniques (SMTs) and automated cropland classification algorithms (ACCAs) for mapping croplands of Australia using MODIS 250-m time-series (2000–2015) data. International Journal of Digital Earth. pp. 1-34. ISSN 1753-8947

School of Earth Sciences and Environmental Sustainability (SESES), Northern Arizona University (Flagstaff)

Teluguntla, P and Thenkabail, P S and Xiong, J and Gumma, M K and Giri, C and Milesi, C and Ozdogan, M and Congalton, R and Tilton, J and Sankey, T T and Massey, R and Phalke, A and Yadav, K (2015) Global Cropland Area Database (GCAD) derived from Remote Sensing in Support of Food Security in the Twenty-first Century: Current Achievements and Future Possibilities. In: Land Resources Monitoring, Modeling, and Mapping with Remote Sensing (Remote Sensing Handbook). Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, Florida, 01-45.

Scientific Research Institute for Growing Cotton(Tashkent)

Platonov, A and Thenkabail, P S and Biradar, C M and Cai, X and Gumma, M K (2008) Water Productivity Mapping (WPM) Using Landsat ETM+ Data for the Irrigated Croplands of the Syrdarya River Basin in Central Asia. Sensors, 8 (12). pp. 8156-8180. ISSN 1424-8220

Sigma Space Corporation Inc (Lanham)

Thenkabail, P S and Mariotto, I and Gumma, M K and Middleton, E M and Landis, D R and Huemmrich, K F (2013) Selection of Hyperspectral Narrowbands (HNBs) and Composition of Hyperspectral Twoband Vegetation Indices (HVIs) for Biophysical Characterization and Discrimination of Crop Types Using Field Reflectance and Hyperion/EO-1 Data. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing,, 6 (2). pp. 1-13. ISSN 1939-1404

Social Science Division, International Rice Research Institute (Los Baños)

Gumma, M K and Nelson, A and Yamano, T (2019) Mapping drought-induced changes in rice area in India. International Journal of Remote Sensing (TSI), 40. pp. 8146-8173. ISSN 0143-1161

South Dakota State University(Brookings)

Thenkabail, P S and Dheeravath, V and Biradar, C M and Gangalakunta, O R P and Noojipady, P and Gurappa, C and Velpuri, M and Gumma, M K and Li, Y (2009) Irrigated Area Maps and Statistics of India Using Remote Sensing and National Statistics. Remote Sensing , 1 (2). pp. 50-67. ISSN 2072-4292

Thenkabail, P S and Biradar, C M and Noojipady, P and Cai, X and Dheeravath, V and Li, Y and Velpuri, M and Gumma, M K and Pandey, S (2007) Sub-pixel Area Calculation Methods for Estimating Irrigated Areas. Sensors, 7 (11). pp. 2519-2538. ISSN 1424-8220

Southwest Geographic Science Center(Flagstaff)

Thenkabail, P S and Hanjra, M A and Dheeravath, V and Gumma, M K (2010) A Holistic View of Global Croplands and Their Water Use for Ensuring Global Food Security in the 21st Century through Advanced Remote Sensing and Non-remote Sensing Approaches. Remote Sensing , 2 (1). pp. 211-261. ISSN 2072-4292

Velpuri, N M and Thenkabail, P S and Gumma, M K and Biradar, C M and Dheeravath, V and Noojipady, P and Yuanjie, L (2009) Influence of Resolution in Irrigated Area Mapping and Area Estimation. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing , 75 (12). pp. 1383-1395. ISSN 0099-1112

Thenkabail, P S and Dheeravath, V and Biradar, C M and Gangalakunta, O R P and Noojipady, P and Gurappa, C and Velpuri, M and Gumma, M K and Li, Y (2009) Irrigated Area Maps and Statistics of India Using Remote Sensing and National Statistics. Remote Sensing , 1 (2). pp. 50-67. ISSN 2072-4292

State Agricultural Biotechnology Centre, Centre for Crop & Food Innovation, Food Futures Institute, Murdoch University, Murdoch

Srivastava, R K and Yadav, O P and Kaliamoorthy, S and Gupta, S K and Serba, D D and Choudhary, S and Govindaraj, M and Kholová, J and Murugesan, T and Satyavathi, C T and Gumma, M K and Singh, R B and Bollam, S and Gupta, R and Varshney, R K (2022) Breeding Drought-Tolerant Pearl Millet Using Conventional and Genomic Approaches: Achievements and Prospects. Frontiers in Plant Science (TSI), 13. pp. 1-20. ISSN 1664-462X

Tel-Aviv University(Tel Aviv)

Platonov, A and Thenkabail, P S and Biradar, C M and Cai, X and Gumma, M K (2008) Water Productivity Mapping (WPM) Using Landsat ETM+ Data for the Irrigated Croplands of the Syrdarya River Basin in Central Asia. Sensors, 8 (12). pp. 8156-8180. ISSN 1424-8220

The UWA Institute of Agriculture, The University of Western Australia (Crawley)

Upadhyaya, H D and Narsimha Reddy, K and Vetriventhan, M and Irshad Ahmed, M and Gumma, M K and Thimma Reddy, M and Singh, S K (2017) Sorghum germplasm from West and Central Africa maintained in the ICRISAT genebank: Status, gaps, and diversity. The Crop Journal, 5 (6). pp. 518-532. ISSN 22145141

The UWA Institute of Agriculture, the University of Western Australia (Crawley)

Upadhyaya, H D and Narsimha Reddy, K and Vetriventhan, M and Gumma, M K and Irshad Ahmed, M and Manyasa, E O and Thimma Reddy, M and Singh, S K (2017) Geographical distribution, diversity and gap analysis of East African sorghum collection conserved at the ICRISAT genebank. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 11 (4). pp. 424-437. ISSN 1835-2707

Upadhyaya, H D and Reddy, K N and Vetriventhan, M and Gumma, M K and Ahmed, M I and Thimma Reddy, M and Singh, S K (2016) Status, genetic diversity and gaps in sorghum germplasm from South Asia conserved at ICRISAT genebank. Plant Genetic Resources. pp. 1-12. ISSN 1479-2621

The University of Tokyo(Tokyo)

Bellam, P K and Gumma, M K and Panjala, P and Mohammed, I and Suzuki, A (2023) Mapping Shrimp Pond Dynamics: A Spatiotemporal Study Using Remote Sensing Data and Machine Learning. AgriEngineering, 5 (3). pp. 1432-1447. ISSN 2624-7402

U. S. Geological Survey

Thenkabail, P S and Teluguntla, P and Gumma, M K and Dheeravath, V (2015) Hyperspectral Remote Sensing for Terrestrial Applications. In: Land Resources Monitoring, Modeling, and Mapping with Remote Sensing. CRC Press, pp. 201-233. ISBN 9781482217957

U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) (Flagstaff)

Teluguntla, P and Thenkabail, P S and Xiong, J and Gumma, M K and Giri, C and Milesi, C and Ozdogan, M and Congalton, R and Tilton, J and Sankey, T T and Massey, R and Phalke, A and Yadav, K (2015) Global Cropland Area Database (GCAD) derived from Remote Sensing in Support of Food Security in the Twenty-first Century: Current Achievements and Future Possibilities. In: Land Resources Monitoring, Modeling, and Mapping with Remote Sensing (Remote Sensing Handbook). Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, Florida, 01-45.

U. S. Geological Survey (USGS), (EROS) Center (Sioux Falls)

Teluguntla, P and Thenkabail, P S and Xiong, J and Gumma, M K and Giri, C and Milesi, C and Ozdogan, M and Congalton, R and Tilton, J and Sankey, T T and Massey, R and Phalke, A and Yadav, K (2015) Global Cropland Area Database (GCAD) derived from Remote Sensing in Support of Food Security in the Twenty-first Century: Current Achievements and Future Possibilities. In: Land Resources Monitoring, Modeling, and Mapping with Remote Sensing (Remote Sensing Handbook). Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, Florida, 01-45.

U. S. Geological Survey (USGS), Western Geographic Science Center (Flagstaff)

Teluguntla, P and Thenkabail, P S and Xiong, J and Gumma, M K and Congalton, R G and Oliphant, A and Poehnelt, J and Yadav, K and Rao, M and Massey, R (2017) Spectral matching techniques (SMTs) and automated cropland classification algorithms (ACCAs) for mapping croplands of Australia using MODIS 250-m time-series (2000–2015) data. International Journal of Digital Earth. pp. 1-34. ISSN 1753-8947

U.S. Geological Survey (Flagstaff)

Panjala, P and Gumma, M K and Teluguntla, P (2021) Machine Learning Approaches and Sentinel-2 Data in Crop Type Mapping. In: Data Science in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management. Studies in Big Data, 96 . Springer, Singapore, pp. 161-180. ISBN 2197-6503

U.S. Geological Survey (USA)

Teluguntla, P and Thenkabail, P S and Xiong, J and Gumma, M K and Giri, C and Milesi, C and Ozdogan, M and Congalton, R G and Tilton, J (2015) Global Food Security Support Analysis Data (GFSAD) at Nominal 1 km (GCAD) Derived from Remote Sensing in Support of Food Security in the Twenty-First Century: Current Achievements and Future Possibilities. In: Land Resources Monitoring, Modeling, and Mapping with Remote Sensing. CRC Press, pp. 131-160. ISBN 9781482217957

Gumma, M K and Thenkabail, P S and Mohammed, I A and Teluguntla, P and Dheeravath, V (2015) Inland Valley Wetland Cultivation and Preservation for Africa’s Green and Blue Revolution Using Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing. In: Land Resources Monitoring, Modeling, and Mapping with Remote Sensing. CRC Press, pp. 227-256. ISBN 9781482217957

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) (Flagstaff)

Teluguntla, P and Thenkabail, P S and Oliphant, A and Xiong, J and Gumma, M K and Congalton, R G and Yadav, K and Huete, A (2018) A 30-m landsat-derived cropland extent product of Australia and China using random forest machine learning algorithm on Google Earth Engine cloud computing platform. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (TSI), 144. pp. 325-340. ISSN 09242716

Congalton, R G and Yadav, K and McDonnell, K and Poehnelt, J and Stevens, B and Gumma, M K and Teluguntla, P and Thenkabail, P S (2017) Global Food Security-support Analysis Data (GFSAD) Cropland Extent 2015 Validation 30 m V001. Monograph. NASA EOSDIS Land Processes DAAC, South Dakota, USA.

Teluguntla, P and Thenkabail, P S and Xiong, J and Gumma, M K and Congalton, R G and Oliphant, J A and Sankey, T and Poehnelt, J and Yadav, K and Massey, R and Phalke, A and Smith, C (2017) NASA Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments (MEaSUREs) Global Food Security-support Analysis Data (GFSAD) Cropland Extent 2015 Australia, New Zealand, China, Mongolia 30 m V001. Monograph. NASA EOSDIS Land Processes DAAC, South Dakota, USA.

Gumma, M K and Thenkabail, P S and Teluguntla, P and Oliphant, A and Xiong, J and Congalton, R G and Yadav, K and Smith, C (2017) NASA Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments (MEaSUREs) Global Food Security-support Analysis Data (GFSAD) Cropland Extent 2015 South Asia, Afghanistan, Iran 30 m V001. Monograph. NASA EOSDIS Land Processes DAAC, South Dakota, USA.

Oliphant, A J and Thenkabail, P S and Teluguntla, P and Xiong, J and Congalton, R G and Yadav, K and Massey, R and Gumma, M K and Smith, C (2017) NASA Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments (MEaSUREs) Global Food Security-support Analysis Data (GFSAD) Cropland Extent 2015 Southeast Asia 30 m V001. Monograph. NASA EOSDIS Land Processes DAAC, South Dakota, USA.

Xiong, J and Thenkabail, P S and Tilton, J C and Gumma, M K and Teluguntla, P and Congalton, R G and Yadav, K and Dungan, J and Oliphant, A J and Poehnelt, J and Smith, C and Massey, R (2017) NASA Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments (MEaSUREs) Global Food Security-support Analysis Data (GFSAD) Cropland Extent 2015 Africa 30 m V001. Monograph. NASA EOSDIS Land Processes DAAC, South Dakota, USA.

Xiong, J and Thenkabail, P S and Gumma, M K and Teluguntla, P and Poehnelt, J and Congalton, R G and Yadav, K and Thau, D (2017) Automated cropland mapping of continental Africa using Google Earth Engine cloud computing. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 126. pp. 225-244. ISSN 0924-2716

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center(Sioux Falls)

Owusu, A and Kagone, S and Leh, M and Velpuri, N M and Gumma, M K and Ghansah, B and Thilina-Prabhath, P and Akpoti, K and Mekonnen, K and Tinonetsana, P and Mohammed, I (2023) A framework for disaggregating remote-sensing cropland into rainfed and irrigated classes at continental scale. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 126. pp. 1-15. ISSN 1569-8432

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Western Geographic Science Center (Flagstaff)

Gumma, M K and Thenkabail, P S and Teluguntla, P and Whitbread, A M (2019) Indo-Ganges River Basin Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) and Irrigated Area Mapping. In: Indus River Basin: Water Security and Sustainability. Elsevier Inc, pp. 203-228. ISBN 978-0-12-812782-7

Gumma, M K and Thenkabail, P S and Kumara Charyulu, D and Mohammed, I A and Teluguntla, P and Oliphant, A and Xiong, J and Aye, T and Whitbread, A M (2018) Mapping cropland fallow areas in Myanmar to scale up sustainable intensification of pulse crops in the farming system. GIScience & Remote Sensing (TSI), 55 (6). pp. 926-949. ISSN 1548-1603

Gumma, M K and Thenkabail, P S and Teluguntla, P and Whitbread, A M (2018) Monitoring of Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Rabi Rice Fallows in South Asia Using Remote Sensing. In: Geospatial Technologies in Land Resources Mapping, Monitoring and Management. Geotechnologies and the Environment . Springer, pp. 425-448. ISBN 978-3-319-78710-7

Gumma, M K and Thenkabail, P S and Teluguntla, P and Rao, M N and Mohammed, I A and Whitbread, A M (2016) Mapping rice-fallow cropland areas for short-season grain legumes intensification in South Asia using MODIS 250 m time-series data. International Journal of Digital Earth, 09 (10). pp. 981-1003. ISSN 1753-8947

Gumma, M K and Thenkabail, P S and Teluguntla, P and Ahmed, I and Ahmed, Ismail and Uppala, D and Whitbread, A M (2016) Monitoring of Spatio-temporal Dynamics of Rabi Rice Fallows in South-Asia using Remote Sensing. In: Geospatial Technologies in Land Resource Mapping, Monitoring and Management, August 05-25, 2016, NBSS & LUP, Nagpur, India. (Submitted)

U.S. Geological Survey(Flagstaf)

Platonov, A and Thenkabail, P S and Biradar, C M and Cai, X and Gumma, M K (2008) Water Productivity Mapping (WPM) Using Landsat ETM+ Data for the Irrigated Croplands of the Syrdarya River Basin in Central Asia. Sensors, 8 (12). pp. 8156-8180. ISSN 1424-8220

UK Center for Ecology and Hydrology, Wallingford, United Kingdom

Garg, K K and Anantha, K H and Nune, R and Akuraju, V R and Singh, P and Gumma, M K and Dixit, S and Ragab, R (2020) Impact of land use changes and management practices on groundwater resources in Kolar district, Southern India. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies (TSI), 31. pp. 1-21. ISSN 2214-5818

UN World Food Pragramme (Manila)

Gumma, M K and Panjala, P and Deevi, K C and Bellam, P K and Dheeravath, V and Mohammed, I (2023) Impacts of irrigation tank restoration on water bodies and croplands in Telangana State of India using Landsat time series data and machine learning algorithms. Geocarto International, 38 (1). 01-19. ISSN 1010-6049

US Geological Survey (Flagstaff)

Gumma, M K and Pyla, K R and Thenkabail, P S and Reddi, V M and Naresh, G and Mohammed, I A and Rafi, I M D (2014) Crop Dominance Mapping with IRS-P6 and MODIS 250-m Time Series Data. Agriculture, 4. pp. 113-131. ISSN 2077-0472

UWA Institute of Agriculture, University of Western Australia (Crawley)

Upadhyaya, H D and Reddy, K N and Ahmed, M I and Kumar, V and Gumma, M K and Ramachandran, S (2017) Geographical distribution of traits and diversity in the world collection of pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br., synonym: Cenchrus americanus (L.) Morrone] landraces conserved at the ICRISAT genebank. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 64 (6). pp. 1365-1381. ISSN 0925-9864

United Nations Joint Logistics Cente(Juba)

Thenkabail, P S and Dheeravath, V and Biradar, C M and Gangalakunta, O R P and Noojipady, P and Gurappa, C and Velpuri, M and Gumma, M K and Li, Y (2009) Irrigated Area Maps and Statistics of India Using Remote Sensing and National Statistics. Remote Sensing , 1 (2). pp. 50-67. ISSN 2072-4292

United Nations Joint Logistics Center(Juba)

Platonov, A and Thenkabail, P S and Biradar, C M and Cai, X and Gumma, M K (2008) Water Productivity Mapping (WPM) Using Landsat ETM+ Data for the Irrigated Croplands of the Syrdarya River Basin in Central Asia. Sensors, 8 (12). pp. 8156-8180. ISSN 1424-8220

United Nations Joint Logistics Center-WFP(Juba)

Velpuri, N M and Thenkabail, P S and Gumma, M K and Biradar, C M and Dheeravath, V and Noojipady, P and Yuanjie, L (2009) Influence of Resolution in Irrigated Area Mapping and Area Estimation. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing , 75 (12). pp. 1383-1395. ISSN 0099-1112

United Nations World Food Programme

Thenkabail, P S and Teluguntla, P and Gumma, M K and Dheeravath, V (2015) Hyperspectral Remote Sensing for Terrestrial Applications. In: Land Resources Monitoring, Modeling, and Mapping with Remote Sensing. CRC Press, pp. 201-233. ISBN 9781482217957

United States Department of Agriculture-Agriculture Research Service (ARS), Edward T. Schafer Agricultural Research Center, Fargo

Srivastava, R K and Yadav, O P and Kaliamoorthy, S and Gupta, S K and Serba, D D and Choudhary, S and Govindaraj, M and Kholová, J and Murugesan, T and Satyavathi, C T and Gumma, M K and Singh, R B and Bollam, S and Gupta, R and Varshney, R K (2022) Breeding Drought-Tolerant Pearl Millet Using Conventional and Genomic Approaches: Achievements and Prospects. Frontiers in Plant Science (TSI), 13. pp. 1-20. ISSN 1664-462X

United States Department of Agriculture-Agriculture Research Service (ARS), U.S. Arid Land Agricultural Research Center, Maricopa

Srivastava, R K and Yadav, O P and Kaliamoorthy, S and Gupta, S K and Serba, D D and Choudhary, S and Govindaraj, M and Kholová, J and Murugesan, T and Satyavathi, C T and Gumma, M K and Singh, R B and Bollam, S and Gupta, R and Varshney, R K (2022) Breeding Drought-Tolerant Pearl Millet Using Conventional and Genomic Approaches: Achievements and Prospects. Frontiers in Plant Science (TSI), 13. pp. 1-20. ISSN 1664-462X

United States Geological Survey (USGS) (Flagstaff)

Oliphant, A and Thenkabail, P S and Teluguntla, P and Congalton, R and Yadav, K and Gumma, M K and Xiong, J and Massey, R and Smith, C (2017) Mapping Croplands of Southeast Asia, Japan, and North and South Korea using Landsat 30-m time-series, random forest algorithm. In: 20th William T. Pecora Memorial Remote Sensing Symposium. Pecora 20 – “Observing a Changing Earth: Science for Decisions…Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection”., November 13-16, 2017, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA.

Teluguntla, P and Thenkabail, P S and Xiong, J and Oliphant, A and Gumma, M K and Congalton, R and Yadav, K and Massey, R and Phalke, A and Tilton, J and Smith, C (2017) Mapping cropland extent and areas of Australia at 30-m resolution using multi-year time-series Landsat data and Random Forest machine learning algorithm through Google Earth Engine (GEE) Cloud Computing. In: 20th William T. Pecora Memorial Remote Sensing Symposium. Pecora 20 – “Observing a Changing Earth: Science for Decisions…Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection”, November 14-16, 2017, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA.

United States Geological Survey (USGS) (USA)

Gumma, M K and Thenkabail, P S and Mohammed, I A and Teluguntla, P and Dheeravath, V (2015) Inland Valley Wetland Cultivation and Preservation for Africa’s Green and Blue Revolution Using Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing. In: Land Resources Monitoring, Modeling, and Mapping with Remote Sensing. CRC Press, pp. 227-256. ISBN 9781482217957

United States Geological Survey (USGS)(Flagstaff)

Xiong, J and Thenkabail, P S and Teluguntla, P and Oliphant, A and Congalton, R and Gumma, M K and Yadav, K and Massey, R and Tilton, J and Smith, C (2017) An Automated Crop Intensity Algorithm (ACIA) for global cropland intensity mapping at 30-m using multi-source time-series data and Google Earth Engine. In: 20th William T. Pecora Memorial Remote Sensing Symposium. Pecora 20 – “Observing a Changing Earth: Science for Decisions…Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection”, November 13-16, 2017, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA.

Xiong, J and Thenkabail, P S and Congalton, R and Yadav, K and Teluguntla, P and Oliphant, A and Gumma, M K and Massey, R and Smith, C (2017) CropRef: Reference Datasets and techniques to improve global cropland mapping. In: 20th William T. Pecora Memorial Remote Sensing Symposium. Pecora 20 – “Observing a Changing Earth: Science for Decisions…Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection”., November 13-16, 2017, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA.

University Of Wisconsin, 1710 University Avenue (Madison)

Teluguntla, P and Thenkabail, P S and Xiong, J and Gumma, M K and Giri, C and Milesi, C and Ozdogan, M and Congalton, R and Tilton, J and Sankey, T T and Massey, R and Phalke, A and Yadav, K (2015) Global Cropland Area Database (GCAD) derived from Remote Sensing in Support of Food Security in the Twenty-first Century: Current Achievements and Future Possibilities. In: Land Resources Monitoring, Modeling, and Mapping with Remote Sensing (Remote Sensing Handbook). Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, Florida, 01-45.

University of Agricultural Sciences (Raichur)

Zaidi, P H and Nguyen, T and Ha, D N and Thaitad, S and Ahmed, S and Arshad, M and Koirala, K B and Rijal, T R and Kuchanur, P and Patil, A M and Mandal, S S and Kumar, R and Singh, S B and Kumar, B and Shahi, J P and Patel, M B and Gumma, M K and Pandey, K and Chaurasia, R and Anarse, B and Ali, R and Seetharam, K and Das, R R and Vinayan, M T and Rashid, Z and Nair, S and Vivek, B S (2018) Maize for Changing Climate - Chasing the Moving Target. In: 13th Asian Maize Conference and Expert Consultation on Maize for Food, Feed, Nutrition and Environmental Security, October 8, 2018, Radisson Blu Hotel, Ludhiana, India.

University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur, Karnataka, India

Zaidi, P H and Nguyen, T and Dang, N H and Suriphat, T and Salahuddin, A and Arshad, M and Koirala, K B and Rijal, T R and Kuchanur, P H and Patil, A M and Mandal, S S and Kumar, R and Singh, S B and Kumar, B and Shahi, J P and Patel, M B and Gumma, M K and Pandey, K and Chaurasia, R and Haque, A and Seetharam, K and Das, R R and Vinayan, M T and Rashid, Z and Nair, S K and Vivek, B S (2020) Stress-resilient maize for climate-vulnerable ecologies in the Asian tropics. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 14 (8). pp. 1264-1274. ISSN 1835-2707

University of Giessen (Gießen)

Falk, T and Kadiyala, M D M and Gumma, M K and Kumar, S and Whitbread, A M and Limberger, S and Bartels, L (2018) Advancing knowledge on the costs and benefits of sustainable soil fertility management in Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh /India. Project Report. ICRISAT.

University of Malawi (Blantyre)

Gumma, M K and Tsusaka, T W and Mohammed, I and Chavula, G and Ganga Rao, N V P R and Okori, P and Ojiewo, C O and Varshney, R K and Siambi, M and Whitbread, A M (2019) Monitoring Changes in the Cultivation of Pigeonpea and Groundnut in Malawi Using Time Series Satellite Imagery for Sustainable Food Systems. Remote Sensing (TSI), 11(12) (1475). pp. 1-23. ISSN 2072-4292

University of Marburg (Marburg)

Falk, T and Kadiyala, M D M and Gumma, M K and Kumar, S and Whitbread, A M and Limberger, S and Bartels, L (2018) Advancing knowledge on the costs and benefits of sustainable soil fertility management in Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh /India. Project Report. ICRISAT.

University of Maryland Baltimore County (Baltimore)

Thenkabail, P S and Mariotto, I and Gumma, M K and Middleton, E M and Landis, D R and Huemmrich, K F (2013) Selection of Hyperspectral Narrowbands (HNBs) and Composition of Hyperspectral Twoband Vegetation Indices (HVIs) for Biophysical Characterization and Discrimination of Crop Types Using Field Reflectance and Hyperion/EO-1 Data. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing,, 6 (2). pp. 1-13. ISSN 1939-1404

University of Maryland(College Park)

Velpuri, N M and Thenkabail, P S and Gumma, M K and Biradar, C M and Dheeravath, V and Noojipady, P and Yuanjie, L (2009) Influence of Resolution in Irrigated Area Mapping and Area Estimation. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing , 75 (12). pp. 1383-1395. ISSN 0099-1112

Thenkabail, P S and Dheeravath, V and Biradar, C M and Gangalakunta, O R P and Noojipady, P and Gurappa, C and Velpuri, M and Gumma, M K and Li, Y (2009) Irrigated Area Maps and Statistics of India Using Remote Sensing and National Statistics. Remote Sensing , 1 (2). pp. 50-67. ISSN 2072-4292

Thenkabail, P S and Biradar, C M and Noojipady, P and Cai, X and Dheeravath, V and Li, Y and Velpuri, M and Gumma, M K and Pandey, S (2007) Sub-pixel Area Calculation Methods for Estimating Irrigated Areas. Sensors, 7 (11). pp. 2519-2538. ISSN 1424-8220

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,USA

Feyisa, G L and Palao, L K and Nelson, A and Gumma, M K and Paliwal, A and Win, K T and Nge, K H and Johnson, D E (2020) Characterizing and mapping cropping patterns in a complex agro-ecosystem: An iterative participatory mapping procedure using machine learning algorithms and MODIS vegetation indices. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture (TSI), 175. pp. 1-11. ISSN 0168-1699

University of Minnesota(St. Paul)

Gumma, M K and Panjala, P and Dubey, S K and Ray, D K and Murthy, C S and Kadiyala, D M and Mohammed, I and Takashi, Y (2024) Spatial Distribution of Cropping Systems in South Asia Using Time-Series Satellite Data Enriched with Ground Data. Remote Sensing(TSI), 16 (15). pp. 1-18. ISSN 2072-4292

University of New Hampshire (Durham)

Xiong, J and Thenkabail, P S and Teluguntla, P and Oliphant, A and Congalton, R and Gumma, M K and Yadav, K and Massey, R and Tilton, J and Smith, C (2017) An Automated Crop Intensity Algorithm (ACIA) for global cropland intensity mapping at 30-m using multi-source time-series data and Google Earth Engine. In: 20th William T. Pecora Memorial Remote Sensing Symposium. Pecora 20 – “Observing a Changing Earth: Science for Decisions…Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection”, November 13-16, 2017, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA.

Xiong, J and Thenkabail, P S and Congalton, R and Yadav, K and Teluguntla, P and Oliphant, A and Gumma, M K and Massey, R and Smith, C (2017) CropRef: Reference Datasets and techniques to improve global cropland mapping. In: 20th William T. Pecora Memorial Remote Sensing Symposium. Pecora 20 – “Observing a Changing Earth: Science for Decisions…Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection”., November 13-16, 2017, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA.

Oliphant, A and Thenkabail, P S and Teluguntla, P and Congalton, R and Yadav, K and Gumma, M K and Xiong, J and Massey, R and Smith, C (2017) Mapping Croplands of Southeast Asia, Japan, and North and South Korea using Landsat 30-m time-series, random forest algorithm. In: 20th William T. Pecora Memorial Remote Sensing Symposium. Pecora 20 – “Observing a Changing Earth: Science for Decisions…Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection”., November 13-16, 2017, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA.

Congalton, R G and Yadav, K and McDonnell, K and Poehnelt, J and Stevens, B and Gumma, M K and Teluguntla, P and Thenkabail, P S (2017) Global Food Security-support Analysis Data (GFSAD) Cropland Extent 2015 Validation 30 m V001. Monograph. NASA EOSDIS Land Processes DAAC, South Dakota, USA.

Xiong, J and Thenkabail, P S and Gumma, M K and Teluguntla, P and Poehnelt, J and Congalton, R G and Yadav, K and Thau, D (2017) Automated cropland mapping of continental Africa using Google Earth Engine cloud computing. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 126. pp. 225-244. ISSN 0924-2716

Teluguntla, P and Thenkabail, P S and Xiong, J and Oliphant, A and Gumma, M K and Congalton, R and Yadav, K and Massey, R and Phalke, A and Tilton, J and Smith, C (2017) Mapping cropland extent and areas of Australia at 30-m resolution using multi-year time-series Landsat data and Random Forest machine learning algorithm through Google Earth Engine (GEE) Cloud Computing. In: 20th William T. Pecora Memorial Remote Sensing Symposium. Pecora 20 – “Observing a Changing Earth: Science for Decisions…Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection”, November 14-16, 2017, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA.

Teluguntla, P and Thenkabail, P S and Xiong, J and Gumma, M K and Giri, C and Milesi, C and Ozdogan, M and Congalton, R and Tilton, J and Sankey, T T and Massey, R and Phalke, A and Yadav, K (2015) Global Cropland Area Database (GCAD) derived from Remote Sensing in Support of Food Security in the Twenty-first Century: Current Achievements and Future Possibilities. In: Land Resources Monitoring, Modeling, and Mapping with Remote Sensing (Remote Sensing Handbook). Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, Florida, 01-45.

University of New Hampshire (New Hampshire)

Gumma, M K and Thenkabail, P S and Teluguntla, P and Oliphant, A and Xiong, J and Congalton, R G and Yadav, K and Smith, C (2017) NASA Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments (MEaSUREs) Global Food Security-support Analysis Data (GFSAD) Cropland Extent 2015 South Asia, Afghanistan, Iran 30 m V001. Monograph. NASA EOSDIS Land Processes DAAC, South Dakota, USA.

Oliphant, A J and Thenkabail, P S and Teluguntla, P and Xiong, J and Congalton, R G and Yadav, K and Massey, R and Gumma, M K and Smith, C (2017) NASA Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments (MEaSUREs) Global Food Security-support Analysis Data (GFSAD) Cropland Extent 2015 Southeast Asia 30 m V001. Monograph. NASA EOSDIS Land Processes DAAC, South Dakota, USA.

Xiong, J and Thenkabail, P S and Tilton, J C and Gumma, M K and Teluguntla, P and Congalton, R G and Yadav, K and Dungan, J and Oliphant, A J and Poehnelt, J and Smith, C and Massey, R (2017) NASA Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments (MEaSUREs) Global Food Security-support Analysis Data (GFSAD) Cropland Extent 2015 Africa 30 m V001. Monograph. NASA EOSDIS Land Processes DAAC, South Dakota, USA.

University of New Hampshire (USA)

Teluguntla, P and Thenkabail, P S and Xiong, J and Gumma, M K and Giri, C and Milesi, C and Ozdogan, M and Congalton, R G and Tilton, J (2015) Global Food Security Support Analysis Data (GFSAD) at Nominal 1 km (GCAD) Derived from Remote Sensing in Support of Food Security in the Twenty-First Century: Current Achievements and Future Possibilities. In: Land Resources Monitoring, Modeling, and Mapping with Remote Sensing. CRC Press, pp. 131-160. ISBN 9781482217957

University of New Hampshire(Durham)

Thenkabail, P S and Biradar, C M and Noojipady, P and Cai, X and Dheeravath, V and Li, Y and Velpuri, M and Gumma, M K and Pandey, S (2007) Sub-pixel Area Calculation Methods for Estimating Irrigated Areas. Sensors, 7 (11). pp. 2519-2538. ISSN 1424-8220

University of New Hampshire, Dept. of Natural Resources & the Environment (Durham)

Oliphant, A J and Thenkabail, P S and Teluguntla, P and Xiong, J and Gumma, M K and Congalton, R G and Yadav, K (2019) Mapping cropland extent of Southeast and Northeast Asia using multi-year time-series Landsat 30-m data using a random forest classifier on the Google Earth Engine Cloud. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation (TSI), 81. pp. 110-124. ISSN 03032434

University of Oklahoma(Norman)

Velpuri, N M and Thenkabail, P S and Gumma, M K and Biradar, C M and Dheeravath, V and Noojipady, P and Yuanjie, L (2009) Influence of Resolution in Irrigated Area Mapping and Area Estimation. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing , 75 (12). pp. 1383-1395. ISSN 0099-1112

Thenkabail, P S and Dheeravath, V and Biradar, C M and Gangalakunta, O R P and Noojipady, P and Gurappa, C and Velpuri, M and Gumma, M K and Li, Y (2009) Irrigated Area Maps and Statistics of India Using Remote Sensing and National Statistics. Remote Sensing , 1 (2). pp. 50-67. ISSN 2072-4292

University of Oklahoma(Oklahoma)

Platonov, A and Thenkabail, P S and Biradar, C M and Cai, X and Gumma, M K (2008) Water Productivity Mapping (WPM) Using Landsat ETM+ Data for the Irrigated Croplands of the Syrdarya River Basin in Central Asia. Sensors, 8 (12). pp. 8156-8180. ISSN 1424-8220

University of Soil Sciences(Bet Dagan)

Platonov, A and Thenkabail, P S and Biradar, C M and Cai, X and Gumma, M K (2008) Water Productivity Mapping (WPM) Using Landsat ETM+ Data for the Irrigated Croplands of the Syrdarya River Basin in Central Asia. Sensors, 8 (12). pp. 8156-8180. ISSN 1424-8220

University of Technology Sydney (UTS) (Broadway)

Teluguntla, P and Thenkabail, P S and Oliphant, A and Xiong, J and Gumma, M K and Congalton, R G and Yadav, K and Huete, A (2018) A 30-m landsat-derived cropland extent product of Australia and China using random forest machine learning algorithm on Google Earth Engine cloud computing platform. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (TSI), 144. pp. 325-340. ISSN 09242716

University of Texas at El Paso (El Paso)

Thenkabail, P S and Mariotto, I and Gumma, M K and Middleton, E M and Landis, D R and Huemmrich, K F (2013) Selection of Hyperspectral Narrowbands (HNBs) and Composition of Hyperspectral Twoband Vegetation Indices (HVIs) for Biophysical Characterization and Discrimination of Crop Types Using Field Reflectance and Hyperion/EO-1 Data. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing,, 6 (2). pp. 1-13. ISSN 1939-1404

University of Wisconsin (Madison)

Teluguntla, P and Thenkabail, P S and Xiong, J and Oliphant, A and Gumma, M K and Congalton, R and Yadav, K and Massey, R and Phalke, A and Tilton, J and Smith, C (2017) Mapping cropland extent and areas of Australia at 30-m resolution using multi-year time-series Landsat data and Random Forest machine learning algorithm through Google Earth Engine (GEE) Cloud Computing. In: 20th William T. Pecora Memorial Remote Sensing Symposium. Pecora 20 – “Observing a Changing Earth: Science for Decisions…Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection”, November 14-16, 2017, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA.

University of Wisconsin (USA)

Teluguntla, P and Thenkabail, P S and Xiong, J and Gumma, M K and Giri, C and Milesi, C and Ozdogan, M and Congalton, R G and Tilton, J (2015) Global Food Security Support Analysis Data (GFSAD) at Nominal 1 km (GCAD) Derived from Remote Sensing in Support of Food Security in the Twenty-First Century: Current Achievements and Future Possibilities. In: Land Resources Monitoring, Modeling, and Mapping with Remote Sensing. CRC Press, pp. 131-160. ISBN 9781482217957

Water and Land Resource Center, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Gumma, M K and Desta, G and Amede, T and Panjala, P and Smith, A P and Kassawmar, T and Tummala, K and Zeleke, G and Whitbread, A M (2021) Assessing the impacts of watershed interventions using ground data and remote sensing: a case study in Ethiopia. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (TSI). ISSN 1735-1472

Western Geographic Science Center (Flagstaff)

Thenkabail, P S and Mariotto, I and Gumma, M K and Middleton, E M and Landis, D R and Huemmrich, K F (2013) Selection of Hyperspectral Narrowbands (HNBs) and Composition of Hyperspectral Twoband Vegetation Indices (HVIs) for Biophysical Characterization and Discrimination of Crop Types Using Field Reflectance and Hyperion/EO-1 Data. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing,, 6 (2). pp. 1-13. ISSN 1939-1404

Western Geographic Science Center (WGSC), U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) (Flagstaff)

Oliphant, A J and Thenkabail, P S and Teluguntla, P and Xiong, J and Gumma, M K and Congalton, R G and Yadav, K (2019) Mapping cropland extent of Southeast and Northeast Asia using multi-year time-series Landsat 30-m data using a random forest classifier on the Google Earth Engine Cloud. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation (TSI), 81. pp. 110-124. ISSN 03032434

Western Geographic Science Center U(Arizona)

Gumma, M K and Thenkabail, P S and Panjala, P and Teluguntla, P and Yamano, T and Mohammed, I (2022) Multiple agricultural cropland products of South Asia developed using Landsat-8 30 m and MODIS 250 m data using machine learning on the Google Earth Engine (GEE) cloud and spectral matching techniques (SMTs) in support of food and water security. GIScience & Remote Sensing, 59 (1). pp. 1048-1077. ISSN 1943-7226

Western Geographic Science Center, U. S. Geological Survey (USA)

Thenkabail, P S and Gumma, M K and Teluguntla, P and Mohammed, I A (2014) Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Vegetation and Agricultural Crops. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing (PE&RS), 80 (8). pp. 697-723.

Western Geographic Science Center, U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) (Flagstaff)

Gumma, M K and Thenkabail, P S and Whitbread, A M (2018) Monitoring rice fallows in India using MODIS time series data. In: 5th International Conference on Geo-enabling 4th Industrial Revolution: “Geo-Spatial World Forum”, January 15-19, 2018, Hyderabad, India.

Xiong, J and Thenkabail, P S and Tilton, J and Gumma, M K and Teluguntla, P and Oliphant, A and Congalton, R and Yadav, K and Gorelick, N (2017) Nominal 30-m Cropland Extent Map of Continental Africa by Integrating Pixel-Based and Object-Based Algorithms Using Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 Data on Google Earth Engine. Remote Sensing, 9(10) (1065). pp. 1-27. ISSN 2072-4292

Western Geographic Science Center, U. S. Geological Survey, and the Bay Area Environmental Research Institute (BAERI) (California)

Thenkabail, P S and Gumma, M K and Teluguntla, P and Mohammed, I A (2014) Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Vegetation and Agricultural Crops. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing (PE&RS), 80 (8). pp. 697-723.

Western Geographic Science Center, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), (Flagstaff)

Gumma, M K and Thenkabail, P S and Teluguntla, P G and Oliphant, A and Xiong, J and Giri, C and Pyla, V and Dixit, S and Whitbread, A M (2019) Agricultural cropland extent and areas of South Asia derived using Landsat satellite 30-m time-series big-data using random forest machine learning algorithms on the Google Earth Engine cloud. GIScience & Remote Sensing (TSI). pp. 1-21. ISSN 1548-1603

Woldia University (Woldia)

Getnet, M and Amede, T and Tilahun, G and Legesse, G and Gumma, M K and Abebe, H and Gashaw, T and Ketter, C and Akker, E V (2020) Water spreading weirs altering flood, nutrient distribution and crop productivity in upstream–downstream settings in dry lowlands of Afar, Ethiopia. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (TSI). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1742-1705

Woldya University, (Woldya)

Gumma, M K and Amede, T and Getnet, M and Pinjarla, B and Pranay, P and Legesse, G and Tilahun, G and Van den Akker, E and Berdel, W and Keller, C and Siambi, M and Whitbread, A M (2020) Assessing potential locations for flood-based farming using satellite imagery: a case study of Afar region, Ethiopia. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (TSI). pp. 1-15. ISSN 1742-1705

Wollo University, (Dessie)

Getnet, M and Amede, T and Tilahun, G and Legesse, G and Gumma, M K and Abebe, H and Gashaw, T and Ketter, C and Akker, E V (2020) Water spreading weirs altering flood, nutrient distribution and crop productivity in upstream–downstream settings in dry lowlands of Afar, Ethiopia. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (TSI). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1742-1705

World Food Program

Gumma, M K and Thenkabail, P S and Mohammed, I A and Teluguntla, P and Dheeravath, V (2015) Inland Valley Wetland Cultivation and Preservation for Africa’s Green and Blue Revolution Using Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing. In: Land Resources Monitoring, Modeling, and Mapping with Remote Sensing. CRC Press, pp. 227-256. ISBN 9781482217957

World Food Programme(Juba)

Thenkabail, P S and Hanjra, M A and Dheeravath, V and Gumma, M K (2010) A Holistic View of Global Croplands and Their Water Use for Ensuring Global Food Security in the 21st Century through Advanced Remote Sensing and Non-remote Sensing Approaches. Remote Sensing , 2 (1). pp. 211-261. ISSN 2072-4292

sarmap, Caslano, Switzerland

Gumma, M K and Tummala, K and Dixit, S and Collivignarelli, F and Holecz, F and Kolli, R N and Whitbread, A M (2020) Crop type identification and spatial mapping using Sentinel-2 satellite data with focus on field-level information. Geocarto International (TSI). pp. 1-17. ISSN 1010-6049

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