The transpiration rate sensitivity to increasing evaporative demand differs between soil textures, even in wet soil

Koehler, T and Botezatu, Á and Murugesan, T and Kaliamoorthy, S and Kholova, J and Sadok, W and Ahmed, M A and Carminati, A (2024) The transpiration rate sensitivity to increasing evaporative demand differs between soil textures, even in wet soil. Plant Stress, 12. pp. 1-11. ISSN 2667-064X

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Many efforts to improve crop yields in water-limited environments have been directed towards identifying genotypes capable of restricting their transpiration rate (TR) at high vapor pressure deficit (VPD). This has proven challenging due to the dependence of the TR-VPD relationship on environmental conditions. In this context, however, the impact of edaphic properties on the TR response to VPD has largely been overlooked as experiments investigating the TR-VPD relationship are usually performed in wet soil conditions. Hence, the soil is not expected to be limiting the water supply to the canopy at high VPD. Nonetheless, soil (hydraulic) properties are known to shape plant growth and the development of the plant hydraulic system. Thereby, they might indirectly affect plant water use during rising VPD, even in wet soils. To test the soil dependency of the TR-VPD relation, we measured the TR response of genotypes of three important C4 cereals - maize, sorghum, and pearl millet - to increasing VPD in two soil textural classes (sandy loam vs. clay loam). We show that the TR response to rising VPD differed among soil textures in wet conditions. Plants grown in sandy loam exhibited a higher initial slope in TR during increasing VPD (slope1), a restriction in TR at lower VPD (VPDBP), and a greater difference in TR before and after the VPDBP (slopediff. ), compared to plants grown in clay loam. Additionally, plants grown in more conductive soils (i.e., sandy loam) systematically exhibited higher maximum canopy conductance (i.e., slope1) and restricted their transpiration rate at lower VPD levels (VPDBP), resulting in a greater reduction in transpiration. This aligns with a hydraulic mechanism underpinning TR response to VPD. We advocate that considering soil texture is valuable in breeding for water conservation based on TR restriction under increasing VPD.

Item Type: Article
Divisions: Global Research Program - Accelerated Crop Improvement
Uncontrolled Keywords: Canopy conductance, Maize, Pearl millet, Plant hydraulic conductance, Restricted/ limited transpiration rate, Soil hydraulic conductivity, Soil texture, Sorghum, Vapor pressure deficit (VPD)
Subjects: Mandate crops > Millets > Pearl Millet
Others > Soil
Mandate crops > Sorghum
Others > Maize
Depositing User: Mr Nagaraju T
Date Deposited: 28 Aug 2024 06:16
Last Modified: 28 Aug 2024 06:16
Official URL:
Projects: Precision agriculture and digitisation in the Czech Republic
Funders: The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic, Faculty of Economics and Management, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, USDA NIFA - Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station
Acknowledgement: We gratefully acknowledge the whole ICRISAT Crop Physiology team for fundamental support in planning and conducting the experiment, especially but not exclusively Rekha Baddam. Moreover, we thank Daniel Sebastian Moser (previously from the Soil Physics group of the University of Bayreuth) for continuing some of the related work. We thank Prof. Dr. Mohsen Zare (Technical University of Munich) and Dr. Andreas Cramer (ETH Zurich) for their support in obtaining the soil hydraulic properties. Lastly, we thank Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Piepho (University of Hohenheim) for his guidance regarding the statistical analyses.
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