Items where Subject is "Mandate crops > Groundnut"

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Number of items: 52.


Anitha, V (1992) Studies on the Groundnut Pod Borers. Masters thesis, Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University.


Boote, K J and Jones, J W and Singh, P (1992) Modeling growth and yield of groundnut. In: Groundnut- A global Perspective: Proceeding of an International Workshop., 25-29 Nov 1991, ICRISAT Asia Centre, Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh.


Dwivedi, S L and Nagabhushanam, G V S and Nigam, S N and Jambunathan, R (1992) Performance of introduced confectionery lines for yield and quality characteristics at ICRISAT Center, India. International Arachis Newsletter, 12. pp. 8-9. ISSN 1010-5824

Dwivedi, S L and Nagabhushanam, G V S and Nigam, S N and Jambunathan, R (1992) Recent advances in the development of improved groundnut confectionary cultivars. In: Groundnut- A global Perspective: Proceeding of an International Workshop., 25-29 Nov 1991, ICRISAT Asia Centre, Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh.

Dwivedi, S L and Nigam, S N (1992) Genetic Stock Puckered-Leaf Groundnut Mutant ICGL 6. Manual. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics.

Dwivedi, S L and Ranga Rao, G V and Nagabhushanam, G V S and Wightman, J A and Ranga Rao, D V and Reddy, D V R and Bueil, H and Nigam, S N (1992) Development of improved cultivars with multiple resistance to insect pests and bud necrosis virus and its vector. In: Groundnut- A global Perspective: Proceeding of an International Workshop., 25-29 Nov 1991, ICRISAT Asia Centre, Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh.


Faris, D G and Gowda, C L L and Reddy, D V R (1992) Networks, working groups, and their role in enhancing collaborative research in groundnut. In: Groundnut- A global Perspective: Proceeding of an International Workshop., 25-29 Nov 1991, ICRISAT Asia Centre, Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh.


Grayer, R J and Kimmins, F M and Padgham, D E and Harborne, J B and Ranga Rao, D V (1992) Condensed tannin levels and resistance of groundnuts (Arachis hypogaea) against Aphis craccivora. Phytochemistry, 31 (11). pp. 3795-3800. ISSN 0031-9422

Greenberg, D C and Williams, J H and Ndunguru, B J (1992) Differences in yield determining processes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) genotypes in varied drought environments. Annals of Applied Biology, 120 (3). pp. 557-566. ISSN 1744-7348


ICRISAT, - (1992) Groundnut Elite Germplasm ICGV 86031. Monograph. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics.

ICRISAT, - (1992) Groundnut Variety ICGV 86590. Monograph. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics.

ICRISAT, - (1992) ICGL 1, ICGL 2, ICGL 3, ICGL 4, and ICGL 5 Nonnodulating Groundnut Germplasm Lines. Documentation. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics.


Jambunathan, R and Gurtu, S and Raghunath, K and Kannan, S and Sridhar, R and Dwivedi, S L and Nigam, S N (1992) Chemical composition and protein quality of newly released groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L ) cultivars. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 59 (2). pp. 161-167. ISSN 0022-5142


Logan, J W M and Rajagopal, D and Wightman, J A and Pearse, M J (1992) Control of termites and other soil pests of groundnuts with special reference to controlled release formulations of non-persistent insecticides in India and Sudan. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 82 (1). pp. 57-66. ISSN 1475-2670


Mehan, V K and Haravu, L J and McDonald, D and Jayanthi, S and Sinha, P K (1992) Users' Manual for Database on the Groundnut Aflatoxin Problem. Manual. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics.

Mehan, V K and McDonald, D and Singh, A K and Moss, J P (1992) Aflatoxin production in seeds of wild Arachis species. Oleagineux (Paris) , 47. pp. 87-89. ISSN 0030-2082


Nageswara Rao, R C and Reddy, L J and Mehan, V K and Nigam, S N and McDonald, D (1992) Drought research on groundnut at ICRISAT. In: Groundnut- A global Perspective: Proceeding of an International Workshop., 25-29 Nov 1991, ICRISAT Asia Centre, Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh.

Nageswara Rao, R C and Reddy, L J and Nigam, S N (1992) Influence of Soil Type on the Adaptation of Groundnut Genotypes. In: Proceedings of the Fifth Regional Groundnut Workshop for Southern Africa, 9-12 March, 1992,, Lilongwe, Malawi.

Nageswara Rao, R C and Williams, J H and Rao, V M and Wadia, K D R (1992) A hand-held red-infrared radiometer for measuring radiation interception by crop canopies. Field Crops Research, 29 (4). pp. 353-360. ISSN 0378-4290

Nigam, S N (1992) Groundnut - a global perspective: proceedings of an international workshop, 25-29 Nov 1991, ICRISAT Center. India. Other. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh, India.

Nigam, S N and Dwivedi, S L and Rao, Y L C and Gibbons, R W (1992) Registration of ICGV 87121 Peanut Germplasm. Crop Science, 32 (4). pp. 1078-1079. ISSN 0011-183X

Nigam, S N and Dwivedi, S L and Rao, Y L C and Gibbons, R W (1992) Registration of “ICGV 87187” Peanut. Crop Science, 32 (1). pp. 278-279.

Nigam, S N and Reddy, L J and Subrahmanyam, P and Reddy, A G S and McDonald, D and Gibbons, R W (1992) Registration of ICGV 87157, An Elite Peanut Germplasm with Multiple Resistance to Diseases. Crop Science, 32. p. 837.

Nivedita, M (1992) Effect of moisture status and bulk density on germination and emergence of pearl millet, Sorghum and groundnut on an alfisol. Masters thesis, Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University.


Poul, F and Ratna, A S and Reddy, D V R (1992) Production of monoclonal antibodies to bud necrosis virus. International Arachis Newsletter, 12. pp. 12-14.


Rao, M J V and Nigam, S N and Huda, A K S (1992) The Thermal Time Concept as a Selection Criterion for Earliness in Peanut. Peanut Science, 19 (1). pp. 7-10.

Rao, R C N and Subrahmanyam, P (1992) Proceedings of the Fifth Regional Groundnut Workshop for Southern Africa 9-12 March 1992. Other. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics.

Rao, V R (1992) IBPGR and groundnut genetic resources. In: Groundnut- A global Perspective: Proceeding of an International Workshop., 25-29 Nov 1991, ICRISAT Asia Centre, Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh.

Reddy, D V R and Moss, J P and McDonald, D (1992) Transformation and Regeneration of Groundnut, and Utilization of Viral Genes to Induce Resistance to Virus Diseases. Other. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics.

Reddy, D V R and Ratna, A S and Sudarshana, M R and Poul, F and Kumar, I K (1992) Serological relationships and purification of bud necrosis virus, a tospovirus occurring in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in India. Annals of Applied Biology, 120 (2). pp. 279-286. ISSN 1744-7348

Reddy, D V R and Richins, R D and Rajeshwari, R and Lizuka, N and Manohar, S K and Shepherd, R J (1992) Peanut Chlorotic Streak Virus, a New Caulimovirus Infecting Peanuts (Arachis hypogaea) in India. Phytopathology , 83 (2). pp. 129-133. ISSN 0031-949X

Reddy, L J and Nigam, S N and Jambunathan, R (1992) Multiple uses of groundnut. In: Groundnut- A global Perspective: Proceeding of an International Workshop., 25-29 Nov 1991, ICRISAT Asia Centre, Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh.

Reddy, L J and Nigam, S N and Subrahmanyam, P and McDonald, D and Smith, D H and Moss, J P (1992) Breeding groundnuts for rust and late leaf spot resistance at ICRISAT. In: Groundnut- A global Perspective: Proceeding of an International Workshop., 25-29 Nov 1991, ICRISAT Asia Centre, Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh.

Reddy, L J and Nigam, S N and Subrahmanyam, P and Reddy, A G S and McDonald, D and Gibbons, R W and Pentaiah, V (1992) Registration of ‘ICGV 87160’ Peanut. Crop Science, 32 (4). p. 1075.

Reddy, P S and Basu, M S and Khaleque, M A and Hoque, M S and Naazar, A and Mallik, S N and Than, H and Soe, T and Regunathan, B and Mishra, B and Murthy, T G K and Nigam, S N (1992) Status of Groundnut Research and Production in South Asia. In: Groundnut- A global Perspective: Proceeding of an International Workshop., 25-29 Nov 1991, ICRISAT Asia Centre, Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh.


Shanower, T G and Wightman, J A and Gutierrez, A P and Ranga Rao, G V (1992) Larval parasitoids and pathogens of the groundnut leaf miner, Aproaerema modicella (Lep.: Gelechiidae), in India. Entomophaga, 37 (3). pp. 419-427. ISSN 0013-8959

Sharma, S B and Reddy, B M R and Krishnappa, K (1992) Incidence and importance of plant-parasitic nematodes on pigeon pea and groundnut in Karnataka State in southern India. Afro-Asian Journal of Nematology, 2 (1-2). pp. 21-26. ISSN 1368-8774

Sharma, S B and Waliyar, F and Subrahmanyam, P and Ndunguru, B J (1992) Role of Scutellonema clathricaudatum in etiology of groundnut growth variability in Niger. Plant and Soil, 143 (1). pp. 133-139. ISSN 0032-079X

Singh, A K and Mehan, V K and Mengesha, M H and Jambunathan, R (1992) Imbibition rates, leachates and fungal colonization of seeds of selected groundnut germplasm lines with different seed testa colours. Oléagineux , 47 (10). pp. 579-582. ISSN 0030-2082

Singh, A K and Rao, V R and Mengesha, M H (1992) Groundnut genetic resources: progress and prospects. In: Groundnut- A global Perspective: Proceeding of an International Workshop., 25-29 Nov 1991, ICRISAT Asia Centre, Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh.

Singh, F and Oswalt, D L (1992) Major Diseases of Groundnut. Manual. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics.

Singh, F and Oswalt, D L (1992) Major insects of groundnut. Manual. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics.

Singh, K N and Sachan, G C (1992) Assessment of yield loss due to insect pests at different growth stages of groundnut in Pantnagar, Uttar Pradesh, India. Crop Protection, 11 (5). pp. 414-418. ISSN 0261-2194

Sinha, P K and Haravu, L J (1992) The semi-arid tropical crops information service (SATCRIS): information products and services on groundnut. In: Groundnut- A global Perspective: Proceeding of an International Workshop., 25-29 Nov 1991, ICRISAT Asia Centre, Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh.

Song, S X and Sharma, S B and Nigam, S N and Jiapeng, H (1992) Status and significance of root-knot disease of groundnut in China. International Arachis Newsletter, 11. pp. 13-14. ISSN 1010-5824

Subrahmanyam, P and Wongkaew, S and Reddy, D V R and Demski, J W and McDonald, D and Sharma, S B and Smith, D H (1992) Field Diagnosis of Groundnut Diseases. Monograph. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics.

Sujatha, G (1992) Effect of Land Surface Configurations on Soil Physical Conditions and Yields of Groundnut on an Alfisol. Masters thesis, Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University.


Upadhyaya, H D and Gopal, K and Nadaf, H L and Vijayakumar, S (1992) Combining ability studies for yield and its components in groundnut. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 52 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN 0019-5200

Upadhyaya, H D and Mehan, V K and Nigam, S N and Smith, D H and McDonald, D (1992) Breeding groundnuts resistant to Aflatoxin contamination at ICRISAT. In: Groundnut- A global Perspective: Proceeding of an International Workshop., 25-29 Nov 1991, ICRISAT Asia Centre, Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh.

Upadhyaya, H D and Nigam, S N and Rao, M J V (1992) Breeding early-maturing groundnuts at ICRISAT. In: Groundnut- A global Perspective: Proceeding of an International Workshop., 25-29 Nov 1991, ICRISAT Asia Centre, Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh.


Waliyar, F and Ndunguru, B J and Sharma, S B and Bationo, A (1992) Effect of liming and carbofuran on groundnut yield in sandy soils in Niger. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 33 (2). pp. 203-208. ISSN 1573-0867

Wightman, J A and Nigam, S N (1992) Groundnut Research at ICRISAT as Related to Asia. In: Summary Proceedings of the Asian Grain Legumes Network Coordinators’ Meeting , 10-12 Dec 1990, ICRISAT Center, Patancheru.

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