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Number of items: 58.


Alumira, J D and Bantilan, M C S and Sihoma-Moyo, T (2005) Evolution of Social Science Research at ICRISAT, and a Case Study in Zimbabwe. Working Paper Series no. 20. Working Paper. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, Bulawayo, Zimbabawe.

Alumira, J D and Rusike, J (2005) The green revolution in Zimbabwe. Electronic Journal of Agricultural and Development Economics, 2 (1). pp. 50-66.


Bantilan, M C S (2005) Impact of Agricultural Research: Post-Green Revolution Evidence from India. National Centre for Agricultural Economics and Policy Research and International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, New Delhi, India.

Bantilan, M C S and Anupama, K V and Joshi, P K (2005) Assessing economic and environmental impacts of NRM technologies: an empirical application using the economic surplus approach. In: Natural resource management in agriculture: methods for assessing economic and environmental impacts. CAB International, Wallingford, Oxon, UK, pp. 245-268. ISBN 0-85199-828-3

Bantilan, M C S and Gowda, C L L and Anupama, G V (2005) Research Need Assessment and Agricultural Research Priorities for South and West Asia: Proceedings of a Workshop held at ICRISAT, Patancheru 7-8 October 2004. International Crops Research Institute for Semi Arid Tropics , Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh, India. ISBN 92-9066-478-9

Bantilan, M C S and Janaiah, A and Lalith, A (2005) Has the green revolution bypassed coarse cereals? The Indian experience. electronic Journal of Agricultural and Development Economics, 2 (1). pp. 20-31. ISSN 1812-7029

Bantilan, M C S and Mruthyunjaya, - and Gowda, C L L and Anupama, G V (2005) Research need assessment and agricultural research priorities for south and west Asia: proceedings of the Workshop, International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh, India, 7-8 Oct 2004. Manual. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics.

Berg, J Van Den and Bronkhorst, L and Mgonja, M and Obilana, A B (2005) Resistance of sorghum varieties to the shoot fly, Atherigona soccata Rondani (Diptera: Muscidae) in Southern Africa. International Journal of Pest Management, 51 (1). pp. 1-5. ISSN 0967-0874

Bidinger, F R and Thakur, R P and Yadav, O P and Sharma, M M (2005) Male-sterile seed parents for the breeding of landrace-based topcross hybrids of pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.] for the arid zone. II. Downy mildew resistance, terminal drought tolerance, plant type and potential productivity. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 63 (2). pp. 99-105.

Borner, A and Roder, M S and Chebotar, S and Varshney, R K and Weinder, A (2005) Molecular Tools for Genebank Management and Evaluation. Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding(Special Issue), 41. pp. 122-127. ISSN 1212-1975


Dar, W D (2005) ICRISAT's Turnaround: Strategic Partnerships for Impact A compendium of speeches and presentations. Documentation. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh.

Dar, W D and Pande, S and Keatinge, J D H (2005) Food legumes in cropping systems and farmers participatory approaches. In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Food Legumes Research Conference, 18-22 Oct 2005, New Delhi, India.

Dileepkumar, G (2005) Rural E-seva, West Godavari, Andhra Pradesh. Project Report. IIITB, Bangalore.

Dileepkumar, G and Dixit, S and Balaji, V (2005) Agricultural Extension with Information and Communication Technology (ICT)Mediated Open Distance Learning (ODL) Methods: A Case Study from Rural South India. Educomm Asia, 10 (4). pp. 8-11. ISSN 0972-284X

Douthwaite, B and Baker, D and Weise, S and Gockowski, J and Manyong, V M and Keatinge, J D H (2005) Ecoregional research in Africa: learning lessons from IITA's Benchmark Area Approach. Experimental Agriculture, 41 (3). pp. 271-298. ISSN 0014-4797


Freeman, H A and Shiferaw, B and Swinton, S M (2005) Assessing the impacts of natural resource management interventions in agriculture: concepts, issues and challenges. In: Natural resource management in agriculture: methods for assessing economic and environmental impacts. CAB International, Wallingford, Oxon, UK, pp. 3-16. ISBN 0-85199-828-3


Girish, A G and Sastry, D V S S R and Thakur, R P and Upadhyaya, H D (2005) Seed health testing for long-term conservation and international exchange of crop germplasm. In: Plant Health Global Wealth, Global Conference II, 25-29 Nov 2005 , Udaipur, Rajasthan, India.

Gowda, C L L and Upadhyaya, H D (2005) Strategy for conservation and enhanced use of crop genetic resources. In: Proceedings of 13th International Genetic Resources Workshop on Rice Genome and Plant Genetic Resources, 22-23 August 2005, Tsukuba, Japan.

Groote, H D and Traore, O (2005) The cost of accuracy in crop area estimation. Agricultural Systems, 84 (1). pp. 21-38.

Grzywacz, D and Pande, S and Khanal, N P and Maharjan, M (2005) Alternative pest control approaches NPV for pod borer control and its uptake in Nepal. In: Summary of NARC-ICRISAT-NRI Workshop, 17 - 18 November 2004, Kathmandu, Nepal, India..

Gupta, R K and Pande, S (2005) Upscaling zero tillage in rice fallow lands of the Indo-Gangetic Plains Some experiences. In: NARC-ICRISAT-NRI Workshop, 17-18 November 2004, Kathmandu, Nepal, India..


Hall, A and Mytelka, L and Oyeyinka, B (2005) Innovation systems: Implications for agricultural policy and practice. Documentation. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics.

Hall, A and Raina, R and Sulaiman, V R and Clark, N and Prasad, S and Naik, G (2005) Institutional learning and change: a review of concepts and principles Policy Brief 21. Documentation. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics.

Hamilton, R S and Sie, M and Valkoun, J and Upadhyaya, H D and Mahalakshmi, V (2005) The need for allele mining: perspectives of the System-wide Genetic Resources Programme (SGRP). In: Molecular Markers for Allele Mining: Proceedings of a workshop, 22–26 August 2005, M S Swaminathan Research Foundation, Chennai, India.

Harris, D and Breese, W A and Rao, J V D K K (2005) The improvement of crop yield in marginal environments using ‘on-farm’ seed priming: nodulation, nitrogen fixation, and disease resistance. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 56 (11). pp. 1211-1218. ISSN 0004-9409


ICRISAT, - (2005) Harnessing biotechnology for the poor (Global Theme 1 - Biotechnology). Archival Report 2005. Monograph. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh, India.

ICRISAT, - (2005) ICRISAT in West and Central Africa: the Seeds of Success Germinated. Archival Report 2005. Monograph. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh, India.

ICRISAT, - (2005) The Rockefeller Foundation and ICRISAT. Documentation. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh, India.


Joshi, P K and Pal, S and Birthal, P S and Bantilan, M C S (2005) Impact of Agricultural Research : an Overview. In: Impact of Agricultural Research: Post-Green Revolution Evidence from India. National Centre for Agricultural Economics and Policy Research and International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, New Delhi, pp. 1-8.


Longley, C and Dominguez, C and Devji, M (2005) Agricultural Input Trade Fairs and Vouchers in Mozambique: Experiences and lessons learned. Working Paper. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh, India.


Nagavallemma, K P and Wani, S P and Reddy, M S and Pathak, P (2005) Effect of landform and soil depth on productivity of soybean-based cropping systems and erosion losses in Vertic Inceptisols. Indian Journal of Soil Conservation, 33 (2). pp. 132-136. ISSN 0970-3349

Ndjeunga, J and Bantilan, M C S (2005) Uptake of improved technologies in the semi-arid tropics of West Africa: why is agricultural transformation lagging behind? electronic Journal of Agricultural and Development Economics, 2 (1). pp. 85-102. ISSN 1812-7029

Ndjeunga, J and Nelson, C H (2005) Toward understanding household preference for consumption characteristics of millet varieties: a case study from western Niger. Agricultural Economics, 32. pp. 151-165.


Pande, S (2005) Vote of thanks.NARC-ICRISAT-NRI Workshop. In: NARC-ICRISAT-NRI Workshop, 17-18 November 2004, Kathmandu, Nepal, India..

Pender, J and Abdoulaye, T and Ndjeunga, J and Gerard, B and Edward, K (2005) Impacts of inventory credit, input supply shops, and fertilizer microdosing in the drylands of Niger. In: 26th Conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economists, 12-18 Aug 2006, Queensland, Australia .


Rao, K P C and Bantilan, M C S and Singh, K and Subrahmanyam, S and Deshingkar, P and Rao, P P and Shiferaw, B (2005) Overcoming Poverty in Rural India: Focus on Rainfed Semi-Arid Tropics. Monograph. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics.

Rao, P P and Birthal, P S (2005) Review on Raising Livestock Productivity in Crop-Livestock Systems in India: Challenges and Implications For Research. The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 75 (10). pp. 1233-1237. ISSN 0367-8318

Rao, P P and Birthal, P S and Ndjeunga, J (2005) Crop - Livestock Economies in the Semi - Arid Tropics Facts, Trends and Outlook. Monograph. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics.

Ravinder Reddy, Ch and Tonapi, V A and Varanavasiappan, S and Navi, S S and Jayarajan, R (2005) Influence of plant age on infection and symptomatological studies on urd bean leaf crinkle virus in urd bean (vigna mungo). International Journal of Agriculture Sciences, 1 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN 0975–9107

Ravinder Reddy, Ch and Tonapi, V A and Varanavasiappan, S and Navi, S S and Jayarajan, R (2005) Studies on Seed Transmission of Urdbean Leaf Crinkle Virus on Vigna mungo. Indian Journal of Plant Protection, 33 (2). pp. 241-245. ISSN 0253-4355

Reddy, B V S and Gowda, C L L and Rai, K N and Saxena, K B (2005) ICRISAT-private sector partnership in hybrid parents research. Documentation. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh, India.

Rego, T J and Wani, S P and Sahrawat, K L and Pardhasaradhi, G (2005) Macro-benefits from boron, zinc and sulfur application in Indian SAT: a step for grey to green revolution in agriculture. Global Theme on Agroecosystems Report no. 16. Technical Report. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh, India.

Rohrbach, D D and Mashingaidze, A B and Mudhara, M (2005) Distribution of relief seed and fertilizer in Zimbabwe: Lessons from the 2003/04 season. Monograph. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics.


Sahrawat, K L and Padmaja, K V and Pathak, P and Wani, S P (2005) Measurable biophysical indicators for impact assessment: changes in water availability and quality. In: Natural resource management in agriculture: methods for assessing economic and environmental impacts. CAB International Publishing, Wallingford Oxfordshire, UK, pp. 75-96. ISBN 0-85199-828-3

Saxena, K B and Gowda, C L L and Reddy, B V S and Rai, K N (2005) ICRISAT-Private Sector Partnership in Hybrid Parents Research. An ICRISAT Success Story. Documentation. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh, India.

Schulman, A H and Gupta, P K and Varshney, R K (2005) Organization of Retrotransposons and Microsatellites in Cereal Genomes. In: Cereal Genomics. Springer Netherlands, pp. 83-118. ISBN 978-1-4020-2359-0

Shambhu Prasad, C and Hall, A J and Wani, S P (2005) Institutional History of Watershed Research: The Evolution of ICRISAT’s Work on Natural Resources in India ICRISAT.Global Theme on Agroecosystems Report no. 12. Monograph. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics , Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh, India.

Shiferaw, B and Freeman, H A and Navrud, S (2005) Valuation methods and approaches for assessing natural resource management impacts. In: Natural resource management in agriculture: methods for assessing economic and environmental impacts. CAB International, Wallingford, Oxon, UK, pp. 19-51. ISBN 0-85199-828-3

Shiferaw, B and Holden, S T (2005) Assessing the economic and environmental impacts of conservation technologies: a farm-level bioeconomic modelling approach. In: Natural resource management in agriculture: methods for assessing economic and environmental impacts. CAB International, Wallingford, Oxon, UK, pp. 269-294. ISBN 0-85199-828-3

Shukla, S and Arora, R and Sharma, H C (2005) Biological activity of soybean trypsin inhibitor and plant lectins against cotton bollworm/legume pod borer, Helicoverpa armigera. Plant Biotechnology, 22 (1). pp. 1-6.

Siddique, K H M and Johansen, C and Rao, J V D K K and Ali, M (2005) legumes in sustainable cropping systems. In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Food Legumes Research Conference, 18-22 Oct 2005, New Delhi, India.

Stevenson, P C and Pande, S and Neupane, R K and Chaudhary, R N and Bourai, V A and Rao, J N and Grzywacz, D (2005) The adoption of ICM technologies by poor farmers in Nepal. In: NARC-ICRISAT-NRI Workshop, 17-18 November 2004, Kathmandu, Nepal, India..

Swinton, S M and Shiferaw, B and Freeman, H A (2005) Towards comprehensive approaches in assessing NRM impacts: what we know and what we need to know. In: Natural resource management in agriculture: methods for assessing economic and environmental impacts. CAB International, Wallingford, Oxon, UK, pp. 361-275. ISBN 0-85199-828-3


Upadhyaya, H D (2005) Variability for drought resistance related traits in the mini core collection of peanut. Crop Science, 45 (4). pp. 1432-1440.


Vadez, V and Reyes-Garcia, V and Huanca, T and Leonard, W R (2005) Cash cropping, farm technologies, and deforestation: What are the connections?. Tsimane' Amazonian Panel Study Working Paper # 18, Dec-2005. Working Paper. Tsimane Amazonian Panel Study.


Wani, S P and Singh, P and Dwivedi, R S and Navalgund, R R and Ramakrishna, A (2005) Biophysical indicators of agro-ecosystem services and methods for monitoring the impacts of NRM technologies at different scales. In: Natural resource management in agriculture: methods for assessing economic and environmental impacts. CAB International, Wallingford, Oxon, UK, pp. 97-124. ISBN 0-85199-828-3

William, H M and Singh, R P and Trethowan, R and Ginkel, M van and Pellegrinshi, A and Huerta-Espino , J and Hoisington, D A (2005) Biotechnology Applications for Wheat Improvement at CIMMYT. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry , 29 (2). pp. 113-119. ISSN 1303-6173


Yadav, D V (2005) Genetics of cytoplasmic-nuclear male sterility and identification of molecular markers of fertility restorer genes in pearl millet (pennisetum glaucum (l.) It. Br.). PHD thesis, Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University.

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