Items where Subject is "Mandate crops > Sorghum"

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Number of items: 28.


Agrawal, B L and Sharma, H C and Leuschner, K (1987) Registration of 'ICSV 197' midge resistant sorghum cultivar. Crop Science, 27 (6). pp. 1312-1313. ISSN 0011-183X


Bandyopadhyay, R and Mughogho, L K and Satyanarayana, M V (1987) Systemic Infection of Sorghum by Acremonium strictum and Its Transmission Through Seed. Plant Diseases, 71 (7). pp. 647-650.


Gahukar, R T (1987) Population Dynamics of Sorghum Shoot Fly, Atherigona soccata (Diptera: Muscidae), in Senegal. Environmental Entomology, 16 (4). pp. 910-916. ISSN 0046-225X


Harris, D and Natarajan, M (1987) Physiological Basis for Yield Advantage in a Sorghum/Groundnut Intercrop Exposed to Drought.* 2. Plant Temperature, Water Status, and Components of Yield. Field Crops Research, 17 (3-4). pp. 273-288. ISSN 0378-4290

Harris, D and Natarajan, M and Willey, R W (1987) Physiological basis for yield advantage in a sorghum/ groundnut intercrop exposed to drought. 1. Dry-matter production, yield, and light interception. Field Crops Research, 17 (3-4). pp. 259-272. ISSN 0378-4290

Huda, A K S (1987) Simulating yields of sorghum and pearl millet in the semi-arid tropics. Field Crops Research, 15 (3-4). pp. 309-325.

Huda, A K S and Sivakumar, M V K and Rama, Y V S and Sekaran, J G and Virmani, S M (1987) Observed and simulated responses of two sorghum cultivars to different water regimes. Field Crops Research, 16 (4). pp. 323-335. ISSN 0378-4290


ICRISAT, - (1987) The Cereals Programs of ICRISAT: A Plan of Research 1988-1993. Monograph. ICRISAT, Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh, India.

ICRISAT, - (1987) Midge - resistant Sorghum Variety ICSV 197.Plant Material Description no.11. Manual. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics.


Ngoko, Z and Thomas, M D and Werder, J (1987) Sorghum and pearl millet diseases in the north of Cameroon. In: ICRISAT, West African Program, 1987, West Africa.


O'Neill, M K and Diaby, M (1987) Effects of High Soil Temperature and Water Stresses on Malian Pearl Millet and Sorghum during Seedling Stage. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 159 (3). pp. 192-198. ISSN 1439-037x


Peacock, J M (1987) ICRISAT's Sorghum Research in - the Semi-Arid Tropics. In: Workshop on Evaluating Sorghum for Tolerance to Al-Toxic Tropical Soils in Latin America, 28 May - 2 Jun 1984, Cali, Columbia.

Prasada Rao, K E and Mengesha, M H (1987) Morphology and distribution of Zerazera sorghums. Journal d'agriculture traditionnelle et de botanique appliquée, 34 (1). pp. 51-55. ISSN 0183-5173


Rao, K E P and Mangesha, M H (1987) Sorghum genetic resources - synthesis of available diversity and its utilisation. In: National Symposium on Plant Genetic Resources, 3-6 March, 1987, NBPGR, New Delhi.


Seetharama, N and Bidinger, F R and Rao, K N and Gill, K S and Mulgund, M (1987) Effect of pattern and severity of moisture deficit stress on stalk rot incidence in Sorghum I. Use of line source irrigation technique, and the effect of time of inoculation. Field Crops Research, 15 (3-4). pp. 289-308.

Seetharama, N and Krishna, K R and Rego, T J and Burford, J R (1987) Prospects for Sorghum Improvement for Phosphorus Efficiency. In: Workshop on Evaluating Sorghum for Tolerance to Al-Toxic Tropical Soils in Latin America, 28 May - 2 Jun 1984, Cali, Columbia.

Seetharama, N and Rao, K E P and Subramanian, V and Murty, D S (1987) Screening For Sweet Stalk Sorghums, And Environmental Effect On Stalk Sugar Concentrations. In: Technology and applications for alternate uses of sorghum: proceedings of the National Seminar, 2-3 Feb 1987, Parbhani, Maharashtra, India.

Sharma, H C (1987) Insect Pests Of Sorghum And Their Management. In: National Seminar on Plant Protection in Field Crops, 29-31 January, 1986, CPPTI, Hyderabad.

Sharma, H C and Leuschner, K (1987) Chemical control of sorghum head bugs (Hemiptera: Miridae). Crop Protection, 6 (5). pp. 334-340.

Stoop, W A (1987) Adaptation of sorghum/maize and sorghum/pearl millet intercrop systems to the toposequence land types in the North Sudanian zone of the west African Savanna. Field Crops Research, 16 (3). pp. 255-272.

Subramanian, V and Jambunathan, R (1987) Grain quality of sorghum, pearl millet, maize and minor millets. In: Present Status and Future Perspectives in Technology of Food Grains: VII Indian Convention of Food Scientists and Technologists (CFTRI), 1987, Mysore.

Subramanian, V and Jambunathan, R (1987) Sorghum and pearl millet report of work: January-December 1985. Monograph. ICRISAT, Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh, India.

Subramanian, V and Jambunathan, R and Rao, K E P (1987) Dry Milling Characteristics Of Sorghum Grains And Their Relationship To Product Quality. In: National Seminar on Technology and Application for Alternative Uses of Sorghum, 2-3 Feb 1987, Parbhani, Maharashtra (India).

Subramanian, V and Rao, K E P and Mangesha, M H and Janbunathan, R (1987) Total sugar content in sorghum stalks and grains of selected cultivars from the world germplasm collection. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 39 (4). pp. 289-295. ISSN 0022-5142


Taneja, S L (1987) Host-Plant Resistance In The Management Of Sorghum Stem Borers. In: Recent Advances in Entomolgy. Gopal Printing Press, Kanpur, India, pp. 212-231.

Taneja, S L and Agrawal, B L and Henry, V K (1987) Host-plant resistance to sorghum stem borer. In: All India Coordinated Sorghum Improvement Project Workshop, 25-27 May 1987, Marathwada Agricultural University, Parbhani, India.


Wall, G C and Mughogho, L K and Frederiksen, R A and Odvody, G N (1987) Foliar Disease of Sorghum Species Caused by Cercospora fusimaculans. Plant Disease, 71 (8). pp. 759-760. ISSN 0191-2917

Woodhead, S and Taneja, S L (1987) The importance of the behaviour of young larvae in sorghum resistance to Chilo partellus. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 45 (1). pp. 47-54.

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