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World Bank–funded National Agricultural Technology Project (NATP).
WHaTeR Project
West Africa Sciences Service Center on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL)
West Africa Science Service Center for Climate Change and Adapted Land use (WASCAL) scholarship program
Watershed Management for Reducing Poverty and Land Degradation in SAT Asia [RETA 6067)
Water Scarcity and Food Security in Tropical Rain-fed Water Scarcity Systems: A Multi-level Assessment of Existing Conditions, Response Options and Future Potentials
WaterNet Challenge Program Project 17
Water Challenge Project (WCP) and Desert Margins Programme (DMP)
Vulnerability to Climate Change: Adaptation Strategies and Layers of Resilience - RETA - 6439
Vulnerability to Climate Change: Adaptation Strategies and Layers of Resilience
Vulnerability to Climate Change: Adaptation strategies and Layers of Resilience
Vulnerability to climate change: Adaptation strategies and Layers of resilience
VDSA (Grant ID- 51937)
Value chain model for bio-ethanol production from sweet sorghum in rainfed areas through collective action and partnership” for the conduct of this experiment.
Value chain model for bio-ethanol production from sweet sorghum in rainfed areas through collective action and participa- tion
USDA/CSREES/Capacity Building Program (#2006-38814-17489)
USAID Groundnut Scaling Project in Nigeria
UPSCAPE project
University Grant Commission under Special Assistance Program(UGC-SAP)
Union Project in Zimbabwe
Unconventional sustainable farming approaches for salt-affected regions—Inland production trials of Salicornia and other halophytes in the Red Sea Governorate of Egypt
UK Department for International Development
Tropicsl Legume II Project
Tropical Legumes (TL) II program
Tropical Legumes (TL) III project
Tropical Legumes (TL)
Tropical Legumes Project TLII
Tropical Legumes I (TLI- Objective 4: Chickpea)
Tropical Legumes I (TLI)
(Tropical Legumes I project) through the Generation Challenge Program
Tropical Legumes-II project of ICRISAT.
Tropical Legumes II Project
Tropical Legumes II project
Tropical Legumes III (TL III) Project
Tropical Legumes III (TLIII) project
Tropical Legumes III (TLIII)
Tropical Legumes III (TL III)
Tropical Legumes I & II projects
Tropical Legumes III project
Tropical Legumes- III
Tropical Legumes III
Tropical Legumes II and III Projects
Tropical Legumes-II
Tropical Legumes-I
Tropical Legumes I
Tropical Legumes area (TL I and TLII)
Tropical Legumes
Tropical Legume Project (TL III)
Tropical Legume Project – Phase 2
Tropical Legume I (TLI)
Tropical Legume I project-Generation Challenge Programme
Tropical Legume I Project
Tropical Legume I project
Tropical Legume II Project
Tropical Legume III (TLIII) project
Tropical Legume I
Tropical Legume 1 (GenerationChallengeProgram)
Transformation of Rice Breeding in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa
TLI project
TL II Project
TL-II project
TL II project
TLIII Project
TL III Project
TIGR2ESS: Transforming India’s Green Revolution by Research and Empowerment for Sustainable Food Supplies
Threats to priority food tree species in Burkina Faso: Drivers of resource losses and mitigation measures’
This work was supported by the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS)
This publication is an output from the research project Asian Development Bank (ADB)
This article is part of the research topic - Genomic tools in legume breeding programs: status and perspectives
This article falls under the diva project
this analysis was obtained in the framework of the Genebanks Impacts 2020 Fellowship
TheWorld Bank-funded AICCRA project
The US Government's Global Hunger & Food Initiative
The Tropical Legumes III project, OPP1114827
The technical assistance o f R. Seetha and Santosh Gurtu in analysing samples for amino acid composition is gratefully acknowledged.
The Integrated Agriculture Activity project funded through the USAID
The Global Futures
The authors thank WaterNet for funding this research through the Challenge Program Project 17 “Integrated Water Resource Management for Improved Rural Livelihoods: Managing risk, mitigating drought and improving water productivity in the water scarce Limp
The Andhra Pradesh-Netherlands Project on Biotechnology
Technical Assistance and Research for Indian Nutrition and Agriculture (TARINA) program
Tata-ICRISAT project
Taking Maize Agronomy to Scale in Africa (TAMASA)
TA8441-Development and dissemination of climate-resilient rice varieties for water-short areas of South Asia and Southeast Asia
TA8441-Development and dissemination of climate resilient rice varieties for water short areas of South Asia and Southeast Asia
Systems-wide Livestock Programme
SWEETFUEL ‘‘sweet sorghum: an alternative energy crop’’
SWEETFUEL grant 22742
'Sus-tainable use of natural vegetation' West Africa (EU FP6 031685).
Sustainable Intensification of Key Farming Systems in the Sudano-Sahelian Zone of West Africa
Sustainable conservation andutilization of genetic resources of two underutilized crops-finger millet and foxtail millet-to enhance productivity, nutrition and income in Africa and Asia
Sustainable conservation and utilization of genetic resources of two underutilized crops-finger millet and foxtail millet-to enhance productivity, nutrition and income in Africa and Asia
Sustainable conservation and utilization of genetic resources of two underutilized crops-finger millet and foxtail millet- to enhance productivity, nutrition and income in Africa and Asia
Sustainable conservation and utilization of genetic resources of two underutilized crops - finger millet and foxtail millet - to enhance productivity, nutrition and income in Africa and Asia
sub-Saharan Africa Challenge Program
Subproject: Value chain model for bio-ethanol production from sweet sorghum in rainfed areas through collective action and partnership
Study of Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Labour Market Behaviour by using Household Panel Data of ICRISAT
Stress-Tolerant Rice for Africa and South Asia(STRASA)
Stress-Tolerant Rice for Africa and South Asia (STRASA)
Stockholm Resilience Centre research collaborations in India
Start-up Research Grant (SRG) (File No. SRG/2021/000422)
STARS Project
SRF Grant
Special Fund for Scientific and Technological Innovation of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University
SP2 commissioned project (G4008.47)
Soil protection and rehabilitation for food
SOILCARE project
Small-scale used production by self help groups
Seed Money for Faculty Minor Research
Science and Technology Major Project of Guangxi
Science and technology innovation Project
SADC/ICRISAT Sorghum and Millet Improvement Program
SADC/ICRISAT Groundnut and ICRISAT Regional Pigeonpea Project
Risk minimization in drought-prone Telangana districts through millet-based crop diversification
RETA 6067
RETA 5812
Resilient Agricultural Households through Adaptation to Climate Change in Mahbubnagar district, Telangana
Research Project on Seed Systems Grant
Research Project on Seed Systems
Research Project CAN 091 122 039
Research Program on Integrated Systems for the Humid Tropics
Research Contract BB/F004133/1
Research and capacity building in climate smart agriculture in the Horn of Africa (grant number: ETH-13/0016)
Report on the 1981 international pearl millet smut nursery (IPMSN)
Regional Universities Forum for capacity building in Agriculture (RUFORUM)
Reducing risks and improving livelihoods in the rice environments of Myanmar through better targeting of management options
Reducing Mycotoxin Contamination of Maize, Groundnuts and Beans to Improve Food Safety and Enhance Health and Trade in Malawi, Zambia and Mozambique
Realising Dynamic Value Chains for Underutilised Crops” (RADIANT)
Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) sub-scheme 353 No. 15(03)/19/2011)
Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana
Rapid Crop Improvement for Poor Farmers in the Semi-Arid Tropics of Asia
R6748, R7122, R7542, R8269 and R8071 and R8221
Putting Nitrogen Fixation into Use for Smallholder farmers in Africa
Provincial modern agricultural science and technology innovation alliance construction project
Protracted Relief Program (PRP)
Protracted Relief Program
Projects on sweet sorghum improvement and value chain development to further the cause of SAT farmers
Project is Nigeria Groundnut value Chai
Project for Eco-Engineering for Agricultural Revitalization toward Improvement of Human Nutrition/EARTH: Water Hyacinth to Energy and Agricultural Crops
Programme for Farmer Participatory Improvement of Grain Legumes in Rainfed Asia
Productivity Enhancement of Sorghum and Millets in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia (HOPE) Project
Producing More Food Grain with Less Water: Promoting farm-based methods to improve the water productivity
Precision agriculture and digitisation in the Czech Republic
Plant Sciences Research Program R8183
Plant Sciences Research Programme R8183
Plant Sciences Research Programme
Plant Sciences Programm
Plankton Ecoengineering for Environment and Economic Transformations project
Plankton Ecoengineering for Environmental and Economic Transformations
PICS 3 project at Purdue University in the United States
Pearl Millet Hybrid Parents Research Consortium (PMHPRC)
Pearl Millet Hybrid Parents Research Consortium
Pearl Millet Hybrid Parent Research Consortium (PMHPRC)
Peanut Collaborative Research Support Program (Peanut CRSP) -
Peanut Collaborative Research Support Program (Peanut CRSP)
Peanut Collaborative Research Support Program
Peanut Collabo- rative Research Support Program
Peanut and the NSF BREAD PHENO: High Throughput Phenotyping Early Stage Root Bulking in Cassava using Ground Penetrating Radar
Pathways to Resilience in Semi-arid Economies (PRISE)
Pathways to Agro-ecological Intensification of Sorghum and Millet Cropping Systems of Southern Mali
PASS project
Participatory Watershed Management for Reducing Poverty and Land Degradation in the Semi-Arid Tropics
Participatory Watershed Management for Reducing Poverty and Land Degradation in the Semi-Arid Tropics
Participatory Watershed Management for Reducing Poverty and Land Degradation in SAT Asia
Overcoming the Domestication Bottle neck for Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation in Legumes
NSF-NIH Ecology of Infectious Disease program
NitroEurope Project No. 017841
NitroEurope Project
Nile Basin Development Challenge (NBDC)
Next Generation (Africa RISING) program
Newton-Bhabha programme “Sustaining Water Resources for Food, Energy and Ecosystem Services,”
Network Project on Computational Biology and Agricultural Bioinformatics
Network Project on Climate Change
Network Project on Application of Microorganisms in Agriculture and Allied Sectors
Netherlands Directorate General for International Cooperation (DGIS)
Natural resource management (NRM) evidence for inclusion of grain legumes and dryland cereals in farming systems’
National Science Foundation (NSF, DBI-0605251)
National Research Fund grant (Grant No.: TETFUND/DR&D/CE/NRF/STI/02/VOL1).
National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)
National High Technology Research and Development Program of China
National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program; no. 2011CB109304 and no. 2011CB109305)
National Agricultural Technology Project (NATP)
National Agricultural Technology Project
National Agricultural Technology Project
National Agricultural Science Fund
National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP)-Component 4
National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) and Indian Council of Agricultural Project, GOI project, and Common Fund for Commodities
National Agricultural Innovation Project
National Agricultural Innovation Project
National Agricultural Higher Education Project
NASA MEaSUREs project
NAIP-ICAR-Sweet sorghum bioethanol project
N2Africa: Putting Nitrogen Fixation to Work for Smallholder Farmers in Africa
Multi Disciplinary Research Projects program
MSIDP Project
MSIDP II Project
Morocco- India Food Legumes Initiative
Moonshot Research and Development Program for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Molecular Diversity in relation to Morphological Diversity and Yield heterosis in sorghum and pearl millet
Molecular diversity in relation to morphological diversity and yield heterosis in sorghum and pearl millet
Molecular Breeding underway at Center of Excellence in Genomics (CEG), ICRISAT
Marker-assisted introgression of different traits to develop new generation rice varieties
Managing Agricultural Soils as Carbon Sinks through adoption of negative emission strategies (MASCS)
Make Our Planet Great Again (MOPGA)
LP0882095, LP0883462 and LP110100200
Linking the poor to global markets: Pro-poor development of biofuel supply chains
Japan Fund for Prosperous and Resilient Asia and the Pacific
Japan-CIMMYT FHB collaborative research project
Introduction and Expansion of Improved Pigeonpea (Arhar) Production Technology in Rainfed Upland Ecosystems of Odisha.Technological Empowerment and Sustainable Livelihood
Introduction and Expansion of Improved Pigeonpea (Arhar) Production Technology in Rainfed Upland Ecosystems of Odisha
Interspecific gene transfer and molecular tagging of Botrytis Gray Mould resistance genes in chickpea
International Sorghum and Millet Collaborative Res.(INTSORMIL)
International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
Intelligent Collections of Food Legumes Genetic Resources for European Agrofood Systems” (INCREASE)
Integrating Crops and Livestock for Improved Food Security and Livelihoods in Zimbabwe project (2012-2015) (ZimCLIFS)
Integrated Systems Project 3
Integrated management of Botrytis grey mould of chickpea in Bangladesh and Australia
Indo-UK (Newton-Bhabha) project
Indo-German Science & Technology Cooperation and Australia-India Science & Research Foundation projects
Indo German Project Vide No 81150064
Indian Council of Research NATP-HRD
Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)-ICRISAT collaborative projects
Increasing Livestock Productivity in Mixed Crop-Livestock Systems in South Asia
Increasing irrigation water productivity in Mozambique, Tanzania and Zimbabwe through on-farm monitoring, adaptive management and Agricultural Innovation Platforms”
Increasing Groundnut Productivity of Smallholder Farmers in Mali, Ghana and Nigeria
Incentivizing research in agriculture project-IV- Molecular genetic analysis of resistance/tolerance to different stress (Rice)
Incentivizing research in agriculture
Improving Management of Natural Resources for Sustainable Rainfed Agriculture
Improving Management of Natural Resources for Sustainable Rainfed Agriculture
Improving Management of Natural Resources for Sustainable Rainfed Agriculture
Improved rural livelihood and better health- Promoting and improving groundnut for poor farmers in Asia
-Improved rural livelihood and better health – Promoting and improving groundnut for poor farmers in Asia
Improved livelihood opportunities through watersheds
Improved Fallows for Africa (IMPALA) Project No. ICA4-CT 2000- 30011
Impacts of MGNREGA on Food Security and Rural Livelihoods in Selected Parts of India
Impact of Trade Policy Reforms and Food Safety Standards on Processed Food Exports from India
ILRI/ICRISAT collaborative project “Genetic enhancement of ruminant quality of crop residues of sorghum and millet"
Identifying Systems for Carbon Sequestration and Increased Productivity in Semi-Arid Tropical Environments
Identifying Systems for Carbon Sequestration and Increased Productivity in Semi-Arid Tropical Environments
Identification of micronutrients (Fe and Zn) and Vitamin A precursor (β carotene) dense sorghum for better health in Western and Central Africa (WCA) and central India
Identification of micronutrients (Feand Zn) and Vitamin A precursor (ß carotene) dense sorghum for better health in Western and Central Africa (WCA) and central India
Identification of micronutrients (Fe and Zn) and Vitamin A precursor (ß carotene) dense sorghum for better health in Western and Central Africa (WCA)
ICRISAT West Africa Economics Program
ICRISAT-Pearl Millet Hybrid Parents Research Consortium (PMHPRC)
ICRISAT/DFID research project on IPM of chickpea adoption and its impact on livelihood, improvement of family income, nutrition and poverty elimination in Nepal
ICARUS project (Improve Crops in Arid Regions and Future Climates)
ICAR Network Project on Transgenics in Crop Plants (Maize Functional Genomics Component)
ICAR-Indian Institute of Millets Research project (CI/2018-23/120)
ICAR-ICRISAT Systems Modelling Project – Integrating Systems Modelling Tools as decision support for scaling up climate
ICAR-ICRISAT Collaborative Projects (2019-23)
IARI Fellowship
HOPE-sorghum and millet project
HOPE project (Harnessing Opportunities for Productivity Enhancement of Sorghum and Millets)
HOPE Project
HOPE for Dryland Cereals
HOPE 1 Project
High Throughput Genotyping Services
High-Throughput Genotyping-HTPG
Hatch Project
HarvestPlus Research Project
HarvestPlus Challenge Programme
HarvestPlus Challenge Program
HarvestPlus Challenge Program
Harvest- Plus Challenge Program
Harvestplus (CGIAR) challenge program
Harnessing the true potential of legumes: Economic and knowledge empowerment of poor rainfed farmers in Asia
Harnessing the true potential of grain legumes – Economic and knowledge empowerment of poor rainfed farmers in Asia
Harnessing Opportunity for Productivity Enhancement (HOPE) for millets and sorghum in Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa project
Harnessing Opportunity for Productivity Enhancement(HOPE)
Harnessing Opportunity for Produc
‘Harnessing Opportunities for Productivity Enhancement of Sorghum and Millets in Sub- Saharan Africa and South Asia’ (HOPE)
Harnessing Opportunities for Productivity Enhancement (HOPE) of Sorghum and Millets in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia
Harnessing Opportunities for Productivity Enhancement (HOPE II) for Sorghum and Millets in Sub-Saharan Africa’ project
Harnessing Opportunities for Productivity Enhancement (HOPE II) for Sorghum and Millets in Sub-Saharan Africa
Harnessing Opportunities for Productivity Enhancement(HOPE)
Harnessing Opportunities for Productivity Enhancement (HOPE)
GYGA project
Guangdong Innovation Research Team Fund
GTZ project
Green Super Rice(GSR)
Grant no. 974
Grant No. 08-598
Grant/Award Numbers: DP200100762, DP210100296
Grant/Award Number: 31971820
Government of India DP/IND/80/003
Global Research and Development Project
Global Futures project
GLO / 90 / 003 and GLO / 91 / 014
GIZ project numbers (05.7860.9-001.00 and 09.7860.1-001.00)
GIAM Project
Georgia Agricultural Experiment Stations Hatch Project GEO01654
Genomics-Assisted Breeding for High Yielding and Climate-Resilient Finger Millet (ragi) Varieties/Hybrids and Promotion of Best Suitable Cultivars for Food and Nutritional Security in the Karnataka State of India
Generation Challenge Program Tropical Legume Project, phase I
Generation Challenge Program (TropicalLegume Project)
Generation Challenge Programme (GCP), CGIAR
Generation Challenge Programme (GCP)
Generation Challenge Program grant (G4008-12)
Generation Challenge Program
Gender Norms and Relations in Agricultural Watershed Projects in Jhansi, India
Gender dimensions in social capital build-up and technology adoption
Ge 340/15-1
Food for the Future II—Building Sustainable Networks and Unleashing Entrepreneurial Potential in Farming Communities living in Marginal Areas
Focused Basic Research Network Project on Genome Editing
Financial support received from Indian Council of Agricultural Research- NICRA (National Innovations in Climate Resilient Agriculture, 03 NICRA-030031 Grant in Aid) project is acknowledged.
Feed the Future Kenya Accelerated Value Chain Development Program (AVCD)
Feed the Future Innovation Lab on Livestock Systems program
Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Livestock Systems
Feedstock Genomics for Bioenergy Program
Feeding the Future
Exploration of Genetic Resources Collections at ICARDA for Adaptation to Climate Change: Identification and Utilization of Sources of Stress Tolerance
Excellence in Agronomy (EIA) CGIAR initiative led by IITA.
Evaluation and improvement of selected Salicornia bigelovii genotypes adapted in a desert environment targeting various uses (fresh vegetable, animal forage and oil production) for the period 2019–2020
European Union’s Framework 6 Integrated Project NitroEurope
European Union Project
European commission sweet fuel Project Vide No. 22724
EU contract T5–3CT920150
ERANET (220N276)
Environmental Risk Assessment of Genetically Engineered Sorghum in Mali and Kenya
Enhancing Livelihoods of Poor Livestock Keepers through Increasing Use of Fodder
Enhancing grain legumes’ productivity, and production and the incomes of poor farmers in drought-prone areas of sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia
Enhanced utilization of sorghum and pearl millet grains in poultry feed industry to improve livelihoods of small-scale farmers in Asia
Ecology of Infectious Disease program
Eco‐Engineering for Agricultural Revitalization toward Improvement of Human Nutrition/EARTH: Water Hyacinth to Energy and Agricultural Crops through the Japan Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development/SATREPS
East Africa project
Early Career Research Grant
Early Career Research Award scheme
e Africa Research in Sustainable Intensification for the Next Generation (Africa RISING)
D. S. Kothari Post Doctoral Fellowship
Drought-Tolerant Maize for Africa project
DGAPA IN-214294 and CONACyT 400344-5-4311N
Development of sustainable soil fertility management for sorghum and sweet sorghum through the effective use of biological nitrification inhibition (BNI)
Development of sustainable soil fertility management for sorghumand sweet sorghumthrough effective use of biological nitrification inhibition (BNI)
Development of sustainable soil fertility management for sorghum and sweet sorghum through effective use of biological nitrification inhibition (BNI)
Development of superior haplotype-based near-isogenic lines (Haplo-NILs) for enhanced genetic gain in rice
Development of Haplotype based Near Isogenic Lines (Haplo-NILs) for Enhanced Genetic Gain in Rice
Development of FAW tolerant maize germplasm
Development Food Security Assistance program
Development and Validation of Carbon Standards for Incentivizing Farmers for Regenerative Agricultural Practices (CSIFRA)
Developing resilient and profitable rural livelihood systems in semi-arid Mozambique: A conceptual approach (2012-2015) (MOREP)
Developing community-based climate-smart agriculture through participatory action research in CCAFS benchmark sites in West Africa
DeSIRA initiative
Department of Agriculture and Government of India through RKVY
Department for International Development(DFID)
CRP-Grain Legumes and Dryland Cereals
CRP Grain Legumes and Dryland Cereals
CRP—Grain legumes and Dryland Cereals.
Crop Livestock Intensification Project (CLIP), which is one component of the Regional Integrated Assessment project (RIA, www.agmip.org) of AGMIP
CRG/2020/003466 and STR/2022/000013
Core Research Grant
Comprehensive Assessment of Watershed Programs in India
Comprehensive Assessment of Water Scarcity and Food security in Tropical Rain-fed Water Scarcity System: A multi-level Assessment of Existing Conditions, Response Options and Future Potentials
Comprehensive Assessment of Water Scarcity and Food Security in Tropical Rainfed Water Scarcity System
Combining Land Degradation and Incresing productivity in Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan
Combating land degradation and increasing productivity in Madhya Pradesh and Eastern Rajasthan, India
Combating Land Degradation and Increasing Productivity in Madhya Pradesh and Eastern Rajasthan
Combating Land Degradation and Increasing Productivity in Madhya Pradesh and Eastern
Collaborative Research Support Program
Collaborative Project with Scientists & Technologists of Indian Origin Abroad” (CPSTIO)
Collaborative project of ICRISAT and NCL
Collaborative project of ICAR and ICRISAT
Collaborative Crop Research Program (CCRP)
Climate Resilience
Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS)
Chickpea drought tolerance research and breeding
“Characterization of underutilized species of the Thar Desert”.
Characterization of the moisture enviroment of SAT
Challenge Research Program- Dryland Cereals
Challenge Program Project 17 (Integrated Water Resource Management for Improved Rural Livelihoods: Managing risk, mitigating drought and improving water productivity in the water scarce Limpopo Basin)
Challenge Program on Water and Food(CPWF)
CGIAR-US University linkage grant program
CGIAR’s Crop to End Hunger initiative
CGIAR Research Science Program on Innovative Institutions and Policy for Food, Land and Water system transformation
CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems
CGIAR Research Program on the AICCRA project (Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa)
CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions and Markets
CGIAR Research Program on Markets, Institutions And Policies
CGIAR Research Program on Markets, Institutions and Policies
CGIAR Research Program on Market Institutions and Policies
CGIAR Research Program on Grain Legumes and Dryland Cereals (CRP-GLDC).
CGIAR Research Program on Grain Legumes and Dryland Cereals
CGIAR Research Program on Grain Legumes
CGIAR Research Program on Grain Legume
CGIAR, Research Program on Dryland Cereals
CGIAR Research Program on Dryland Cereals
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), with Support from CGIAR Trust Fund & through bilateral funding agreements
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS)
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agricultural and FoodSecurity (CCAFS) and the Grain Legumes Project
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agricultural and Food Security (CCAFS) and Dryland Cereals.
CGIAR Research Program grant for Grain Legumes and Dryland Cereals
CGIAR research program Grain Legumes and Dryland Cereals (GLDC)
CGIAR Research Program- Grain Legumes
CGIAR Research Program (CRPs) on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), and Wheat Agri-Food Systems (WHEAT)
CGIAR Research Initiative on National Policies and Strategies
CGIAR Initiative on Digital Innovation
CGIAR Generation Challenge Programme (GCP)
CGIAR Genebank Platform
CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food Project
CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF)
CGIAR Center of Excellence (CoE)
CerLiveTrees (CLT) Project
Cereal System Initiative for South Asia (CSISA) project
Cereal System Initiative for South Asia(CSISA)
CERAAS (413 Sub-Sahara Africa/A/07/99489)
Centre of Excellence (CoE)
Centre of Excellence and Accelerated Crop Improvement projects
Centre for Arid Zone Studies-Plant Sciences Research Programme
Center of Excellence on Climate Change Research for Plant Protection (CoE-CCRPP): Pest and disease management for climate change adaptation
Center of Excellence (CoE) scheme
CA systems in southern Africa
CA2Africa Project
CA2Africa project
Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung
Bundesministerium fur wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung
Bucket Drip Irrigation Research Project
Boosting Diagnostics project
BMZ-Heterosis Project
BMZ/GTZ project on “Sustainable conservation and utilization of genetic resources of two underutilized crops-finger millet and foxtail millet-to enhance productivity, nutrition and income in Africa and Asia"
BMZ/GTZ project on ‘Sustainable conservation and utilization of genetic resources of two underutilized crops – finger millet and foxtail millet – to enhance productivity, nutrition and income in Africa and Asia’
Blue Sky Research project onAquaporins
Blue Sky Research Project
Bioinnovate collaborative research project
Bioinnovate collaborative research project
BIOEARN program
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation project (INV-008187)
Bhoochetana Plus
Basic Research to Enable Agricultural Development Project IOS-0965342
Basic Research to Enable Agricultural Development (BREAD)
AVISA Project
Australian Government's Major National Research Facilities Program
Australia- India strategic research fund (AISRF) Project
Australia–India Strategic Research Fund (AISRF) Grant number GCF01001
Australia-India Strategic Research Fund
Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa (ASARECA)
Asian Development Bank project (RETA 5812) “Improving Management of Natural Resources for Sustainable Rainfed Agriculture”
Asian Development Bank Project “Improving Management of Natural Resources for Sustainable Rainfed Agriculture”
APOS scheme
An integrated approach to control stem necrosis of groundnut
Andhra Pradesh Rural Livelihoods Project(APRLP)
Andhra Pradesh Rural Livelihood Program
An Be Jigi Project
Améliorer la productivité des cultures et la resilience au Climat pour la Sécurité Alimentaire et Nutritionnelle au Mali (UE_APSAN-Mali) project
All India Coordinated Research Project on Pearl Millet
All India Coordinated Pearl Millet Improvement Project(AICPMIP)
All India Coordinated Pearl Millet Improvement Project
Agronomic Diagnostics Study of Bankura region in West Bengal.
Agricultural Growth Program-II
Africa Soil Health Consortium project (CABI)
Africa RISING program
Africa Research in Sustainable Intensification for the Next Generation (Africa RISING) program as part of the US Government’s Feed the Future Initiative
Africa Research In Sustainable Intensification for the Next Generation (Africa RISING) Program
Africa Research in Sustainable Intensification for the Next Generation (Africa RISING)
Africa Center of Excellence Project II
Addressing Phytophthora blight of pigeonpea: as emerging disease treat to pigeonpea
Adaptive Research Intitiative
Adaptive Research Initiative of the UK, Government's Overseas Development Administration.
Adaptive Research Initiative of the UK
Adapting agriculture to climate change: Developing promising strategies using analogue locations in Eastern and Southern Africa” (CALESA – Climate Analogue Locations in Eastern and Southern Africa) Project
Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change: Collecting, Protecting and Preparing CropWild Relatives
ACIAR (CIM/2007/120)
Acharya N G Ranga Agricultural University
Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA) project in Mali
Accelerating Genetic Gains in Maize and Wheat for Improved Livelihoods
Accelerated Varietal Improvement and Seed Systems in Africa
Accelerated varietal improvement and seed delivery of legumes and cereals in Africa (AVISA) project
Accelerated Varietal Improvement and Seed Delivery of Legumes and Cereals in Africa (AVISA)
Accelerated Varietal Improvement and Seed Delivery of Legumes and Cereals in Africa
Accelerated Value Chain Development (AVCD) program
Accelerated Crop Improvement Programme (ACIP)
954–ICRISAT project