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Akinseye, F M and Ajeigbe, H A and Nenkam, A and Traore, P C S and Whitbread, A M (2019) Calibration and Validation of APSIM-Sorghum (Sorghum Bicolor (L.) Moench) for Simulating Growth and Yield in Contrasting Environments in Nigeria. In: 10th FUTA-AGRIC Conference- Challenges of sustainable Agriculture and food Security in Emerging Countries of Sub-Saharan Africa, 9-12th July, 2019, Akure Ondo State, Nigeria.
Akinseye, F M and Ajeigbe, H A and Traore, P C S and Agele, S O and Birhanu, Z B and Whitbread, A M (2019) Improving sorghum productivity under changing climatic conditions: A modelling approach. Field Crops Research (TSI), 246 (107685). pp. 1-11. ISSN 03784290
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Anil Kumar, H and Irshad, M A and Whitbread, A M (2019) Estimation of Soil Moisture in Bare Soils of the Northern Dry Zone of the Deccan Plateau, Karnataka, using Sentinel-1 Band C imagery. In: world soils user consultation meeting, 2-3 July 2019, Rome, Italy.
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Aravazhi, S and Nedumaran, S and Bose, D and Jyosthnaa, P and Pangiraj, Y and Sharma, K K (2019) Outlook on organized retailing of perishable produce in India: cross-city comparison. Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies (TSI), 9 (4). pp. 352-368. ISSN 2044-0839
Behera, M D and Roy, P S (2019) Pattern of distribution of angiosperm plant richness along latitudinal and longitudinal gradients of India. Biodiversity and Conservation (TSI), 28 (8-9). pp. 2035-2048. ISSN 0960-3115
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Choudhary, S and Guha, A and Kholova, J and Pandravada, A and Messina, C D and Cooper, M and Vadez, V (2019) Maize, sorghum, and pearl millet have highly contrasting species strategies to adapt to water stress and climate change-like conditions. Plant Science (TSI). p. 110297. ISSN 0168-9452
Choudhary, S and Kholova, J and Chadalwada, K and Mallayee, S and Prasad, K V S V and Nankar, A N and Saini, R P and Vadez, V and Blummel, M (2019) NIR spectroscopy: the gateway to physiology of nutritional traits of the crop. In: NIR 2019, 15-20 september 2019, Gold coast, Australia.
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Gumma, M K and Nelson, A and Yamano, T (2019) Mapping drought-induced changes in rice area in India. International Journal of Remote Sensing (TSI), 40. pp. 8146-8173. ISSN 0143-1161
Gumma, M K and Thenkabail, P S and Teluguntla, P and Whitbread, A M (2019) Indo-Ganges River Basin Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) and Irrigated Area Mapping. In: Indus River Basin: Water Security and Sustainability. Elsevier Inc, pp. 203-228. ISBN 978-0-12-812782-7
Gumma, M K and Thenkabail, P S and Teluguntla, P G and Oliphant, A and Xiong, J and Giri, C and Pyla, V and Dixit, S and Whitbread, A M (2019) Agricultural cropland extent and areas of South Asia derived using Landsat satellite 30-m time-series big-data using random forest machine learning algorithms on the Google Earth Engine cloud. GIScience & Remote Sensing (TSI). pp. 1-21. ISSN 1548-1603
Gumma, M K and Tsusaka, T W and Mohammed, I and Chavula, G and Ganga Rao, N V P R and Okori, P and Ojiewo, C O and Varshney, R K and Siambi, M and Whitbread, A M (2019) Monitoring Changes in the Cultivation of Pigeonpea and Groundnut in Malawi Using Time Series Satellite Imagery for Sustainable Food Systems. Remote Sensing (TSI), 11(12) (1475). pp. 1-23. ISSN 2072-4292
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Jagadabhi, P S and Kaparaju, P and Väisänen, A and Rintala, J (2019) Effect of macro- and micro-nutrients addition during anaerobic mono-digestion of grass silage in leach-bed reactors. Environmental Technology (TSI), 40 (4). pp. 418-429. ISSN 0959-3330
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Karthika, G and Kholova, J and Alimagham, S and Ganesan, M and Chadalavada, K and Kumari, R and Vadez, V (2019) Measurement of transpiration restriction under high vapor pressure deficit for sorghum mapping population parents. Indian Journal of Plant Physiology. pp. 1-12. ISSN 0019-5502
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Kholova, J and Chowdhary, S and Mallayee, S and Vadez, V and Prasad, K V S V and Blummel, M (2019) Improving Postrainy Sorghum Varieties to Meet the Growing Grain and Fodder Demand in India. In: NIR 2019, 15-20 September 2019, Gold Coast, Australia.
Kumar, S (2019) The potential of systems modelling to inform farm decisions for higher resilience and profit. [Experiment]
Kumar, S and Craufurd, P and Haileslassie, A and Ramilan, T and Rathore, A and Whitbread, A M (2019) Farm typology analysis and technology assessment: An application in an arid region of South Asia. Land Use Policy (TSI), 88. pp. 1-14. ISSN 02648377
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Padmaja, R and Pramanik, S and Pingali, P and Bantilan, C and Kavitha, K (2019) Understanding nutritional outcomes through gendered analysis of time-use patterns in semi-arid India. Global Food Security (TSI), 23. pp. 49-63. ISSN 22119124
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Pinjarla, B and Gumma, M K and Jameeruddin, S and Roy, P S (2019) High resolution Sentinel-2 crop type mapping 2018-2019 A case study in Ahmednagar district. Project Report. ICRISAT.
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Rao, K P C and Kadiyala, M D M and Dhulipala, R and Bhagyashree, S D and Gupta, M D and Sreepada, S and Whitbread, A M (2019) Delivering climate risk information to farmers at scale: the Intelligent agricultural Systems Advisory Tool (ISAT). Working Paper. CCAFS, Wageningen, Netherlands.
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Shalander, K (2019) Dynamic modelling to help improve farm output. [Newsletters]
Shalander, K and Bhati, T K and Whitbread, A M (2019) Integrated systems approach for enhancing resilience of arid farming systems in South Asia. In: 13 th International Conference on Development of Drylands, Jodhpur.
Shalander, K and Dakshinamurthy, K and Elias Khan, P and Gumma, M K and Khatri-Chhetri, A and Whitbread, A M (2019) Multi-criteria analysis and ex-ante assessment to prioritize and scale up climate smart agriculture in semi–arid tropics, India. In: INSEE-CESS-NIRDPR Intl Conference, 6-8 Nov 2019, Hyderabad.
Shalander, K and Mamidanna, S and Rao, K P C and Soumitra, P and Kadiyala, M D M and Prestwich, D and Whitbread, A M (2019) A Multi-Model Systems Approach for Identifying Low Emissions Development Pathways– Analyzing Synergies and Trade-offs in Semiarid Agriculture in India. In: 6th International Symposium for Farming Systems Design, 18th - 21st August 2019, Montevideo, Uruguay.
Sivasakthi, K and Marques, E and Kalungwana, N and Carrasquilla-Garcia, N and Chang, P L and Bergmann, E M and Bueno, E and Cordeiro, M and Sani, A S S G and Udupa, S M and Rather, I A and Rouf Mir, R and Vadez, V and Vandemark, G J and Gaur, P M and Cook, D R and Boesch, C and von Wettberg, E J B. and Kholova, J and Penmetsa, R (2019) Functional Dissection of the Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Stay-Green Phenotype Associated with Molecular Variation at an Ortholog of Mendel’s I Gene for Cotyledon Color: Implications for Crop Production and Carotenoid Biofortification. International Journal of Molecular Sciences(TSI), 20 (22). pp. 1-33. ISSN 1422-0067
Tripathi, P and Behera, M D and Roy, P S (2019) Plant invasion correlation with climate anomaly: an Indian retrospect. Biodiversity and Conservation (TSI), 28 (8-9). pp. 2049-2062. ISSN 0960-3115
Umutoni, C and Bado, B V and Whitbread, A M and Ayantunde, A and Abdoussalam, I and Korombe, H S (2019) Evaluation of the feed quality of six dual purpose pearl millet varieties and growth performance of sheep fed their residues in Niger. In: Tropentag 2019: Filling gaps and removing traps for sustainable resources management, 18-20 September 2019, University of Kassel, Germany.
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Whitbread, A M and Carberry, P S and Rao, K P C and Kumar, S and Kadiyala, M D M and Nedumaran, S and Nidumolu, U (2019) Climate Risk Management in Smallholder Farming Systems in the Semiarid Tropics. In: Climate Change and Agriculture: Causes, Impacts and Interventions. New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi. ISBN 978-93-87973-62-6