Mehtre, S P
Genetic diversity analysis, QTL mapping and marker-assisted selection for shoot fly resistance in sorghum [Sorghum bicolor
(L,) Moench].
PHD thesis, Marathwada Agricultural University, Parbhani.
Supervisors Name | Supervisors ID |
Borikar, S T | Marathwada Agricultural University |
The present investigation entitled. "Genetic diversity analysis, QTL mapping and
marker-assisted selectiocl for shoot fly resistance in sorgllum [Sorghl~rrr hicolor (L.)
Moench]" was aimed, 1) to assess genetic dhersity by SSR markers in a set of insect
resistant lines. 2) to understand tlie genetics of tlie shoot fly resistance and locnte the
chromosomal regions harboring the quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for shoot fly
resistance and related component traits. and 3) introgression of shoot fly resistance
co~nponents traits in agronomically superior genotypes using ~nolecular markerassisted
selection. For all the sti~dics involving the use ol' SSIi ~narkers, DNA was
extracted with a modified CLAD metllod. 111 the first ubjective. genetic diversity
analysis by SSK markers in a sct of sorghulu lines. 91 sorghu~n accessions were
genotyped using 20 SSIi primel- pairs that detected loci distributed over 9 of the 10
linkage groi~ps ill the sorgliuni ~iuclenr genome. PCR amplilication of a targeted
sequence was conducted in an Applied Biosysteln GecleALIP I'CK systeni 0700
tliermocycler using a touch do~vn PCK pl.otocril. Ampliiied products were separated
by electrophoresis on 6% non-denaturing polyncr)lamide gels. and by capillar).
electsophoresis using automated DNA scqucnccrs. PCR products separated by PAGE
\\ere visualized by silver staining. Illtensely amplified specilic bands representing the
corresponding allclic products oS thc SSR 111arliel.s in each accession \bere scored to
produce tlie PAGE data set. 'l'hc N'I'SYS statistical solinare package was used for
cluster atialysis of the SSR niarker allele data sets f~omth e PAGE and capillary
electrophoresis I'CR product sepalation ~netliods. Jaccard's siciiilarity coefficient
bet\veen each pair of accessions was used to construct de~idrogra~nfosr each of these
two data sets usi~ig the un-weighted paired group method with arithmetic averages
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