Velu, G (2006) Genetic Variability, Stability and Inheritance of Grain Iron and Zinc Content in Pearl Millet (Penniserurn glaucum (L.) R. Br.). PHD thesis, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University.
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Supervisors Name | Supervisors ID |
Muralidharan , V | TNAU |
Rai, K N | ICRISAT |
The prcscnt study was undcrtakcn to determlnc thc niagnitudc of gcnctic v;~rlahtl~ly for grain iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn) anlong a divcrsc rangc of hrccding lines, ~niprovc(l populat~ons( anlong and withln populal~ons)a nd gcrniplasni acccssions; to assess thc stabll~ty across different envlronnicnts; to cxanilnc thc rclationshlps hctwccn thcm and with days to 50% flower and 1000-grain mass; and to determine the nalure of inhcr~tancc and heritab~l~ty. Over two-fold vanat~on was found for hoth gram Fc (30.1 75 7 mg kg I) and %n content (24.5-64.8 my k g 1 )w ith medium to h~ghb road-scnsc hcr~tahilityi n diffcrcnt classes of brccdtng materials and unproved populations (42.0 79.0 rng kg" Fc and 24.2-51.7 mg kg'' Zn), indicating large gcnctlc varlahllity for thc in~provcmcnt of gram Fe and Zn content and the scope for efiietive selection. The highest lcvels of Fc mid Zn content were observed in well-adapted commercial varieties and in thc p:~rcnt;~lli nes of released hybrids, which had large rnradr pmiplasrn base in their parentage, suggcstitig [he possibility of making imrncdlalc impact on the nutritional security. Large u~lhlnpopulauon variab~lity of ovcr two-fold for gram Fc (40.0 118.9 nip kg") and Zn (31.8 82.7 mg kg") content was detcc~cdin pmgcntcs derived froni two open-poll~nated varieties (AIMP 02901 and GU 8735). ttidicating possibility of sclcct~on withinpopulatton and the prospects of enhancing gram Fe and Zn levels by recurrent sclectio~i. The d~fference between the sunimer and ralny season for grain Fe and %n contcnt among the entnes was largely due to thc soil Fe and Zn content of thc liclds ~lscil in Ihc crpenments. The pos~tive and highly significant correlation hetwccn Fe and %n contcnt in oll thc expennicnts, ind~catcd the possibtlity of simultaneous gcnctlc iniprovcmcnt fbr the elevated levels of both m~cronutricnts. Stgntlicnnt positive correlations of 1000-pr:lin mass and negative correlation of days to 50% flower with Fc and %n contcnt suggcstcd good prospects of combining high Fc and Zn w~thf amicrs-preferred tralts such i~sla rgc seed sire atid carly ma~urity............
Item Type: | Thesis (PHD) |
Divisions: | UNSPECIFIED |
Subjects: | Mandate crops > Millets Others > Genetics and Genomics |
Depositing User: | Mr Sanat Kumar Behera |
Date Deposited: | 13 Mar 2012 08:10 |
Last Modified: | 13 Mar 2012 08:10 |
URI: | |
Acknowledgement: | UNSPECIFIED |
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